Virgin Chapo user comes out against the virgin shaming he is seeing other Chapo users take part in

87  2018-05-27 by ToughScientist


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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The dirt bag left everyone. How ong until they ban cat girls and calling people idiots for abelism.

I mean it is just bad praxis

You seem like you care. You must be lonely. Ever consider one of those dating sites? I think they even have them for master racists successful white nationalists living in mom and dad's basement the life.

he's mad he got downvoted in jp's ama

Sigh, this lolcow is not remotely amusing.

Lol, commies making fun of people for being poor. How amusing.

"Fuck your olive branch. I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck about what happens to cishet white neckbearded proto-fascists. We're incapable of talking about the struggles of marginalized and oppressed groups because we always fall into this trap where we end up prioritizing the feelings of cis white men. Over and over again, for hundreds of years.

I don't care what they think and feel, or what they're going through. Whatever they're collectively going through doesn't hold a candle to what POC, women and LGBTQQIP2SAA go through every day.

If they're capable of being driven into the arms of Red Pillers, as you put it, they'd make shitty allies anyway. Limpdick, basement-dwelling bootlickers can suffer and die."

Someone's fucking this "thing" gonna be first demsoc school shooter ever? We can only wait and see people.

lol did the guy really use 12 letters to describe LGBT? Oh boy

This from the dirt bag subreddit with edge that rejects the stuff they think makes other lefty movements unappealing


Missing an F in there fren uwu

You left put otherkin smh

Sorry I included only partial subhumans, not complete degenerates.

You left out an E

Fucking Nazi

7th letter faggot

Don't worry, when school starts up again in the fall, you may learn to memorize the other 23 letters of the alphabet. I know it's difficult but don't give up hope.

Do you mean 22?

Now I know my LGBs, next time won't you sing with me


Fuck your olive branch. I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck about what happens to cishet white neckbearded proto-fascists

But that's 99% of CTH





2S = twospirit

mayos culturally appropriating native terminology

2-spirit, aka literal cultural appropriation.

What the extra Q for? Qanonphile?


What's the first Q for then?


Queer. From my understanding, it's kind of an all-encompassing term for those who don't feel that they fully identify with any of the individual letters. Though I've also seen it used kind of like questioning, for those who are still not sure about what they identify as.

But questioning is the second Q, I think I'm going with quacking

Well in general its only native Americans who identify as it. I've never seen a non native use that terminology to describe themselves, as they'll usually just identify as trans.

The people actually caring about this culture wars shit aren't typically Native Americans, unless you think grandma says I'm 1/25th native counts.

I identify as a dirty martini.

haha feminists rekt.

How will the left every recover from this cutting humor

There are few people on the left that are retarded enough that they need an entire alphabet to represent themselves at their full snowflake selves.


LGBTQQIP2SAA I'm kind of worried about what the P is supposed to stand for.


I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck about what happens to cishet white neckbearded proto-fascists

this but unironically

Is that a quote from the thread?

Yeah, it got buried and I think they're a troll, their account is like a month old

Pretty sure they're not a demsoc. CTH is getting overrun by tankies who are scaring away anyone that might pass for normal.

I actually feel bad for the og chapofrens ever since I saw this happen.

The sub hasn't been fun or enjoyable since 2016

virgin chapo user

This is incredibly redundant

Are you trying to say socialism is attractice to unsuccessful people? No freaking way

Are you trying to say that people who were born on third base are likely to embrace a (capitalist) ethos which tells them that inheriting wealth and privilege is exactly the same as being skilled, talented and successful?

No Way!


>t. ugly virgin

Talented, driven people will be successful. Communists will not.

So Venuzuelans who try to escape socialism and want capitalism are born on third base?

user reports:

1: Whats it like to tryhard in every thread bout politics

Mocking idiots requires no effort.


What is the trouble mate. Can't find the hole?

I just keep a 50 pound sack of flour handy so that when I'm giving it to that fat transgender pig who shat you into the world, I don't have that problem.

