Jordan đŸ…±ïž Memerson AMA is live

216  2018-05-25 by better_bot


Strap in, bucko.

I asked him too.

That's your contribution to an intelligent discussion? A vague, unspecified criticism, accompanied by an implicitly self-aggrandizing bit of arrogant dismissiveness?

What a lil bitch

His replies are definitely getting passive-aggressive

How would you feel having to talk to thousands of redditors at once?

Genocidal probably


Well duh I'd never agree to it in the first place

Sounds like every criticism he's attempted to levy against """"post modern neomarxists""""

Serpent imagery is unimaginably deep.

I love when daddy pushes his serpent deep.

Q1 )I have been trying to quit my masturbation addiction for 2 years and no amount of different techniques are helping. Do you have any advice on quitting a porn addiction?

I'm aware you spoke on how to quit addictions in general, but I think a porn addiction is extra hard to quit because of the fact that its intertwined with ones sexual urges.

Q2) What do you think of Islam, and the very high birthrate of Muslims in Europe? Do you think Europe can maintain its western culture in the next few hundred years?

Why am I not surprised the guy who wants to quit masturbation thinks Muslims are taking over Europe? He's clearly jealous of their successful anti-porn laws.


Lol of course he got that from reading the cosmic serpent. Basically the book is equivalent to a college student taking psychedelics for the first time and thinking they are super woke. Memerson is trying way too hard to be the next Carl Jung when in fact many of what Jung said was baseless bullshit he pulled out of his ass and hallucinations he desperately tried to give meaning.

I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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u/drjordanbpeterson how tiny is ur penis? 😜😂

He posted a link to old Reddit here, smdh u/drjordanbpeterson

Even JP hates the reddit redesign, haha

The one issue we all can agree with. (Serious post - redesign sucks)

redesign is bad.

unironically die yourself.

"lets put a bunch of empty white space between everything" -reddit retards

That's unfair. They also gave us the option of empty black space.


You retard, markdown is an option. literally just click ont he button to go to markdown mode.

literally just click ont he button

the "GO TO OLD REDDIT" button? I've never looked at the text box on purpose.

The left sidebar is easilly closable.

on mobile? bullhokey

and they widened right sidebar too. for no reason.

CSS wull be a thing, it's just low-priority.

that's retarded and does nothing to address any of my needs

What do you even mean by needing to expand threads on profiles?

notice how on the first one, most of the user's comments are hidden, replaced by some of the comments they're responding to

Redesign compact view actual shows more posts than the old design.

Not with that header it doesn't

I've never looked at the text box on purpose.

There's literally a button in the text box which changes it to the markdown editor. Might be behind a retarded dropdown now, but it's there, and Reddit rmemebers our choice regarding it.

on mobile? bullhokey

Redesign is desktop only.

and they widened right sidebar too. for no reason.

For readabillity reasons lol.

that's retarded and does nothing to address any of my needs

Your problem is that there isn't CSS. That is addressable by the fact that it's an alpha and it's a planned feature.

notice how on the first one, most of the user's comments are hidden, replaced by some of the comments they're responding to

Lol they aren't.

Not with that header it doesn't

Scroll past the header lol.


You're objectively wrong.

Dr. Peterson I shoved 12 Rules to Live By deep inside my bussy and I still have no motivation to clean my room, would a vial of your sperm be more effective?

Pls answer this question u/drjordanbpeterson đŸ˜ŻđŸ˜©

My question is out there now...

I predict 100 downvotes before AMA is done.

It's a good question. Has he ever acknowledged the fact that a cult has formed around him and his 'self-help', or is he just content with raking in the attention and patreonbux? You'd think that someone who actually cares about helping people help themselves would tell his sycophants to stop letting him think for them.

Especially considering how hard he gets for Nietzsche.

Meanwhile on youtube: "10 times Peterson went ABSOLUTELY SAVAGE and told us to think for ourselves."

snuggly hug of such unwarranted idolatry?

Meh leading the question.

Memerson fans need to read some Kierkegaard

A cult ... telling people to take individual responsibility for themselves.

If they are taking individual responsibility for themselves then why are they letting some random professor tell them what to believe/how to think and defending everything he says regardless of whether or not it's true? And why is there a fixation on blaming 'cultural marxism' for society's problems and in extension their's?

I assume they've weighed the evidence and come to their own conclusions as to what to believe. Perhaps you can ask them all individually?

Perhaps you can ask them all individually?

The reason that research even exists is so that people don't have to waste their time and money trying to do this...

Ok, so maybe they all looked at research as well.

"and how many bleach you drink everyday"

Are you some kind of third world oik?


Your comment is written poorly. Might have made sense if you just said "how many litres of bleach do you drink everyday".

I've edited. Take a look. 😍😍😍

Fucking A+

Could be a second world oik, posting from Russia for half a loaf of poopershnickel and some cold borscht.

Close enough.

Ukraine and some perogies and lard? Belarus and some of whatever they eat there?

Not an european.


n e recipes from your area?

gimme your nudes first

give recipes

give pics

It's really another one of those situations where the fanbase is just overwhelmingly shit. And it's annoying that he plays along with his little youtube tards too. His opinions on women are pretty well documented, he thinks that they are better off living traditionally feminine roles, because women have deeply ingrained archetypes that make them irrational, emotional, and chaotic. No matter how many times he makes his views on this crystal clear, you will STILL get his apologists climbing out of the woodworks to let you know that you're 'taking him out of context' or 'falling for a hitpiece'.

Sorry, what is your point?

That he has an opinion you disagree with or that you think he holds an opinion that is harmful?

That he can say shit and make his stance known but people will argue he meant the exact opposite. I dunno it's weird

Second time I'm self-referencing...

The number of people purposefully misrepresenting, misinterpreting and utterly misunderstanding the devices of speech this man employs is astounding.

And it’s ironic that it’s mostly people who study humanities, people who you would think would have a well-calibrate cognitive spectrum to comprehend nuanced views he is restoring into a social zeitgeist.

And this intensity and near-fatal urgency with which these people are placing him on pedestal of villainy only confirms emptiness of their ideology and moral compass.

