Absolute meltdown in /r/programming today during a new Rust version release

24  2018-05-10 by saddertadder


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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If I see Rust on a resume I'm going to laugh in your face as would a carpenter seeing hired help show up at the work site with a rubber hammer.

A rubber hammer like a mallet? It's literally a tool you use in carpentry.

You can tell he's done a lot of construction work in the past!

my friend that's a carpenter has an Tool[] belt. One of the type T of Tools is a Rubber Mallet, among many other Tool objects

Python 2.7 is the only language worth learning.

and something that runs on the jvm because that fucking thing is everywhere

Install Gentoo

Wow. This is ur worst post yet.

fuck you never diss /u/Ed_ButteredToast, bitch.

anyways, real 10xer devs install stock ubuntu or buy an overpriced linux distro AKA macOS

Real niggas run all their shit on TempleOS

Holy C compels you!!!!

real 10xer devs install stock ubuntu or buy an overpriced linux distro AKA macOS


not using Hannah Montana Linux

Be 2020, notice plebs not using Barbie B-Bright Laptop.

This but unironically.

It's like you haven't even heard of Red Star OS

Numpy and the scipy stack are losing 2.7 support in 2020, time to grow up big boi

Python 3 is better than 2.7 u right

What advantages does rust have over C++ besides memory safety? There's tons of static and dynamic analyzers out there for C/C++, and last I checked Rust was beaten handily in benchmarks. Is it actually worth using or will it go the way of D or (lol) Vala?

that is such a broad question i cant into atm. do u even "Hello World!" bro?

what is pointer :S

what is byte :S

what is reference & :S

The only reason I took a look at Rust was the "statically linked binary", because I love the idea of easily distributable (and easily cross-compiled to other platforms) small tools I often write to prop whatever shit is burning in other people projects.

Any particular reason you went with Rust over Golang for this? I mean, they're both meme languages, but I'm curious

The error handling in Go makes me go apeshit. At least when I looked into it. Now I'm trying to switch to Nim, because it's bit Python-ish in syntax.

Nim looks kinda neat. Python-ish for sure, but compiled and statically typed, which is great. I just don't see the use case.

Semi-embedded systems, system tooling, tiny daemons, you know the edge between programming and system administration. From what I understand it was developed as a stop-gap for gamedevs who wanted a nicer language that can still be used with C++ (it does compile to C, so you can have your .o and stick it in)

Semi-embedded systems, system tooling, tiny daemons.

Isn't that just C tho? Rust reminds me of D. It's not a bad language at all. It's got some great features to make life easier, but no one wants to contribute to big projects using it because no one wants to learn a new language for something that could just as easily been done in C++

Anything is better than lua

What advantages does rust have over C++ besides memory safety?

Hipster cred, mostly.

I thought Erlang was worth the most hipster points. That or Haskell

Get with the times, geezer. Haskell hasn't been cool since like 2008.

Erlang is for people who don't want to actually produce anything of value, but still want it to be provably correct.

I miss when people were still finding ways to make useful and funny shit in Brainfuck 😔 esoteric >>> functional

Let me introduce you to Malbolge https://esolangs.org/wiki/Malbolge

The first "Hello, world!" program written in it was produced by a Lisp program using a local beam search of the space of all possible programs. It is modelled as a virtual machine based on ternary digits.

Now this is podracing

Stack exchange has a code golf forum

Fuck no. Hipsters are too piss weak and beta to deal with an ownership-Nazi like the rust compiler.

Now node.js, on the other hand...

I'm pretty sure comparing Rust compiler to Nazis gets you banned from the Rust """community""" for wrong-think.

I like it's match construct, basically like the C switch-case on steroids and meth.

And cargo. Having had to juggle cmake, make and scons I can appreciate a built in build system. With unit test support out of the box, to boot.

What it doesn't have is the need to fuck around with new/delete/malloc/free. I can definitely appreciate that little timesaver.

From an embedded guy's perspective, it cross-compiles to baremetal targets (e.g. an ARM Cortex M4) a lot more readily than anything else.

You wanna use c++ on baremetal? Great! Prepare to strip out most of the cool shit c++ offers, unless you want a binary ten times bigger than your program flash.

You might disagree with me, but benchmarks aren't everything a language can offer. Horses for courses, breh

You wanna use c++ on baremetal?

Absolutely not. That's why I use C. These points are all valid, but I've used C/C++ for so long messing with build systems and memory is just part of the job now. I wouldn't mind something making my life easier tbh, but C is comfy and familiar. Any chance you could link my lazy ass some neat projects using Rust?

No c++11 on embedded devices? Can you use shared ptrs, auto and templates? I've never used c++ outside of boring desktop environments

am I the only one who still likes c/c++? yeah its a pain in the ass, but it doesnt restrict you from doing anything and has pretty much no extra performance costs aside from you not using poor or naive algorithms yourself...


hol up

dont make me post this to /r/programmingcirlcejerk

C and C++ are dinosaur tier. using a managed language like Java or C# is a godsend

ugh I hate java. and C#. C# is easier, sure... but it stops me from doing a lot of stuff that I want that may or may not be potentially dangerous.

I dont like managed code for a variety of reasons. you can argue with me, if youd like. but I wont care or change my mind.

I know C# and java too, and though those are easier, id still attempt to make any final project in C++.

Although your talking to someone who also values assembler and from time to time, tries to tinker with it pretty ineffectually on emulators and such.

I will personally admit, that productivity is not even comparable between them, but this doesnt mean lower level languages have no benefits. even if i can code in C# or java in 1/4th of the time, and in a majority of cases there wont be a noticable impact on performance, there are still cases where C++ is the better tool for the job.

lol replying to your own comment

talking to myself is fun, what can I say?

its cool mang i was just projecting that u r a lil babby comp sci major that discovered MUH_BARE_MACHINE_LOW_LEVEL_ACCESS of C or C++

btw using C/C++ triggers greybeard programming fags like me, thank you.

sorry, I know they are very different. everyone else does it, so its out of laziness.

I dont doubt you might know more than me

who knows, come to /r/programmingciclejerk for fun 😜😝😜😝

im not nearly as good as Id like to be.

Im probably not finishing my bachelors and just getting into IT because I absolutely need to get a job now so im working on certs instead and delaying any return to school.

seriousposting.exe: curious, not trying to be mean

do you live in US?

yeah, not a big fan of the culture and politics in general, but i was born in the USA.

cool mang, I hope it works out for you. study hard and dont be a pittance towards paid resources like udemy or pluralisight. god bless.

I hate when people say c/c++
It implies pre-c++11 and i get nightmares.

I wasnt aware of the implication.

I realized a lot of changes have happened that drive it further away from C, but I didnt realize people took it as pre-c++ 11, so I learned something today.

basically C is very different than C++ so using C/C++ implies that the old myth of "C++ is just C with classes XD!"

pedantic programming nerds like me get mad! grr so angerery!

I thought they meant Rust the steam game.

I was deeply confused.

Rust is so fucking ugly