I'm making a subreddit for watching and debunking the Qult; anyone wanna help?

68  2018-04-30 by snallygaster

It's gonna be at /r/Qult_Headquarters. I've written a description and a huge ass post full of debunked claims but could use help with the CSS and filling it with content.


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. /r/Qult_Headquarters - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

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There's no love lost between the two Sna**ys of this sub.

Snatchys and Snarchys right

Who would this subreddit be for exactly? Rational people already know it's all nonsense, and the insane boomers who believe in that shit can't be reasoned with.

It'll serve as a reference for debunking claims as well as a place for people who are entertained by this Q shit but don't want to clog up other subs with greatawakening content.

it will keep my rocking and hand flapping to a minimum during daytime recreation hours at the Group Home



debunking claims

No offense to you as an individual, but based on your statement, you're clearly showing that there is much to be argued about. I take it that you believe that there is solid evidence that the Earth is round, that prehistoric animals exist, that we're all relatively safe.

I'm willing to bet that your evidence is not as much evidence as it is a series of testimonies from people who are put in positions of authority. Some guy at NASA says that there's all this evidence for a round Earth, you believe it. Another guy in a labcoat tells you dinosaurs are real and that we have all these fossils, you don't even question it.

Sometimes it takes a little more, maybe the scientist on the TV books or the internet explains why things are the way they are and how scientists have used all these fancy tools and principles to determine the truth, yet you're still accepting it on a misplaced faith in authority.

You are implicitly trusting that the people in charge wouldn't lie to you for their own gain, so you don't look that much deeper and you accept that what they're saying proves that the narrative is true.

The fact that there are, for example, Flat Earthers who have researched the topic themselves and come to our conclusion shows that there is some argument to be had. I'd pay special attention to the fact that, for people who are supposedly 100% wrong and ignorant, the establishment sure hates us a lot, don't they?

If the Round Earth were so obvious, they wouldn't need to equate Flat Earth with stupidity so fanatically, they wouldn't feel the need to interject their insults to Flat Earthers into their discussions even when they're talking about something completely different.

People wouldn't feel the need to verbally abuse me in public for mentioning my beliefs. Just because more people happen to accept an idea doesn't make it true, the truth is the truth is the truth, especially when most people are getting their information from sources controlled by less than 1% of the population.

The public school system, mass media, etc.

Feel free to apply this to the lie of paleontology, and to the Deep Reich. I'd like to make it clear right now that I'm not an antisemite and I denounce those Flat Earthers who accept antisemitic rhetoric, I believe that Christians, Muslims, Jewish people, and Sikhs are all People of the Book and will be redeemed, and that's why these four religions are the most oppressed in history.

Islamophobia, Antisemitism, Sikh-phobia, Christophobia, and secularism in general are products of the Nazis, fuck Nazis, and fuck anyone who sympathizes with them. All races are equal in the eyes of God.

I'm willing to answer any questions you've got, I've done my research, I've done the math, I've flown in airplanes and looked out the window, I've watched boats go over water, I've measured shadows over distances, etc. all of what the Round Earthers sneer at me to do, I have done, even when I suspect most of them haven't done it themselves. I know other Flat Earthers who've done it as well and more.

I've made offers to respect "scientists" to prove that the Earth is round, they have declined and often have been very rude to me. That alone is very indicitive of the fact they're not on the side of truth.

I've been to museums of natural history and I ask questions, I get treated like a piece of scum because I stump them. Ask me about paleontology and I actually know quite a lot, even if it's all not true, When I was a boy I actually really liked dinosaurs, it was later on that I realized the truth.

You may think it's ridiculous that I believe Nazis control the world, but it's not ridiculous if you do your homework. Nazis and Hinduism go very well together, although you'll notice that they adopt twists of Zoroastrianism in there because Zoroastrianism makes a lot of use of the word, "Aryan" and considers non-Aryans inferior.

You'll also see Buddhism there strangely enough, look up Doctrine of Awakening, Julius Evola considered Buddhism a, "warrior path" and studied it like a madman.

