SRDines reenact American Civil War

79  2018-04-30 by darkinard


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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REEEEE people from other areas disagree with me.

Trying to defend the honor of the South in SRD is a true lost cause.

Trying to defend the honor of the South period. Take away New Orleans and what have you got left? /u/leftist_degenerate and xir extended family. Day of the syringe when?

New Orleans is the worst part of the South

This but not ironically


but that's objectively wrong

Ur objectively big gay

Also fuck the saints.

How can you say this when the entire state of Mississippi exists?

Grew up/currently live in New Orleans and lived in MS for 4 years. With the exception of parts of Jackson, I at least don't have to worry about being randomly murdered by 12 year-olds whenever I would step outside in Mississippi.

New Orleans is Detroit with a thot-infested tourist district.

Take away New Orleans

New Orleans is a giant college bar for adults. Its about as clean as one, with more corruption to throw in there.

The rest of the South doesn't even have that going for it. Know why Northern Virginia got liveable? Because Yankees gentrified it and drove the natives out :)


Northern Virginia is a hellscape of traffic.

lmao noVA is a shithole

most northerners and westerners, and most international tourists too, just know it for the Mardi Gras parades. Its a tourist zone for them, like Orlando is. They don't like to step outside of the tourist traps and amusement parks and see how awful those cities are outside of the public eye.

We have good friends that live near there. They only stay in the tourist zone.

you've heard of programmer socks, now check out programmer skin lol

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and all that jazz... Then yeah your usually pretty safe to generalize.

Oh, the sweet smell of irony...

I agree with /u/Illi3141 that we should be free to call Muslims inbreds with terrorist sympathies. After all, that's what most of them are, according to his logic.

I mean if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and all that jazz... right u/Illi3141

By /u/Illi3141 completely sound logic all basketball americans are thugs who rob gas stations for pocket change.

Also a majority of the black population would describe their own culture as 'southern culture', you know, the ones not shooting each other or robbing gas stations anyway.

What these people seem to forget is that freed slaves didn't collectively migrate northwards.

all that jazz...

wow that guy is racist

Mod fucking cultural appropriation. Smh yt

Maybe he’s just a Chicago enthusiast?

Don't forget their general disdain for education or intellectuals and their pride in ignorance. The world is a complicated place, but not if you ask southerners... To them everything is simple, blacks are criminals (dindu nuffins), gays have aids and will burn in hell, and universities exists not as centers for higher education but merely to meet the requirements to allow them to play college football, their school motto has nothing to do with education or the pursuit of knowledge and truth... Nah it's "roll tide!" said with most ignorant southern draw one can muster... The kind of dudes that roll through Starbucks and yell that they want a "care Mel match e Otto" at the top of their lungs, and you still can't hear them over the sound of their big ass truck they drive around while not hauling a damn thing except their penis size insecurity

Something tells me a jock with a cowboy hat picked on this guy once or twice, lol

blacks are criminals (dindu nuffins), gays have aids and will burn in hell


TBF if anyone knows about being proud in ignorance it is the SRDine.

Sorry, this is my fault. I used to take his lunch money.

He probably dated one and got treated bad. How else would he know their dick size

It's all my fault, ain't it


The world is a complicated place, but not if you ask southerners... To them everything is simple, blacks are criminals (dindu nuffins), gays have aids and will burn in hell, and universities exists not as centers for higher education but merely to meet the requirements to allow them to play college football, their school motto has nothing to do with education or the pursuit of knowledge and truth... Nah it's "roll tide!" said with most ignorant southern draw one can muster... The kind of dudes that roll through Starbucks and yell that they want a "care Mel match e Otto" at the top of their lungs, and you still can't hear them over the sound of their big ass truck they drive around while not hauling a damn thing except their penis size insecurity

Calls out southerners for having a simple world view lacking nuance...writes a whole paragraph stereotyping southerners


At this point I don't even think it's a horseshoe anymore, more like an oval.

