Solo is crashing and burning, not much actual discussion on reddit yet but here's some links

148  2018-05-26 by WeWuzKANG5


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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The older 10 day old /r/boxoffice thread where the ops are having to walk back their numbers considerably:

The excessive amount of effort you put into this post has caused a great disturbance in the force.

Just copying and pasting, and I like cinema and follow /r/boxoffice anyway. It's fun to watch people be so wrong and the mental gymnastics involved in accepting that your 170 Million memorial day opening is now looking sub 100 million. The about face and reasons why articles are going to be a ton of fun, I'm predicting the white male protagonist will take the blame but only time will tell.


Imho SW shouldn't have even been that relevant. I think Lucas capitalized on a lack of a space opera saga type movie with hollywood-ish themes to tie it all together. The re-emergence of Star Wars should have been viewed as fan-service, but these "fans" have a real hard on for expecting actual quality movies with amazing depth and writing. this whole thing was doomed from the start if you expected anything more than formulaic cash grabs.

The modern star wars movies are so viciously average it amazes me how far people will go to praise them.

That's actually a really good perspective on SW. I also think the nerds who gushed over the old SW books that tried to fill in every boring detail of the universe want the same from Hollywood, like we need to know how Obi Wan was like as a baby or some shit.

Yeah, never understood the need to know all the extra shit. There were great side stories but I hated alot of the post-ROTJ stuff. Why not milk it though, ya know?

🎶Jedi babies, we make our dreams come true🎶

🎶Jedi babies, we'll do the same for you🎶

Nah, a lot gave up a while ago and celebrate or participate in specific era events. The new stuff is had few redeeming qualities and most older fans will tell you that but the kids and casual fan base will rightfully hold different opinions.

It's been pretty shit after The Clone Wars ended in my honest and unnecessary opinion.


Do it faggot holostream it


not kino


Kino is a pleb filter...

whatever, plebs all end up in popcorn mines anyway

Cinema is the dignified way for me to defend my hobby.

I bet you watch films instead of movies

I watch everything, guilty pleasures are a thing.

That sub has been really fun to read for the last few days.

Quality username

Its because it didnt have lightsabers and space battles, or darth vader, Han is fucking low tier.

r/internetdrama has caused an influx of effort-posts on here 😥

I can't believe the Existential Comics and Elon Musk twitter feud is still going on. I thought that was just buttblasted tweet + retort + buttblasted comic. Elon Musk continuing it on past that is not a good look.

They really need to fuck already.

Great job. We need more OPs like you.

The excuses people are making for this mediocre movie are kind of pathetic.

is this a fanboy movie or a disabled black tranny saves the universe movie?

Honestly, as per the reviews, it seems to be a mix. Lando is bisexual, err I mean pan sexual though, so there's that.

Unless Lando is objectifying both men and women, it ain't Lando. He needs to have at least a bimbo and a stud on each arm, a floozy at his feet, another one in the kitchen fixing him breakfast, and some hot piece of man-meat fixing his hot tub. Lando isn't a pimp; he doesn't have to pay them. They all come a-runnin' to ride his big black soul train.

Since this is a Disney movie, we're about to get dozens of articles in the vein of *Why Solo Shitting the Bed at the Box Office is a Good Thing for Star Wars*.

The White Male Star Wars Film Bomed, and That's a Good Thing

Is Mark Hamil woke enough to be an honorary PoC though?

Great job. Don't listen to /u/the-chinese , they're obviously a nation of catty bitches

The Twitter crowd may complain, but as far as they were concerned, they "won" the moment Kathleen Kennedy took over.

To Twitter feminists who hate all non-woke fiction, a franchise/cultural icon being destroyed is still a victory over it existing and being non-woke.

On the bright side, this might teach Disney to make the San Francisco set learn to share the story room. If they are capable of that.

I'm impressed at the effort you put into this, seriously.

I love how it's now below the lowest tracking

Hey just saw this in my mentions. I have no problem being wrong especially considering I don’t like the SW flicks to much just thought they were enough to sale big still. Good write up and in depth analysis by you good shit.

Thanks man!

As someone who likes Nu Wars, this movie deserves to fail and I'm glad to see this happen.