There were members of the Third Reich's elite who carried the Bhagavad Gita everywhere with them, they quoted it, they called Hitler the reincarnation of Vishnu. I'm not even making this stuff up, google, "Hiter the ultimate avatar" if you want to learn just how insane Nazis are. You think I'm insane? Just hold your breath and see.

Miguel Serrano, Savitri Devi, look them up, they all think Hitler was a Hindu deity in human flesh and they say so without hesitation.

They want atheism and nihilism for the masses, but their own brand of Tantric Nazism for themselves, the years that the Third Reich were active were filled with this kind of ritualism.

Ask me questions, engage me, quite frankly arguing makes me anxious, but I simply have to have a clear conscience and speak the truth.

it's a dating subreddit

Massive waste of time.

If absence of evidence is evidence of conspiracy, the existence of contradictory evidence can be even more damning. For many 9/11 Truthers, the official investigations were at best willfully biased and incomplete, at worst entirely fraudulent, while videos of Osama Bin Laden taking credit for the attacks were faked using a lookalike. According to conspiracist logic, an outright denial by the accused conspirators can even be construed as a tacit admission of guilt. A 1967 CIA memo on the topic of Kennedy conspiracy theories, sent to overseas intelligence agents, noted that any conspiracy worth its salt would have organized the assassination very differently. (“Oswald would not have been any sensible person’s choice for a co-conspirator,” for instance). For Lance deHaven-Smith, author of Conspiracy Theory in America, however, the fact that the assassination appeared sloppy is, paradoxically, evidence that it was the work of professionals. The assassination “actually had the hallmarks of true expertise,” deHaven-Smith wrote, “which is the ability to apply expert knowledge and skills while appearing amateurish.”

Thanks to this self-insulating logic, attempting to refute a conspiracy theory is like nailing jelly to a wall. Since conspiracy theories are inherently unproven, the theory is always a work in progress, able to dodge refutation by inventing new twists and turns. Each debunking can be construed as disinformation designed to throw truth seekers off the scent, while the conspiracy theorists’ continued failure to blow the lid off the conspiracy merely testifies to the power of their enemy (and the gullibility of the masses). Conspiracy theories aren’t just immune to refutation—they thrive on it. If it looks like a conspiracy, it was a conspiracy. If it doesn’t look like a conspiracy, it was definitely a conspiracy. Evidence against the conspiracy theory becomes evidence of conspiracy. Heads I win, tails you lose.

You're right, but it's good to have a place full of resources for people who are considering the validity of the Qult and not fully committed (which seems to be fairly common) and a place to gawk at the devotees without shitting up /r/drama or TMoR with GA posts. Plus this conspiracy theory is different than the garden variety because there are concrete dates involved, and it'll largely implode once Trump leaves office for whatever reason and no arrests are made. It's more like doomsday cults than a standard conspiracy theory because it revolves around time-sensitive prophecies.

I don't even think the cult will die after Trump.

Like the cult existed long before Trump and he was just a good figure for them to latch onto.

It's probably going to split once Trump leaves the WH; most of them are going to pack their bags and leave (possibly even before then), but the True Believers are going to stick around and morph into some potentially crazier movement.

I think it'll be a real problem if Trump loses in 2020 tbh. These guys believe they're fighting on the side of good in some struggle between good and evil everything is rigged against them.

oh yeah, somebody's going to do something nasty. The amount of people calling for 'civil war' if Trump's impeached or loses the next election is pretty worrisome. Their delusions are funny, but they won't be anymore of someone gets hurt.

Let's just hope the internet continues to be a feel-good timesuck, absorbing any momentary impulses that could otherwise build towards legitimate political participation.


Eh, there's about as much of them as there are the babies in /r/politics calling for civil war if Trump isn't impeached or putting Trump supporters in camps if he is.

Internet edgelords are gonna internet edgelord, the vast majority of these people are too agoraphobic, fat, lazy, antisocial or poor to actually leave their cave and shoot things up.

Or Q will just tell them to mass suicide and they'll do it.

