97  2018-04-30 by mukumukum


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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And thus every redditor became an expert on foreign policy

And morality

I question the moral accuracy of these so-called nobel "peace" prizes.

At least they are starting to recognize that the peace prize is meaningless

I mean they gave it to some roastie for getting shot in the face right

Arafat and Obama were ok but this is just too far

remember when obama got it just for not being bush lmfao

Wtf I'm not bush and I didn't get no prize

remember when obama got it just for not being bush lmfao

I bet you heard that on your "obamaphone", too right?


You retarded or something?



And Korean grammar. The top comment is hilarious, people trying to figure out semantics and doing anything in their power to try to contort the actual statement into something that DOESN'T give Trump credit.

He has unironically done more for world peace than Obama lmao

What's the current score of civilians killed by a drone?

Obama had 10x better count than Bush...

brown on brown violence? say it ain't so

People who don't want to be killed in drone strikes should try standing further away from terrorists.

Bush got a much higher score with old-fashioned methods though.

Yeah, Trump winning it would actually be less of a joke than Obama's award.

That's like trying to increase the value of a shiny ring that has been dropped into liquid shit time and time again, by dropping it into hard shit instead.

Regardless of whether he earned it or not, I want him to win it just for the cheer amount of salt and drama it would create.

Obama got it for killing countless civilians in drone strikes, may as well give it to Trump for bullying Kim with mean tweets.

Wait I thought obama got it for not being Bush?

FYI this post has the perfect title

Don't let /u/pizzashill hear you saying that.

He'll jump out and tell you how being a meaniepants is far worse for the US on the world stage then starting "super awesome" geopolitical conflicts in Syria and Libya.

To be fair to /u/pizzashill, those geopolitical conflicts were pretty great.

It was just locker room talk.

Trump is a complete moron and threat to the human race.

I agree with the moron part, but it seems he might just stumble to world peace.

NK agreeing to denuclearize does not world peace make.

They have not even agreed to denuclearise, they are stopping testing. Denuclearisation is denuclearisation; they let UN weapons inspectors (or comparable) manage the disassembly of their nuclear tech. Until that actually happens, or the process starts, we can assume that they have worldwide-reaching warhead-ready ICBM technology. It would be nice to see this happen sometime soon.

they are stopping testing

hard to test when your test site collapses.

He helped get the North Korean leader to even step foot in SK. That's monumental even if it's not much of a practical result in itself.

Yeah but not in most of Reddit's lifetime.

He's like the Homer Simpson of international politics. It's quite fascinating, really.

Some days he rants on live TV about his fascist plans, somedays he accidentally does surprisingly decent things. To appreciate both sides of that is the radically centrist way.

Meh, he still has a lotta Chinese dicks to suck first.

Trump's a moron but he's crafty enough to never fuck himself or his business opportunities over.

That's why he'll never actually do anything real bad. Everything about him is just him being a narcissistic pest, not a full blown psycho.

Tbf he reunited Korea and stopped potential nuclear war, bretty much single handedly.

Have you moved on to carfentanyl? Whatever you're doing, I want some


Times Trump made world peace: 1

Times Pizzashill made world peace: 0

Wow interesting results.

He'll jump out and tell you how being a meaniepants is far worse for the US on the world stage then starting "super awesome" geopolitical conflicts in Syria and Libya.

This is possibly the most idiotic thing I've read in a long long while. Obama personally doused a Tunis fruit seller, made it look like Self immolation, thus spreading pro democracy riots through the region.

Imagine believing shit like you posted and not getting paid for it like the agents that initially planted that conspiracy theme.

wait so you are telling me that obama personally set a man on fire and made it look like a suicide

You may want to take another crack at the context.

It is honestly kind of funny.

Remember when they just gave Obama a Nobel for being Obama?

it was more for not being bush. Any non-republican that came after Bush was going to win that award because of how internationally despised the dude was.

Imagine if the committee cucks Trump.

Imagine his inevitable twatter meltdown after that. "bu bu but OBUMMER got one??!! ๐Ÿ˜ข"


The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

What did Donald Trump mean by this?