NASCAR suddenly makes sense.


You might like /r/nattycomics.



Stop being intolerant of being intolerant to intolerant people.

Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia are far better places to live than Michigan, Kansas, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, and western Pennsylvania.

I mean, sure, there's Alabama and Mississippi, too, but they have centuries of racism to blame for their shithole status. What's the Yankee excuse?


gosh i darned sure wish i lived in a yankee utopia like pittsburg or D.C. - stupid southerner

Read about what Jeff Sessions did to the KKK in Alabama. He basically stomped them out judicially.

Til: fly over country is shit. More at 11

The height of culture: ordering fruity coffee drinks from Starbucks. I think I might have an idea where u/Illi3141 works.

lol at /u/dethb0y mocking his own wife's suicide to make fun of Alabama for karma in that thread.

That there is an example of toxic masculinity.

That there is an example of toxic masculinity.

And then because of SRDines behavior those people vote for Trump and SRDines literally shake.

You brought Donald Trump on yourselves you dumb fucks.

As a centrist who supports equal rights for blacks and gays (ew), I take comfort in the fact that the SJW folks were just responding to a previous conservative backlash to liberal meddling.

In general I really don't give a damn about american politics, I just heavily dislike SRD type of grandstanding.

Imagine being so retarded that you vote for a complete moron out because people were mean to you.

We are talking about deep south here man.

Sure. If the conclusion is that they're mostly retarded snowflakes then yes, I agree.


Where we pretend that the South is "totally cool with 'the gays' and 'the blacks'" and not at all pretend they haven't earned every single bit of animosity?

"The blacks" aren't even "totally cool with 'the gays and 'the blacks'".

liberals are the real racists if you ask me

I understand why people say the left can't meme now.

You wound me sir...

lmao your animosity towards people you dont know. i remember when i was an angsty teenager

Most people remember yesterday.

No one hates gay people more than black people and Muslims.

Gamers are the most persecuted group of all.

You tried.

Oh you are one of those rapists eh? How do you like the move to Resetera?

Do you need ADHD medicine? The topic was about criticizing socially backward societies like black people and Muslims. I am trying to follow your lead.

Do you think we're KIA or did you just run out if recycled jokes?

Maybe the most boring lolcow ever

he possesses feeepo tier intelligence.

fuck gamers in their fat mouths.

TBH I think that's part of what they're looking for.

Only if you read the DNC leaked memos.

Based lil boosie

Could someone, maybe pizzashill or toasty Ed explain to me the cult pf Sherman which white SRDines have?

Sherman broke the South's back by burning his way through the countryside

Not about that, but could someone maybe correct me on the topic that Sherman for most of his life never gave a damn about slaves, beyond them being a military asset, also made so grand promises and never delivered.

Or am I wrong and my history lessons were fake news?

you're not wrong about that, but it was also par for the course of america back in the 1860s. So people just forgive automatically forgive him for all that because of the fact that he burned a bunch of reb cities. Its military worship at its finest.

I just like that he burned through the rebellion, I don't care about his views.

You should post in SRD then, would fit right in.

Nah, I worship the military too much

Lol are you going drop the thunderous news that Lincoln was a racist next?

He was?

In the 1800s, everyone was.

You left out the part where he let his men run wild and rape and kill whoever they wanted

Boy you woulda confused 'em.

Welcoming them in with open arms... Please fuck my wife!

I wish I could've been alive then 😔


It seems like you have finally encountered the true nature of the SRDine. Take this lesson to heart.

You sound ridiculous. Is that on purpose?

Are you ironicposting now?


So wait, you weren't ironically pretended to be retarded when you picked the username /u/Badicus


I am wounded deeply by your comment, stranger.


Why? Statistically SRDines are worthless, unemployed, unloved white NEETs. Some places are just shitholes full of terrible people, and it's not wrong to call it out?

Would you not agree?

