Trollxrs Double Triple Quadrupled Confirmed Obeasts

144  2018-05-06 by Trajan_


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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sentient snappy

I literally can't wrap my head around thinking "it hurts just to walk" while simultaneously thinking "I'm a perfectly healthy queen yassss slay"

Thing is, I'm healthy and have thick thighs. It's a thing in the summer since I work outside all day and refuse to sweat to death in long pants. You don't have to be morbidly obese for chafing :)

I'm healthy and have thick thighs


You don't have to be morbidly obese for chafing

Yeah, you don't have to have a thigh gap to be healthy, retard, but if your thighs rub together from normal walking/jogging/living to the point that it causes rashes and pain, you're overweight. You have an excess of fat that is negatively affecting your quality of life.

I bust my ass doing manual labor every day. So yeah. Not fat. But I'm sure you know better than I do about these things because you've never experienced them. No skin off my nose if you choose to continue to be an uninformed idiot.

Post pics + height + weight or gtfo.

You first. I'm 6' at 180. So sweetie you put up or shut up. I'd love to see your beautiful mug.

6'8" at 200 lb.

I guess this makes you a manlet son.

A little on the thin side, I used to be around 125, so my doc put me on appetite stimulators. I'm much healthier now.

Quick question tho, what weight were you in that pic?

I don't think that's 180.

Yes I'm 180. I'm also 6 ft tall. This was last summer, I've actually lost some weight since then due to an extended hospital stay.

You gonna post a pic? She did

hot if true

Do I need to write /r/drama across my nips or something?

/r/drama on one username on the other please.

This shit is really hard to do in a mirror so you'll have to make do with just a really shitty written /u/Trajan_ for your masturbatory sessions.

Good on you for posting a pic, I'm not even gonna address your foot and a half sized head or your cheap floor. But nah seriously I feed you.

I think I'm relatively lucky. Proportions get fucked when you are my height.

When did you escape from Dachau?

He's cultivating so much mass ๐Ÿ˜

Hot af tbh

Paging /u/nmx179 and /u/ed_butteredtoast, which one of you is this?

Too thicc to be me ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I'm 6.8 m 200 kg

Holy fuck. Same as me. Am man. Am also get fuck.

I have these large things on my chest that weigh quite a bit.

Ma'am. I'm glad you are comfortable with yourself. You seem pretty happy, so even if you are wrong, maybe that's the right kind.

Yes I am happy with myself. I'm not unhealthy. I'm not skinny nor fat. I'm good with that. Because I'm a recovering addicted that used to weigh a little over a hundred pounds. I eat right and exercise. Women are held to a rediculous standard that is pretty much impossible to achieve unless we starve ourselves. Fuck that. I like pizza.


thick thighs

hay gurl how u doin

You're really hot lol

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You don't actually look fat. Color me surprised. Might I recommend not walking like a sperg then?

Yeah. Again. You don't have to be fat for chafing to occur.

Chafing occurs due to excess fat around the quads.

You are in denial. One good photo where you're sucking everything in and turning your hips to create the illusion of a slimmer line doesn't negate the fact that chafing occurs due to excess fat around the quads.

reads username.

Haha milko bussy taytay /r/drama.

Even then, good bond is a life saver, I prefer the medicated with menthol. Like having an air conditioner in your pants ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

There's a huge difference between "doesn't look fat by American standards" and "totally healthy."

No, she's not an obese horror show who's ready to be on "My 600 Pound Life." But it's sad that that's the standard we go by now. If she's experiencing thigh chafing, she absolutely could drop weight to improve that. If she aesthetically likes where she is then good for her, but if her thighs hurt when she walks, she needs to shed some fat to fix that.

We're also seeing her in the classic "look as skinny as possible" pose.

True.. Considering my older brother is 6'7.5", 180 lb, and actually fit (military), I'm hesitant to believe that picture is actually 180 lb..

Skinny fat.

Women with a bodyfat percentage >20 are fat, doesn't matter if BMI is "normal"

Amazon queen

posts in lesbian sub

My heart ๐Ÿ’”

Posting pictures of yourself on Reddit.

Are you honestly mentally ill? That's like asking for some neckbeard to dox you.