Although if they killed Han Solo in a subversive alternate universe kind of deal, I would have given it a 10/10

Day of the Open Jar when?

More like open jar jar

likes NuWars

Day of the E-11 when?

It's Mayocide Wars, there's really nothing better in fantasy right now

nothing better in fantasy right now

This is the excuse of shit taste.

It’s not pro-mayocide, it targets Wookiees most of all. Leia ignored my nigga Chewie likes he a pet dog 😤😤😤 this is Vector Prime all over again smh

Star Wars was never that great to begin with. But show me better fantasy in the theaters right now fam. I need to scratch the magic itch

Fantasy in theaters

ever even remotely good barring exceptions

smh you have to read books. Age of Swords wasn't awful.

I do read ze books but I have serious ass ADD and movies are easier for my corroded brain to settle down and focus on

Audio books are wonderful for road trips, or public transit.

Read Name of the Wind and A Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. Then wait for the third book in the trilogy (eight years and counting).

You should read the best fantasy series ever then, Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth.

I will check it out. I have read a bit of his stuff and he's cool

Confirmed pleb-tier taste

Re-read Terry Pratchett

Agreed, but I bet a lot people think he's an SJW or whatever.


The Ankh-Morpork stories are all about dragging the city into the century of the fruitbat by embracing multiculturalism. Sir Terry was a cosmopolitan type.

Holy shit this series is so hacky

Someone hates truth and beauty.

A plump, curly-haired woman took a step out from the others. Her round face was red with anger as she screamed. "Stop the hate! No war! Stop the hate! No war!"

"Move or die!" Richard yelled as he picked up speed.

The red-faced woman shook her fleshy fist at Richard and his men, leading an angry chant. "Murderers! Murderers! Murderers!" On his way past her, gritting his teeth as he screamed with the fury of the attack begun, Richard took a powerful swing, lopping off the woman's head and upraised arm. Strings of blood and gore splashed across the faces behind her even as some still chanted their empty words. The head and loose arm tumbled through the crowd. A man made the mistake of reaching for Richard's weapon, and took the full weight of a charging thrust.

Men behind Richard hit the line of evil's guardians with unrestrained violence. People armed only with their hatred for moral clarity fell bloodied, terribly injured, and dead. The line of people collapsed before the merciless charge. Some of the people, screaming their contempt, used their fists to attack Richard's men. They were met with swift and deadly steel.

If you can't enjoy this quality material, you should give up on reading

There's unironically good stuff in the genre tho

‘I tracked those three,’ said Lamb. ‘Picked up their trail and two days I’ve followed it.’

Another breathless pause, and the Keep took a step back, cup and cloth still limp in his hands, the ghost of a smile still clinging to his face but the rest all doubt. The three had turned to face Lamb, spreading out a little, backs to Shy, and she found herself easing forwards like she was wading through honey, out of the shadows towards them, tingling fingers shifting around the knife’s handle. Every moment was a drawn-out age, breath scratching, catching in every throat.

‘Where’d the trail lead?’ asked Tall Hat, voice cracking at the end and tailing off. Lamb’s smile spread wider. The smile of a man got exactly what he wanted on his birthday.

‘The ends o’ your fucking legs.’

Tall Hat twitched his coat back, cloth flapping as he went for his sword.


Someone shouted. Lamb crossed the room in one spring. He caught Handsome’s wrist just as he pulled his axe free, wrenched it up and with the other hand snatched the knife from his fancy belt and rammed it in his groin, dragging up the blade, ripping him wide open, blood spraying the pair of them. He gave a gurgling scream appalling loud in that narrow space and dropped to his knees, eyes goggling as he tried to hold his guts in.

Best Served Cold was better

I disagree, although I can see why someone would say that.

IMO Sharp Ends is his best book. It turns the black humor up to 11.

The Heroes was the best.

Loved Sword of Truth, but Wheel of Time beats it.

U r a faget

Your comeback speaks for itself.

The Forgotten Realms movie will scratch that itch, if the people at Candlekeep are right.

lol they're making a forgotten realms movie? Is this gonna be about discount Merlin or are they actually ballsy enough to try and put a drow on screen?