The guy behind Q seems surprisingly responsible with his power so far. He hasn't ordered them to do anything beyond spreading boomer memes online. He's probably afraid of getting popped by the feds if somebody does actually commit violence in his name, lmao

i really like the idea that q is some neet who just decided to start doing this as a creative writing exercise or something, maybe planned out like a month's worth of posts because that was the longest he could imagine anyone paying attention, and now is in way over his head and is just trying to keep it up because he doesnt know what the fuck else to do

My pet theory is that Q is Roger Stone. It seems like something he would do.

Is he tech savvy enough for an old man?

That's my thought too, especially since this shit has been common on 4chan for ages. It's probably just some guy who wanted to try /x/-style roleplaying and ended up a cult leader. The fact that he isn't making many calls to action and has been making 'drops' that say things that are contrary to standard /pol/-think (e.g. vaccines may not be bad, races are equal, Israel is a friend) is pretty interesting.

If I were them I'd start looking for a way to monetize this shit. It's not exactly hard to con money out of delusional boomers, and plenty of people are already making bank doing it.

Binding up 'drops' into a reference booklet could make somebody a lot of money.

I don't even think the cult will die after Trump.

After which Trump?

Deep State conspiracy started way before Trump, this is but a different strand.

If it were to implode, it would have long ago with all the missing deadlines and stuff.

I agree with pizzashill that this would be a huge waste of time if your goal is to wake them up.

So they're Q-day Adventists?

I've only known about these people for a day and already I'm fascinated.

They're actually very similar to the branch of Seventh-Day Adventists that got BTFO by the ATF.

I never heard about that. Did it happen recently?

I can't tell if troll or if Waco has really left the public consciousness.

Ohhhhh. I never heard that he had a connection to the Seventh-Day Adventists. I ought to look into them more, but I find them so disgusting that it's hard to.

The Branch-Davidians were a splinter of a splinter of the Adventists: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shepherd%27s_Rod

Shepherd's Rod

The Shepherd's Rod or The Rod or the Davidians is an American offshoot of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church. It was founded in 1929 by Victor Houteff, its President and Prophet. Houteff joined the Seventh-day Adventist church in 1919, but was disfellowshipped in 1930 for promoting heretical doctrines. The official organisation name was changed in 1942 to Davidian Seventh-day Adventists, but was still referred to as "The Rod" by both members and critics.

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So one splinter group even crazier than the last split off, generation after generation. That explains how they got to be distilled crazy by the 1990s.

a) I think it might have

b) I didn't know they were Adventists either, but when else did the ATF and cults meet in the public spotlight?

The ATF was involved to a lesser degree in Ruby Ridge and The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord standoff. Why does the ATF even do combat? Not complaining given the results but it's strange.

I know for a while they were very interested in the fun blend of white supremacy and religious cults because, well, that's the most likely culprit to be buying a shit ton of guns in preparation for doomsday. Although the ATF (and a number of other three-letter agencies) have a long and colorful history of kicking the hornet's nest and then acting surprised when the hornets are armed with rifles.

Branch Q-vidians.

without shitting up /r/Drama

I mean...

GOOD point.

that "research" has a serious replication problem.

Of course it does, just like all empirical data that says you're wrong.

Drumpf BTFO

It's ok, I get it.

The media is rigged against you.

Science is rigged against you.

Math is rigged against you.

Reality is rigged against you.

It isn't that you're an idiot being indoctrinated in a siege mentality, it's that everything is rigged and biased against you.

lol what is this?

all I said was that scientists have problems replicating this specific research.

who do you think I am?

Based on what dude? No they don't. There are multiple studies on this subject at this point using fairly credible data.

Authoritarians prefer Trump, which makes sense, considering he based his entire campaign on pandering to rural right-wing religious crazies.

Oops, I think I initially replied to the wrong comment.

I agree that in conspiratard logic, lack of evidence or even counter-evidence is just taken as proof that the conspiracy goes even deeper.

I can't be of much help other than making some really big and obnoxious flairs, but I'd like to join anyway. Making fun of old people is a great passion of mine.


If sarge makes me a Drake smiling at his boner flair, I'm down

mod me mommy!

mod me mommy!

I can do CSS and automod and stuff



Me too! /u/shitpost953 can vouch for my modding skillz

Add me too for my special expertise

And me, as I promise to do absolutely nothing whatsoever.

