/r/The_Donald be like...

455  2018-05-07 by ProblematicReality


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Kanye one of us. Bahahahahaha

But he loves gun control and Emily Gonzales πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Dragon πŸ‰ Energy πŸ”Œ

The cord emoji kind of resembles a dragon head with horns at a glance.

Gibs guns 🐡

The confusion in the tweets of that Mark Dice dildo were hilarious

Implying Kanye is capable of loving something that isn't Kanye

Thinking that's something to write home about

Add it to the pile of reasons you're utterly pathetic.

Muh mueller

I legit think you and everyone else would have been better off had you experienced SIDS instead of the FAS you have to live with.

I think that type of negative thinking is why you guys can’t get laid and rent vans to run folks over tbh

Overdose on meth please

Poopy di scoop


Wow, you're so close.


You're so close to knowing what sarcasm is.

OH! It's like a game! Let me know if I'm getting close. Just say say "warmer" if I get closer or "colder" if I'm moving further away.

People like handjobs.

MAGA based negropede!


ΰ² _ΰ² 

For further information, the personw ho drew this comic is an actul milko nationalist who doesn't like T_D milkos because they aren't righty enough.

Now that's fuckin' basted

viva la raza

Ah lie ah cheet ah steel yo!

I wish they'd bring that back :(

I haven't had grapes in a while, i should get some.

Me too actually. Imma go buy a bunch tomorrow and feast like a roman emperor.

I used to love grapes, but for some reason whenever I eat them my teeth get super sensitive for hours afterwards. Sad.


Grapes are really hit or miss tbh. Either you get a good crisp bunch or some mushy ones.

You can afford actual grapes! Ha! Check your privilege. In the hood they only got purple drank!

Got any grapes?

Grapes are a really good source of polyphenols, vitamin K, copper, and vitamin C--plus they're delicious. They are quite expensive where I live so I usually only buy them on sale, though.

Fuck you. I didn't want to know about that.

Someone tell this retard that his original redpanels art-style looks way better than this shit

/>being an aficionado of political web comics

It's actually a good profession

Political comics were once very detailed, clever and expressive illustrations and have become derivative, unfunny garbage because the internet claps when other retards parrot the retarded things the parrot from the internet

Is it confirmed that it's the same guy?

More like samy goy hahahha

nice one haha

Did the guy do a 180 or?

Nah, this is a different white nationalist who doesn't like T_D because they aren't racist enough.

Should've had them offering the guy watermelon or a bucket of KFC.

Grapes were offered. Close enough.

drumpfs finished now

Trump is a pedophile nigger.


big if


Esque failure

is not an option

It's the rule.


Well he ain’t white, and he walks into dressing rooms while underage girls are dressing so both of those check out

good post

Bastard blocked me after sending him hentai.

Bastard blocked me after sending him hentai.

Also, make sure you never say anything bad about Israel.

"Stop being so pushy democrats! We will conform to your marxist worldview all on our own!"

We need a dem back in the WH asap so those FEMA death camps get back on schedule. Wypipo are out of control

I thug guy this

Is Stonetoss the new Redpanels?

Both of them are white nationalists, so yes.

Why is this shitpost on my front page?

14/88! Hello Hilter!

Yes, but is this good for Bitcoin?


Le r/politicalhumor LOL

Except this is actually pretty funny tbqh

This was drawn by an actual white nationalist.

/r/The_Donald suddenly cares about the opinions of a black man.

Should've been watermelon slices to drive the point home

i've been starving myself for two days and it feels really good. you eventually get this weird euphoric endorphin rush. this must be why anorexic chicks get addicted to it.


Yeah non racists are racists. You sound like broken records.

I love my African Americans.

Not wrong, but how is this drama material?

tbh if I got a bunch of subhuman cumskin animals doing my shit for me i'd probably shill more often

I bet I know a word that has power over that.... lady? I think it's a lady.