SW "Fans" are now begging people to see Solo

293  2018-05-28 by T0yN0k


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Snappy wants the robussy

Imagine tying your personal self worth to how well a movie does. This is peak mayo.

tying your self worth to someone else's shit because you have nothing to justify your individual existence

can anyone honestly say they're surprised

After feminists did it with Ghostbusters, none of this surprises me.

And black people with Wakanda.That

I didn't think Black Panther was that bad, though. Definitely mediocre compared to what it was hyped up to be, but it could've been worse. Also I appreciated that the villain was essentially the personification of BLM.

It was better than the "average" marvel movies, but not as good as the good ones. So... top 4 or so?

Worth watching if you are invested in the whole thing at any rate.

I wouldn't say top 4, but upon rewatching it I'd say at least top 10. Which doesn't sound that good until you remember there are almost 20 movies haha

I think it suffered in that the plot was really predictable. Which is standard for Marvel movies, to be fair. And I really enjoyed Killmonger. He felt much more like a real person than, say, Aldrich Killian or Yellowjacket.

It was good. But, again, just WAY overhyped. I don't think it was as good as Homecoming or Ragnarok.

I sorta wish they had just kept him as a ninja like in Civil War instead of giving him all this crazy magic technology

The first third of the movie was basically an African Bond movie and if it had stayed like that I think it might have been cooler tbh

Totally agree. He was pretty sick in Civil War, but I felt like he didn't really shine as much in his own movie considering the screentime he got.

On that note, I think another problem with the movie is that I couldn't really tell exactly what Black Panther's abilities were. I hate when movies overexplain things with tons of exposition, but I think this movie swung too far to the other side of the pendulum. I couldn't tell which abilities he had because of his suit, and which ones came from that herb he drank, or whether the King of Wakanda and the Black Panther were always interchangeable or if T'Challa just happened to hold both titles, or the significance of the five different tribes. I think there was a lack of worldbuilding beyond cool imagery. Or at least, that worldbuilding wasn't clearly conveyed to the audience.

Maybe it's just my fault, maybe I'm just not very perceptive and all of these things should have been clear. But they weren't clear to me until I looked them up later, and I'm pretty nerdy about MCU stuff.

I think basically his abilities were

  • super fast/strong/stealthy (because of the suit and the herb)
  • his suit could absorb energy then channel it into energy bursts
  • he had other weird gadgets like his car disruptor thingies

I believe anyone in Wakanda could be the Black Panther because that was just their strongest warrior, T'Challa just happened to be BP and the King too. In Civil War, he was BP but was not the king because his dad was still alive.

I think his best scene was when he was chasing Bucky on the busy roads and hopping from car to car, he felt like a cross between a cat and a terminator.

They should honestly just have the Russos direct every single fight scene from now on. My all time favorites are Iron Man 1, GotG 1, and literally everything the Russo Bros have done.

He has way more powers in the comics.

I got the feeling that being Black Panther was also tied to the throne.

Like his dad was Black Panther before him. Just that the Black Panther hands off the office to his son before he dies, while you only become king when the previous one dies.

So BP is either king or crown prince.

He was pretty sick in Civil War, but I felt like he didn't really shine as much in his own movie considering the screentime he got.

My biggest gripe with the movie, really. So watered down from the badass he was in CW. Thy turned him into another generic good guy trying to do well, which we already have plenty of.

The ambiguity of his powers is intentional. It allows them to pull random conveniences out of thin air when they need to, like Captain America being strong enough to hold back a chooper taking off, despite that being leagues above peak human strength.

Black Panther has always had awesome costume tech in the comics. Of course that grew over the years but he’s been like the movies since the late 80s.

Who would win Batman or black panther

How much prep time does Batman have?

Yep, that's kind of where I stand.

Ragnarok and Homecoming are the two standouts by far. And I guess I have a hard time remembering now which ones I really liked other than those two.

Phase 3 has been really killer. I've especially noticed that they've stepped up their game with their villains. Hela is probably my least favorite villain of Phase 3, and she's still got more personality than Aldrich Killian, Malekith, Ultron, and Yellowjacket combined.


Is this the unanimous worst movie in the marvel lineup?

I also kind of liked Ant-Man. I chuckled when they were having their tiny fights and it would zoom out and just show the toy train fall over etc. But yes, yellowjacket/the plot sucked horribly.