It’s quite sad for anyone there thinking there is an intellectual battle going on
 a duel of ideas or something

type like a normal person fag

For a second there, I was under impression you are capable of a thought.

be honest, is this you?

For a second there, I was under impression you are capable of a thought

For a second there, I was under impression you are capable of a thought

Indeed, never thought a retarded anime autist would find interest in complex shit above Grade 2 level...

For a second there, I was under impression you are capable of a thought

"what the hell are you talking about? schopenhauer was a genius"


Learn the language or leave.

I'm the guy right below him in that linked convo.

Rate how autistic I sound on a scale from "normal person" to "fag".

you type like you aren't trying to ape people that are clearly far smarter than you so I say "normal person"

Like clockwork..

It's weird from the outside, but it always happens when cults form around people. Before it became a meme, 4-d chess was what trump fans would say to anyone who would point out the contradictions in Trump's rhetoric and platform.

3 things i hate in this world: memerson fans, rick and morty fans, and weed culture

you forgot yourself

i didnt think that needed to be said

this but unironically

I hate hater

lol tell us how you really feel

If you look for a pod cast he did with a guy called Chris Evans on bbc radio 2 he tells how he has about 40 rules and a second book in the pipe line.

lol what a perfectly oblivious response

Jordan Peterson is one Reddit ass nigga

There is zero chance that the top upvoted questions will be leftists shitting on him and his responses get hundreds of downvotes each lol

Can you brigade AMA? Like that comment posted by an r/economic mods is fill with r/badeconomics users

But ama are heavily promoted events that hit the front page so...

He was actually received way better than I expected. He only has two answers in the negatives out of 47 answers. Everything else has either hundreds or thousands of upvotes.

Bill Nye's most recent AMA went way worse, with 13 out of 30 of his answers in the negatives.

sort by top

sees egyptian dna thing

Oh, this gonna be good.

His cultists are getting upset by that question too

They're arguing that him saying "I think, and I really do believe that this is a representation of DNA" doesn't mean that he actually thinks it's DNA.

It must be cool to say shit and then later when you're questioned about it say that's not what you meant and have an army of people to argue that on your behalf.

like Marx but with a cultural agenda... đŸ€”

egyptian DNA? is this a Kekui Cult thing

Nah, have you seen snakes fucking? That's philosophy

One common motif in Egyptian symbology is two snakes intertwined in such a way that they resemble the spiral helix of a DNA molecule. Peterson is not just a self-help guru but is also a professor of psychology. He gets paid to teach his students that the Egyptians made their snake symbols resemble DNA on purpose.

How many Egyps have you asked on the issue?

Have you ever read any ancient Egyptian texts? They left behind their entire metaphysics among many other things and there's nothing even closely resembling a reference to DNA or anything else that nutcases ascribe to them. It's one of the few ancient cultures that documented their belief system at length and yet so many people still try to read crazy shit into it. Buy the fucking Book of the Dead and/or Coffin Texts and read it. There's absolutely no reference to anything that can remotely resemble DNA. Their symbols relate to their religion and metaphysics, which are no mystery. This is so stupid.

Wouldn't it make more sense that they are like that because it's cool? Intertwined snakes looks cool as shit.

A lot of ancient motifs and symbols, even the ones that were borrowed from nature, did have metaphysical meanings behind them, and there's a school of philosophy that examines things like that. But 'the ancients knew about DNA' kind of comments are literally both History Channel- and New Age-tier. It's somebody coming across a symbol that was meaningful to people in the past and going 'well this looks like DNA and the ancients were equipped with some sort of mystical insight that has been lost to time so they must have known about DNA!'. It imposes contemporary scientific knowledge on old meaningful symbols because for whatever reason there's no way that ancient people could find things meaningful for different reasons than we do. I'm not communicating my message well but I don't care because the standards have been lowered by this stupid bullshit.

It's textbook presentism. Just like the economist in the AMA was saying, Peterson is talking outside of his area of expertise (in this case History) and often falls for common fallacies that people actually trained in the field avoid.

Because the Ancient Egyptians clearly had the technology to know what DNA is and what it looked like.

The Atlanteans who bequeathed them the symbol certainly knew about DNA.

And the Altanteans learned about DNA from Aliens.

Pff get you shit straight, it was a combination of the Lemurians, the Hyperboleans, and Annunaki.

Btw most of the time dna is not in a double helix shape

He gets paid to teach his students that the Egyptians made their snake symbols resemble DNA on purpose.

I have to keep explaining it to you heathens: G-d made amorous snakes entwine in a double helix sort of way (because how else, really, like, you got two snakes who want to entwine, that's what you get usually) to symbolize two strands of DNA. Egyptians just used the symbolism inserted by the Almighty into the very structure of reality!


more realistic than black people being ancient egyptians or english

The 'Nazis were atheists' one is good too

His flock is working overtime doing damage control

flock of lobsters?


Hitler regularly used to give research and give speeches on lobsters, they were his favourite species.

Wait what?

Its not a very well know fact but it was one of his favourite talking points at dinners. He used to talk about the social structure of lobsters etc..

I thought they were mostly Lutheran.

The Horst Q. Sechspacks were. The inner circle was into occult shit.

The NSDAP began in Bavaria, a catholic region and a lot of top Nazi officials like Goebbels had catholic backgrounds.

Fucking Bavarians, scum of the earth.

Gott mitt uns?

The 'Nazis were atheists' one is good too

That one's been a semi-obscure right-wing rhetorical point for decades, which makes it even funnier. It's not even new material.

did he explicitely say bazis were atheist? because, while that isn’t true, nazi doctrine certainly wasn’t in line with christian and western traditions, and it was heavily based off nietzsche’s idea of humans taking the moral place of god

the contemporary idea of humans taking the moral position of god

/u/annoysthegoys will have to help me out here, but isn't that an old Jewish idea? Something about man has the right to judge the laws?

Something about man has the right to judge the laws?

That's like the opposite idea tho

Nazi doctrine was pretty atheistic. This isn't the same as claiming Nazism was motivated by atheism.

