Ellen Pao calls out the incel menace

479  2018-05-03 by loli_esports


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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The cucking continues

To be a cuck, you should be good enough to be a doormat/cuckwallet.

Incels aren't even that.

HUH TIL Ellen Pao has me blocked on twitter. Can't even remember ever tweeting at her.

you're probably on a block list then

Could be. I find it more likely that I forgot I tweeted at her, lmao. I tweet with my full name & ava of my face, I find it more likely I said something she didn't like during the pao drama

I'm trying to dig up an old archive to see if I can find anything

The Reddit response to her was pretty childish and ridiculous, sounds like you were a part of that.

Indeed. 2014 was a wild ride

Calling someone childish on the internet, very mature. Do my taxes for me?

Her face was spam posted on /r/punchablefaces and a number of other nasty subs for days. That is childish. (So is calling someone Hitler for banning these nasty and pointless subreddits).

Taxes were due in April, hopefully you filed for an extension.

Have you seen her face?

Shit looks like God made Yao mings face out of play dough and stretched it

You know what the problem with Reddit admins and their bullshit it?

Fat people!

You're probably on her incel hit list

That means free sex right? Nice. Hope they have a menu

Whats your twitter handle?


In case you were serious, I'm not going to post my full name on reddit

oh just DM it to me then


Nah, my twitter account that I used all throughout GamerGate and Trump Fever is probably on every blocklist possible and she doesn't have me blocked.

They preemptively block people they disagree with as to not deal with the horror of dissenting opinions.

I mean, I'm a nobody on twitter

Only on Twitter?

Hey fuck you buddy

💘 we are all loosers in here

On this blessed day

They are psychotic qbout it . It doesn't matter how unimportant you are, you can still1) force them to confront how stupid they are or, more importatlly, 2)expose their culty followers to ideas that might undermine their humanities brainwashing.

You’re on her list

WTF me too, how am I supposed to harass her now?

Make a new account!

Your fault, you fucking incel.

Jesus Christ "incel" has become a mainstream slur for "creepy men I don't like."

The vast majority of "incels" aren't aggressive, or violent, nor do they even care.

Are we reaching a time where the simple fact of being a virgin is grounds for discrimination and firing?

Pizza when are you going to admit you're a closet incel?

When are you gonna admit ur dad is gay?

You couldn't be more wrong. It was my uncle who was a fan of playing "Hide the Salami".

Is that who broke you in?

"Yes, women are the greatest evil Zeus has made, and men are bound to them hand and foot with impossible knots by God."—Semonides, seventh century B.C.

Men put women on a pedestal to worship them from afar—and to take better aim at them for the purpose of derision. Why is this paradoxical response to women so widespread, so far-reaching, so all-pervasive? Misogyny, David D. Gilmore suggests, is best described as a male malady, as it has always been a characteristic shared by human societies throughout the world.

Misogyny: The Male Malady is a comprehensive historical and anthropological survey of woman-hating that casts new light on this age-old bias. The turmoil of masculinity and the ugliness of misogyny have been well documented in different cultures, but Gilmore's synoptic approach identifies misogyny in a variety of human experiences outside of sex and marriage and makes a fresh and enlightening contribution toward understanding this phenomenon. Gilmore maintains that misogyny is so widespread and so pervasive among men that it must be at least partly psychogenic in origin, a result of identical experiences in the male developmental cycle, rather than caused by the environment alone.

Presenting a wealth of compelling examples—from the jungles of New Guinea to the boardrooms of corporate America—Gilmore shows that misogynistic practices occur in hauntingly identical forms. He asserts that these deep and abiding male anxieties stem from unresolved conflicts between men's intense need for and dependence upon women and their equally intense fear of that dependence. However, misogyny, according to Gilmore, is also often supported and intensified by certain cultural realities, such as patrilineal social organization; kinship ideologies that favor fraternal solidarity over conjugal unity; chronic warfare, feuding, or other forms of intergroup violence; and religious orthodoxy or asceticism. Gilmore is in the end able to offer steps toward the discovery of antidotes to this irrational but global prejudice, providing an opportunity for a lasting cure to misogyny and its manifestations. show less

She hides blades in there. So probably no.

"Yes, women are the greatest evil Zeus has made, and men are bound to them hand and foot with impossible knots by God."—Semonides, seventh century B.C.

Men put women on a pedestal to worship them from afar—and to take better aim at them for the purpose of derision. Why is this paradoxical response to women so widespread, so far-reaching, so all-pervasive? Misogyny, David D. Gilmore suggests, is best described as a male malady, as it has always been a characteristic shared by human societies throughout the world.

Misogyny: The Male Malady is a comprehensive historical and anthropological survey of woman-hating that casts new light on this age-old bias. The turmoil of masculinity and the ugliness of misogyny have been well documented in different cultures, but Gilmore's synoptic approach identifies misogyny in a variety of human experiences outside of sex and marriage and makes a fresh and enlightening contribution toward understanding this phenomenon. Gilmore maintains that misogyny is so widespread and so pervasive among men that it must be at least partly psychogenic in origin, a result of identical experiences in the male developmental cycle, rather than caused by the environment alone.

Presenting a wealth of compelling examples—from the jungles of New Guinea to the boardrooms of corporate America—Gilmore shows that misogynistic practices occur in hauntingly identical forms. He asserts that these deep and abiding male anxieties stem from unresolved conflicts between men's intense need for and dependence upon women and their equally intense fear of that dependence. However, misogyny, according to Gilmore, is also often supported and intensified by certain cultural realities, such as patrilineal social organization; kinship ideologies that favor fraternal solidarity over conjugal unity; chronic warfare, feuding, or other forms of intergroup violence; and religious orthodoxy or asceticism. Gilmore is in the end able to offer steps toward the discovery of antidotes to this irrational but global prejudice, providing an opportunity for a lasting cure to misogyny and its manifestations. show less

Ur dad is lesbian. Ur mom is gay

Ur family tree is LGBT

Yer mum'z a faggot

Am i doing this rite? 😅

My dad actually is a lesbian. If the Indigo Girls CD's didn't give it away, when he came home with his new girlfriend and they both had boobs, I sorta figured it out.

Ur granny tranny

Ur granny tranny

Please stop harassing u/t_dumbsford.

Destroying ur nanny's fanny

Ur granny tranny destroyed your nanny's fanny tho.


ur mom gay.


Lol, for someone that listens to metal and occult worship, you seem to have not walked through the veil.

I'm dating my dad and he's definitely gay, any problem with that? Fucking homophobe hurtful people like you are the reason I cut.

He already has he just doesn't agree with the incel label.

I'm not even an incel. I just know incels that are normal people and it's rough seeing them smeared like this by bat-shit crazy feminists.

One of them the other day was telling me how terrified he is people will find out now.

How do you spend 10 minutes on their subs and think they're normal people lol.

There's a difference between men who are lonely and struggle with women, they obviously don't deserve to be harassed or shamed. I get the impression that people with the "incel" label are shunned because they're women hating, often racist retards who blame Stacy's need for BBC on their inability to get laid.

This whole "feminism created incels" is just dumb as fuck. Try getting laid with a woman who's not a prostitute or who you're not married to in a country with a bad record for women's rights.

How do you spend 10 minutes on their subs and think they're normal people lol.

How are you so illiterate as to think I'm talking about reddit incels, or the violent ones from that subreddit?

Oh yep, I'm illiterate for thinking you're referring to the incel subreddits when we're discussing this on Reddit. Sorry I don't know about your invite only incel forums, you absolute mong.

We're discussing a tweet in which this baboon bitch is talking about virgin men working for tech companies and comparing them to reddit incels.

She didn't say virgin men though. She said incels. Incel is a specific idealogy/group, not just every guy who can't get laid.

You are deluding yourself dude.

It's actually astonishing how quickly people latch onto these things.

I haven't seen a sex term spread this quickly or widely along ideological divisions since "cuck".

It's also astonishing how quickly this sub has turned sorta incel-sympathetic. And before anyone says I'm agendaposting, this isn't a value statement. It's just a fact that this sub is pushing back against the demonization of incels now that the mainstream media has discovered that weird little subculture.

It's a night-and-day difference. 12 months ago /r/incels was this sub's favorite punching bag. I know because I posted shit here that got them brigaded so hard that they went private two or three times.

Sounds like you're not familiar with the concept of

R A D I C A L 😎 C E N T E R I S M đŸ˜«đŸ’ŠđŸ’•

TBF fam there's a big difference to linking to the severe retardation of incels on reddit and Chairman Pao's disingenuous comment about creepy dudes in the workplace, since she doesn't define it and it's already poorly defined.

I have to agree with /u/Pizzashill here. This reeks of slippery slope BS.

Yo, I'm not disagreeing with pizzashill. He's right, even if he's being insufferable about it.

le not wrong le just an asshole walter amirite bazpinga

autistic parrot noises are the lowest form of internet humor

Upvoting pizzashill feels gross and wrong. Thanks to this experience I now know exactly how Chairman Pao feels interacting with unattractive men in the workplace.

have you heard of the farmer's dog?

Only he gets to kick his dog, you kick his dog and he'll shoot you.

And by dog I mean redditor. And by farmer I also mean redditor. The rest is pretty much literal

This sub still makes fun of incels through posts, wtf are you smoking?

It's also astonishing how quickly this sub has turned sorta incel-sympathetic.

What's so astonishing about it? We're talking about a group of people who feel left out and ostracized and actually have a decent reason, if not reasons, to feel that way. People like Pao are the adult version of the mean kids at school that pick on the socially awkward kids. Making the awkward kid's life harder isn't doing anything to help them and just makes their problems worse.

We didn't like the incel subs because they were full of psychos. I don't think every person having problems making connections with other people is a bitter, hateful sociopath.

its because women really do hate ugly men.

I'm already being called an 'incel' by some antifa kiddies on other social platforms - (I have 5 kids and married for 20 years lol) - you are right.. it will become the new go to insult for these retards.