Tbqh, if you order comments by "best" you get better drama content...

We live in a simulation and the guy making it is just fucking with us at this point.

Not enough noclipping for that

/r/sub50IQclub posts... really?

wtf i love the nobel prize now



Faggot alt.

Remind me again how leftoid shills are ruining this sub? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

You couldn't ruin a free breakfast, you useless sandnigger.

/u/TheEquimanthorn following up on your question, seeing as that I'm the sand nigger supposedly, may i be your bull? ๐Ÿ˜

It would be an honour Ed. I'll be in Los Angeles next October if you want to arrange something more convenient for you! I've never been cucked by a Balochi before, but there's always a first time for everything.

Also answer me in the Israel thread ๐Ÿ˜‡


As Google-chan would show, that's a currynigger not a sandnigger. You need to go west at least till Iran for the sand part to stick.

Tsk tsk. You need to go back to your geography class. Next thing I know, you're gonna tell me how Los Angeles is in Arkansas ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ

These kind of details get lost on people who call people sandniggers though. People in the Middle East are just one big monolithic ethnic group, didn't you know?

Except for those hot Iranian girls they see on the internet. They're pure Aryan Mayo's of course.

You couldn't ruin a free breakfast, you useless sandnigger.


Trump didn't win because people thought he'd bring peace lol

i think he means "because look at these mouth-frothing retards mad off their ass that the did something objectively good"

oh hey itโ€™s the retard with the 12 yr old body that posted a nude here. How are you these days?

better than youuuu

I donโ€™t have a 12 yr old body tho

or a public dick pic

or anger issues

Prove it

I just found some evidence that he might be the Antichrist though, just sayin'.

A large amount of people voted for him to pull out of Syria.

Holy downvote batman. Nobody wins in that thread, which means r/drama scores even higher

Reddit has been slightly better since I enabled the marker for controversial comments.

Still amused they made it a fucking crucifix.

Trump could save babies from a burning building and people would complain that he didn't put the fire out too.

Gays don't exist and homosexuality is a mental illness.

I love the taste of agendaposting in the morning.

America is horrible, trump is horrible, racism, homophobia and transphobia are high, I've seen 3 news videos in the past week about racist rants and one ended with the racist murdering the guys that were defending the girls. People are saying we have gone back decades in terms of equality and racism like back to the civil war time. Why are people so cruel? Why would people want to live in this world? It's horrible. I'm done. I thought about jumping off somewhere high. That's hard where I live. I am not allowed to buy a gun with my mental health. If I could I would. I was already suicidal. But I can't stand the fact that the alt right runs things. They don't care I'm transgender. They don't care I'm suffering from major depression. They don't care these things will become preexisting conditions. I want to give up. I can't go on. I have been feeling awful ever since trump got elected a few months ago, like a constant panic attack for 2 years. It started when i first heard the news after waking up post election morning. Like most people i thought hillary would of won because of the pols ( and common sense...).But when i saw trumps stupid smiling face on cnn i lost it. It got much worse and ended up in hospital later in the day for extreme anxiety. Because of this extreme panic attack i have lost most of my brain power, so mcuh that writing up this post has been exhausting and took me an hour. Should i just end it all?

Kay, milko.

I'm mostly upset with the whole Korean peace outcome because I wanted to see a few million NEETs get drafted and killed in world war 3.

The Nobel Peace prize is a joke. Trump unironically deserves it.

in response, President Moon stated that 'President Trump can get the Nobel Prize; we only need to get peace

A little underwhelming after reading the article

Hm sounds like he just doesn't care about it. Moon cares about peace more than prizes, but he knows Trump would love the prize so he's saying give it to him instead?

Regardless, I hope they give it to Daddy because it'll cause unprecedented levels of salt.

Damn, imagine Trump wins it and then doesn't accept it because "there's still a long road ahead of us" or some shit. The drama would be unimaginable, too bad Trump is both to stupid and narcissistic to do this.

60% upvoted