I'm an atheist, I'm anti-religion. His claim that Nazism was an atheistic doctrine is not factually incorrect.

I think the word agnostic is more apropiate for this.

Did you see besttrousers question? He dunked Peterson really, really, really hard.

No, where is it?

For anyone interested, besttrousers also did a takedown of Peterson's "women entering the labor force resulted in a decrease of wages" in the comments of this post.

Imagine being so stupid you actually believe a reddit post just because someone wrote a lot. That "expert" gets taken down by the first reply to him.

I'm honestly not sure what you're talking about. Are you referring to this reply in which Integralds asked a question? Or this reply in which gorbachev took issue with a single point, and besttrousers ended up agreeing? Nearly every reply to the comment I linked was an honest question that he or someone else answered. Nobody took him down.

I never called him an expert, so I don't know where you pulled those quote marks from. I believed a reddit post because it was well argued and well sourced.

What the fuck are you on about, man? Was that reply meant for an entirely different comment, or do you just get off on making short "haha ur stupid" comments without actually pointing to an argument or making one yourself? If you have a reason to disbelieve what he said or one of his sources, just say that. Vague, pointless insults makes you look lazy, cowardly, or both.

I'm talking about the AMA post you colossal fucking retard, and you're high and holy AMA post literally says "controlling for occupation is flawed so actually there is a wage gap" but in 3 paragraphs which has conveniently enough tricked you.

Get raped you stupid retard.

"I made a string of vague, incoherent ramblings that you misunderstood, you must be a colossal fucking retard."

Not sure why you responded to me if you were talking about the AMA, especially considering I linked to an entirely different thread, but hey, you don't seem to be in the business of making sense.

Funnily enough, you don't actually know my position on the wage gap, because I never said it. The thread I linked to was about women entering the workforce, and I didn't congratulate him on the AMA. You're basing all of this inane drivel off of nothing.

But hey, maybe controlling for occupation is flawed. If there is gender discrimination in a particular industry, it makes sense that women would be less inclined to go into that field. I'm not really sure one way or another, and I plan on reading more on it, but I'm glad to see you have your feet dug into the cement and your head dug into the sand.

By the way, that first reply got another reply, taking down the reply I assume you were referring to.

Look, man, I know you're right, and your high and holy answers are the objectively correct ones and all, but have you ever considered for a second that you might be wrong? A near impossibility, no doubt, especially coming from a stupid retard such as myself, but a possibility nonetheless.

By the way, do you get beat up at school a lot? You sound like you get beat up at school a lot.

But hey, maybe controlling for occupation is flawed. If there is gender discrimination in a particular industry, it makes sense that women would be less inclined to go into that field

Imagine being this retarded. What kind of cardboard 3rd world shithole you living out of if you think women can't get jobs in certain fields because of discrimination ? Yeah women aren't picking garbage industries like construction because the work is hard , noo its because of meanies :(

Hey jackass, you're pulling words I never said out of your ass and arguing with them again. That entire paragraph was you talking to yourself. You also conveniently ignored the part where I said that I didn't really have a stance either way, and that I planned on researching further. I guess acknowledging what I said would really fuck up your ability to write these garbage "gotcha's."

By the way,
Study showing a hiring bias in favor of men, and
Another study with similar results. That one goes more in depth with how the subjects viewed the resumĂšs. And for good measure, neither of those studies were for labor-intense jobs such as construction, so there's another way in which you're wrong.

Wow, that sure does make your whole "GgggrrrrrRRR women only experience discrimination in countries I don't live in!!" tirade look kinda fuckin stupid, huh?

Anyway, I can't wait for your next response in which you find a single snippit of a sentence I wrote that you can take out of context so you can argue with an argument I never made, only to be wrong about that too.

But hey, I'm glad you've toned back the anger in this reply, with 100% fewer requests for me to get raped. Almost like you realized you said stupid shit and decided you couldn't act as smug as you did earlier, in fear that it would happen again. Keep up that improving attitude of yours!

I don’t have a stance either way

The radical centrist strikes again

Hardly. I just decided to withhold judgement until I learned more about the topic.

But hey, glad to see your tone has improved from insulting to humorous.

lol is that what you think a dunk is

lmao imagine being a bogan plumber whose daily highlight is posting on r/drama

lol this sub is getting so srdiney

we used to make fun of angrydm for getting angry at elon musk now you guys are imitating him

Pushing wage gap myths isn't really destroying orvfunking someone

You don't see often that level of detail and expertise though.

He is an autist that posts all day, he thinks healthcare is a normal good, that's basically a red flag for ideology, agenda, or being a retard.


keep yourself safe

That's what makes the dunking even better. If Jimbo can't effectively argue against the idea of a wage gap - an idea that his fans and most redditors don't believe in - he's exposing himself as the as the pseudointellectual poseur he truly is.

Besides there was no dunking

Fam he got dunked on. Losing an argument on Reddit to someone who believes in the wage gap is pathetic.

You seem to have not read the post

Link it, I can't find it, I wanna see him adress the kangs knowing all about dna n shiet.

No, he thinks DNA structure has something to do with Egyptian snakes fucking or some shit

It was a joke, because egyptians = kangs.

Anyway I found it, he read some books and talked about symbolism and lsd in some vague way.

Thanks m8

Ahh everyone's favorite pseudointellectual

I have the same cringe reaction looking at this as I would a bad physical injury.

đŸ…±ïžrigaded! That's how you know it's a good reddit post.

ChapoTrapFags swarmed the AMA and did a lot of damage. They did the same thing with Cernovich's AMA. Not that I care about that, though.

aomeday the chapotraps will come for the radical centrists and there will be no one left to speak out.

At first they came for the fascists, and I didn't not care because I am a radical centrist.

Then they came for the lobsterbois and I didn't not care because I am a radical centrist.

Finally they came for the radical centrists, and I didn't not care because having an opinion on stuff is super gay lol.

Furreal. Lol. Fuck strongly held convictions.