To dox me for what? This picture is on the Internet. On multiple family member's various social media sites. I work for myself, and live in the country with mean dogs. I survived being stabbed. Anonymity is a myth. I don't really care if someone wants to hunt me down to call me thunder thighs in person. I enjoy reddit and keep the stupid fb for messaging friends that can't keep the same phone number for the life of them. I'm not hard to track down and don't really have anything to worry about because someone knows my name.

Neckbeards/incels don't need a reason to dox you. It's kind of what they do. That and binge-eating compulsive masturbation on a waifu pillow.

Srsly tho, take this the fuck down. People have revealed less only to see their pics pasted on CP and sent to their places of work.

Done. Dare I ask what cp is?

Child porn, and honestly thanks for deleting it.

Ick. I think I'll go back to gardening to scrub that thought away. Thanks for the heads up!

No problem!

It should be the first search term on Urban Dictionary. Rather popular material certain parts of 8chan like to spam during raids.

I have officially become too old for this kind of shit lol. I now understand why old people would shake their heads to "kids these days" when I was a youngin.

These are not exactly things of my time either. Back when I was a kid on the internets, the edgiest pranks people used to pull was stuff like this

He's right. At the very least, put something over your face. I delete all of my shit after a couple of days anyway.

congrats to you're dad on the transition


Still waiting.

[My hand writing is positively crap].(

Thank you fellow bean pole. You look exactly like my brother. It was awesome when I grew out of my olive oyl stage.

No offense but I'd rather be on the light side then have my thighs rub together in a way that creates rashes.

In my case it doesn't happen all the time. Just in the summer when it's above 90. I also wear short shorts because I don't like the farmer tan look.

Have you seen a naked woman in person? They tend to carry weight on their thighs naturally.

Oh, excuse me, wrong sub. Ham planet, fat logic, bussy bussy bussy.

Several actually.

They tend to carry extra weight on their thighs.

They tend to carry extra weight on their thighs.

I kno, rite? Them ham-planets are gon collapse into a ham STAR, lololol

Think you are looking for /r/subredditdrama

Fuck those commies, always cencoring free spech.

virtue signalling that you have a fat fetish, how brave of you.

You think I'm more obsessed with fat people than those fat people hate losers? That's a hot take.

fat people are subhuman, get over it.

hamicide when?

Post proof, otherwise you're just another hambeast lying.

I bust my ass doing manual labor every day.


So yeah. Not fat.

Every overweight woman convinces herself that she's "all muscle." I have no doubt that you have muscle in your quads. Carrying excess weight puts stress on the muscles which causes them to grow. However, eventually the muscles adapt to the weight and the growth stops. So perhaps you have more muscle than a very slender woman, but you are not some freak of nature who has developed the type of muscle usually obtained by juicing and squatting progressively larger amounts of weight merely by being overweight and having a manual labor job.

If manual labor made you buff, every day laborer and mover would look like The Rock. Again, these jobs help you to build some muscle, but again, the body eventually adapts and the growth stops.

The muscle in your quads is not causing you to experience chafing. The fat on top of them is. For you to have thighs that were chafing specifically due to the muscle and not an excess of fat, you'd have to be a bodybuilder taking growth hormones.

But I'm sure you know better than I do about these things because you've never experienced them.

I'm a personal trainer and I know chubby girl bullshit when I hear it. Maybe this helps you feel better about yourself, but it's not helping you to improve your health or improve your quality of life.

No skin off my nose if you choose to continue to be an uninformed idiot.

No skin off my nose if you choose to tell yourself and others lies in order to feel better about yourself.

Oh Mr personal trainer then you must know my body type. I'm a competitive swimmer.

Oh Mr personal trainer then you must know my body type.

Miss Personal Trainer, you fucking sexist.

I'm a competitive swimmer.

Competitive swimmers don't have such an excess of fat that they experience physical pain and rashes from their thighs rubbing together. They also don't spend all day working day laborer jobs during the summer because that's peak training season. I'm glad you swam in high school, but you can't rely on exercise you did 10 years ago to keep you healthy for the rest of your life.

Considering the fact that your whole post history is you bashing other women for how they do their makeup, it's kind of a mindfuck that you're taking someone pointing out that "your thighs chafing when you walk means you probably have an excess of fat" so fucking personally.