I have 5 kids and married for 20 years lol

Eeeewwww, gussy, WTF

Well you better polish those defensive guns and set up a compound for when those sponpy feminists come to put you in the gulag!

Are you retarded? Serious question.

I post here. What do you think?

Only the most intelligent and enlighten individuals can find the narrow path of r/Drama's Radical Centrism

I've been around SJWs and feminists and internet SJW culture long enough to know exactly how this will unfold.

imagine typing this and not immediately killing yourself

God, I hope not. I love pizza posts.

we dont deserve him tbh

This is so True

This is some SJW level pearl clutching and outrage stoking. Incel isn't a term other people made up to denigrate male virgins, it's a label they use to identify themselves. As such, they are open to criticism.

Why don't you address what the woman actually said instead of the hypotheticals and prophesies your fevered imagination is churning out.

And, god, can men stop letting their problems with women turn them into incoherent baboons.

Of course!

Just like alt-right was reserved with nazis.

Just like MRA was reserved for MRAs.

Just like redpiller was reserved for actual redpillers!

Right. Things become a mess if people let them. If people are going to talk about the Proud Boys, can they not use alt-right? Isn't Paul Elam an MRA? You can blame Cassie Jay's retardation for conflating red pill with men's rights. Who the fuck was calling someone a gamer gater if they weren't blathering about that shit all over the internet.

Words still mean something and people are going to use the words correctly so we con't need to chimp out every time a particular word crosses a person's lips. Don't contribute to shit like actual alt-right retards being called out being able to claim alt-right doesn't mean anything. How many words are we going to have to coin to keep up with the internet's retardation.

Why don't you address what the woman actually said instead of the hypotheticals and prophesies your fevered imagination is churning out.

Snappy quote please, /u/AnnArchist?


Be warned, you just replied to a femoid.

Not true. I attack 'feminism' all the time, and nobody calls me an incel.

Yeah, bullshit.

So, you're claiming that they secretly ARE calling me an incel? Like, behind my back or something?

No. I'm claiming you've never actually attacked feminism in any real way.

Because anyone that has spent any amount of time in arguments with femtards knows the entire playbook.

No. I'm claiming you've never actually attacked feminism in any real way.

Quit fucking gatekeeping here like you have some sort of special cred, kid. You can be against Feminism, and attack Feminism, in a smart and effective way. Or you can do, yaknow, what you fucking incels do, which is why you get attacked back by them so much

I've been against Feminism as an ideology since before you were born...

Blatant bullshit dude. You aren't fooling anyone.

Haha, okay man, you got me: I'm a secret, crypto-feminist who's trying to infiltrate r/drama and undermine the heroic forces of the Incel Brigade

Curses! If only it weren't for you dastardly kids

I don't even think you're a feminist. I think you're a left-wing male that throws out standard SJW criticisms of feminism and have confused that for being an anti-feminist.

It's why you have no clue how feminists respond.


Fess up, were you abused as a child or what

You can keep linking that shit all you want dude. I called a spade a spade.

So, first I'm not a real anti-Feminist, now I'm a spade. Which is it?

You didn't fess up after I asked you to fess up. Why not? Still hurts to talk about what mommy did, I bet

Why can you call a spade a spade but everyone can't call an incel an incel đŸ€”

I've been against Feminism as an ideology since before you were born...

Found the baby boomer incel

Can you both be an incel, and have kids?

So you admit youre a paedo now

What's this 'now' business?

I've been around SJWs and feminists

Somehow I highly doubt you've been around too many women in general, let alone feminists

You are deluding yourself dude. Incel is 2018's cuck.

Mark my words:

Mark my words: Incel is a replacement for "virgin" and from now on anytime a feminist doesn't like someone they won't be called an MRA, but actually an incel.

Fair assumption. It is definitely what will happen.

If you can't spell ideology, you shouldn't be using it in a sentence. Dipshit.

Are you virgin who works in IT? You seem to be fixating on virgins

"baboon looking bitch" "feminists are batshit"- 48 upvotes- idgaf if this makes me sound like a "batshit crazy feminist" but this kind of stuff makes me feel reddit does indeed have a problem with women.

You know what we call incels who aren't on any incel message boards wishing death to women? Virgins. Nobody calls themself an incel unless they're on these boards

Yeah, because that's how feminists operate. I'm sure run of the mill virgins won't be declared "incels" despite one doing that very thing in the linked tweet.

So you're outraged in advance? Impressive

No, this isn't a guess. It isn't a matter of "if" it's when, because this is how modern feminism operates.

This is how modern SJWs operate. It's why they run around claiming moderate liberals are actually alt-right nazies anytime moderate liberals contest their extremism.

You're forgetting that plenty of them are probably virgins themselves

SJW, alt right nazis, gamergate, left wing media? I just got BINGO!

Son of a bitch I was one square away from it. Trade?

Thanks bro, I just filled out the last square in my "morons shouting bingo as if it proves something" bingo card

I'm not entirely sure I follow your logic. Gamer Gate was, from the beginning, a concentrated effort by white nationalists to spread their values to what they perceived to be a valuable, manipulatable demographic of dejected young white males. That's not a theory, it's verified fact.

You left out that Hitler actually started Gamergate.

That wasn’t in the pasta.

Oh sorry. I didn't realize it was pasta.

I just thought you were retarded.

I get that a lot. đŸ€ 

Racism is bad. do you agree, /u/asdfman2000?

Are you asking if I support the mayocide?


Friendly reminder that Political McSeriouspost here is an unironic MGTOW. Safe to say famham has a problem with women.

What's immoral about hating women?

Nothing as long as it is white women

PAWGs are honorary non-mayos, FYI.

What about the ones with trucker tattoos on their ass?

We use them for our reproductive needs then give them back to the trailer park we stole them from

/u/sheepdank do you condone this behavior against your mother?

She's too busy sucking dick at the local truck stop to give a shit nowadays

How dare you she is a Marketing Geniustm didn;t you listen to her podcast!

u/sheepdank is about as much of a genius as I am a space shuttle door gunner. I could shit out better ass pics and podcasts than she ever could


Four days later you decide to respond? GURRRRRRL


My ass is better than yours


Can I help you?


Judging by that video of hers on Pornhub, the receivers of said dick sucking are getting their money's worth.

Yeah, all five bucks of it


Safe to say famham has a problem with women.

Implying that's a bad thing.

There's a reason this is a bussy supremacist sub.

Safe to say famham has a problem with women.

Why do you guys keep trying to make P-Shilly sound like one of the cool kids? Knock that shit off.

Now you sound like an incel.

As an unrepentant Necromatriarch, I can tell you that is the next stage of the plan. We will destroy all virgin men and boys until only the Gynecocracy remains.

Yeah, you might think you're being funny, but the real argument here is that feminists use labels like this as buzzwords and then use them against everyone that challenges them.

They're just crazy people.

No, I'm trying to make a joke, because I can't stop laughing at your salt about labels the "bat-shit feminists" and "SJWs" are imposing.

TIL explaining how internet crazies work is "salt."

Do I even bother going on your post history? Or do I just outright declare you a twox tard?

You have that special kind of incompetence I've only ever seen in twox tards.

Chingu, we're all internet crazies here, you included.


Just wait until it hits the Asexual community, I will laugh like Nelson around great fistfuls of popcorn. Unless they immediately bow their head on the alter of the all mighty uterus of course /s

While that is true, incel is just the pejorative term for something like virgin. So instead of saying you might have sexist employees someone saying you might have virgin employees is certainly being a little weird.

This guy incests

How do you spend 10 minutes on their subs and think they're normal people lol.

The normal ones don't post on those subs. Simple.

Factory owners: you almost certainly have ugly gook bitches working on your shop floor. What are you going to do about it?

What are the incel subs?

There's a difference between men who are lonely and struggle with women, they obviously don't deserve to be harassed or shamed.

Fortunately, loud, angry, social media-led movements are really, really good at making that kind of distinction.

How do you spend 10 minutes on their subs and think they're normal people lol.

They are though. Edgy as fuck though but by that metric /r/drama users are superincels, nhehe

I don't think shaming people who already feel like they are discarded from society is very productive, but holy fuck they are not normal.

There's a difference between "incel" and "violent internet incel."

Anyone who identifies with the label is not normal. They are batshit.

You're entitled to believe whatever you'd like to believe, even if it's the result of profound ignorance, a lack of education, and slight learning disability.

Oh forgive me. Are you teaching a incel culture course I can sit in on?


Pot kettle black. What the fuck did mommy do to you?

My mom beat me twice daily and made me run laps around the pool with no shoes on in the Florida heat.

You probably deserved it.

I did. It turned me into a man, not a whiny little bitch like you.

You are the one whining about girls being a bunch of meanie heads!

A) they aren't girls, they're women. Girls are females that haven't yet become a menace to society.

B) All women are cancer.

A bunch of meanies!

Well, vicious harpies is the term I'd use.

Would you classify your mother under that label?

My mum slapped me too fam, we can share.

You are so deluded that it's scary. It sounds like you need to get away from your computer and step into the real world.

can you explain in detail what was deluded in that comment?

user reports: 1: Said Pizzashill without a hint of irony or self-awareness about any of his posts. He's NOT a Modalt?

We'll never tell :^)

Stop making me upvote pizza, fuck wits.

Why would you ever upvote him?

I'm entitled to hate them if I want. I don't care who ANYONE hates. As long as you don't try to rob people of their civil rights or equality.

stands and salutes the flag

this is what our founding fathers dreamed of

B) All women are cancer.

Good god, you can't be serious, can you? Jesus man, just go out and have some damn social interaction so you can stop demonizing literally half of humanity.

Give me 1 valid reason why women aren't cancer.

Because they're just other humans, just like any man. If you have issues with social hierarchies that you perceive to give women some advantage, then take it up with those appropriate authorities. Women simply aren't deserving of the label "cancer" simply for being born with a chromosome that literally billions of people are born with.