This is pretty good advice considering most people's strongly held convictions are garbage.

you seem to care

I'm sure this is going to go well. The hivemind will definitely be open to a rational and uplifting conversation.

Testing it out now.

From what I've read though, my guess is they're so far up their own asses they're seeing narnia.

/u/drjordanbpeterson on a scale of spooks. just how spooked are you?

I'd actually like to hear his opinion of Stirner.

"Stirner is a spook...ya'know? ...Because he's dead now."--Jordan B. Peterson

Lol, daddy is putting his foot down in that second one.

Listen, it's up to you to show any evidence that I'm not the worst guy in the steam room who refuses to give handies, but always begs for one on my tiny dick hidden in my fat rolls.

fuck you beat me to it

>People have built a relationship with the character.

Hasn't there been over a dozen different actors play The Doctor?

Obviously the most salient factor has been that the actors have always had penises. Not that the show has overarching narratives or anything like that.

I've changed my mind on him. He's retarded.

You've figured this out now?

His trick is sometimes he says stuff backed by evidence such as the gender pay gap being mostly down to fields and the fact that women get pregnant and miss work and men don't. Thus, kkkapitalism isn't creating an oppressive system to destroy females. Then a new cultist picks up some self help books and actually cleans his room.

Then Memerson says "NAZI's were atheists and anti-religious". Now, to the non-cultist this is a retarded statement. However, once you're in and you've become attached to his works you feel no choice but to defend the retarded statement.

That's my analysis of how it works anyway.

Weren't many of the Nazis into some weird esoteric occultism focused on Nordic pagan traditions and "aryanism"? Seems like some people such as Himmler really disliked Christianity because of the shared religious tradition with the Jews.

Nah, the nazi loved christiannity.

They even made their own version, with blackjack, hookers and jesus with a sword.

But nazi were anti religion. Hillyer said National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable. Goebbels and himmler were both anti christianity too. Nazi banned small religions like jehovah witness and persecuted larger ones like Catholics.

They even had a movement called Positive Christianity which they tried to impose. Positive Christianity  removed the "jewey" from christianity, jesus was after all a aryan Roman not a jew they claim, it removed also the divinity of christ, Apostle's Creed, supernatural elements and any semitic origins.

I think he's half n half, listening to him talk about psychology related stuff is always interesting, but every now and then he'll say some silly religious shit that raises an eyebrow

It's fascinating how almost everything he says about philosophy despite how much he talks about it. I love listening to him just because of that đŸ€—


I accidentally 2 words.

So they played themselves? Sounds about right.

When I am mischaracterized, how do I deal with it? Often, first, I get angry, and want to break something.

my general take is 50% with this dude, and 50% laughing at him, and this AMA is no exception

The salt levels are through the roof.

This AMA will break reddit

Drinking game: take a shot for every time someone links a video of some pseudo intellectual youtuber trying to debunk him.

they called him out for not responding to a 30 minute video in the middle of an ama

And that was even after he had posted a response to a question that poses the exact same criticism elsewhere in that thread too.

that wasn’t the only question he didn’t answer lol

Does anyone who holds an AMA with hundreds of questions get around to answering them all?

im talking about questions sorted by top. If he did answer them, they were usually short without explanation, because he had no real answer l o l

Faggy chapo "gotcha" trap questions deserve no response. Better to see them sperg out when they're ignored, anyway.

imagine white knighting this hard for memerson who can’t even back up his own arguments

Maybe there's something I'm not understanding here but does the first comment you see at the top have an upvote count in the single digits? And there are some below it with slightly more and some of the ones with the most upvotes are towards the bottom for me. It's like this when I log out and look at it too.

Lmao you’re sorted by controversial

oh, you're right. I didn't even check that. Yeah he didn't answer some of the current top ones.

Nah, they usually cherry pick the easy ones, just like "Dr." Memerson.


some pseudo intellectual youtuber

Isn't that who Jordan Peterson is tho?

on a serious note his long comment on Marxism and postmodernism is actually a bit silly

Noting that power struggles govern society and being concerned for the marginalized predate Karl Marx by quite a few years... Like in the Bible that Peterson is crazy about. Was Jesus a Marxist?

He's not being clear enough in his language. The idea that literally every human interaction is a power-struggle is one that has roots in Foucault and Machiavelli but really didn't see wide-scale embrace until the Marxists came along. The post-modernist philosophy revolves around the idea whereas Marxism is a much broader school of thought which focuses more on economic theory than philosophy.

So not everyone who believes power struggles govern or impact society is a Marxist or a post-modernist but most people who think that power struggles govern or impact society and that even individual interactions are just extensions of collectivist power struggles (defined by the respective classes and/or race, gender, orientation, etc. of the individuals involved) are Marxists or post-modernists.

He's not being clear enough in his language.

He really seems to have a problem with this despite it being one of his rules for life.

He often admits fault for stuff like this. He says that his own personality (according to the "big 5") is not what he'd like it to be, and that he'd be better off if he was more conscientious. Hearing him get sidetracked or going off on some tangentially related adjacent for 30 minutes when giving a speech is pretty common.

That being said, it's really strange that he doesn't focus more on precision in his language since he knows how much scrutiny he's under and often emphasizes the growing problem with "political correctness". At least Kanye and Trump actually have an excuse (they either don't give a shit or arguably aren't capable of being precise). I expect better from internet daddy.

It'd be great if he stopped intentionally muddying the water between his academic work and his pop writing. But that would be too honest I guess

Sometimes in Maps of Meaning it's hard to tell if he's simply elaborating on the meta-narratives he bases his worldview on and using relevant academic research to support his points or if he means to mostly focus on what the research says and just places it in context with the other things he's talking about so people can relate to it better.


trans-conscientious, bucko


He is being clear, just not clear enough for really stupid people (you).

The cynical obsession with power-struggles has roots in Foucault and Machiavelli (and goes back to at least the Melian Dialogue in ancient Greece) but really didn't see wide-scale embrace until the Marxists and Fascists came along.

generally when one says something "has roots" in a specific figure, that person was supposed to have existed before the other things in your timeline, not after

I just think the idea wasn't really well-developed until Foucault and Machiavelli but you can argue that their beliefs are derivative of older ideas on some level.