No idea, but the (laid off) writers are conjecturing that the novel line was discontinued to free up resources for some theorized movie in the forums.

I think The Name of the Wind is supposed to be getting a movie soon and it had better not suck

Watch anime lmao

If we're ranking fantasy settings based on how much they piss off the fans pretty sure Age of Sigmar has that beat.

I like it too, but only because I like to antagonize the manchildren that seem to hate it for their nerd reasons.

What? I really enjoyed this movie, It was fun, the references were well paced and clever, (besides the "you need a nickname cause i'm not sayin all that") and the ending was fun with all the twist

For real. It felt a bit like the original trilogy in terms of tone and pacing. At least it was closer to them than the other recent Disney Star Wars movies.

Only thing missing from the ending was this







It might be good but I still hope it fails. I don't mean to be a dick but they'll keep unraveling the mystique of SW if it doesn't. Ruining Darth Vader with the prequels was bad enough

As is the tradition I blame women particularly emily Clark the same happened in terminator and also kk.

She's all eyebrows, like she took a pet detective acting class and landed GOT.

naah shes one of my favourite actresses.

Haha retard

You have shit taste

good taste in tiddies tho


I really liked Daeny from the books, I think she's kind of a bitch in the show. Don't really think Emilia Clark captures all the subtleties of the character, like she just makes everything super forceful.

As soon as I saw she was casted I knew this would suck.

I kind of enjoyed Genisys, but she was definitely the weak link in the movie.

I've learned my lesson after seeing the all three prequel trilogy films on opening night. I don't see Star Wars films until weeks after release, if that.

Do they get better with age?

No, but if I hear that it sucks, I have the option to skip it entirely.

III was unironically the best

RotS was the third best, close second.

Of the prequel trilogy? Sure, I'll go along with that. Its like being the top cum-mopper at the bathhouse, but sure.

They didn't put enough diversity in it. If they want to pull it back the next one should have an all black trans cast.

A claw prosthetic arm might be good, too.

At least those things are canon in Star Wars. I'm not sure for WW2.

Force operated arm, btw that would actually be pretty sweet, but it would need to be some kind monster arm whit laser cannon because you can get normal robots arm willy nilly.

They got Child Gambler as Lando and a female robot, the diversity card couldn't even save this one.

Wow, they have a black person playing Lando? What a travesty, SJWs have really taken over.

I think Donny Glovy currently being in the public eye is what the post is pointing to.

In relation to what? It's not like they picked him because of This is America and it's not like he was small fry before this movie.

Don Glover as Lando was such an obvious casting choice that it was called by like half of the Star Wars fandom well before they ever announced it.

Don Glover is tagged as one of the few "safe black people" for mayos to cheer for.

We lost Will to his shitty kids and Morgan to MeToo.

Happy cake day!

will smith still makes movies they just suck

Hey, you take that back.

Bright was pretty damn good.

Denzel Washington, bitch.

We all thought OJ was safe around whypipo and then...

In relation to star power.

If star power couldn't save this travesty, why the hell would the diversity card save it?

Perhaps they could've tried not opening while CIEs are going on. I know for a fact many of my younger cousins didn't go because they had exams.

Dont they have a trans robot

Something like that. I think it wants bot rights or something. Not sure if it's for comedy value or super serious allegory.

I think people are just sick of hollywood movies. Most of them are shit anyways. Like all you guys do is rip of Asian films or anime. On top of that even your actors suck. Increasingly the studios are using english and australian actors because american actors don't have the talent and work ethic. Just look at game of thrones. Like 95% of the cast are all european actors. So there is that.

It's very simple really, IW and Deadpool just came out, and Deadpool underperformed slightly. Same thing happened with Thor and Justice league, Justice league flopped because it was released a week after. Disney needed to move solo

Deadpool underperformed slightly

Only the #2 R-rated opening of all time

You're right it is very simple. Except that the simple answer is the movie sucks.

Haven't seen the movie, it probably does suck. People see terrible movies all the time tho

Spacekino is only slightly better than capekino but really both are trash.

Spaceshit is worse at this point

I actually kind of cared about the last few Star Wars because I grew up with the series but now im just apathetic.

