the “radical centrist” starter pack

315  2018-05-02 by WarwiththeEskimos


Cool story, bro


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To all the heathens that fell for the “snappy is ironically sentient” meme let your inner you avert to this moment, because this is a Cool story, indeed, bros.

SrD won't lift my ban. Despite how much I insult the mods. Fucked up, imo

you should just create an alt and ping Ed over there

Thats just too mean

You should appeal to /u/jebusgobson, he's a big sorry and has a cute tush

He also has one is the most well designed subs out there ❤️

The Dutch are a weird breed

*giggle* stahp, you're making me blush!

Even worse, they did lift my ban, so now I can't bitch about it anymore.

Did you call the one a tranny too? I guess tranny is abuse now.

It's all about context, I believe. I mean, that's what I tell myself anyways but people really take it too hard.

I mean, you tell a SRD mod he looks like "A sad pile of garbage in a dress" and suddenly you are a bad-guy, pfff~

Proud of you dude.

Appreciate it, mate. But ońy half unironically so we don’t get call gay.

Ha you gay.

/u/jebusgobson unban ne or drink cum forever, nerd.

but what if I want to drink cum forever

Got to get the brotein.

Belgium > Netherlands

<3 <3 <3

I know my audience.

Thats objectively false

You're objectively false.


me too, for both.

Banned from:







Temporary ban on /r/philosophy

Favourite explanation received from /r/canada mod:

You speak of rules as if they are math. They're not.

banned from






was banned from SRD but just temporarily for vote brigading.

Banned from:



How did you get banned from r/fuckunitedairlines? What would they even ban ppl over, saying United wasn't entirely wrong?

I can't recall but I think I posted something too hateful for even that sub. Either that or the sole mod is crazy and I mocked him for it.

was banned from SRD but just temporarily for vote brigading

Regular sub mods can't see what you voted on, so how would they ban you for vote brigading? Did you admit to it in a comment?

actually, I was wrong, it wasn't voting, it was commenting in the linked thread.

banned from /r/the_donald

Just support the damn President, ya dummy.

literally anyone gets banned from there for the slightest of wrongthink. I got banned because I expressed disappointment that we never got to see him debate Sanders and gave some lame excuse to back out.

I got banned for calling Kevin Spacey a faggot, but said that idc if he's gay banning him from House of Cards will ruin the show.

You should be no platformed and your views forbidden 🚫

how do you get banned from r/me_irl all you have to do is "me too thanks" and its free karama

The mods are crazy communists and don't allow any criticism of it all.

BRB going to check.

Back around before they had 100000 subs the mods there were crazy ban happy, for exactly the reason the other user said. There used to be a fairly large sub /r/bannedfromme_irl or /r/bannedfrommeirl about the situation.

Theyve cooled it down quite a bit more recently though, not sure why.

The mods are supreme cucks in case you were unaware. I literally got banned for commenting "what a pussy" on a picture of a cat. The reason? "gendered slur"

banned from cannada, I can see you are memerson booii

You speak of rules as if they are math. They're not.

I fucking love that. "Well you were following the rules as they were written, but fuck you anyway".

how'd you get banned from /r/canada?

It's honestly kind of hard. The r/Canada mods are pretty leftist, but very lazy. But really all you have to do is argue with them about some decision they've made and you're banned.

I posted the navy seal copypasta in russian

You speak of rules as if they are math. They're not.

Lmao, they subtly call you out for autism and you didn't notice.


If only those mods had that degree of awareness.

Philosophy usually only bans if you are really annoying though 🤔

I rarely go there and the occasion was the thread about someone writing “Why Beliefs Such As Freud’s Doctrine of Psychosexual Development Cannot Be Considered Scientific”.

The debate in most of the thread was going toward is Freud charlatan or “scientist”.

I think it’s obvious what I thought about old fraudster. Suffice to say my comment was deemed trolling.

I'm banned from the_donald and /r/latestagecapitalism

because i unironically hate racist white kids and pussy communist faggots

fuck kids, yeah

for realsies, can we ban kids from the internet or something?

  • u/DarqWolff


fuck kids, yeah

I like kids, but they need to be kept off of the internet by their parents. Except for specific scholastic porpoises.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

fuck kids, no

I'm banned from those, pretty much every commie sub, what used to be uncensorednews, hapas, r/news because a mod got pissy after pinging him, AHS, all the Q conspiracy subs and a bunch of others

Damn I need to check some of those, I'm only banned on about half of those. Of course including both sides of late stage donald.

A true enlightened gentleman

They're both the same sub except ones right wing and ones left. Other then that they both furiously circle jerk bad memes with no research actually done and have rules forbidding the sub from being anything other then an echo chamber.

One is an expression of the American spirit that beat back the entire Washington cabal and elected a President chosen, for one glorious, shining moment, by the actual people.

The other is a bunch of commie faggots that will never amount to anything.

trumps a decent enough president, but that subreddit is pretty meh

Here, you might like this one better: /r/the_jeb

Who is jeb?

Jeb is a mess.

I believe you people are getting Jeb! and Jeb mixed up.

Jen is a waste.

Finally, a sub worth subscribing to.

You're aware he lost the popular vote, yeah?

Daddy doesn't believe in things like "facts" or "legality", don't be silly.

Which state did that happen in?

^ but ironically

Back in the day I was able to serious post on /r/srssucks and /r/shitredditsays at the same time and people hardly called me out on it.

Banned from /r/blackladies & /r/askgendercritical, at least i think thats what its called 🤷🏼‍♀️ I clearly dont spend enuff time on the internet

Ive been banned from chap and mde. Idk if its possible to get banned from ca.

It definitely is possible if the mods think they can get away with it; they're slimy fucks.

it seems like ca will literally only ban you for doing stuff that would get the sub banned sitewide, and even then they're pretty lenient, id expect to get banned by reddit admins before

I've been temp-banned because they don't like lefty selfposts, lol. The mods are seriously simy, they say they're neutral, then turn around and do this shit.

How tf do u get banned from MDE? I've gotten them to sperg out at me, but they won't ban me

the only way you can get banned is crossposting to ca and saying its from mde, which tbh is justified

I am banned from /r/CatsStandingUp.