Yeah. I have to work too.

Must be a shitty competitive swimmer with no abdominal muscle definition and grease fire starting thighs.

I can make you sores with these thighs ๐Ÿ˜‰

I fuck up my back when I do squats. How to not do this?

That whole "visualize sitting on a chair" thing helps. Don't be afraid to really stick your ass out. Keep your back straight and push your booty out. Let the range of motion come from the ass, not the back.

Also, one reason people will slip into bad form is because they're trying to use too much weight at once. Master the bodyweight squat and then progressively add more weight. I'm a big fan of airing on the side of caution with adding weights. Better to not be sore the next day because you went too light than it is to throw out your back because you had to break good form to try to lift more than your body was ready to lift.

Also, while this advice might be useful, having a trainer actually observe your form in person and correct it is the most useful thing of all. It's worth the money.

Thanks. I'll probably find a personal trainer to fix my form. Last time I tried it I hurt my back so badly I could barely lift anything for like 4 days.

No problem. There are a ton of "proper squat form" videos on YouTube too if you want to actually see it.

Post vid and I'll fix

I tend to build a ton of muscle in my shoulders and thighs. I started swimming when I was 12 due to a knee injury and have never stopped.

I tend to build a ton of muscle in my shoulders and thighs.

Okay. I don't know what part of "if you don't progressively add more weight the muscles will adapt and the growth will stop" you don't understand. I totally believe you might have the propensity to build more muscle in those specific areas, but you don't magically grow them out of nothing.

I started swimming when I was 12 due to a knee injury and have never stopped.

Great, swimming is a great exercise. But you're not a "competitive swimmer" if you do swimming as your cardio workout. I take ballet classes as part of my overall fitness routine but I'm not a ballerina.

When you dive off that little platform and chase everyone else in the pool it's called competitive.

Okay well I have to go dance for the New York City ballet now. Bye.

Toottles! Imagine being so unhappy with yourself that you have to call everyone that you don't know a liar and working so hard to disprove every little thing anyone says. Everyone's body is different. I'm simply informing that you don't have to be morbidly obese for skin to hurt sometimes. I have no issues nor do I need to see your college degree in order to demand proof of what you say you are. Have an excellent day and I'm going back to duck walking around my yard to kill all of the plants that are strangling my beautiful flowers. It's a beautiful day here in North Carolina and we had a shower this morning. Rain always makes it easier to get the stubborn weeds up. I enjoy ripping them up by the roots and ending they're pitiful existence.

Imagine being so unhappy

Shut the fuck up. You spend all of your time bashing pictures of other women's makeup. You're the unhappy one you old hag. You're also in zero place to be bashing other people's appearances, you rode hard put away wet lookin' ass.

Everyone's body is different.

Yeah, some people are fat. Some aren't.

I'm simply informing that you don't have to be morbidly obese for skin to hurt sometimes.

Thigh chafing is caused by an excess of fat around the quads.

Have an excellent day and I'm going back to duck walking around my yard to kill all of the plants that are strangling my beautiful flowers.

Bitch, quit the positivity shit. Your Reddit posting history is nothing but you tearing other women down. Sorry you got a taste of the kind of vitriol that you're so eager to hurl at others.

I enjoy ripping them up by the roots and ending they're pitiful existence.

Me but with people's excess fat... which causes chafing when there's an excess of it around the thighs.

Makeup can be taken off and yeah, it's funny when people fuck it up then post modeling pictures, or lie about what brand they're using. Genetically large thighs cannot be taken off. Pictured above with me is my daughter who thinks she's fat because of comments like yours. It's an issue that she shouldn't have. You assume someone is fat just because they say they're not? It concerns me that you're a personal trainer.

It concerns me that you're a personal trainer.

I'm with you. I like my personal trainers who tell me to love myself the way that I am.

I'm on the cusp of just doing this. My home gym is getting pretty fucking PC. A part of me just wants to nod and say "okay!" to client fatlogic, let 'em lift a couple of those little pink chew toy weights then send 'em home with some positive affirmations. Fuck it. I get paid either way. If they don't want to change then why the fuck should I care.