Yeah, I've been a SW loser and my wife was like "hey did you want to see Solo this weekend?" like offering to go with me because she figured it was something I'd want to do.

She was very relieved when I told her it looked lame and we can watch it when it comes to cable, maybe

TBH it was better than TFA and TLJ. More like the original trilogy.

Wait I thought Reddit goodthink said that TFA was terrible because it was too much like the original trilogy? 🤔🤔

TFA was almost a complete rehash of A New Hope

The last movie divided the base in half I don't know why they thought tgis would bring them together.

One thing dramatards won't be doing: going to the movies with someone.

Tell that to my dakimakura

It's over for dramacels 😞

Some big brains over at Disney for deciding to have this compete with Infinity War and release it only 5 months after the last Star Wars movie.

they want to release a star wars univers movie every 6 months

one summer action and one christmas drama

that WAS the plan. now? who know

well it's fucking stupid and i'm glad it's failing

Disney competing with Disney?


two films released at the same time are competing with one another regardless of who bankrolled them.

Oh I know dumb all around

Disney decided that Star Wars was going to be their version of the Marvel franchise unfortunately.

It's almost as if nobody asked for this film.

Nah plenty of people drooled at the idea of the movie.

Did every reviewer get bought out or is /r/Drama just retarded? Guess we'll find out when it shows up online.

Numbers don't lie, they won't even get close to the 170 million 4 day prediction, it's now tracking at 90 million, a massive flop.

Oh yeah it's definitely going to flop because the sequels were complete shit, but most reviews say the movie itself is average.

Hopefully this kills the franchise forever.

I wish, I think Disney is going to milk the shit out of it though.

Hopefully this kills the franchise forever.

That won't happen. They need a massive pivot, and Kathleen Kennedy will need to be fired for that to happen. You just cannot be in charge of a cash cow like fucking Star Wars, send the franchise into a downward spiral, and also keep your job.

Still, they've just barely eeked out their investment in gross revenue (in box office numbers; who knows how much licensing is raking in) with 4 movies and TFA was half of that.

You cannot be in charge of a cash cow like fucking Star Wars, send the franchise into a downward spiral, and also keep your job.

Like there's any personal accountability in Hollywood. Josh Trank is somehow still making movies, if he's got a job then Kennedy's untouchable.

I hope so, the salt mining will be Gandhi levels.

they've just barely eeked out their investment in gross revenue (in box office numbers; who knows how much licensing is raking in) with 4 movies and TFA was half of that

You're forgetting about all of the product tie-ins. They've probably netted double their initial investment at this point from cross-promotion and toy sales.

Nah, I didn't forget. I said "who knows how much licensing is raking in" because I didn't care to do any research about it. I'm sure they've made a killing on toys and oranges.

They won't fire her. After enabling her SJW push, it'd be a horrible look for Disney. But I could see her being reassigned to a background role, basically a figurehead, and letting people who actually LIKE Star Wars run the creative end. Probably Dave Filloni.

No, that's what the Boba Fett movie is for

Did every reviewer get bought out

Star wars episodes 1 and 3 apparently were better reviewed than solo. So that should tell you about the true quality of this.

is /r/Drama... retarded?

Goes without saying

Mods please sticky this song.

Thread theme tbqh.

I actually liked solo... am I retarded?

Enjoyment is subjective, everyone likes different things so good for you.

So you're both retarded

No, it was fun.

I thought it was a solid C+ film. And I ain't no big lover of nu-wars.

Nah it was a surprisingly enjoyable movie. But I'm pretty retarded so...

I liked it too! And I totally fangirled when they revealed the living person at the end

It was a fucking amazing movie. Way way waaaaaaay better than the hog's piss called The Last Jedi.


Yes, but mainly because you post on /r/drama.

no, It's definitely the best (read: only watchable one) of the Disney Star Wars movies. Had its problems, but much better than the stinking pile of shit that was every other movie. It helped that this one actually had characters and not just wet pieces of cardboard saying lines.

Deadpool 2 did almost 2x that and it's R-rated.

When will Disney adjust? Will Disney adjust?