That's what I mean. Disregard my imprecise language.

it's just really weird to lump together two writers that are separated by hundreds of years like that, is my point. especially when youre tying them to political movements that emerged centuries after one of them died and decades before the other started writing. it's just not a very coherent narrative.

Well sometimes the stages in which ideas are developed are separated by a very long period of time and the people who develop them the most can be separated by hundreds or even thousands of years. Isn't that pretty common in philosophy? Political movements can come along at any time and pick and choose which philosophical ideas to adopt. Just because the timeline isn't short doesn't mean it isn't coherent.

Can you talk a bit about your educational background?

Sjwism wasn't developed until the 1960s but also the 1500s

Machiavelli's theories on power formed the foundation of the school of realism in International Affairs. I think his ideas of power struggle generally refer to one society, civilization, or state versus another but he did also talk extensively about human motivation/self-interest and power struggles within a regime. At that point he was talking about it within the context of a government.

Marx extrapolated the concept of power struggle to be one between classes within a society. The post-modernists not only changed and broadened which collectives or social orders constituted "classes" (which vied for power with one another in a society) within the same framework but were also the first ones to propose that all individual interactions between people are extensions of collective class struggles.

he never denies the existence of power struggles and agree hierarchies tend towards tyranny he just claims the removal of these is much worse for society in general

That's a non-point given that forming hierarchies is a part of human behavior though. There will be hierarchies in whatever social group humans form. The fact that he's afraid that there can even be a removal of hierarchies is pretty dumb.

its not dumb because thats what a lot of left wing people would describe as an ideal world. like you said hierarchies are human nature so it would be very painful to force humans to live against their nature

A world without hierarchies where everyone gets along would be ideal. But what is the threat here? Why would somebody by threatened by the idea of something ceasing to exist when it will happen naturally regardless of what happens? Why is the idea that we need hierarchies so important when they'll develop regardless of what happens? The only group of people who explicitly wants to eliminate hierarchies is extremely small to the point of being near-irrelevant, so why the big panic? Why is this an important topic when it would naturally sort itself out?

Why would you or whoever is getting worked up get worked up over something that is not only a non-issue given that only radicals want it but is impossible?

because its not impossible it would just be extremely painful, for you

Is it peterson who started the cultural marxism meme ?

No, but he's definitely cashing in on it. It got started by some paleoconservatives a while back and has made a resurgence as of late among self-proclaimed classical liberals and the far right.

I didn't say that he wasn't. It's just that one meme of spiderman pointing at spiderman.

He is an academic at a prestigious university (or at least was). He is an intellectual, though you could argue that his field has little to do with what he's saying now.

He's a small time psychology professor. That doesn't automatically make him an "intellectual."

As far as I'm aware an intellectual is someone who professionally engages in what you'd call intellectual pursuits. A professor definitely qualifies as an intellectual. Also, UofT is one of the best universities in the world, and the best in Canada.

I would disagree. He is clearly biased which means he does not pursue new knowledge. He instead doubles down on what he believes. To be an intellectual you have to constantly question your beliefs. You never become set in your ways.

But I have had it figuered out all along. I did a book report in 8th grade and got a A-.

I’ve had*

Damn you.

U of T is not the best university in Canada IMO. That title would probably go to McGill

small time

Small time except for the bestselling book, multiple media profiles and millions of patreon buxx

but that doesn't count, since his opinions are incorrect.

well, small time in terms of professing I guess?


That's your contribution to an intelligent discussion? A vague, unspecified criticism, accompanied by an implicitly self-aggrandizing bit of arrogant dismissiveness?

New snappy quote?

I'll say



Ur mom gay

Tbh, you're probably right. Some THICCness started hanging out at my house when I was younger and was super helpful. Turned out she was chatting mom up on a daily basis and ended up staying with us for a few months.

Well TBF he is a pseudo intellectual clinical psychologist.

Why the downvotes?

He's a professor of clinincal psychology in a university with multiple peer reviewed studies that have been cited thousands of times.

A tad bit higher than "pseudo intellectual youtuber".

He literally puts out videos on youtube where he talks about subjects he has no education or authority in. That's by definition a psuedo intellectual youtuber, regardless of what his day job is.

Like for example what?

Are you...are you not looking at the AMA? Literally has quotes from all his video appearances where he's made incorrect statements about subjects he's got no expertise in.

History: Atheism caused Nazism; twin snakes in ancient Egypt is dna symbol

Philosophy: his whole stick about "postmodern neomarxism" (a concept that cannot exist fundamentally)

Economics: women entering the workforce lowers men's salaries

Do I need to go on?

History: Atheism caused Nazism; twin snakes in ancient Egypt is dna symbol

I've been asking for someone to link me this the entire time, I'm dying to see his egyptian thing response but nobody will fucking link it to me.

Philosophy: his whole stick about "postmodern neomarxism" (a concept that cannot exist fundamentally)

Why can't it exist?

Economics: women entering the workforce lowers men's salaries

Does this need explaining really...?

More available workers = More replacability = Lower wages.

I've been asking for someone to link me this the entire time, I'm dying to see his egyptian thing response in the thread but nobody will fucking link it to me.

Because you're lazy and won't go into the thread. It's an upvoted top level comment.

Why can't it exist?

Marxism is a modernist philosophy Post-modernism states modernist philosophies are incorrect. "Postmodern Neomarxism" makes as much sense as "Scientific creationism" (hint, there's nothing scientific about creationism).

More available workers = More replacability = Lower wages. It's the same thing with immigration depressing wages.

That's literally not how this works.

Because you're lazy and won't go into the thread. It's an upvoted top level comment.

In case you didn't notice the thread is a clusterfuck you dipshit.

Marxism is a modernist philosophy Post-modernism states modernist philosophies are incorrect. "Postmodern Neomarxism" makes as much sense as "Scientific creationism" (hint, there's nothing scientific about creationism)

He litterally explained this in the thread. Instead of being lazy, go in the thread and look.