And me, as I promise to do absolutely nothing whatsoever - unless it's funny. As a mod should.

I wish you good luck.

My biggest wish is for trump to lose reelection. Not because he is incompetent but because I wanna see the Q losers go nuts while I directly antagonize them.

Not because he is incompetent but because I wanna see the Q losers go nuts while I directly antagonize them.

Oh god same. Can't wait until midterms.

I don’t think midterms would be enough. If there is overwhelming support for dems then the qult will probably just double down, my guess is they will interpret it as the deep state trying to get more power because of Trump’s plans coming to fruition.

No, the only way for us to really get that sweet schadenfreude is Trump getting the boot himself.

you're probably right, though Q prophesied that the midterms are safe because a BOOM will happen. I can imagine a lot of his less insane sycophants packing up at that point.

This is going to be another tough one for me.

I don't want to see the "Blue Wave" because the Dems would get uppity again, but the salt produce with the Qultists would be amazing.

If only online salts can become real salts, the United States could have become the best salt exporter in the world with the best quality salts.

I think Trump losing will be one of the best opportunities to have the Qultists go full Jonestown. There has to be at least 1 or 2 of them who are violent and crazy enough to take action irl. They've got the right mix of religious doomsday rhetoric and paranoid government conspiracy theorizing to be willing to die for the cause. IMO deranged people freaking out will be worth the 2 years of uppity Dems (because we all know that they get steamrolled in the midterms whenever they're in power).

Fair enough. I think I'll take the Blue Wave.

I was surprised to see all the biblical shit amongst these clowns. Amongst is a word isn't it?

Q predicted this.

what the fuck is there to 'debunk'?

literally everything Q-related.

I know but I feel like we're just humoring their delusions... like what if someone made a debunking lizard people sub? Its so ridiculous I don't think you need to really 'debunk' it, although its fun to gawk at how retarded it is

It is pretty self-serving, but a lot of people are 'on the fence' about the whole deal and could use an intervention. Plus the qult consistently produces entertaining threads.

Plus the qult consistently produces entertaining threads.

impossible to deny 2bh

I'm all for entertainment but isn't it obvious these folks want this Q shit to be real?

So it's like r/TopMindsOfReddit, only Q-focused?

More or less. I doubt that it'll get much activity, but it's nice to have resources on hand about what 'the storm' is and why it's so insane for the people who ask. Plus there's so much great content on greatawakening and no place to put it without spamming other subs.

Well, in that case, I'd be happy to contribute to the best of my ability.


Add me please

I'm sorry but every time I see you, I remember that r/aznidentity rage pasta about the weatherman vs. pacquio where he was calling you a faggot 😂😂😂

Subscribed. I'm kinda morbidly fascinated with the whole Qult thing.

Snally, stop picking on the window lickers.

I can't help myself!

I can css if you need it.

Added! I'll make it un-private.

I'm making a CSS just gunna put it up in a minute

Cool, I'm getting drunk but I'll check it out tomorrow.

lol cool.. I just didn't want us to both be working on it.. that gets to be a mess

Sounds awesome and I can't wait. I just needed to be wanted tonight.

Excellent meme.. I've been drunk for days though and haven't actually looked at it yet!

Let me in, I just want to watch and enjoy


why though pretty sure youre just going to come across like all the other "anti x" subs

and theyre the gayest and least interesting places on reddit

what even needs to be debunked its just some guy saying things

why though pretty sure youre just going to come across like all the other "anti x" subs

I don't give a shit what it comes across as so long as I get my fix and have a place to store my entertaining findings.

what even needs to be debunked its just some guy saying things

False information that has caused people to join a cult

Good luck. The Q stuff is too crazy for me to have the patience to debunk it. You probably won't change the minds of any current Qultists, but you might be able to keep some people out of it. This Q stuff is slowly becoming more mainstream, so there will be more people looking into it who might be stopped if they see a definitive collection displaying how laughably wrong Q is.