"Because they're just other humans, just like any man."

REEEE they're just people. Funny how I've never seen men act the way towards females that I've seen females act towards men.

Why do females worship other females then? Scientifically proven, man hater. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_are_wonderful_effect

"his research found that while both women and men have more favorable views of women, women's in-group biases were 4.5 times stronger[5] than those of men and only women (not men) showed cognitive balance among in-group bias, identity, and self-esteem, revealing that men lack a mechanism that bolsters automatic preference for their own gender."

Or what about that article in 2017 claiming females have never been faithful and passing on their genes 17x as much by cucking men. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/sep/24/women-men-dna-human-gene-pool (Notice the source that posts misandrist articles weekly)

What about women having back up partners while in relationships. Funny how this hasn't been studied in society in spite of so many women doing it.


The first caption says "The ratio of mothers to fathers may be close to 1:1 today, but in our evolutionary past it was heavily biased towards mothers", meaning that, yes, women were sluts in the past, but men in the past also bashed each other's skulls in and raped people indiscriminately. You act like society hasn't evolved at all since the Paleolithic era.

Why do females never compliment men then? Unless they've been intimate or the male has large genitals of course (then they love complimenting and gossiping with their friends) I posted a link showing women love worshipping each other and complimenting each other, WOMEN ARE JUST PEOPLE!!!! Then they should worship men as much as men and compliment women. Yet they never do. Hmmm. https://uk.askmen.com/news/dating/does-your-girlfriend-have-a-guy-lined-up-as-plan-b-yes.html

women should be discriminated against on any level.

Yes, I hate women

Except the personal one.

We get it you don’t have sex

I've got you fam, here you go.

Ya, you're def a incel in the making. Just do yourself a favor and buy a whore already.

Look you rapist. Ellen Pao has noted that if you are a MALE in IT, you are most likely unattractive and therefore an incel. You should be obliterated for your sexist claims. We should develop incel tests and dispose of males who fail such tests.

If a political party had these as a manifesto i would vote for them

Eventually we will be a society of traps and women, nothing more.

Are all incels virgins? I thought it also covered people who hadn't had sex in a long time too.



A man can dream

Its difference between a "I'm Proud to be Racist" and a "I'm Proud to be Racist and we need to do something about the Jews"

Incels are bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.

I just know incels that are normal people

Do you see them everyday in the mirror?

Everyone take a look at how people aren't just slinging the term incel at anyone that challenges them.

Have you tried not being an sperg online 24/7?

Have you tried lowering your intake of cum?

Why would I? It's delicious and nutritious just like Ovaltine

Then you have your answer.

Did you stroke out and think that made sense?

It did make sense, you're just dumb.

You ask if I've ever considered not being a sperg.

I ask if you've ever considered lowering your cum intake.

You respond no.

That's your answer. Any questions?

Yeah but have you considered not being a sperg before tho?

Who stroked out again?

Just stroked in the employee bathroom at work, it was pretty nice thanks for asking.

That's good, maybe a local feminist will report you for rape.

Hopefully, can get some of that sweet prison D

I don't practice criminal law anymore.


WoW player

autisticly screeches on r/drama 25/8

hates women

"I'm not even an incel"


Everyone again, take a look at how retards aren't just declaring anyone that challenges them an incel.

what do you think a boob feels like

Like a bag of sand.

Bad shibboleth, a fat enough man can just feel himself

like pennies and salty milk


all i'm saying is if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an aspiring school shooter

whats wrong about being a school shooter now? bullies keep the loosers in check, school shooters keep the bullies in check. its the american school ecosystem

"Nice try roasties, pizzashill is off the market 😎"

Thank you for your service.

I just know incels that are normal people

Are they?

Ugly people are worthless

Did you tell him to keep himself safe?

I think you are just confusing terms though. A guy who is socially awkward, maybe a shut in, maybe has social anxiety or even agoraphobia, etc, but is otherwise normal (as in, harmless and a fucking psychopath) is not really an incel.

Incels are fucking psychopaths.

No. You guys literally just don't understand how these people operate.

There's a reason they often call people alt-right/nazi/redpiller/MRA randomly when the target has no connection to any of these groups.

I promise you, I am willing to bet literally anything that these people will blanket accuse anyone they don't like of being an "incel."

I promise you, I am willing to bet literally anything that these people will blanket accuse anyone they don't like of being an "incel."

Well that I agree with. I wouldn't be surprised if someone gets a look, any kind of look, from the socially awkward guy in the department and then goes to HR to say they feel harassed or something.

There's a famous trollx post where a woman beats about exactly that. She got a dude fired because he was quiet and kept to himself.

Oh I remember. Total shitshow, no one was happy about it.

You are a fucking nerd lmao

You mean like the right called everyone a cuck? What a harrowing future you're predicting here, how will anyone survive?

I think what pizza is trying to get at here is that being an incel leads to joining ISIS.

Yours friends are virgins, not incels.

Virgins they can't get laid, meaning incel, moron.

Actually I read your other comments. Your friends aren't virgins. They're losers.

You're a long way from home, normie.

Don't you have a school to shoot up?

Go back to your life, normie.

I just know incels that are normal people

Those are people who can't have sex. Incels are people who whine about it online and blame everyone but themselves.

You're now the 25th person to respond revealing you have no clue what you're talking about.

Normal people wouldn't call themselves or identify with an incel. That's all there is to it. Most people who hear the term incel don't think of a shy guy who has trouble getting laid, they think of angry guys blaming everyone but themselves that they can't get laid.


>normal people

pick one and only one

It's disgusting. I have been getting laid since the end of high school, but I spent 2 years in middle school getting bullied and it drives me wild reading shit like that.

So much of the discourse when it comes to this stuff just has to do with power, not equality. Go to trollXX and look at every post on that subreddit. How is that place any less sexist than redpill? We call out sexism consistently when men are doing online, but when a popular subreddit has a front page full of upvoted posts that attack "men" as some monolithic identity over and over and over again day after day, we have nothing to say. Or we applaud it and call it feminism.

What if people started pointing out how much more superficial women are? What if we pointed out how women use their sexuality to their advantage? Also why does equality matter only sometimes? Why do we shit on people who are ugly, or socially awkward?

Those people have to go through life lonely and never knowing what it feels like to be liked, but they can't complain about any sort of inequality. People go fucking crazy over social justice for issues of race and sex, but shun and dehumanize people in their own social circles because they are ugly, awkward, etc.

This whole incel shit is straight up bullying in my book. It's nuanced bullying. We live in a parody of reality where the people who identify as caring so strongly about justice, are shaming misfits and social outcasts.

People need to understand that the argument about equality is real. But I see a lot of people more interested in trying to prove that women are simply better than men, "it's always guys shooting up places etc", "if women ran countries there wouldn't be any wars". That is toxic and it ignores biology and nature, because pathological tendencies exist in both sexes.

you’re without a doubt an incel. youvpost on reddit all day. lean left. are sjw and fascist at the same time. virgin.

Words of wisdom.

  • anyone that posts a lot on Reddit is an incel.

  • SJWs somehow lean left.

  • incels are fascists.

  • and I'm also a virgin.

You're a real top mind.

i wonder if you’ll keep yourself safe before kissing a girl. i’m taking the former

Are we done using words we don't know the meaning of?

if you don’t understand the words from my last comment i’m shocked. you sperg like a decently educated autist

Define fascist for me real quick, using your own words.

they are trannies who haven’t cut their cocks off yet. from your ilk.

That's exactly what I thought. In the future, don't throw terms out when you don't even know the meaning of said terms.

your life seems so sad and pathetic. do you see a therapist?

This isn't going to change the fact you couldn't define a term you tried to throw out, friend.

again very autistic if you to latch onto one thing that hasn’t been addressed because it’s the internet.

this isn’t academia to define the term fascist. you

a) can’t handle a joke.

2) are a faggot

iii) probably are overweight;

folks/ it’s a sad thing to be.

Oh, so now I'm a fascist, left-leaning, incel, virgin, faggot, and probably overweight as well.

The top mind strikes again.

no she’s not fat just disappointed that her 37 year old obese son still lives at home.

Oh! and I live at home!

i would love to fuck you up irl what’s your address

You're just a virgin/nazi/fascist/virgin/meanie head.

post a pic.

You thirsty, virgin?

are you a hot chick


Is this a joke? HOW ARE FEMINISTS THE BAD ONES IN THIS? What Incels say would make your mama cry.

Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.

And even then, that's not something that displays I lack some type of self-awareness, if what you said were true (it isn't) it shows the exact opposite, I'm perfectly aware.

And I've never said anything that would even imply I was an incel. I've said I don't mess with women anymore a few times, but that's a choice, and one I made after getting out of a nearly 5 year long relationship with someone that had borderline personality disorder and it killed any interest I had in relationships.

This is the exact opposite of being an incel.

Hey I've been voluntary celibate for almost a year because I hate this fucking town I live in and like every other girl has herpes


You don't understand, it's 2018 and feminism could of accomplished so much more if it weren't up to those sneaky parasitistic virgins gathering online, planning their greedy schemes and nosing their way into our safe spaces. This incel contamination will not subside, this poisoning of the internet will not end, until the carrier himself, the incel, has been banished from our midst. We need to be proactive not reactive.

Ellen Pao is just asking for a solution.

This solution needs to be concrete and meaningful.

A final solution, if you will.

planning their greedy schemes and nosing their way into our safe spaces


((((greedy schemes and nosing)))))


i demand no-singles policies for all stores in the nation

When any aspect of your beliefs can be challenged or even undermined by a group of self admitted involuntarily virgin adults, you might want to sit down and really think about your endgame.

Hikkis and NEETs aren't the same as incels.

That said, I'm actually considering trying to sell memes to a journalist about the incel phenomena and beta uprising.

I've got a few ways of trying to sell it.