Instead of copypasting links make sure to actually read what they're saying yeah?

People went from one breadwinner and a housewife, into 2 people working being nessesary.

Or are you going to say that 1 person working families are possible now?

It's actually not I once again urge you to actually read the AMA before trying to argue with people in this thread. I'm well aware of what the links say, because unlike you I'm actually reading the thread. His responses to these questions were, like you, stupid.

1.) Do you have the dna helix comment/reply or not?

2.) That's a cute way to avoid adressing

People went from one breadwinner and a housewife, into 2 people working being nessesary. Or are you going to say that 1 person working families are possible now?

1) It's here you brainlet

2) It's already been addressed in the link I posted previously.

1) It's here you brainlet

So, you were basically exagurating bullshit.

2) It's already been addressed in the link I posted previously.

I read it, and no it hasn't. Breadwinner families can't exist today.

"people taking drugs could see it as dna" is reasonable, got it. Imagine pretending to be retarded to defend peterson lmao

He says he read a few books about it, linked them and thought it was an intresting idea.

But of course, when you reach anita levels of asshurt, any inocuous comment is instantly reduced to the most extreme version of itself imaginable.

The DNA thing is ahistorical garbage. Linking books about it doesn't change the fact that anyone who believes that ancient Egyptians knew about DNA is retarded.

Except he never presented it as fact, he said it was a idea he thought was intresting.

Typical Memerson move to avoid being pinned down. He loves to be vague so that any time someone disagrees with him, he or his followers can claim that he is being misunderstood/misrepresented. He has legitimized the idea that the Egyptians knew about DNA by talking about it, and finding such a obviously retarded concept interesting (or plausible) is still incredibly dumb.

I'm starting to think that Peterson is being intellectually dishonest on purpose instead of simply being bad at explaining his ideas clearly.

It's better move than all the spergs who lose their shit over him constantly trying to microanalize everything he says in an effort to come up with some retarded gotcha.


The Amemerson educational system at work folks.

Clean your fucking room kiddo.

U r a national treasure.


Does this need explaining really...?

More available workers = More replacability = Lower wages. It's the same thing with immigration depressing wages.

See, the thing here is you're commiting the exact same fallacy as Peterson did. Because both of you aren't properly educated in economics.

"educate urself shitlord, ur obviously wrong, and you clearly don't understand x, but i won't say why"

Maybe learn what supply and demand is before lecturing others on economics, you'd make less of a fool out of yourself that way.

If you want to know why you are wrong take a look at this thread:

Nothing in this thread even remotely proves me wrong or you right.

That's the reason you're actually afraid to say why I'm wrong and you're right by using words, and instead rely on linking the thread, hoping that nobody will actually bother reading it, well smartass, here's a link proving why I'm right.

Educating retards is part of my job so I don't feel like wasting my shitposting time on that too.
If you'd actually read the posts in the thread I linked you'd know why you're wrong now :)

Christ, if educating people is part of your job and you don't even know what supply and demand is, I weep for the people that have you as a teacher.

If you'd actually read the posts in the thread I linked you'd know why you're wrong now :)

And if you actually read the posts in the thread that I linked you in response, you'd know why you're wrong by now ;)

"postmodern neomarxism" (a concept that cannot exist fundamentally)


his whole stick about "postmodern neomarxism" (a concept that cannot exist fundamentally)

Sure it can. One can be heavily influenced by Marxist theory without buy into 100% of it. Saying otherwise would be like claiming that only people who stick to the letter of Charles Darwin's writing can be called Darwinians.

Nope. Peterson is a solid academic and decent public intellectual who sometimes states conjecture and wild speculations way too confidently. The problem is that he'll frequently jump from reasonable premises to his own opinions seamlessly, creating the impression he's

  1. Trying to make a bullet proof argument or statement of fact (when in reality, he seems very open to revision and correction)
  2. Intentionally peddling bullshit.

The issue is that clinical psychology (his area of expertise) allows room for this type of thing, but other disciplines absolutely do not.

The issue is that clinical psychology (his area of expertise) allows room for this type of thing

Not in research psych, at least not a half-decent university. I imagine that if he didn't have tenure he would've gotten shitcanned as soon as he suggested that hard Jungian thought still has a place in the literature. He reminds me of that continental philosopher who got arrested for sexually assaulting a profoundly disabled man because she had a discredited theory about cognition and disability but nobody could stop her because she had tenure and published regularly.

are you pretending to be smarter than him

According to Reddit yes, but according to academics no.

according to reddit academics in /r/bad[...] circlejerk subs: no.

Was Reddit always such a leftist circlejerk ? I like to think it built some traction when it was better than it is now.

He at least has a paper that says he's smart.

Ironically he's linked plenty of his own.

New rule: 2 shots if Memerson links a video.

the real crimes memerson and co. have committed is being a north american who says "bloody" and unironically saying "bucko"

the real crimes memerson and co. have committed is being a north american

gas all new worlders

Only if you make an exception for thicc Latinas. đŸ˜€đŸ˜«đŸ˜€đŸ˜«

I thought you were all about those jewesses?

Both are good, true. An evacuation of all Jewish princesses with fulsome bushes and all big assed Latinas must be undertaken, then the nuclear hellfire can begin.

I can get on board that.

The truly enlightened use the phrase "buckaroo", i.e. Chuck Tingle.

Well you're in for a wild ride, buckaroo

This is gonna make so many people angry for reasons we won’t understand. Remember to post links to other subs moaning about it.

HAHAHA he's destroying the chapotards. It is true the left just can't meme!

Dr Who, the longest running science fiction television show in history, has just seen a change in the casting of the main character: The Doctor. For the first time, the main character will be portrayed by a female, the wonderful actress Jodie Whittaker.

Personally, I don't know what to make of it. I see Dr Who as a show absolutely packed with archetypes, especially concerning the main hero.

Do you think this is a deliberate deconstruction of the archetypes surrounding The Doctor? Do you see this change as political, or motivated by political correctness?

Also, many people are upset about this. Including myself. I've been wondering if there is anything wrong about me, but I just can't reconcile it with myself. Do you think that people who oppose this change are sexist?

