Creep lives matter!! TL;DR bussy 👌 > gussy 🍑

17  2018-05-15 by BrushingHisTeeth


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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I love seeing redditors with crippling social anxiety give advice on meeting people.

OP: Women, what are your thoughts?


You can ask reddit for advice on niche hobbies, but human interaction, employment, or mental health? Fuck no.

The advice to start out as a friend and then escalate slowly as a way of not being creepy is the easiest way to create creepy nice guys that try to worm their way into getting pussy.

Most actual women on this thread: “Don’t do that” or “actually get to know me first” Autists: “ok but if he was ATTRACTIVE... remember the two rules guys, (insert actually creepy advice here)”

Do you think the women on this thread aren't massive autists as well?

Approaching women, extended edition:

  1. If you are attractive, approach women. You're not creepy.

  2. If you are unattractive, don't approach women. You're creepy.

Special thanks go out to Taylor Swift

Huh. You mean if a woman is approached when she's at the store trying to buy tampons and a box of wine she responds more positively if the person is sexually attractive? You don't say.

That's what I said, but with less insipid preening.

but with less insipid preening.

I know, the way you said it bored me so I had to act like a retard in order to have some fun.

Honestly, just don’t. If I get approached by a guy who I don’t know, I automatically feel threatened. Even with your best intentions, it’ll still be creepy, I’ll be scared and intimidated, and you aren’t getting a date. Just my $.02.

u/catinthexmastree why do you perceive EVERY man as a threat? Have you ever been in a relationship? Are you OK sweety?

I am a very small woman, and while I HAVE been in a relationship, almost every single guy who has approached me before whom I didn’t know has either harassed me or stalked me when I refused their advances.

So you're saying getting to know you is the key to guys not obsessing after you?

Nah, there will still be some who obsess after you, but if you know them you can judge if there’s the “creep” factor for yourself, and it takes the mystery out of the situation

So it happens regardless and it's easier to judge if you know them?

Yeah pretty much, better the creep you know than the one you don’t.

Asking on reddit is like asking people in a dive bar, around 3AM, about the politics. The only people who answer are not worth listening to.