Former /r/drama mod and current wannabe faghag /u/phedre doubles down on the autism after she gets called out for her power-tripping mod behavior

54  2018-05-12 by TaylorSwiftOfRdrama


I was wondering what happened to her.

lmao how the fuck does someone get de-modded from here?

Paging u/Ed_ButteredToast and u/Annoysthegoys

They didn't like it when i banned the chink YouToob spammers! Fucking chinky commies 😤😤😤

Pol Pot and Chairman Mao did nothing Wrong!

I would've called Stalin on their asses if I wasn't such a fucking softy 😭😭😭

If Stalin would've had control over Japan, instead of the US, Anime would've never happened.

This but unironically ☝️️☝️☝️

You have been invited to moderate r/latestagecapitalism

I prefered chairman Pao tbh

did nothing Wong

it was right in front of you the whole time

This but unironically


T. Rush Limbuagh

lol @ /u/annoysthegoys

Imagine getting removed for actually modding and just before the admins go, 'Yeah, maybe you guys could do some modding.'


It's quite a coincidence, huh?

He got removed after the admins said that. The admins are the only reason we added new mods in the first place.

lmao how the fuck does someone get modded here?

I'll get back to you on that.

Lmao. Dude, how many times was it? Three?

Yeah, three or four I think. Eventually, I think they just got bored of it and kept me lol.

Definitely at least three. I still support you no matter how retarded you act. I try to bring up Wil any time someone trashes you. All-time great post.

/u/masterlawlz is part of the culture here, like it or not. Like America and school shootings

Unironically yes on all counts.

user reports:

1: also posting bussy which is why you NEED TO DO IT NOW GODDAMIT

I have been over this just today!

user reports:

1: it's so hot when you put your mod hat on

Christ you are a dirty bitch.

By not being as good as Masterlawlz.



u/MasterLawlz better come defend the honor of his women /u/Phedre

Women Lawlz a Gigilo? Lol

Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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lol that's the mod who banned me for tranny south park references.

HAHAHAHAHAHA so that's why it has a sandy vagina.


Y'all are still talking about the Ann drama? Jfc

/u/phedre, post noodes


Anyone remember vintage drama of her getting linked here for her heavy handed modding of WoW's sub?


This explains everything.

/u/pizzashill lik dis

I was here when the Annening went down but I don't remember her part in it very well. What'd she end up getting demodded for?

Probably caring this much, but I'd love a link to some of that drama

/u/shallowm you're one of those autistic people who remembers this sort of thing, sort us out geezer

I never actually decided to look through all of it carefully, but here are a bunch of relevant threads:

Here's a little summary of what I think happened (like I said, I didn't really read it, so I might be wrong):

/u/AnnArchist (top mod of /r/drama) says he'll mod anyone who adds some code to their AutoModerator configuration that would make it remove any links to CNN. The other mods of /r/drama are concerned about this because the modmail and some removed comments contained personal information. /u/AnnArchist doesn't care about their concerns, so the other /r/drama mods take it to the admins and try to have them remove /u/AnnArchist from his mod position because he doesn't moderate anything. The admins say no, and all of a sudden, most of the mods are removed (apparently by /u/TwasIWhoShotJR). At some point, they all make up and the moderators are added back.

After a few days, /u/phedre is demodded from some other sub, so in retaliation, she leaks some modmail, changes /r/drama's modmail to the new one, then leaves.


Oh riiiight she was the one who fucked up the modmail! What a fucking autist lmfao. It's like 10x as autistic to do that and then act all buttsanded when you very predictably get demodded for it.

It's like 10x as autistic to do that and then act all buttsanded when you very predictably get demodded for it

The initial demodding was on another sub (I'm not sure which one, but I assume it was /r/omgdrama, because that's where the leaked modmail came from). Apparently, she was mad about that demodding, so she changed the modmail on /r/drama, then demodded herself.

The admins say no

IIRC the admins said yes first, and then changed their mind.

lmfao this is amazing, thank you

I thought Daddy Bird didn't want people to link there? That's why I only linked the screenshots.

Oh, I don't know if that's the case.

Lol, imagine unironically caring about Reddit as much as any of the people in this post.

Your plot to overthrow ann

lmfao imagine squabbling and plotting to take over a fucking internet forum