Cancel Western civilization

Women? In MY science fiction tv show?? Unacceptable!

*childrens science fiction tv show

With Chibnall taking over it might actually become watchable for people over 12 again. Not that those retards complaining about Whittaker would like that.

I liked Moffat. 😭

Chibnail? Moffat?

y’all got ridiculous names

Perfect for you, then

Have you even SEEN Blink?

I mean, just turn off the internet and make your own show.

jamming random women in stuff for the sake of it is dumb fyi

no more random than any other replacement, it's been canon for a while that the doctor can be any gender. yes i hate that "doctor who rules of succession" is something i have any knowledge of, it wasnt information i absorbed by choice.

doctor who is the least egregious example, but its still dumb and politically motivated as admitted by the writer

my mother has watched that shit literally since it came out back in the 60s or whatever and she thinks its as retarded as i do

im thinking more ghostbusters level

ghostbusters wasn’t bad because they got women, not even because of the specific women they picked. though that definitely became its whole “selling” point and was obviously intentional, which just seems tacky

ghostbusters was bad because they went with a weird low-concept Paul Rudd direction, draping loose skin over the skeleton of a focused, super high-concept 80s blockbuster

ghostbusters wasn’t bad because they got women, not even because of the specific women they picked. though that definitely became its whole “selling” point and was obviously intentional, which just seems tacky

the entire idea was "ghostbusters with women" though, it didnt have anything else

they were experimenting with abuse of outrage

they deliberately make it look shit with women in it, and then respond to complaints with "look at all these women haters, lets show them who the majority is by all going to see this new movie on opening day"

youll notice that shit happens all the time now, its genuinely the main reason they always overdo the diversity stuff

"put a black guy in, then we can call everyone racist and get activists emotionally involved"

its insulting tbh, but apparently saves money on writing

the entire idea was "ghostbusters with women" though, it didnt have anything else

actually, it was less than that. and more! the movie is 30 minutes longer than the original, but actually has considerably less plot and development of the primary characters. and bc the apparent lack of written dialogue didn’t screw up that pacing well enough, they tacked on lil’ side-scenes that they thought could have some sort of comedy potential.

but even with as shallow an idea as “genderswapped Ghostbusters” is, they could even have been a remake of the original, with improvisation allowed but curated, with the new cast and it would have been much better. it’d be nearly worthless as a film, but it’d be at least be much more watchable.

but yeah Sony marketed it as “sexists HATE it” big time, same thing they did with Kim Jong Un. fuck ‘em.

Gimme more of your moms hot takes


Lemme help you how does she like her eggs in the morning?

Trick question fucko! I already no!

Less of that and more jamming stuff into random women amirite?

gross no you gotta inspect them like a horse first im not taking any chances

or it's because the show is boring as fuck and very smart eccentric science man #15 isn't going to fix it

women arent automatically more interesting lol

Imagine your life being so empty you gave enough of a fuck about a television show that you got butthurt about a casting choice. That's fucking bleak.


I’d like to know why he’s not married if he’s so into enforced monogamy?

Oh and where do you get floor to ceiling prints of Soviet posters and paintings of the Great Patriotic War?

I’d like to know why he’s not married if he’s so into enforced monogamy?

But he is married.

Lol the retardation diagnosis that I received must be worse than I thought

Don't worry, you are posting at the right place for people like you: /r/drama

Aww thnks bby this is the only place I know I won’t be thinkshamed


i think u might actually be a genius

I would say to you as a questioner that you appear to have a hard time identifying a joke.

didn't Peterson famously not get a joke in an article about him and made himself look silly tweeting about it

I would say to you as a questioner

JBP is the conservative man's fart-sniffer.

What is r/drama’s opinion on JBP?

Not that I’m being a sheep or anything, since I already have an opinion about him. I don’t really follow JBP, but I appreciate what he has to say, and find it hilarious that leftists think that this very moderate person is somehow a preacher to the alt-right and incels.

He's Jordan Memerson, with a fanbase of such dumb fucking mayos that telling them to clean their room is seen as profound and life changing.

What does that say about commie neets who freak the fuck out just because he says that they should clean their rooms?

Does he remind them of mommy's new boyfriend who's just moved in?

I love him, the drama he generates is absolutely top tier.

I don’t know anything about him as a philosopher/cult leader because I’m not retarded

JP is super interesting to me because the amount of vitriolic hatred he gets combined with the amount of over the top, creepy-bordering-on-religious fanboyism he gets is all completely out of proportion to the fact that nothing he says is really that new, groundbreaking or controversial.

He does say some legitimately retarded stuff like the egyptian DNA shit and the nazis being atheists and such.

He does say some legitimately retarded stuff

Yes, but I've never in my life seen someone show up to my house and yell and scream and holler because of how much of a retard I am. And frankly, that's kind of insulting that they don't bother.

You nailed it perfectly. This guy does not deserve neither the praise nor hate he gets. Common sense is dying.

The Oracles of Delphi's prophecies were often correct because they were vague AF, so when you looked back at what was said they were always 'right' and they made tons of money.

JBP is vague enough and never fully commits to many out-there/edgy ideas so he has plausible deniability at all times and his cult worships it. People who try to counter just get sucked into the his little snare of "i only threw that idea out there, I didn't commit to it".

So everyone engaged is a retard, but if he makes money off of it, more power to him.

He’s great because he talks about basic self help shit that has been proving successful in getting NEETS motivated to do something about themselves. Aside from that he seems pretty dry and verbose so it’s strange the scale of the following he has. He probably wouldn’t be as famous as he is if it wasn’t for the lefts infinite outrage.

This one time he said he refuses to be forced by the gubmint to call a tranny her desired name so since then he’s had an immense amount of hatred directed at him by far left types. In addition he hates commies and they can’t seem to let it go.

He's alright.

I still don't know if he actually believes in Jung or just memeing at this point, so he has my respect on being a probable troll I can't read - since believing in Psychoanalysis is the best way to troll modern psych people.