Makeup can be taken off

So can fat

it's funny when people fuck it up then post modeling pictures

Okay, well then it's funny when people are in denial about being overweight and post bikini pictures.

Genetically large thighs

Not a thing

cannot be taken off

Which is why you see so fat thighs in concentration camps and areas plagued by famine. Thermodynamics, woman.

Pictured above with me is my daughter who thinks she's fat because of comments like yours

Your daughter thinks she's fat because she's fat.

It's an issue that she shouldn't have

I agree. Stop telling her she thinks she can be healthy at any size. Tell her to eat right and exercise.

I don't get your kind. On the one hand, "fat is fine" and you're proud to be "curvy," but then on the other hand, it's a bad thing that your daughter thinks she's fat. Is fat good or bad? Your logic doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

You assume someone is fat just because they say they're not?

If someones thighs become painful and chafed just by merely walking, it doesn't matter to me if they say they're not fat, I know this is not the case.

It concerns me that you're a personal trainer.

It concerns me that you're a mother since you posted a picture of your daughter in /r/drama so you could win an argument with a random internet autist.

As I said. It's a picture readily available on the internet. Validation for what? Because you're dead wrong lol. I'm sorry your feelings were hurt because of that. May I please have your number? Next time I hear the teenage girls talking about what surgery they're going to get when they grow up, I will refer them to you since evidently you are the almighty one to emulate. I do feel bad for you, along with all of the other trolls that try so hard to be edgy and fit in with the cool kids. Please go hug a dog. Plant a flower. You'll feel better.

It's a picture readily available on the internet.

Someone already explained to you why it was dumb to post it here and you took it down.

Because you're dead wrong lol


I'm sorry your feelings were hurt because of that

My feelings aren't hurt. I'm not the fatty here.

May I please have your number?

I'm not stupid enough to post my personal information on /r/drama

Next time I hear the teenage girls talking about what surgery they're going to get when they grow up, I will refer them to you since evidently you are the almighty one to emulate

That'd be a great idea. I'd tell them that liposuction and fat-targeting procedures are temporary fixes that can have long-term consequences. I'd teach them how to stay fit through a smart diet and exercise plan. I wish more parents brought their teen girls to me.

I do feel bad for you, along with all of the other trolls that try so hard to be edgy and fit in with the cool kids.

I feel bad for your daughter, because she's fat and her mother lies to her.

Please go hug a dog.

Fuck, mayos are such garbage people.

Plant a flower.

That's the Mexican's job.

You'll feel better.

I already feel great. Because my thighs don't chafe when I walk. Because I don't have a surplus of fat around my quads.

Oh damnit. I forgot I needed your approval before I got tattoos. My bad. At the end of the day I'm still happy and you still have to live with yourself. And seriously, what is all of this mayo shit? What did mayonnaise ever to to hurt anyone? I tend to not be up on internet trends.

I forgot I needed your approval before I got tattoos.

I guess those women forgot they needed your approval before they did their makeup.

At the end of the day I'm still happy and you still have to live with yourself.

Yeah, dumb white trash is usually happy because dumb white trash don't know no better.

And seriously, what is all of this mayo shit? What did mayonnaise ever to to hurt anyone? I tend to not be up on internet trends.

Or fitness trends, apparently.

"Mayo" is a word for negativity. When you say "mayocide now," it's slang for basically getting rid of negativity and spreading positivity. "Bussy" is slang for kindness. When you say "post bussy," it means "post something nice."

So you're a pro mayocide bussy bitch? TIL. Thanks sweet pea! And I'm smart white trash. Get it straight ;)

So you're a pro mayocide bussy bitch?

You really hit the nail on the head.

And I'm smart white trash.

That's not a thing.

Kind of like how "my thighs chafe because they're just so muscular" isn't a thing.

Well I am so humbly grateful for the education that I'm obviously lacking today. I shall go forth and teach my friends about the new slang words I learned. Should I stop buying mayo? Oh, and what exercises cut fat but don't build muscle? I will immediately stop working so hard and do the exercises in a gym. That way it will be REAL exercise. Oh. Also. What will make the fat on my chest smaller? Big bras are ugly and expensive.

Should I stop buying mayo?

