Journalist suffer from Digital PTSD

48  2018-05-21 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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  1. 1915, during the first wave of fighting in World War I the term "shell shocked" was coined to describe the state of mind of soldiers who live under constant bombardment and machine gun fire, being killed by thousands per day
  2. A journo witnesses some violence, goes home and cries about it. Year later writes a whiny self-pity article. Probably defends "punch Nazis!" meme on Twitter.

Somebody can get PTSD from anything that their brain processes as either a traumatic event or a long-term cause of extreme stress. It doesn't necessarily have to be something violent or universally traumatic, though watching people get mowed down by a car could be a potential cause of PTSD in any given person from any culture. Somebody can definitely get PTSD over something that happens online, but for that to happen they'd have to be pretty thin-skinned and comfortable to begin with, unless the stressor was something exceptional.

Sure, I was being dramatic (aka "pretend to be retarded") for a comment sake, but I still think there's one thing that makes me a little iffy: the culture of autoethnography, the incestual (is that a word?) baby of yellow journalism and Gonzo.

People experience violence and its outcomes daily. We cope by the help of friends, family, drugs, whatever. Getting on a platform and preaching about it feels self-entitled and tone deaf.

I totally agree with you and think it's ridiculous that some people's lives are so comfortable that they're able to develop PTSD by reading some fucking chat logs. I just wanted to correct the misconceptions about what PTSD is/how it forms before people started circlejerking about it.

I understand. So now I can fuck off from the office and catch some dying spring sun.


I want to enjoy you tbh

Yes if you brain is soaked in soy

Somebody can definitely get PTSD over something that happens online, but for that to happen they'd have to be pretty thin-skinned and comfortable to begin with, unless the stressor was something exceptional.

Maybe they came across r/drama?

No that’s regarded as ComplexPTSD from r/drama

People that get ptsd from stupid things should be ignored and shunned from society imo

It has to be an actual traumatic event though as defined in the DSM, such as witnessing a death or being raped. Reading words online or having your feefees hurt doesn't count.

The DSM doesn't define what a traumatic event has to be. That would be impossible and wouldn't even make any sense given that the important part of the diagnosis are the symptoms.

Huh, guess I was wrong. Though most of the things mentioned in the linked article are covered by those criteria.

Yeah, watching someone get hit by a car totally counts. Having someone say "kys fag" or "get raped you cunt" or whatever doesn't.

So they were a loss cause to begin with?

No, they've just lived a life of relative comfort. That's not necessarily a bad thing.

At this point, this shit is so retarded I could argue it's more of a case of munchausen due to victim olympics level faggotry.

Tbf this journalist witnessed a person die in a terrorist attack. The headline is clickbait bs.

We've come so far in 100 years.

This continued stretching of the definition of ptsd is giving ME ptsd.

PTSD is just a cycle wherein some sort of stimulus that's connected to a traumatic event in someone's brain elicits a stress response, which reinforces the idea that the stimulus is connected to a traumatic event/should elicit a stress response. The definition hasn't been stretched at all, there's just a public misconception that PTSD only appears in people who've been at war or raped or whatever. In reality it can be caused by anything that the brain interprets as traumatic, and what's interpreted as traumatic and whether somebody will develop PTSD over something is dependent on the person and the culture they're in.

Then we really should separate the terms shell shock and ptsd again.

Why? The symptoms are the same and they're treated in the same manner. It's not like PTSD is a badge of honor reserved for vets or whatever. It's a medical condition.

The symptoms are not the same though.

Inasmuch as symptoms for PTSD widely vary based on the circumstance, yeah.

I thought shell shock referred to like, symptoms from the vibrations from the bombardments or something like that?

Al-Sibai said that being exposed to the neo-Nazis’ hateful speech took a toll, especially as an Arab-American woman with a Muslim upbringing. “These White Supremacists are so over the top about Jews"


I've got 4Chan PTSD from High School. Post Traumatic Sperg Disorder.