  • The hacker known as 4chan route: In the beginning there was Japan. They had a growing community of hikkis. Betalord moot copied their technology and created the hacker known as 4chan. Their factions split into individual armies, each more successful than their last. The /mlp/ cloppers took over a girls tv show and made it a sexual fantasy. /a/ was always degenerate and watched little japanese girls in tentacle porn while encouraging everyone to stop having relationships with 3DPD. /v/ started the vicious misogynistic movement known as #GamerGate. /pol/ got trump elected. /r9k/ turned their members into traps. Basically, everything bad in this world is 4chan's fault.

  • Alternative 4chan route: As the recent incel van attack proves, Elliot Rodger really did kick off the beta uprising. First they cucked Bernie Sanders, then they elected the ultimate Chad to the presidency to popularize hatred of Chads. Then they kicked off #MeToo and other similar movements to solidify hatred of Chads. Now they're openly attacking women on the streets like the Gentleman supreme.

  • It's the Chinese taking over: I first started trying something when NBC talked about white nationalists using Discord

They're a Chinese ploy to destabilize the west. I thought everyone knew this. I'll drop the copypasta.

You can trace back a lot of the most vile memes and most toxic communities to League of Legends, which was the pinnacle of community standards until it went from Bay Area owners to Chinese ones. Do you think the meteoric rise of online toxicity, the GamerGate influence on American Politics, and the usage of Discord by White Nationalists are just coincidences? You know who owns both Discord and League of Legends? Tencent... a CHINESE company. Do you really think Russia is the only foreign power that wants to destabilize America? The great firewall of China is to keep their own population focused on doing something useful with their lives instead of spending all their time on shitposting and porn, unlike foreign white devil. China's master plan was to create a male surplus in their country. Then, they'll send over their young men to American public universities to crowd out and outcompete Americans while leeching government funds. Then they'll dominate sexually and create a large percentage of half-Chinese families. They're hoping to take over without firing a single shot!

Incels are the latest development in this Chinese ploy. After outfucking the nerdy white men and infecting them with video games and poor social skills, the beta uprising is taking place as a response. Think about the incel stricken locations: UC Santa Barbara, 30% Asian. Toronto, 30% Asian and 11.1% Chinese. The Chinese are winning. They're destabilizing the West via sexual dominance. Why do you think white nationalists are on the rise? Why do you think they talk so frequently about "white erasure" and "mayocide" and "white genocide"?

  • It's Japan's fault: Blame anime for crashing sexual drives and interest. Talk about anime avatars on twitter and how they're all alt-right Trump supporters.Talk about BussyGate and r9k's trapification. Talk again about high Asian rates in the two incel-attacked cities.

I'm not really interested in that wall of schizophrenic text, but could you explain why hikkis aren't incels?

I'm sure many/most are, but they're a different category. Like, incels probably have jobs outside of their homes, but hikkis are pretty much defined by not going outside (even for work).

So Hiki = premium extra strong incel ?

Naah, hikis don't necessary harbor that hate that incels do. They also don't usually blame others for perceived slights so nothing "in-" about them.

no they're like the modern day, soy-based version of old-fashioned hermits. they're not defined by virginity or hatred of stacies/chads/whatever, they just flat out don't voluntarily don't want to interact with the outside world

hikkis choose to live in isolation, so their celibacy is seen as voluntary, not involuntary.

The first one your strongest as it plays really nicely into a lot of the existing biases that are prevalent in media types. Plus while it still has that hint of jingoism, they'll excuse it over their righteous smug about tilting against obvious misogyny.

All Incels Must Die

This but unironically.

Found the incel

incels needs to be eradicated. We can't have these creepy losers roaming freely in society.

The irony is that feminists have it within them to solve the incel problem once and for all. They simply choose not to.

But they would still be bunch of creeps which enough justification.

Yeah, but creeps can rise to the highest office in the land. Creeps are in. Creeps are the new hipsters.

You're just as autistic as incels and might aswell be one yourself if you unironically think that incel problem is lack of sex.

Easy tiger, it's just a joke.

I also tell everyone that I'm just joking after I'm called out on my mental retardation.

Good to know.

incels needs to be eradicated.

Read it in this voice.

someone has to say it.

The vast majority of "incels" aren't aggressive, or violent, nor do they we even care.

If you don't care then how is that "involuntary"? Seems like anyone who really gave a fuck could get a cheap hooker.

“Hmm, I really hate these people and the ideaologies they preach. How can I keep them from becoming big? I know, I’ll argue with them and talk about them where they’ll get exposed to the mainstream world, that surely won’t backfire!”

Is there such thing as a reverse Streisand effect? Because that’s pretty much what happened with flat earthers and neo Nazis.

The Earth is a series of circles.

No, the earth is flat but it spins so fast it looks like a 3D ball from outside.

cube earth 4 lyfe

If the earth wasn't flat we wouldn't have had to fake the moon landings.

Filthy incel apologist.

Can't wait for the 40 Year Old Incel movie.

Does it have him shooting people in Canada?

You sound like an altrightincelcucklibtardmgtow.

Self-serving comment detected.

There's a big difference between someone who just happens to be involuntarily celibate and someone who actively identifies as an incel.

This is wild. It's like you guys know literally nothing about feminists or left-wing outrage culture.

Right, like they’re living their lives among the majority who are normal. Crazy shit!

Because living among group A automatically means you know nothing about groups B, C and D.
I live in a first world country? Welp, there goes all I know about Iran, North Korea, etc.

Sorry mate, can't say I spend all day with a voodoo doll of Zoe Quinn stuffed up my ass reeeeing.

But you do you.


Have you ever actually met anyone in real life that had the stones to say these things to somebody's face?

I live in hyper liberal progressive land, and outside of the protests (which nobody except poor college kids go to), I have never heard a single person call something 'problematic'. Never heard someone talk about 'toxic masculinity'. Never even heard someone mention the wage gap (the pretend 30% one, not the real 3% one).

The people who say these things online, SJWs and altright, are the exact same in real life: Cowards who would never say their opinion to someone's face unless they were in a group.

This serious post has been brought to you by the letter 'A'.

Have you ever actually met anyone in real life that had the stones to say these things to somebody's face?

Have you been to college? Like I'm not joking but I've talked to tons of ppl who talk about this at different schools.

Yes. Not all colleges are like this. Colleges that focus on liberal arts are usually the worse offenders.

Due to different clubs and activities I've participated in, I've been on a large amount of different campuses, and talked to different people on them. It's not hard to find liberal leaning young adults on any college campus. ffs, there was an LGBT club at a private Christian School which wanted to expel gay people. Saying you couldn't find some edgy leftist in any campus with thousands of young adults is retarded.

It's not hard to find liberal leaning young adults on any college campus.

Yeah, "liberal leaning" people aren't the problem here. The gelatinous blob-people causing the problems tend to hate liberals.

Campus shit is retarded, and I have nothing but disdain for the outraged SJWs and conservatives who are trying to import into real life.

There's thousands of people on a typical college campus. If you're hearing social justice outrage within your social circle, you should change your social circle.

The vast majority of my friends are liberal progressives. Most supported Bernie. I've never heard the words "problematic", "rape culture", or a reference to the wage gap outside of the internet. It's purely based on who you associate with.

Have you ever actually met anyone in real life that had the stones to say these things to somebody's face?

No, but I've run into quite a few who will do bitchy passive aggressive stuff behind your back if you don't adhere to the party line.

So, cowards.

The people who say these things online, SJWs and altright, are the exact same in real life: Cowards who would never say their opinion to someone's face unless they were in a group.

That's because heroes like /r/Drama bully them online and tie them down fighting on the internet. All hell will break loose if they ever feel safe enough to express themselves IRL.

This, unironically.

You don't need to say that, friendo, I was being unironic too.

All in a day's job.

I live in hyper liberal progressive land, and outside of the protests (which nobody except poor college kids go to), I have never heard a single person call something 'problematic'. Never heard someone talk about 'toxic masculinity'. Never even heard someone mention the wage gap (the pretend 30% one, not the real 3% one).

Naw, u/pizzashill is right about this one. I live in liberal-land too, and I work for a very Progressiveℱ organization, and at a staff event last week, somebody got chided for being "ableist" because they used the term "blind spot". A little later one of my teammates felt compelled to apologize to all of us in a staff meeting because somebody else called her out for saying something about talking to the maintenance staff about a missing piece of equipment in a conversation about security procedures. Because apparently that is, you guessed it, problematic.

This shit isn't confined to college campuses anymore (if it ever was), it's metastasized to the world of grown adults. And these people are very active in politics and have way more influence on policy and society than some frustrated teenager on the internet. It's fucking wild and I feel like Richard Chamberlain in Revenge of the Bodysnatchers watching it all unfold around me.

Gooble-gobble goolbe-gobble!

so are you right wing now? Weren’t you the resident lefty last week?

pizzashill is 100% some rightoid's attempt at rping as a liberal

it would be a lot more convincing if he werent too autistic to even pretend not to hate women

He's a radical centrist.

But for real, Trump can be a retard and SJWs can be retarded too. Plenty of chromosomes to go around.

either way he’s probably the most pathetic person on this sub. I see him here 24/7 getting into heated arguments

this is a really activated my almonds, /u/ay_what_up2. impressive!

It's really nice to see the radical centrist in you come out swinging :)

But we need a separate term as incel can refer to everyone who is involuntarily celibate


Unless you are castrati or something, I think the issue stems from self-identifying with the "involuntary" qualifier

voluntary incel?

instead of insulting me, why not just get a fucking job you tool

i have one

I just think that when people refer to incels they aren't referring to the unwilling virgins, but the "incels" which are basically a virgin offshoot of redpillers who hate women.

You're in for a wake up call.

Wake up call / caught you in the morning / with another man in my bed

'Redpiller' and 'incel' are a contradiction of terms, both groups hate each other.