Lol, I wonder why.😛

Why do you sound ridiculous? I'll just quote you directly.

It seems like you have finally encountered the true nature of the SRDine. Take this lesson to heart.

Pretty sure the hate is more for those who take pride in southern culture, rather than just for anyone living there.

Southern culture produced jazz, the blues, rock and roll, fried chicken, barbecue, and the civil rights movement.

Why do you hate the civil rights movement, /u/selectrix?

I hate the shitty weather.

Because precious snowflakes melt in the sun.

Southern culture produced [...] the civil rights movement.

Lol nice, this is like saying industrial polluters produced the EPA.

They just wanted an overseeing govenmeny entity to bribe and funnel money through lobbying like everyone else!

Southerners don't like gays and blacks? Nuke them.

Middle Easterners don't like gays and blacks? Import them.

You just haven't applied the Oppressed™ equation to your problem, once you do, you will realize it all makes sense.

ive lived in the south all my life but from what i read about it on reddit, it seems like an entirely different world. the south is super comfy tbqh, and i wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

It's really laughable. It's like they think we have gangs of KKK members stringing up blacks and gays every Sunday after church. That being said, there were some backwoods dive bars that I wouldn't take my black friends to. Probably nothing would have happened, but I didn't want to chance it. There were also some ratchet bars that they wouldn't take me to. It all sort of evens out.

idk the biggest white trash bar in baton rouge (the texas club) is the middle of the ghetto.

On the one hand, this SRDine and northern/western smugness is just too much for me to take.

On the other, if people out there unironically have even an ounce of respect for the American South and its culture of "reeeeee big government" and "reeeeeeee minorities existing" they need to stop existing.

The south is fine. Calm yourself.

the south is so terrible that the rest of America looks at them as hicks and morons, which is really saying something considering that americans are already some of the stupidest people on the planet

Sounds like a personal problem.

Your second sentence could have been a top comment on SRD you fart sniffer.

yeah but i did it with funny relate-able meme words like "reee" so that makes it ok

Traitors can't escape the can.

u/4THOT you know you don't actually get to call your morals superior after you openly fantasize about killing millions of people, right?

What do you think morals are?

You know you can have rape fantasies but still not actually think rape is acceptable right?

I see /r/Drama has brought its Top Minds today.

said the guy with gamergate flair on srd

I don't understand how that's relevant to anything.

i dont understand


You sure trolled the libs epic style.

did you just assume my political orientation?

I'm just glad you're living up to your flair.

You're not in any position to comment on anyone's lifestyle at this point.

What do you think morals are?

I think they're the things that keep me from going around telling people about the millions of people I wish I could kill via nuclear holocaust.

Sorry you don't have any of those, hoss.

Strange... I thought you guys liked free speech and hated PC culture.

Was I not PC enough for you?

Who is you guys? Rofl

This one is pretty good, I guess. Though, to be fair, you are arguing with one of the more retarded r/drama users.

It's good that the retard didn't notice the other retard giving him the definition of the word he's using via sarcasm, so he decided to fall back to standard SRD tactics?

you guys


To be fair, you are one of the more retarded r/drama users

Do you fantasize about raping people?

Those people just pull shit out of their ass, half of them have never been to the South and the people that are asasouthernering up the thread just have racist family.

i doubt the majority have left their home state, then they wanna call other people uncultured lmfao

u/Illi3141, sounds like you had a tough time with Southerners before. Did you fall off form a rodeo once?

Your sentiment is just like one people I know was surprised I lived in Arkansas for a year because the person did not know that state would be friendly to Asians.


Imagine being such a bougie SRDine white savior that you think black Southerners will actually side with you in the revolution instead of joining white Southerners and executing your ass with two shots to the back of the head.

It's kind of funny when srdines try to play the macho alt-right game of "this entire culture is shitty", but have to constantly couch their criticism in caveats that "im totes still tolerant, it's just this one particular group I dislike. Would never dream of saying the same about any other group."