I don't know if he's going to go the way of black science man though, there's similar patterns but it's too early.

BUT, the biggest takeaway from this shit is his fans.

Good god man, the amount of pseudointellectual faggotry in that thread alone could sustain me for hours.

he’s a moron with a good vocabulary

This is the guy who has everyone’s panties in a bunch? He’s boring as f what the hell I expected him to be advocating gassing tranny’s the way reddit talks about him

The reason people are so terrified of him is because he's boring

If he acted crazy then people would just dismiss him

thats why its funny

the reality is he’s just dumb and talks smart

from his youtube vids he appears to be quite literally the least threatening person ever

And it's over now.

wow, that was a lot more fun than I expected

Just start reading the comments 3-4 levels down from the first replies for the juicy drama. Everything 1-2 levels is pretty drama-free.

I finally get it, memerson is the right wing Bill Mahr. He's pretty fucking dumb but sometimes breaks the mold. And most of his critics are even fucking dumber which hides his dumbness.

He’s like an Alex Jones for non-masculine incels. “Buy my lifestyle guides now and you’ll stop slicing your wrists and get laid instead”.

Its funny because hes been taking anti-depressents most of his life- theres an interview where he talks about it. Somehow he never mentions that in his "fix your depressing existence" lectures.

There's no stopping people who lack sufficient imagination from being sensationalistic. I don't think these are "fanboys," either (although perhaps they sometimes are).

Jordan Peterson absolutely RAPES FEMINIST IN THE FACE with facts and BENDS HER OVER AND FISTS HER WITH BRASS KNUCKLES with logic. Proceeds to LITERALLY CURBSTOMP debate moderator with his calm demeanor. PETERSON BTFO FEMINIST COMPILATION #127363

Fact: The B in Jordan B. Memerson stands for Bernt, and no I'm not kidding.

It stands for “feminist literally Btfo” stupid bot.

Memerson is a such a fucking B-tier pseudo intellectual. It's no wonder he appeals to the kind of dipshits that think "clean your room" is groundbreaking advice.

The ‘clean your room’ part is an epigram for sorting your life out before trying to revolutionize the world; he’s arguing that the young impressional Antifa and marxists are too young and inexperienced to understand how the world works and how it should run - hence he’s saying that you should get your life in order at least before trying to implement large scale economic theories: e.g: Communism.

This bears similarities to what Socrates said in Book 6 of the Republic of Plato, the ship of state, where he asks Antigone - if i recall correctly: ‘If you were on a ship who would you think would be best to choose the captain of that ship? Anyone or experienced seamen and naval commanders?’ He of course replies the latter. Thus Socrates asks why he believes that just anyone should be able to vote for a leader of a country. Socrates’ point is not that we should only allow politicians and the like to vote, but rather we should teach others critical thinking so that they have the necessary skills in order to think critically and make thought-out conclusions.

This relates to JbP ‘clean your room’ because ‘cleaning your room.’ Is about learning and sorting out your own life in order to be able to think critically and grow as an individual.

I think it’s quite outlandish to state that he is a ‘B-tier intellectual’. - while i do agree that in some circumstances he makes weak points; see his debate with Matt Dillahunty, for example. He is a Professor at the University at Toronto, holds a Doctorate and studied at Harvard. I don’t think we should just dismiss people as unintelligent if we disagree with them; especially if their talents and qualifications act as axiomatic evidence against that. As it just results in stubborn opinions and prejudice.

The ‘clean your room’ part is an epigram for sorting your life out


The key part is ‘before trying to revolutionize the world’ that follows after.

You Jordan Peterson fags all have the exact same obnoxiously-verbose, word-salad writing style.

Don't care for Peterson but the same can be said for his haters as well. Both are a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals.

How does the way i write or talk redact from what i am saying. This digs into the ‘pseudo-intellectual’ point also: The content of someones words should not be determined by the style nor the words used nor the person saying them. Whilst you may be able to decipher some great prejudice of their intelligence based upon it. It doesn’t mean what they say is correct. Hence it draws worthless conclusions about what someone is saying without cause for the content of what they are saying.

The words i used in both of all of the responses are accurate, the reason i used ‘epigram’ over ‘a witty or clever expression of an idea’ is wholly because it uses less characters for the same expression.

It just makes you sound like a try hard dork. Your first post could literally be reduced to 'It means sort your life out before you criticise others, not literally clean your room' and for your second you should have just said 'fuck you faget'

Guess i learnt something today.

The ‘clean your room’ part is an epigram for sorting your life out before trying to revolutionize the world

That's retarded. A huge amount of people who revolutionized the world had their lives all fucked up at the time.

he’s arguing that the young impressional Antifa and marxists are too young and inexperienced to understand how the world works and how it should run

But his audience of 14 years too stupid to read and understand something as simple as bill c-16 totes have it figured out right?

Yes that is correct. But those people who revolutionized the world were not usually 18 year olds with no jobs, qualifications or experiences. And if they were they did not change it in the same way that i stated: ‘large scale economic theories.’

The issue with C-16 is that it forced you to use specific language. Quite a few countries have ‘Hate speech laws’ whereby you are punished for saying something offensive. C-16 goes past that point and says if you do not use that language. There’s a large difference between being punished for saying something and for being punished for not saying something; it controls speech.

If it was not worded the way it is, and thus you were not obligated under law to speak in a certain manner, then he wouldn’t have - or he would have less of a problem with the bill.

The issue with C-16 is that it forced you to use specific language.

No it doesn't.

C-16 goes past that point and says if you do not use that language

No it doesn't. Why don't you go read the bill instead of listening to daddy memerson?

LOL people in here legitimately get angry at peterson

Imagine how into this guy Reddit would be if he was more left than center.

>Imagine how into this guy Reddit would be if he were entirely different.

Reddit generally reacts to the guy through the opinion of his detractors. He's simply too right of center for a place like Reddit to champion him.

Where is the drama?

Check out the anger /r/subredditdrama or /r/gamerghazi if you want some womanchild tears.

Imagine a sadder life than being a disciple to a whiny old dude who doesn't make any sense.