As they should considering the purpose of the groups, but they're still rooted in the same principles.

pretty sure he's trolling here. i think he really wants people to believe that all the time he spends on reddit bitching about daddy defense enforcers was ironic. so he mixes in some actual trolling to try and make people think he was always pretending to be retarded.

The vast majority of "incels" aren't aggressive, or violent, nor do they even care.

Oh they most certainly care. Or they wouldnt be bitching on the internet every second of their lives.

Oh they most certainly care. Or they wouldnt be bitching on the internet every second of their lives.

do you actually equate bitching online to actual violence in teh streets? you honestly think most incels in reddit are walking around beating up women in the streets?

lol your delusional. you have no statistics to back up your imaginary claims.

This is exactly what is gonna happen. It has bee kinda like that for decades and it will be worse in the future, every male virgin past-20, every lonely guy that has trouble socialized will be immediatly tagged as a potential mass-murderer and a menace, marginalazing them more, making them grow even more hateful and batshit crazy obtaning so the opposite effect that all of us want

I'm fucking terrified, more now than even some months ago by the thought of anyone finding out that i'm virgin in my early 20s.

I'm not one of them, and I don't want to become one of them, i'd rather killing myself.

I'm fucking terrified, more now than even some months ago by the thought of anyone finding out that i'm virgin in my early 20s.

Just kill anyone that finds out, duh.

This, but unironically.

Personally I don't have that many friends and I don't unironically hate anyone, but there's a lot of people who would actually grow more hateful and batshit crazy, the last thing I'd want is getting killed by one of them even though I am not drowning in pussy either.

Really? Maybe the right is correct about infantilization- dont play the victim/reverse sexism role- its a fucking joke.

its a fucking joke.

I doubt that

And i'm not truly the "victim" here, incels are not victims sure, they're crazy guys digging their own graves, not getting laid doesn't justify killing someone, glorification of violence, rape and paedophilia.

Also, i'm not a victim, because i'm not an incel and I avoid like hell their little toxic echochamber and i'm in no way a mysoginist like them. But surely I'm a guy in my early 20s with trouble socializing and virgin and by what is happening on social media right know i deeply fear that everyone who has trouble with the opposite sex past his or her adolescence will be labeled as a potential threat and someone who has to be avoided even if he doesn't act like a psychopath

I don’t think you have anything to worry about - incels scare me because of the anger/resentment. You can usually feel that from them- if you don’t have that then you’re fine.

I know it perfectly, but do the others feel the same? I've no anger/resentment towards any woman, I'd like to think so, I fear people thinking that I think the problem being someone other than myself.

Like people starting to assume that hateful creeps are much more than people who struggle with depression or anxiety

I cant speak for all women- but personally i couldnt care less - if you dont want to be a virgin then i wish you opportunities, if you want to stay one then im happy you're ok the way you are. I can tell you dont hate women, its usually pretty obvious- and youre still super young. Keep your head up high and dont let anyone make you feel bad for not having sex lol- cause that would be ridic and f anyone who does that. My beef with is the often rapey aspects of inceldom.

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That SRD title is fucking fuego

When did you become a MRA?

And someone else confirms my argument.

MRA is reserved for MRAs of course.

Redpill is reserved for redpillers.

Alt-right is reserved for actual nazis.

And incel, clearly, will be reserved for actual incels.

Hell yes. These incels are also mostly Conservatives. Crush their evil!

I thought incel just stood for virgins who want to have sex.

There's lots of virgins who would want to have sex who don't call women degenerates and femoids, aka all teenagers and mostly antisocial guys, so not really.

The truth is, if you shamelessly insult women to their face, you're extremely unlikely to be a virgin for long.

Found incel.

It worked on yer nan m8

found the incel

Argument confirmed yet again.

is your argument that you're a sad weirdo with too much invested in this place?

That's big talk from one of the most autistic autists to ever grace /r/drama.

you're right, i forgot about the constant seriousposting & political discourse i bring here. that is very much me. also how i apparently haven't gone more than 24 hours without posting on /r/drama in months.

those are both definitely facts about me, and not the sexually frustrated young man who averages ~1500 words posted on reddit daily

Nice try, autist.

i thought you were the guy who always screeched when people didn't respond to the facts lol

this is the most ironic thing I’ve ever read. You basically live on Reddit

>post in r/competitivewow

>accuse others of being autists


Looks like we've got another normie srdine coming here to argue with an intellectual superior.

hahah it's all irony

You're not a normie so I respect you for that.

post a selfie

Imagine thinking that normie is an insult. Ellen Pao's on your tail, just keep your head down at work. Assuming you have a job, of course.

Fuck off normie, don't you have a loving family to get back to, maybe a meal at the olive garden?

Yeah, when I get off work. Hot damn, working is such a foreign concept to you that you don't realize that one has to leave their family in the mornings to make money? Perfect. What's your rank in WoW?

This isn't the outback steakhouse, normie. You're lost.


def not an incel, for sure

You're truly bad at commenting on reddit. God bless, keep it up though. I know you will anyway.

Don't you have some well adjusted friends to hang out with, normie?

>continuing to not understand the concept of being at work

Unless this is all a bit, in which case you could do much better. Your efforts are better suited to riling up the other people in the sub who don't know your character. It's pretty good parody, at least!

Look at this normie trying to be normal, lol.

smdh pizza, you've shown your hand too soon. Delete these before other people know you're just trolling.

Imagine being this normie.

Don't you have some well-adjusted friends to hang out with, normie?

Potential snappy quote

/r/bandnames amirite?

My nigga, on what planet is this a good insult to you?

thats a big assumption

I prefer "pink" but "normie" can work in certain venues.

talk to the hand, normie

For the authentic feel, you should use normalfag or norman. Normie is what normalfags call other normans because imageboard culture has somehow become cool.

Lol wow...

Do you feel good knowing that you're basically DarqWolff?

You're barely better than /u/pizzashill

You're literally worse than /u/pizzashill


No u

u/uniqueguy263, time to give up.

i am way better thanks to the fact i've seen and smelled a tiddy

smelled a tiddy

I call bullshit. No one's ever smelled a tiddy. It's impossible to even get close to one. They're too skittish and flee as the first sign of danger.

Who the fuck gilded this pile of shite.


I'm betting you're an escortcel.

I wish.

You must really hate women. What happened?

I don't think I really hate women as much as I just want nothing to do with them.

I was gonna say you should change your username to pizzacel, but, fuck me, it's already taken.

jews did this

edit: gold for one of the lowest effort things I've ever done on this site, don't you ever change r/drama

Like you didn't buy it for yourself. And if you didn't, shame on whoever did.

I’m kinda surprised by that statement. Flippant response or actual mindset?

I don't associate with brainlets, and most female intelligence clusters around the average.

Men with big brain bulges like myself don't need women, we reproduce asexually

Don’t lie, you don’t have the opportunity to associate with females in order determine intelligence. 2D paid for services don’t count or your waifu.

Ah now I see! You’re all worker honey bees, the queen has bolted from the hive and it’s going to collapse and the only way to survive is to produce Male drones. You could’ve been a wasp... but your commentary didn’t come with enough of a sting.

I’m just a buzz kill!

You think you'll go gaycel?

Who hurt you?

Jewish womyn?

They must have screwed up his bris, taken off way too much.

They fucked up my bris

And now I can't piss

I pee with straws

I hate on whores

Pizzacel in the house tonight

Pizzacel, gonna give the feminists a fright!

Alt-right, all white, pizza, pizza, go gaycel with us, alt-bussy reigns

All sperges, losing words, pizza, pizza, go screech at us, the lolcow reigns

Moms pizza

But what about pussy? Where do you get the pussy?


Insert idiom about the colore of certain cookware here

Don't bother replying to this utter autist. He followed me around reddit and replied to my main account(which has zero activity on here or srd) on another sub and starts being his usual smug self "lol noodles ur still on reddit go away".

posts to metareddit sub in flagrant display of autism with easily linked account /u/RickyTheSticky

is noticed

"wow omg stop following me!!!”

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

I think when most sane people talk shit about "incels" they're talking about people who actually self-identify with the term, who are virtually universally insane, not anyone who is a virgin or in a dry spell. I'm sure they're are crazy people who take that extra step, and I don't know if Pao is one of them, but I haven't seen that many people misuse the term at this point.

sane people

Ellen Pao


But their definition isn’t the same as their audiences definition. Going after all ‘incels’ for being violent misogynists is going to be like going after Pepe memers for being white nationalists. You’re going to stigmatize a good amount decent people - who already feel pushed away by society.

What do you think the definitions are here? Plenty of people used Pepe who weren’t white nationalists. I’ve never seen any Me call themselves an incel who wasn’t crazy. Normal people who happen to be virgin a dot call themselves incels.

uh, bro

Virulent misogyny need not be implicitly violent in order to be vastly detrimental to society

Couldn't have put it better myself

(ugh, even saying that ironically made me want to end my life)

And the identity politics arms race on the deep left is being used by some to justify supporting the right at a time when the right should be scrutinized too.

Being a virgin has been stigmatized in culture for time immemorial. Even among more "sex-positive" circles you often see the word "virgin" used as an insult. Ironically, you could argue that this kind of stigma is what gave rise to the incel mindset in the first place.

Completely agree! Getting your head down and self-investing until having a stable career BEFORE looking for a girl? What a loser....


What is incel?

Seems like a trend now a days.

Kayne West/Jordan Peterson are alt-right Non Progressive Dems in the media are Trump enablers Ben Shapiro and a gay Jewish guy who like black men are Nazis

How easy it must be to label everyone you dont like into the most extreme thing you can think of.

And everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian shill bot.

Can agree, I've been called a nazi, misogynist, alt-right, racist, homophobe and a whole lot of other things by the left but I really don't care that much about politics and I don't give a flying fuck about your race, gender or sexuality, why would I even bother?

Being a virgin and incels aren't the same thing.

Oh, child.

