Who screwed America? Selfish baby boomers or their self-entitled grandchildren who never visit?

33  2018-04-28 by HodorTheDoorHolder


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Shut up bot, people who were born at the same time all think and act the same. There's no such thing as individuality and personal responsibility. Never have you heard of astrology?

Hey wow fuck off. You're not wrong, but don't talk at snappy like that

We live in the wealthiest, most powerful nation in human history and people are arguing over who is to blame for it being so shitty.

Yeah but what does that mean for ME?

Stop being so gosh-darned selfish! What about ME??????

You followed me to an unrelated post, and I'm the obsessed one?

tbf I am obsessed w/ u, but still.

I wouldn't do that but this time I needed an answer but you won't answer my question! 😭😭😭

Probably has to do with this being the only sub I visit and your presence being a substantial factor here.

I like you. I feel like every political discussion should start with "Granted, we live in the most materially prosperous time in human history in which every single one of our immediate needs are trivially met, our possible connections with the humans around us are limitless and our greatest dreams and aspirations are there for the taking, I have a suggestion for a slight improvement in a small area".

Agreed, come to the Philippines and see how the poor live here, people have offered to literally be lifelong servants tor for for free for room and board.

I've had the same offer here in the States tho

But the lazy asshole wanted health insurance too

We live in the wealthiest, most powerful nation in human history

Kind of irrellevant to the person living in it, tho.

The very same way, the slave in ancient rome lived in the wealthiest most powerfull nation of their time, yet it was irrellevant to how well they lived.

Boy, I bet things are really tough for you. Well, there is always a way out. You know what to do!

Boy, I bet things are really tough for you.

Fam, I don't live in burgerland. My country has some inkling of the concept known as "equality".

Some would say our problems come from a worldview so narrow that wealth and power are considered the only metrics of success.

<--- chapo is that way fag

I think there are issues on both sides. On one hand, our prices of healthcare and education are fucked and that shouldn’t be the case considering we are the wealthiest in the world.

But at the same time, if you’re 18 and bury yourself in debt going to an overpriced school to get a degree in basket weaving, you sorta lose the right to complain when your life sucks later on.

What's this? A serious post from Lawlz? The issue with America is Americans.

Things could always be better, but there's never a productive conversation about how that would look. We need a good war tbh. People, as always, have completely lost perspective.

jesus reddit has turned into the millennial version of facebook or comments sections under news articles.

daily mail comment section when

did you meant r/t_d

Yup. I remember reading some news article comments(cause im a subhuman) and was wondering when they started reading like reddit comments. They're basically the same at this point.

hell it was the baby boomers that set off bombs during the 60s and 70s and protested the war and...all of that shit. Stop blaming whole generations.

u/LookUpDesoxyn So out of all Americans in the 1960s-70s, the Weathermen were the most innocent?

The only good thing the Weathermen did was accidentally kill some of themselves.

Weathermen were all about mayocide before it was cool.

Im just waiting for the boomers to die off so we can see how retarded the GenXers are. Right now they are getting a huge free pass 😤😤😤

They're gonna be the crankiest old people

Nah. The Internet will still keep them in touch with reality. The "get that nigger off my lawn" boomer stuff ain't gonna repeat itself.

You're literal proof nothing is going to get better

You're just as mad as an oldfag. Won't be surprise if you're an oldfag IRL. Glad boomers are dying off. No more screeching about niggers/faggots/trannies! Phew!! 😎


pretending to be retarded

Step up your game grandpa, this ain't 'nam

I guess I'm old when you have the mind and banter of a 14 year old. Thanks for reminding me how sad it is I even engage you though. I do have my faults.

lol you're a kid

shit banter

The irony. Pls stop being salty about people being mean to Oldfags. They're dying off anyway so those tears won't do much.

What makes you think I care about people think about old idiots who can't even use google? I just don't like you.

Nice try oldfag. Cute shtick but won't buy it.

i don't like you

Wanting oldfags to like me? Yuck! 🤢🤢🤮🤮

You're literally so agenda driven and partisan that you can't imagine someone would call you an idiot in a thread unless they disagreed with you about the overarching topic. You post in r/drama but apparently you still don't understand the might of the radical centrist. Sad!

DAE radical centrist maymay

Made you whine didn't i?

"Pls stop being so one sided 😢"

Lmaooo. Imagine saying like that unironically. It's ok if people shit on you. You're a big boy

Made you whine didn't i?


All you do is whine. Don't act surprised and all 😄

In this long chain of comments between two people you have responded, clearly I am superior.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

I hope you're too.

I mean in a "Reality Bites but with old people and they were right that their life would suck" kinda way

Yup. This time the "back in the good old days" shit won't fly as highly too

Gen X will be drowned out by the millennials, just like we were by the boomers. Not enough Gen Xers, tbh. We're basically America's Kurds: cynical, self-sufficient, and always outnumbered.

What I do like about my generation, however, is that we have exploited the young and taken all their data.


Hi Zuck, how's it going?

It is an undeniable fact that the mayos screwed America.

Baby Boomers and Millennials are as retarded as each other.

We truly deserve each other.

Does that make gen X the radical centrists?

I can't wait for the deluded idealism of the Boomers to be fully unseated by the smug delusion of Millennials just to prove that human shittiness is a societal constant.

Spoken like a radical centrist gen X-er

Oldfags are the worst 🤢🤢🤮🤮

Do you really need to ask (((who)))?

whoever it was it definitely wasnt the generation in the middle those guys are great

The newest generation is probably at fault for all the bad things