Not necessarily, but use a measuring spoon when you eat it and eat it very sparingly. A tablespoon of mayonnaise has 90 calories. Adding a tablespoon of mayonnaise to a sandwich or wrap is fine if you add just a tiny bit for flavor, but once you're slathering it on with abandon, you might as well just toss the "healthy wrap" and have a bowl of ice cream. Mustard is your friend. 0 calories. Just watch out for honey mustard, as it's full of calories and sugar.

Oh, and what exercises cut fat but don't build muscle?

You can't spot treat fat with exercise. Eating at a caloric deficit is the best way to cut fat. Cardio helps but its fat loss benefits are frequently overestimated. I never told you not to build muscle. I said you were lying to yourself by blaming your "chub rub" on muscle.

I will immediately stop working so hard and do the exercises in a gym.

I think it's great you have an active job. Sedentary jobs are killing people. But an active job isn't a substitute for physical fitness. And an active job won't make up for a poor diet. There's plenty of day laborers with beer guts. It's because they eat like shit.

What will make the fat on my chest smaller?

I know you're being sarcastic, but this really demonstrates how you know fuck all about health and wellness. Every fat chick thinks "tee hee, all of my weight is in my giant boobs and that shit's genetic!"

Chances are that you are grossly overestimating how much your breasts weigh. This is five pounds of fat. Based on your photo, I would say that your breasts weigh maybe 10 pounds together. Maybe. If you don't believe me, cradle your breasts in your arm and then go pick up a 10 pound weight. Your breasts do not weigh more than that. You are lying to yourself if you think all of your weight is in your chest.

If you genuinely want to shrink your breasts, weight loss will do that. Breasts are made of fat cells like any other fat cells. They shrink. Go to /r/progresspictures and you'll see an abundance of formerly fat women who lost weight and lost breast volume. It's a frequent gripe of women who lose weight. You're asking me sarcastically as if it's impossible to lose weight from the breasts which proves that you're a fucking idiot.

BTW, you can view one of my positive flowers in my posting history too.

damn dawg, murdered by words

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I bust my ass doing manual labor every day. So yeah. Not fat.

Because nobody who does manual labor is ever fat.

Anyone who does it right instead of hiding from work isn't fat. Because I've had quite a few of them try and work for me.

So you discriminate against fat people when hiring?

Nope. Hence the statement that I've had a few of them try and work for me. Shit. Please find me a fat employee that will come to work every day sober and keep up with me and I'll be happy.

Please find me a fat employee that will come to work every day sober and keep up with me and I'll be happy.

Yeah all those fatties are lazy drunks.

Drunks I can deal with. It's the ones that get too high to function at work is what in sick of.

I get it. Fatties have no self control, so they easily fall into addiction.

Shit. I guess I am fat. I'm 11 years clean now. Ya'll have been awesome with the entertainment today. Thanks for the laughs!

Thereโ€™s a very simple way to solve this If you can break a watermelon with your thighs, you have thick thighs. If you donโ€™t, youโ€™re not

break a watermelon with your thighs

You need to be squatting upwards of 300 lbs to be able to do this. It's kind of a Crossfit thing. I don't really understand the appeal, but then again, I don't focus on that "thick" thing when I'm training, I prefer to make people lean. I think lifting heavy is great for women, but when you're starting to get into "crush a watermelon with my thighs" territory, that's when you start to look bulky and I find that that's not what most women want. When most women say they want "thick thighs," what they mean is they want lean muscle. They don't want fat thunder thighs, but they're not trying to get very thin legs either.

Internet fatties love to preach about how "MEN LOVE MUH THICC THIGHS" and "THICK THIGHS SAVE LIVES," but out in the real world, "thickness" really isn't all that coveted. At least not by the people paying to see trainers.

300.0 lbs = 136.08 kilogram

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Most healthy women, even those without โ€œthick thighsโ€ can crush a watermelon between their thighs if they do kegels. Also I thought you worked outside, not trained for a specific body type

Squats barely work the adductor muscles.

Healthy according to who?

>im so fat that just walking literally causes my thighs to rub their skin off but its totally healthy guise

Id tell you to hit the gym but we all know you wont because its too much work.

height, weight, bodyfat? Pics? I don't believe it?

picture proof or fuck off

My knees, back, ankles, joints hurt, I am out of breath constantly and get light headed just by getting up. I have a physical dependency on sugar and am pre-diabetes.