Things are gonna get easier#/media/File:OohChild_by_Marcia_Hines(LP)_2.jpg)

Unironically agreeing with pizzashill, fuck

This is what happens when you give women agency.

lol the worst 95% of them do is post on the internet, which is perfect because then they aren't outside being creepy.

Well, yeah, that's happening to a lot of things these days.

Just like how "White" and "Men" have also become pejoratives, as well as "cis."

Are we reaching a time where the simple fact of being a virgin is grounds for discrimination and firing because feminists need a new villain?


Why don't you just get some pussycat tho?

"Yes, women are the greatest evil Zeus has made, and men are bound to them hand and foot with impossible knots by God."—Semonides, seventh century B.C.

Men put women on a pedestal to worship them from afar—and to take better aim at them for the purpose of derision. Why is this paradoxical response to women so widespread, so far-reaching, so all-pervasive? Misogyny, David D. Gilmore suggests, is best described as a male malady, as it has always been a characteristic shared by human societies throughout the world.

Misogyny: The Male Malady is a comprehensive historical and anthropological survey of woman-hating that casts new light on this age-old bias. The turmoil of masculinity and the ugliness of misogyny have been well documented in different cultures, but Gilmore's synoptic approach identifies misogyny in a variety of human experiences outside of sex and marriage and makes a fresh and enlightening contribution toward understanding this phenomenon. Gilmore maintains that misogyny is so widespread and so pervasive among men that it must be at least partly psychogenic in origin, a result of identical experiences in the male developmental cycle, rather than caused by the environment alone.

Presenting a wealth of compelling examples—from the jungles of New Guinea to the boardrooms of corporate America—Gilmore shows that misogynistic practices occur in hauntingly identical forms. He asserts that these deep and abiding male anxieties stem from unresolved conflicts between men's intense need for and dependence upon women and their equally intense fear of that dependence. However, misogyny, according to Gilmore, is also often supported and intensified by certain cultural realities, such as patrilineal social organization; kinship ideologies that favor fraternal solidarity over conjugal unity; chronic warfare, feuding, or other forms of intergroup violence; and religious orthodoxy or asceticism. Gilmore is in the end able to offer steps toward the discovery of antidotes to this irrational but global prejudice, providing an opportunity for a lasting cure to misogyny and its manifestations. show less

As a partially blackpilled incel I am glad to hear not everyone is against us

You know you can get out of that before it's too late?

Well there's a lot of truth to their ideaology if I'm being honest. Obviously there is also a lot of BS but I usually just ignore that. I'm by no means a misogynist or anything like that

they are probably scared of them. firing them will definitely make incels happier and nicer

Burn the Incel!

corporate America has been using sex and our angst about that shit to sell us shit for about a century or so and now they are upset that all of the corporate brainwash is having unpleasant and apparently unforeseen consequences.

when hasn't it in the past like 10 years. You can't dare to insult a woman's figure, if you do then you're a virgin neck beard.

Crime against women if you are too ugly to get laid./s It's the r/fempocalypse

the fun thing about “incels” is the term exploded so fast it has four valid definitions rn

That is fun, thanks for sharing grungebot.

At first I thought this linked to another subreddit and wanted to laugh at /u/pizzashill but it's actually on this one. Ouch.

Hey dude, thanks for sharing.

This is a really bad comment, u/FUCK_THE_THALMOR. You should be ashamed.

Imagine being a white knight for an incel

JK imagine just being an incel and getting offended over normal stuff

Go gaycel with me? UwU

Queen of the Blacked demands answers!

how much weirder can the world get

Well Trump could announce he’s transitioning to become the first woman president.

That would be weird.

That would be fucking awesome

Trump DESTROYS Libtards By Inverting Her Own Penis [Rekt Compilation]


And then resigns because he can't be trusted to be president as a trans person, by the logic of his military ban.

No brakes on the Trump Trans

Half the remaining users of T_D would transition in support of daddy, then claim they had always been women.

That would successfully make everyone angry too

Deprecating NASA by launching everyone's sides into orbit.

Would win my vote

honestly, outside Reddit and twitter, no one even knows and no one gives a flying fuck.

No one in my circles even knows what an "incel" is.

Incel culture (is culture the right word?) is starting to surface thanks to dickhead in Toronto. Joe Rogan was talking about them on his podcast, as were the hosts on Abe Lincoln's Top Hat. Those are comparatively small players in grand scheme of media, but its just a matter of time at this point. The conversations that go on inside incel subs are just way too salacious to be shrugged off.

Virgins are terrorists

Imagine thinking like this and believing you're on of the 'good guys'. Imagine sexually harassing men in your workplace, asking them if they're virgin or if they have a sex life or not - and if they answer incorrectly that means they're a terrorist.

Right Side of Historyℱ

Lol what I hate about these people is that they are anti bullying unless you bully the people you don’t like. Like I don’t give a fuck if you gay straight whites black male kitchen all of you should just walk down to the nearest Home Depot and buy rope for 4.99 and kill yourselves. đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ˜˜

It's like that for all this partisan shit. The dumb ass right cares about cheating on your wife until their guy does it, the dumb ass left cares about being inclusive until they don't want to include someone.

This was all well and good (read: mildly irritating but usually just comedic) when partisan tribal dipshits were like 40% total of politically active people, but DailyKOS and Brietbart and reddit and Twitter have made it so like 60% of people are now and it's fucking retarded.

The right are just extremely loud for their views.

And they are never even remotely attractive. Who do you think has sex with these monstrosities? Ugly ass virgins, that's who.

Imagine being a Capitalist and pretending to care about this.

Imagine being a communist unironically. Scary thought

tbf would you trust someone who unwillingly hasn't had sex well into their 20s and 30s? Something wrong there, fam. Even major uggos get laid.

ugly people fuck all the time, it's true

Ask your parents.


Ugly people can definitely get laid but that's not the problem. The problem is lack of social skills and/or mental health problems like social anxiety and agoraphobia.

Yes, that is what I was implying with my comment.

tbf would you trust someone who unwillingly hasn't had sex well into their 20s and 30s

That's the first part of my sentence, you're right!

Post more kevbo


He looks so triumphant!

So you're saying people with social anxiety can't be trusted not to go on mass murdering rampages?

Absolutely. To be safe, make sure to report every awkward dude at school or work as a potential mass shooter. The sooner they’re on a list, the better. Let’s make society better, everyone!

Definitely not. Its like get a hooker already you weirdo

I definitely don't trust you what a great point

I’d be a hypocrite if I got mad at you.

be sure to upvote and spread the love fam.

Smash that subscribe button.

O B L I T E R A T E that mfing like button

Given the current lack of economic prospects for most men these days, society won't function if you start banning everyone who doesnt get regular sex. Also, not a good idea to have a large population of jobless, sexless men unless you want a revolution.

If they want to start with work place purges, why not start with male feminists. Will probably safe a bundle on future sexual harassment lawsuits

And actual feminists while you're at it, might save on losses, caused by accidentally firing a great employee who just randomly got accused by patriarchy's victim itself.

And why wouldn't the virgins lie and said they'd have sex? What is HR gonna do, ask to smell their fingers?

Virgins are terrorists

Is that someone's reply to the tweet? I don't see it there.

No just general sentiment I keep reading all over, though I would hazard a guess and say it's not a popular sentiment. You see it a lot among rabid feminists going on screeds about how men must die etc.

Used to be the all men are rapists and must die, but now it's all men who don't have sex, are incel, volcel or virgin are evil incarnate. Really its just that all men must die to them.

Incel is just another term for virgin.

Imagine sexually harassing men in your workplace, asking them if they're virgin or if they have a sex life or not - and if they answer incorrectly that means they're a terrorist.

this really isnt the thread for your jerkoff fantasies dude

yeah bro that's exactly what's gonna happen XD

How many teenagers are currently alive on earth at the moment?

Just wanna know how severe this terrorism problem is :(

Incels are dorks and if you a re virgin past the age of like 22 you need to seriously look at your life

Man I can’t wait till all these loser blow up and shoot up another school then people are going to turn around and be like how can we have prevented this. 😂😂😂

Potentially the greatest tweet of the week.

Not with Kanye on the loose.

Kanye's trying too hard. Pao's coming in with the super hot fire.

kanye just wants to sell records, mama pao is gonna save the world

It's classic Pao.

'Creating' value for her current commercial endeavors by latching onto irrelevant nonsense.

Private (commander) scouter infantry 0020, wishing to speak to Sgt 4chan please.A2324B29. We have a new target!

Chairman Pao is correct.

The lack of strip clubs and hookers in today's business culture chokes off a crucial pipeline between lonely, unattractive employed men and rabidly aging slatterns.

Speaking of pipelines!!!

$ sloots -v -a | incels -u -e

Why the verbose flag for a piping command? And sloots probably outputs newlines, so you should use xargs in this case imho?

It's because bitches talk to much.

the verbose flag

Bro, do you even Incelix? It’s the —Vagina option

Well, shit, it's not specified anywhere that -v should be for verbose, at least not according to https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Command_002dLine-Interfaces.html or http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap12.html Guess you get used to something so much that you start thinking it's a standard.

Well, shit, it's not specified anywhere that -v should be for verbose

Incelix is not POZIX compliant by design, you fucking GNUbalist, and literally every sloots and tradthots binary I’ve ever used is verbose by default, you mongoloid.

Guess you get used to something so much that you start thinking it actually is a standard.

Odd then how you never made the switch to using “option” instead of “flag”. đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”

Obvious Chad incel’s clothing is obvious.

assuming <Name> <space> <lastname> format, xargs would treat them as separate inputs.

I believe that incels should be piped into sloots, because of the inside-outside nature of penis and vagina relationships.

the inside-outside nature of penis and vagina relationships.

pls keep your transphobia out of this *nix sub

How come I'm not surprised?