The Q stuff is too crazy for me to have the patience to debunk it.

idk why I feel so compelled to, I guess the constant stream of disordered reasoning is frustrating.

ou might be able to keep some people out of it. This Q stuff is slowly becoming more mainstream, so there will be more people looking into it who might be stopped if they see a definitive collection displaying how laughably wrong Q is.

That's what I'm hoping for. Even if a couple people think twice about it, that's fine with me. I'm just as interested in having a reference to all the crazy shit for my own entertainment.

It looks like somebody listened to the Alex Jones show and transcribed it.

That's going to be entertaining to watch when it's up and running. I'll sub to that.

Aye, I'd like to keep tabs on the adventures of Qanon without mingling with the crazies.

Your sub will probably end up as braindead as topminds is. Good luck fam.

It won't get popular, so I'm not worried. Plus I made smugposting against the rules.

it took me 14 comments to figure out qult means q cult. thats all

It'll be hard to keep that sub from overflooding with cultists, since it'll start out quite small, while the cult have the numbers and fervor. So as I see it, it'll either be a like a pre-school where the teachers helplessly stand by as the retarded kids run around on fire, or a huge time-sink for mods who try to keep the place clean. I think you're overestimating how many people are on the fence about the q thing, but maybe I'm giving people too much credit.

It'll be hard to keep that sub from overflooding with cultists, since it'll start out quite small, while the cult have the numbers and fervor. So as I see it, it'll either be a like a pre-school where the teachers helplessly stand by as the retarded kids run around on fire, or a huge time-sink for mods who try to keep the place clean.

That would be even better since I'm 'shadowbanned' from GA and can't argue with them anymore. I've seen a good deal of people 'looking into it', so there might be a handful of people who could be positively influenced by the sub. Either way, I get a place to store my findings.

Start an anti-Q sub

Spend hours and hours matching claims to evidence

End up joining the Qult

Good luck, anon. I do web design professionally so if you need help with advanced CSS let me know.


Me too please. I promise to do absolutely nothing whatsoever - unless it's funny. As a mod should.

I can't imagine spending a second of my life researching Q conspiracies.

Secondarily, I can't imagine spending a second of my life knowing Q conspiracies so well that I can spend more time debating people about them.

Everyone has different interests and variety is the spice of life. The Q phenomenon has completely hooked me because it's the first time in years that I've been able to watch a fringe subculture grow organically (aside from pure ideological communities, which are boring as shit). For someone who's interested in online subcultures, it's like finding a massive oilfield.

To each his own. I have a perverse interest in people with extreme opinions myself.

It's good of you to start documenting them now while they're still in the early stages of becoming whatever abomination they'll end up as. It's good to have a record of not just what they were saying at any given point in their evolution, but what sane people were saying about them too.

Yeah, this is partially why I'm doing it too. Survival of the group's writings hinges on whether or not the admins decide to ban them, and their initial subreddit is already gone so we can't see its earlier evolution. A lot of interesting online cultures have come and gone with little to no documentation, so I'm not going to make the mistake of not curating their posts as this thing develops so that the only trace of them can be found by crawling through archive.org and trying to use the right keywords on a chan archive and nobody knows how they came to be the way that they become.

I wanna join! 😋😎


Yaay! 😏😚

check DMs

The only thing worse than conspiracy theorists is anti-conspiracy skeptics. You're like anti-fa, but lamer.

This is a literal cult with potential real-life consequences tho. And the main purpose of the sub is for archival and entertainment.

Can you elaborate? Both sides is already such a lukewarm take but you've centered that dial straight to room temp with this one.

I’ll help. Make me mod.


Please mod me.


Thank you!

Sure, I'll pitch in. Looks amusing.

Is this reddit for people with severe developmental issues?

Why would you debunk such a steady spurce of dramacoin?

It's not going to affect the people who are already in deep, just the fence-sitters.

Eh, Sounds fun. Add me too please, I probably won't help much aside from messing around on their subs

I've been banned from almost all discord servers for being too woke and have notbong better to do I'll help you snally.

Hey while we’re here, is it pronounced “kanon” “quanon” or “Q-Anon”?

I have no idea.

I've a kill count of all the r/cbts_stream mods except for the u/redpillzawarudo