But it has NOTHING to do with my weight. The fatphobic doctors just hate my curves. /s

I didn't used to be so savage against the chunkos. When fatlogic was just a Tumblr thing I just thought it was funny and had no real opinion on it.

But then fucking clients IRL started saying this shit over and over and over again and I became a certified fatphobic bigot.

I don't care about what people do with their bodies, the consequences will be their own to bare.

But obesity in children is rising, it isn't a 'genetic' thing. It's parents coddling them and being lazy with their diets and no discipline.

It's also a siphon on the healthcare system since these people's lives are being artificially prolonged. It's why they all very vocally support universal healthcare.

Although they require more care per year, their life spans are so much shorter that they actually cost less overall. The real loss is the opportunity cost of all the ways they're unable to contribute to society.

i see, the better alternative is to end their lives when they need care or start to develop chronic conditions to solve the pesky middle man

introduce UHC with a tax on added sugars or setting levels of acceptable levels (no more than a teaspoon of sugar per xxx grams of floor for a bread or some garbage), tax all non essential garbage to the ground (junk foods, sugared drinks, candy, crisps, gelatin based candy, etc. don't be vague so there will be loopholes.), make cooking courses mandated (idk if they are in the states, best teach alternatives to meals that come in plastic ready to be heated up), introduce mandated exercise programs to the workforce, reduce use of private transport to promote public alternatives or healthier methods like biking or walking, stigmatize fat people by shaming them for taking more food than their comrade and doing less work, tax people over certain BMIs, have fat people mandated to contribute hours to public community service, have every town, village, and city send forward their fattest citizen above acceptable BMI levels and watch them turn her into soap, remove colourful and appealing packaging off junk food, promote industries of unsweetened alternatives (like unsweetened tea)



I blame the education system more than I do parents. PE is given very little focus over dumb electives that benefit no one in life. And I don't think they give you much dietary advice either in terms of how many calories you should eat or not. You have to keep in mind that a lot of kids eat 2/3 of their daily meals at school. I think we need to really restructure the educational system from an early age because a lot of people graduate knowing calculus but not basic shit to live as an adult.

gravity and friction are patriarchal constructs

"just put lubricant on your inner thighs so they dont get red raw from rubbing on each other from being so fat!"

or alternatively dont be fat but i guess thats too much effort

Rub your inner thighs with leftover grease from the triple decker burger you ate for 2nd lunch.

i feel like a lot of trollx posters would have a natural layer of grease

Also a guy, but morbidly obese so thighs used to rub together.

/u/AutistcCuttlefish You are at a place in your life where you're bitching about how your fat thighs rub together in a subreddit for women. Jesus Christ dude, where did it all go wrong?

Yeah it starts to hurt after awhile. Major chaffing, heat rash, etc.

I use more petroleum gel type products in the summer than I ever do during the winter as a result. Pants and shorts also end up wearing out in the in seam really freaking quick because of the chub-rub.

Just another reason for me to lose weight and get healthy.

Well you aren't getting very healthy by sitting on a women's forum bitching about your thunder thighs you fucking vagina. Delete your account and start spending all your free time in the gym. There's hope for you yet, bitch tits, but it's gonna take a lot of work.

You can't be mean right away. Ping them with something nice first and then be mean.

/u/AutistcCuttlefish can you tell us more about your symptoms?

You are right, my mistake. Edited.

/u/AutistcCuttlefish Good afternoon, proud male feminist. Thank you for schooling us womenfolk on how to be a true progressive warrior. If you'd be so kind as to peruse this thread, I have offered some kindly suggestions on health and wellness. Wakanda forever, you woke chick magnet!

/u/AutistcCuttlefish How many women have you raped?

You can do better.

They gave it a "cute" name (chub-rub) to try to make it seem less disgusting.

They know why they did it. They know what they're talking about.

Why not just stop being gross?

"Sweaty engorged rash ridden puss filled skin blister fat rubbing" doesn't sound as appealing.

Maybe to you it doesn't.

i thought chub rub was something else

Wow. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, I wasn't trying to belittle what women go through or anything, I thought I was being sympathetic.