In an industry filled with thirsty kissless old virgins, of course that group will feel threatened by the arrival of more women. More people who will be able to tell them they suck, that they are without remedy, that they are disgusting to normal people? I'd feel threatened. Then again, they should feel threatened, because they are the kind of people (these pasty-white, socially inept, inexperienced neckbeards) that shouldn't be hired to begin with! Not women, but them! Their toxic personalities, which got them where they are now, and their disgusting hygienic standards (not to say anything about their unattractive looks) is the stuff that drove people away from them in the first place.

As a woman in tech, I'm sick and tired of dealing with social outcasts in an everyday basis. None of my non-STEM friends deal with things like this. Every time I talk to them about having to work with people with zero social skills, that don't share any interest in normal social events, that have zero social experience, that get creepy, that are the epitome of the neckbeard, I'm treated as though as I did work in some sort of hospice for the mentally challenged. They get to work and collaborate with normal, well-adjusted coworkers, which makes their work more fulfilling, makes them want to improve and get involved, and even have repercussions in their social lifes. Me? It's like dealing with freshmen from high school. And I dread the possibility of encountering them outside work. Like, fear-for-my-life level of dread.

The real problem with IT? It's filled with socially inept white men. Get rid of them, and see the industry boom. You think the Knuths, the Dijkstras, the Hamiltons, the Shockleys, the Moores or the von Neumanns of the past were socially unadjusted? They were normal people. They managed to get along with normal people. Chat, keep a conversation, date, get laid, party, go out on weekends. It's impossible to work with people who are better described as "androids trying too hard to forget they are in part humans". It simply doesn't work like that. Maybe in the future, when AI manages to take over the software industry, such an entity can be useful. But this industry basically demands that any newcomer becomes maladjusted. That is bound to backfire.

And you are seeing the backfire already. China is gaining ground. So does Europe. Places where the neckbeard, socially inexperienced virgin stereotype of an IT worker doesn't really exist. I've worked there with amazing and talented people who also knew how to relate to people, how to collaborate, how to work in groups, how to socialize. They were creative. That's why you see a drop in quality in Silicon Valley: they are hiring robot-wannabe, academics-obsessed manchildren who have known (or worse: cannot know) any other life than coding/software/engineering. Of course they are going to stunt. There's nothing new. No new ideas, no new worldviews. The same always-repeated mantras, dogmas, rule-of-thumbs and "deities"/idols they worship.

Again, the solution? It's not "hire more women/black people". It's stop hiring socially stunted, inexperienced, kissless virgins. Then women and minorities will flock back to you and you'll get several new sets of fresh eyes.

Is this pasta?

No, it's noodle(36) 💯😂👌

👌 👌 👌 delicious 😋

Lmao this is great. I think this one of the best tweets in some time. Just waiting for the trollx/gender critical/etc threads to read the circle jerk

I like the incel backlash because white males finally understand what it means to be stereotyped.

What's with the downvotes? MDE 'fugees must hang.

It's not a radical centrist viewpoint.

when you're so far to the right that simply advocating for the impending mayocide isn't seen as centrist.

I don't understand what this means...

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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because this board is full of female incels lul

Yeah, it's about time that perma-virgins got knocked off of their high horse, I was really getting tired of people being able to cut in front of me in line at the grocery store just because they have an official X-men membership card.

Mayos have literally never been stereotyped before.

Can't dance, no rhythm. Can't run or jump. Small dicks. Most racist race. Against diversity by nature. Sensitive and insecure. People call others who are lame too white. Inbreeders. Emo and weeb. Dumb hillbillies. Either tight-laced or an addict. Mope about first world problems. Cuckhold fetish. Bland, nasally voice. Veganism.

Sorry, my priveleged pasty white trash ass shouldn't be talking. I forgot that I'm not allowed to be upset about racism against me because my great(*4) grandparents weren't slaves. Link to remind that racism against white people is indeed racism, whether or not we are minorities.

u/STUPIDFUCKINGCOMET, time to give up.

Many Incels aren't white though...

Stereotypes are a bitch, aren’t they?

Yes, I've been on the receiving end of stereotypes many times and they are quite bothersome.

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White men is being stereotyped all the time.

And moreover white men are being blamed for anything and everything bad in the world. But what has happened, is happening and will be happening

You mean Asian and Indian males.

If you are a boss, and you paid a bunch of escorts to have sex with your incel or suspected incel employees, is that illegal?

It's not immoral, just illegal.

I wonder if shes implying that there is a actual incel (not a virgin, but a reeeeemales incel) on the reddit staff. That would explain why reddit is literally letting them radicalize leading to acts of terrorism.

Spez keeps his women locked up in his apocalypse bunker ready for when the nukes fall.

I think you mean female clones of himself. Spez is a clonecel.

Pass PATRIOT ACT IV and send all incels to gitmo.

Wait? Isn't she basically a femcel married to a gay black man who uses her to fund his financial fraud?

This is correct.

That's three strikes.

Would that make him a rice burner?

burn the rice pay the price

Only if he actually burned any rice



Choose one

am i memeing correctly?

It's okay to steal $160,000,000 from firefighters as long as late night hosts like you.

And then she banged her married coworker. Not sure why anyone takes her word seriously. She’s an idiot.

she was basically the perfect ceo for Reddit until MRAs gamergate the_Donald incels fucked it all up

You know how Japan has pretty much mandatory after work social drinking? The US should introduce this but instead of bars they'll visit whorehouses. Problem solved.

You're onto something. Legalize prostitution.

It would create more jobs for women, incels would be more productive so they could afford it, rape would be reduced, more money goes into local economies, child trafficking would reduce due now that the government can keep an eye on brothels, reduce the number of violent incel outbursts.

Its a win-win.

And it can be taxed

This would work on paper but you forget that USA is the main cause of modern feminism being completely afwul hatred ideology, almost as bad as incels.

So nah, we'd just have more femautists screeching while you bang hookers objects legally.

they'll visit whorehouses

I mean, businesses basically did this in the 80s/90s. That and going to strip clubs. But feminist outrage culture put a stop to that.

I'm bad at the dating game. You don't see me writing manifestos and killing women like Elliot Rodgers. Lots of people have romantic/social struggles. Most people, unlike them, don't project it in violent ways.

Give it time, Brent. You'll get there (to the manifesto writing/spree shooter phase) one day.

First they came for the gamergators, but I did not speak out because I was out in the woods and besides idgaf.

Then they came for the conservatives, but I did not speak out because I don't give a shit about God or fetuses or mobility scooters.

Then they came for gun owners, but I did not speak out because the average gun-grabber is unarmed and even skinnier and less coordinated than I am.

But then they came for the incels, and I didn't really care too much.

Then they came for me, and there was nobody who liked me enough to speak up...

They could've come for you first. Same difference.


And after all that, the world a pretty damn nice place, where we all felt super good.

I remember a thread from the ancient days where some woman on one of the femcel subs basically got grossed out because she had accidentally slept with a virgin male, and tried to recast "lying about your virginity status" as rapey. I wish reddit's search wasn't so terrible.

May I propose a Final Solution to the Incel Question?

World's most punchable face only cares about problems when mainstream media brings them up.

Color me shook

world's most punchable face

This post is about Ellen Pao and not spaz.

I'm honestly surprised all the incel subs haven't been banned yet, that one guy that killed somebody really fucked them

Women can vote lmao what

Yeah, their views and expressions of anger/misogyny should not be normalized or allowed. But, many of these men on the alt-right/incel spectrum are open and wanting to be back in the mainstream of society. They need therapy, not further marginalization.

So, are we gonna start a war like this woman suggest or what?

They targeted incels

This went from the worst to the best timeline in 0.6 seconds

Why dont you just fuck them?

Because they will stop calling every woman a femoid and degenerate only for 15 seconds.

Get them hookers as part of their pay?

One hour. 150 comment.

Is ellen pao /our gal/ ?


She never edited reddit comments that made her feel upset, unlike /u/spez

Nobody is perfect, sadly.

If you don't see the humor in that then idk how far that stick is up your ass.

It was a pretty good joke which took balls considering the position he was in. Give the man credit where it's due.

P.S: fuck the redesign :/

lol it's not my ass spez needs to worry about.

it's hilarious because it set the precedent of an admin changing people's comments using his powers, something our El would never do.

Fuck yeah she is. All this drama! Look at it!!

I am enjoying it.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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We are really heading into a world where incels are public enemy number 1?? i guess the power of autism can no longer be denied

It's about damned time

The sand people and their demands are way too confusing

lol at this

You mean, an industry where many of its workers grew up and went through their formative years being rejected and shunned because "eww, computer nerd!" might just have Incels in it? yeah, im shocked!

that's a lame meme

29 days ago

Kinda late m8

Old feminist complaint: men are oversexed New feminist complaint: men are undersexed


Old femautist complaint: everyone just wants to fuck

New femautist complaint: I'm 30+ and still nobody wanted to fuck me


The complaint is: "Hey theres a bunch of people who think they are entitled to our bodies- and thats kinda scary." Imagine a sub full of dudes who think they deserve to bum you in the bumhole- and theyre super salty they cant- and they think if they get in your bumhole- it will greatly improve their social status. You know you would sketched out.

l ll

ll l_

So as someone who’s never had a relationship, only ever had sex once through Tinder a while ago, am I part of the evil incel menace to be sent to gaol or gulag or McGas chamber now? đŸ€”

yes and it's self service.

No, you're disqualified by your own admission

wtf I love Ellen now

This actually makes me really uncomfortable. Like, the sort of altright/nazi witch hunting is one thing. They, at least in theory, represent a political movement that seeks to spread its views and those views are bad.

This is a whole different ballpark imo. Incels don't seem to have some kind of cogent ideology. The primary defining feature seems to be mental illness. The idea that we need to take action against and condemn a group of mentally ill people seems a bit unsavory. Isn't the woke approach to mental illness supposed to be treatment?

I guess there is something to be said about the fact that these people get together and stew their ideas together on these boards, but it's not really the same as an ideological group imo. It just seems like a bunch of mentally ill people making each other worse. It feels wrong to me to target them outright.