Honestly that sounds pretty interesting. Is it like general purpose flour? Why do you need keep so much flour handy when you could just purchase quite fast when you need it?

that was such a virgin thing to post

Imagine making it to 28 without lowering your standards enough to get laid and wondering why you're a virgin 🤔🤔🤔


It's early so can you break down this joke for me

The only people who had any kind of standards already killed themselves because not only they couldn't live up to the standards they set for themselves, they also couldn't accept the fact that unironically enjoying life in this shithole requires you to have no standards at all.

I just meant sleeping with someone who's ugly

Everyone sleeps with themselves every night


standards are for ableists

Exactly. Someone in a Reddit thread from a few years ago said that what drove him to the red pill was realizing that liberals, leftists, and RPers all judged him based on how manly he was, but that RPers were honest about it and showed him how to be a man instead of mocking him for falling short. This sort of thing matters whether we like it or not.

He's not wrong really, and it's hilarious watching people try to argue otherwise.

"manly" does not equal living in mommy and daddy's basement whining about being replaced by "da joooz" claiming to be a member of the "master race" and trying desperately to associate your sorry ass with Greek philosophers and Roman architects as though you have something to do with any of that because you share some phenotype characteristics.

clam down

10 racist pieces of shit do not like truth served up without treacle to help it go down.

clam down, dont get mad on the internet

Do you have a blog i can subscribe to?

I think it's right when people point out here that the things a lot of the alt-right are mad about are rightful things to be mad about. It's just that they then blame them on the (((globalists))) and muslims and immigrants and SJWs when really it's capitalism and actual rich people.

I like the implicit realization that this reddit/twitter culture war is just two camps of fucking losers trying to find anyone but themselves to blame for their lack of success.

It's gotta be either globalists or the bourgeoisie, it can't possibly because they're fucking retards.

I swear to god he capitalized Y'all just to make me mad



I wish they kept themselves safe

You know how, many times, some big local mini-me fuhrer spouting the usual claptrap about "Da joooooz" ends up getting outed as being actually Jewish?

It's probably a lot like that over at Crapo Shithouse - the ones braying the loudest about "virgins" are probably the ones in the longest, most "committed" relationships with their waifu pillows.




Oh honey, no.

imagine not just imagining it

/u/Hopeformyself90 how do you hit age 28 without getting laid? Seriously how? You might as well become a tranny because you failed as a man

Living in an extremely rural area, super religious upbringing, just lack of hanging out with people, lack of trying for the past couple of years.

I mean there's like 3 single women under 50 and over 20 in hundred square miles of where I sit right now. I don't have the means to move to a city where people actually are because I'm currently helping on the farm while my dad has health problems.

someone was mad enough to post it to cth2, which is exactly as boring a sub as its name would imply.

man ill never get tired of being /u/ summoned to /r/drama, it's like finding a giftwrapped box of ironic mid-2000s hot topic t-shirts on my doorstep

That's a shit post sub.

I think for a lot of us we still hold on to the capitalist idea of success that has been handed to us. That we need to have money and a job and a partner and kids and all that to be seen as good.

That’s been the standard of success since the time of the Dinosaurs 🦖. Why do you believe that to be a benchmark exclusive to capitalism?

100% agree with you. on a side note, op, hmu if you're in the nw and wanna bang out an androgynous dude


I get where you're coming from. It's a bit bizarre attacking chuds as virgin manbaby losers, while we have almost daily threads like "I'm 27, I live at my parents, I'm unemployed and depressed and also I've got anxiety". There has to be a better way.


Leftist spaces at school and in urban settings can be very harsh on the gate-keeping. Your specific politics, but also what you watch, listen to, wear or otherwise do--or don't do--seem like they're more scrutinized than in centrist places, which is super odd totally what you'd expect.


Fucking gilded too. Hahahaha.

9 uses of the word praxis in that thread for no reason

Cool I can finally unlock the strength augmentation

get that thing that lets you do the anime landing from a high drop

/u/Hopeformyself90 don't worry they're all virgins, they're just roleplaying online.

/u/Hopeformyself90 maybe you're a 30 year old virgin because you say y'all lmao

or maybe I'm just from the deep south, fucktard.

So what, you're too obese to fuck? I don't follow

I dunno you seem to have a lot more ideas on why I haven't had sex than I do.

I'm telling you it's because you say y'all and girls think "I don't want to fuck someone that's retarded, it feels wrong" and that's that.