SRDine shits on his own dead wife in order to stick it to the South

182  2018-04-30 by PhysicsIsMyMistress


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Oh, she passed away just shy of 8 years ago.

/u/dethb0y imagine your wife dying just so she could get away from you

Suicide, though i imagine had she not committed suicide, that's what would have eventually happened, in one way or another.

Even better quote to put in

"Hun! Hun! Did I mention how much I hate the south and my sweet SRD posts! YEEEEEEEHHHHAAAAAWWW!"

"I heard, sweetie." she said, as she racked the slide one last time.

Self-destructive people attract each other so this dude's 100% just as fucked up as his wife and him shitting on her and Southerners in general is pretty hypocritical ... And he posts on SRD, so ... confirmed, I guess.

Is it healthier to blow your brains out or be a srdine? I think we all know the answer

one of those things leaves a mess for the family to deal with, the other is a mess for the family to deal with

Sweet fucking relief from such a smug piece of shit. The only issue was the kill count.

I swear it's the smugness that's tearing apart families IRL 😭😭😭

I'm pretty sure he ate her.

Holy cow, that's pretty bad.

He almost entirely posts to r/morbidreality. And most of the posts involve women dying....hmmm

Onitan's mementos aren't digital.

What if he collects fingers?

well played, xir, well played.


So you're saying he's mod material?


> says wife is a train wreck

> secretly murdered her

Her final failure was failing to make it a two-for-one murder-suicide.

When you want to be self loathing but when you through your dead wife under the bus.

Don't forget the part where his death was a suicide

I'd kill myself too if it meant I could stop being married to a SRDine

To be fair, it's not like someone's status as a train wreck just disappears after they die. She ended up killing herself, which, in the context of the train wreck comment, suggests that she was suffering from mental illnesses.

It's not like he called her a piece of shit or something. He even says that his wife was a good person, just a train wreck.

Holy fuck, if I died I hope my wife wouldn't just shit all over me.

She will, probably while fucking the next sucker to come along.

Honestly if my wife took it in the ass and let loose over my grave, I'd die happy.


The timing of this hypothetical is confusing


When normal human beings lose their partner to suicide they're traumatized for years and end up blaming themselves, even if it really wasn't their fault.

So I can't help but think your story is a bit suspicious. Do you have something really important you'd like to get off your chest? Don't worry, it'll make you feel a whole lot better and we're a very open-minded and supportive community here.

Yeah this is sketchy af. Either /u/dethb0y is making this up for attention or he murdered his wife.

Hey let's not be too judgmental here. Maybe she was sleeping around, or always nagging him, or got fat, and he just couldn't take it anymore. Was that what happened, /u/dethb0y? Cause you know, I can see where you're coming from if that's the case.

or got fat

/r/TrollXChromosomes on suicide watch

Not even they deserve someone like /u/dethb0y

I like Iowa :3

I don't know anything about this guy, but if she was an addict or otherwise really fucked up as he implied, her death could have rightfully been easier to get over or even a relief. It's a pretty common sentiment among partners of people with personality disorders, addiction problems, or terminal illness. I wouldn't pass judgment on him getting over it without knowledge of the situation.

SRDines aren't really people though.

ngl that's kinda weird to have a sub's probably there for his fap material and not any collective moral outrage

"This is for those that like to follow the news articles of sexual abuse of innocent prey. This is not only limited to preteens, babies, retarted and animals but may include what you find innocent." - Not A Serial Killer

Holy fucking shit, what?

Jesus I thought it was a joke but this guy is literally fucking messed up. Figures SRD would be the type of people to upvote him.

...yeah I'm getting the feeling this dude's life is plagued by a lot of "suicides."

His username alone has raised my suspicion of him just being an edgy teen.

So he posts on morbidreality, is a mod at innocentvictimreports, his "wife" commited """suicide""", and his username is fucking /u/dethb0y?

Mod him immediately!

jesus fucking christ that is an amount of smug that i didn't even think was possible

"oh yeah my wife was a total fuck up train wreck who killed herself, gosh what a tragic thing"

no wonder this dude's wife was such a mess, she was married to this piece of smegma who clearly couldn't give two fucks about his own wife and hates her family.

Who's to say that he didn't get over it because she was a trainwreck? If you talk to former partners of addicts, abusers, people with untreated BPD, etc., this sort of thing is common. Oftentimes they express sentiments that would seem much crueler. I wouldn't pass judgement on the guy if his wife had any of the aforementioned problems. That said, people with the aforementioned problems do tend to end up with partners that are also fucked up in some manner.

or maybe he roasted the roastie

I can only assume /u/dethb0y is one of these dudes who loves cycling through crazy chicks, except this time she didn't move on in a timely fashion so he killed her and tells everyone it was a suicide.

It's not his fault she shot herself in the back of the head twice.

Holy shit. His wife was SETH RICH.

This is impressively shitty behavior. I don't think I've encountered anything quite like this before.

www. ree

lol this thread is fucking dark

Wow my life’s pretty good and not a train wreak. Have I been lied to?

Expected more drama, got retarded OP instead


"every person i met from there (especially her family) was a total fucking train-wreck." he says smugly on a sub with mentally unstable users with suicidal thoughts/tendencies

damn i gotta give it to the SRDine, that shit is cold as ice

[greentext]be me, chillin(#gt)

[greentext]look over at wife(#gt)

[greentext]bitch get me my heroin and my hypodermic(#gt)

[greentext]hoe be dead(#gt)

[greentext]no response(#gt)

[greentext]same ol same ol(#gt)

talking shit on his deceased wife to own the cons

Terrible place but it's so cheap to live here.

I feel like these might be linked.

More proof that SRD hates the poor.


Suicide, though i imagine had she not committed suicide, that's what would have eventually happened, in one way or another.

Yikes. Hang in there, man.

Maybe not the best phrasing.


/u/dethb0y every person i met from there (especially her family) was a total fucking train-wreck.

You know what they say about the company you keep.

I don't even have a dead wife to make fun of :(

Feels bad man...