Yeah, while this all sounds wrong, that canadian guy killing a bunch of people is NOT something you should ignore.

An incel killed 10 people, and critically injured 15 people. That sort of attack invokes terror on the populace. And will bring much wider attention to the shit these people post in their community.

Incels are extremists by definition and this attack has put them in the mainstream attention.

Mentally ill people kill people and do all sorts of shit all the time. Any number of school shooters or any other psychopaths have murdered or done any number of bad deeds.

Looking at it as “an INCEL killed 10 people” is just an excuse to witch hunt for its own sake. People are just looking for a way to box this incident in and morally crusade against a supposed enemy as opposed to addessing real and difficult problems.

The actual problem is that not every incel should be hunted down and killed, only ones on subs like /r/Braincels, who actually are a threat to society.

A virgin male killed 10 people and critically injured 15 people.

Yeah, remember that before people with vaginas, and also people with penises commited murders throughout our history so how about we just kill every single person who has a penis or vagina?

What a faggot.

Not all virgins are incels.

But self identified incels hold extremist views that have real world effect to the point of mass killing.

You can ironically shitpost about this and try to downplay it, but the cat's out the bag.

So, can you bring in statistics?

How many incells killed at least one person since 1900 and how many existed since then? Both the actual numbers and percentages please, thanks.

The number 1 cause of death is heart disease and cancer.

But yet terrorism is the most talked about in news and in mainstream consciousness.

We aren't taking about rational forces here.

We have two documented cases of mass killing sprees due to incel ideology. Because of this, a lot of mainstream news readers are paying more and more attention to this.

Again, the cat's out the bag. People are going to various lengths to be wary of this shit. You can't pretend this ideology is innocent anymore. The more you defend this, the more people are going to question your motives.

I never pretended they are innocent, now statistics or gtfo.

Incel has become a term for any man who dares criticize an individual woman. Fucking fuck

I think the worst part about it is that you used word criticize unironically, because it's fucking true, in current year it doesn't matter whether you point something out or call them a degenerate femoid onahole who's only good for sex, you're fucked anyway.

Kms, but unironically.

As someone who has dealt with a lot of shit women who often got away with what they did (not incel like boo hoo she doesnt like me) but actual fucked up shit like abuse and cheating, it pisses me off to no end how half of the fucking population , who by the way commits half of most crimes, gets away with it. And reddit, in this very sub, defends it

this very sub

You mean, everyone ever except incels and other mentally impaired trash.

It's like people who get pussy don't give a fuck at all and people who don't get pussy extremely hate on them.

If people would treat women as humans and not gold, there would be no inequality. Nobody deserves an out for their anatomy

Not gold really, more like kids. I mean, they never reach the point in their lives where their mentality isn't the same as a childs but yeah, women obviously are incapable of doing anything wrong or anything at all so duh.

I say equal rights equal fights. I hate being violent but im not gonna let people beat up on me anymore no matter who it is


But muh whamen are weeker den men reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Isn't she the married cunt who slept around with married coworkers and then sued her firm for hundreds of millions because they frowned upon it? At least she's not an incel.

wow virginshaming! this will surely help men with sex life!

also pao is a fucking cheater

Cheaters get laid though.

What are you going to do about it?

Realistically nothing, maybe a boring training. Ideally, they would drug the incel's lunches with incredibly dangerous substances like Tap Water to alter their sexuality.

Who do I hate more, Ellen Pao or incels...?

I think I'd rather spend an evening with the Supreme Gentleman tbh.

Why not both?

Give them all pocket pussies and be done with it.

Since when did this sub become so big on incel sympathizing? People autistically trying to say "not all incels!1" no, no decent person would self-identify as an incel.

Trying to legitimize the term is retarded as there is nothing to legitimize, if these so-called nice incels exist, they'd have a separate subreddit or forum that was actually active. I doubt any lonely guy wants to be associated with this label either.

Ellen Pao is a dumb hoe.

As someone who knows nothing about them other than it’s pathetic, unattractive men, is there a reason I should not sympathize with them?

Incels often post about how rape should be legalized, how they're owed sex and how much they hate women etc. Most incels I've seen are actually perfectly normal looking too, it's not their looks lol. People don't hate incels cause they're virgins or unattractive.

/r/braincels are brigading, like pissing in an ocean of piss

no decent person would self-identify as an incel.

That's fine, but what if another person (say, Ellen Pao) identifies you as an incel? You don't have to subscribe to some weird incel ideology to be labeled one, and if you are "involuntarily celibate" (anyone who isn't a monk and isn't having sex) then there's no way for you to defend yourself from such a label.

This comment section is a shitshow

She’s trashing sad, unattractive men? Is this real?


The amount of hate these guys get for being edgelords because nobody fucks them is ridiculous. Then again, the majority of incels are white, so they probably deserve it.

fucking lol what does she propose to do to check, smell everyones dick

Have sex with them and see how long they last /s

it's the duty of every ceo to fuck r/drama posters(incels)

Wait, what should they do? Fire anyone not getting it on the regular? Provide prostitutes?

I am really disappointed there aren't several posts about this in pro-incel subs and anti-incel subs, with meta posts in /r/circlebroke and SRD and meta-meta-posts in other subs.

Why can't reddit be mad at something when I want it to? Damn. Come on!

Since when is a general inability to get laid a political demographic?

Reddit is full of incels across the political, sexual, and gender spectrum. It's the UN of incels.

This just in:

Ellen Pao tells tech CEO's that they very likely have employees who use Reddit!

Sounds kind of like butthurt revenge to me.

Not bad. maybe her time at reddit taught her trolling at least

Intel is thrown around almost as often as nazi. do these people say this shit in real life? because that's how people start to have concern for your mental health with good reason

the virgin menace must be eliminated. we need to take it a step further from movie theaters and implement a nationwide no-singles policy for every public place on pain of death

ITT: drama implodes on drama. Drama density so high, no one can escape the thread.

Irrelevant lady comments on irrelevant subculture of sexists. (Anti-news(

lol at the sticky toni morrison quote

I can't separate the jokes from serious comments in this thread.

Got so deep into this thread I was going to reccomend it to /r/subredditdrama but that's where I am.

maybe the HR team needs to start including sex workers as part of the EAP.....

MODERN WESTERN MISOGYNY differs from that in most preliterate societies because it often takes on deceptively sophisticated, even aesthetic expressions, unlike the biology-based, mystical beliefs we have seen in places like New Guinea. Often subtly reasoned, European misogyny places less stress on notions about magical pollution, bodily fluids, and witchcraft, and relies instead on “scientific” judgments about woman’s inferiority. Given the richness of fantasy involved, the Western variant could be called a misogyny of the imagination.

IF MISOGYNY IS A PREJUDICE based on uncertainty, then what is most striking about misogyny is how consistent the uncertainty is. Everywhere we look, men are sorely divided in their feelings toward women, but everywhere the repetitive emotional complex in so many males clearly points to some psychogenic factor above and beyond the vicissitudes of social context or environment. Explanations based on politics or economic “systems” certainly cannot do complete justice to the problem, for it seems that all political systems, economic arrangements, and ideological systems are consistent with misogyny.



dis gon b gud

Proof that women are subhuman.

Cry harder.

stop taking things you read on the internet seriously


Did you need a /s? I know autism makes it hard to detect sarcasm for the average redditor so you guys use gay shit like "/s".

Who knew r/drama was just as full of pasty awkward virgins as the rest of reddit.

Not surprised tho.

Men who can't get laid are now a recognized terroristic threat that need to be singled out.

wow 2018

Welp, USA isn't gonna have any male teenagers in schools anymore, besides few "chads"


Wait, this is a thing?

Does she realise shes just announced for tech companies to get their unshaggable employees to get laid?

hahahaha...oh god...I'm dying, this is too rich....make it stop...hahaha

(yes I'm genuinely in stitches here)

Was she trying to be funny?

the isn’t gonna chanel the fact that you won’t tell me your address, friend.

"CEOs of big tech companies: You almost certainly have blacks as employees. What are you going to do about it?"

Hey don't be talking about me negatively. I will ban yo @$$!

What is going on here is conflation of two things:

  1. Young men who can't get laid and are unsurprisingly angsty about it (population: millions)

  2. Young men who can't get laid and are members of specific movement that makes them even more angry and worsens the problem (population: thousands)

As long as you pretend that 2 is the same as 1 you win.

Force her to service those incles .

She's toxic. She's been fired from so many positions and never takes any responsibility for anything.

If she wasn't a woman, she'd literally be an incel herself, she's so ugly.

Pao, you go girl! Stop hating on Ellen, she's awesome.


I'm am incel I want my company to do something for me

In opposed to incompetent psychopaths like Ellen Pao.

Should CEOs of big tech companies really be taking advice from HER?

If these people honestly think preventing people from gaining employment will do anything but drive them toward crime or terrorism, then they are all complete fucking retars who should just eat a few bullets so that the rest of us don't have to live in the shitty world they're making.

Next comes the final solution to the Magic the Gathering menace.

More importantly those 'Bank of Cultral Marxism' posts are fantastic. Holy shit they upset pretend minorities.

^(Let me preface this with the should-be-unnecessary comment that yes I do get laid and no she's not a hooker. Ah, the age we live in.)

Wow. This woman is literally pressuring het guys who might not be interested in having sex into getting laid just so that they can avoid potential career and legal ramifications from misunderstandings. And then making it so that they could get ostracized anyways because they're not good at it because their heart's not in it. She's almost as big of an idiot as the idiots on r/physics

lol she just call for a witch hunt?

Or we could read the headline like this:

"Men choose to remain virgins rather than have sex with Ellen Pao"

What a time to be alive

I don't really have anything valuable to add, I just want to make the 666th comment.


OK, my favourite response on Twitter was, "@ekp we could put them all in concentration camps. Or haven't we reached that stage of tolerance yet?"

Made me lol