I guess I was wrong to say anything. I'll remember that next time I have anything that I think might be sympathetic my autism is probably lying to me and I'll just shut up.

Well no dude, don't respond that way. Call me a cunt or something.

my autism is probably the only reason I think so and I'll just shut up.

We at Autism Speaks are working around the clock to eliminate autism. Our finite resources are constantly stressed, but I am positive we can find a spot for you at an Summer Fun Camp. Our camps connect you to a welcoming community of neurodivergents and a plethora of counselors dedicated to making sure you keep yourself safe.

Join us here man. It's far better than trollx.

I am absolutely disgusted that being that fat gets that much of a following and discussion in TrollX.

Half of the posts on there are about eating pizza, drinking wine, or doing both at the same time, did you expect differently?

You are right.

The majority of trollx users are fatcel(l)s. It's a circlejerk promoting unhealthy lifestyle choices like being fat, alcoholic, and hating 50% of the population.

Yeah, what it was just me not spending time thinking about it. You are right. When it surfaces, it just reminds me of how disgusting they are as people.

That's what happens when it's the majority...

I expected the usual grasping at straws, not a legit 75 post thread on thigh chafing.

Get the fuck out and come back how to write misleading edgy titles.

/u/Maegaranthelas why would any of the anorexics here be frightened by weight induced heart failure?

Monistat makes and anti-chafing gel that is awesome. I get it at Target.

I really hate learning new things about the world of obese women.

I'm not only amazed that they offer products like this, but that they have a selection of products like this.

I'm not amazed at all, in fact I've never been less surprised about something existing.

What's your favorite brand?

Mixture of cum slowly seeping out of me and whatever grease drips onto MY body from the food I eat that's not even unhealthy, it just goes against the Bigveg party line.

Or you can save moneybags by using leftover pizza grease instead.

So much easier to just eat less and move more

wait a second, this isn't drama

God fat people are so fucking disgusting.

Also a guy, but morbidly obese so thighs used to rub together.

Yeah it starts to hurt after awhile. Major chaffing, heat rash, etc.

I use more petroleum gel type products in the summer than I ever do during the winter as a result. Pants and shorts also end up wearing out in the in seam really freaking quick because of the chub-rub.

Just another reason for me to lose weight and get healthy.

Why are you invading female safe spaces, /u/AutistcCuttlefish?

I was watching family feud the other day and one of the top answers to a question about the benefits of being a nudist was "no chaffing"

Who are these people

The real main benifit of being a nudist is at the beach. After going to a nude beach in hawaii I learned how nice it is to actually be dry after you get out of the water, not waiting for your suit to dry.

Well that was the second benefit, the main was I was surrounded by a lot of damn attractive naked women, this beach is hard to get to so the fatties are limited to only the brave ones.

Damn. I'm a fat guy and my thighs don't even touch each other. How fat do you gotta be for this to happen?

Girls store fat in difference places than men.

All fat. They are all fat.

Exactly xD All I could think was this person is probably intimidated by confident women, as they won't stoop to sleeping with him. So us ladies talking openly about having big thighs and wearing pretty things is super scary

Fackin home run chippah, double gunz

user reports:
1: 80 comments in linked thread, no drama, 149 comments here, this sub sucks now

You know what? The reporter is correct.

Pretty sure they qualify as trainwrecks you ass wipe. Now go back to doing nothing.

No, it's not. It's boring as shit.

Do your thighs rub together when you walk?

Lmao. You spent a whole day cooking up a "fat" insult that 5-year-olds would be embarrassed by? Oof.

What's your follow-up, suggesting my mother is a whore? Or is that when you pretend your dad is a cop and threaten that he'll shoot me?

I'll wait another 24 hours for you to figure out your options, Chuckles.

No need to project.

Not all of us are hopeless NEETs.

So your response was "no u". Now I know what your parents must feel - abject disappointment and maybe even a touch of humiliation that we dared to have even low expectations of you.

Ooh, so original, I'm positively shaking.

Imagine being parents of an /r/drama mod.

Again with the "no u". I expected nothing and you still find a way to disappoint.

Again with the again with the "no u".

Try something original.

Are you having a stroke?

Nah but you've given me cancer.