Doubtful, they're currently too busy jerking each other off to how progressive they are.

man /r/starwars has the most contrarian fan base out there. Its full of people who love r1 and Solo but hate TFA and TLJ despite (or probably because) critics and most people doing the exact opposite.

R1 was great, TFA was meh, TLJ was shite.

The first half of R1 was the most boring cinema experience of my life.

I agree but I have actually rewatched the last 45 min or so of action several times since it hit Netflix. It has a neat WW2 feeling to the gunships and bombers flying over the beach and whatnot

Yes, Blue Squadron, Hammership Guys and Blue-Akbar were great. Why couldn't we have a whole movie about them?

This is the only correct opinion.

I kinda feel the same way, not that I care that much about star wars. Anyway my theory is that when they try to tie in too many old characters, they just fuck it up and the movie is awful. That's why R1 and solo were decent.

I know right. Like holy shit, how do these fuckheads think they're allowed to have different opinions on different movies?

I wish I could get paid millions of dollars to make terrible executive decisions that completely dilutes an iconic brand. If any Disney reps are lurking pls hire me

Wait, I might sound really uneducated about thia new space opera shit, but didn't Rogue One underperform too and in the end got all the moneys?

Only Star Wars film I want is " Obi Wan - My story, or how I trolled some kid into becoming a jedi version of a school shooter"

Rogue One had the second best domestic December opening ever at 155 mil. Don't know how it would have been considered under performing. Solo is looking to not break 90 mil over the 3 day. Which would be disastrous for the studio. Most estimates have it needing to hit the mark of 150 mil domestic opening weekend to trend towards eventually breaking even.

Also consider that Rogue one cost 200 mil to make while Solo is estimated to have cost over 250 mil, partly due to all the reshoots after dumping the directors, which makes it either the most expensive Star Wars ever, or close to (TFA cost 245 mil).

So why is a cash grap spinoff more expensive to make than a mainline movie again?

They shot it 1 time, and then 70 percent re-shot I believe I read, switched from Lord and Miller to Ron Howard.

I still don't understand why anyone would think having two directors was a good idea.

I mean… it can work… infinity war was pretty good and the Coen brothers make good movies. I think John Wick also had a duo directing

From what I heard they were pretty much fighting from day one.

I think the Infinity War directors are brothers too. It's easy to do this double director thing when the other guy is a family member.

Or a lover.

why not both

They had that female L3 bot constantly going on about equal rights. Sounds like it went full SJE

Bizarre, I've been scouring /r/starwars leading up to this and there's not really any negative response. They aren't fawning over it, but it seem 50/50 felt it was even better than TLJ.

My point is that reddit seems to approve, but if tomorrow's number don't jump impossibly higher; the positive word of mouth seems to only exist online. Really makes you think.

I enjoyed it in spite of that. Found myself chuckling more than a few times.

Even with the 'diversity' push the galaxy is a cruel place that doesn't give a shit.

Darkest star wars movie yet if you don't count the ewok specials.

I unironically liked that character. It wasn't equal rights for women it was equal rights for robots, which makes sense as they're evidently sentient. That's nerd shit though so it's never really been touched on until this movie.

They touch on it a bit with the whole "we don't serve your kind here"

It's a sci-fi trope that's legitimately interesting when executed well. That's the main reason I liked it.

That's the problem, there hasnt been a robot in the star wars universe the last 20 years that didnt display some sort of attitude. You can count on one hand the actual subservient droids. Hell outside of c3po and r2d2 apparently every droid is talking about killing humans and how they deserve rights

It's strange that the 'tude more and more resembles a radical leftist college student.

Yeah im not gonna be forced to disable my adblocker or sign in to read an article.

You got a loicense fuh tha ahtickle m8?

Are you ok friend, do you need an adult?

There is a guy on /r/MoviePassClub that is begging people to see this movie. It is the saddest thing I've seen all year.

Soylo: A Soy Wars Soyry

Everyone has been expecting Solo to fail from the jump.

Are any of the NuWars OK? I only watched the OT, Episode 1, and Episode 2, then really lost interest.

Don’t worry, they’ll make it all back when sw and marvel are added to KH3.14/2: sephiroth awakens

Star Wars is for fags.