I've been rewatching everything just to get back up to speed and yeah, Thor 2 is easily my least favorite. Including Iron Man 2 and 3, which are just a notch above it.

I liked Ant-Man, I thought it was a ton of fun. But Yellowjacket was horrible. You couldn't create a more plastic generic "evil rich bald businessman" type villain if you tried. I'm surprised they didn't give him a long mustache to twirl.


Oh, you're right. I forgot they were even connected they are so different. Guess that's what huffing glue will get you.

I disliked Ragnarok because of how jokey it was, and the character reboot. I get why people liked it, but I rank it and GotG 2 in the lower tier, along with Thor 2, Iron Man 2 and IM3.

How did you possibly sit through that many capeshit movies? I don't even watch them on the plane.

You're so unconventional, and we're all impressed

Let's take stock of this situation. You got angry because I insulted superheroes.

You didn't make anyone angry, kid.

Angry little boy trying to act all old and dismissive like his hero somethingman.

the useful classification of movies is "watchable" and "not watchable"

drilling it down to top lists is nice if you only have time to, like, just see one movie ever but we all could just smugpost less about movie rankings on reddit and watch more movies

finna bouta get dabbed on

He cute

No black person has dabbed since 2015 once the mayos got wind of it

Black memes matter

And black people with Wakanda.

Well, that one worked-out.

Bix nood mufugga

I think ghostbusters was different because it's advertising was so feminist focused. The movie felt like a test of feminism's marketing power. Here there isn't any ideological angle tied with Solo, so it makes their desperation for it to be successful at lot stranger. I guess they just want sequels.

They see it as one of theirs. It's like when they started randomly defending that shitty Thundercats cartoon. They see it as being on their team for some weird reason I don't understand. Maybe because who is making it.

Didnt that stupid robot go on and on about droid rights?

Yeah Lando is a bitch who programmed his dreadbot to be a dominatrix. Pretty f-ing kinky if you ask me.

Also the writer said Lando is a pan sexual. Which Im pretty sure he said to make those retards happy.

I just watched the movie. There was zero pan sexuality stated or implied.

Honestly I love it when directors do that, then when someone says "but they were heterosexual the whole movie???" the director can play his trap card of "Get out of here with your bi-phobia"

Oh puhhhleeezzzzeee the goobergate backlash against ghostbusters was 50,000,000 times spergier than any feminist bullshit

What? Was there a feminist Ghostbusters movie?

The guy's name is literally /u/Heisenberg0606. Someone who ties their self-worth to the success of a blockbuster is probably the same type of person who watches Breaking Bad and thinks "wow, Walter White is just like me!"

Im more of a Jessie Pinkman myself

Tag yourself I’m the dude who got his head crushed by an ATM.

I'm the entire sad go-kart scene.

I'm the retarded son.

I'm the rooftop pizza.


I’m not tying my self worth to a movie, I’m asking fellow fans to be reasonable. Ant-Man wasn’t a great movie, yet it didn’t stop me from going to see Ragnarok or Infinty War or Black Panther, etc. Unless the only SW movie you have seen is TLJ why let one movie you didn’t like ruin a franchise for you?

Everyone needs to quit their bitching. I’m sure you all could have and would have written a better SW movie than TLJ blah blah. I’m not saying settle for sub par art. You have given your feedback after TLJ. Now go and see if it was heeded. It was.

I mean yeah, I could've at least written a better intro.

At the end of TFA, we see Rey and Luke meet each other with Rey handing him the lightsaber. Instead of kicking off with a discussion or some sort of emotional scene...Luke tosses it over his shoulder for a cheap audience laugh. Watch CinemaSins video on TLJ to open your eyes...the coolest part was the jump into their ship, the only good idea to come out of the purple hair feminist icon.

thats just the beginning of things wrong

the writing was just a joke all the way around in that movie, holy shit.

CinemaSins has been super weak lately, but he's right on the money with this one.

Lately? They have always been weak, sacrificing actual issues movies have for little jokes that hardly ever land.

I just want to say that if you are looking to CinemaSins as an actual barometer for the quality of a movie, or for justifications as to what makes the movie bad, I would suggest looking else were. There are much better explanations that actually focus on what is wrong with the film, and not fake-issues.

I know that CinemaSins is suppose to be comedy or whatever they say they are, but they do a pretty bad job at that.

Don't bother with CinemaSins. There's a relatively small critic that goes by Mauler who has a 3-hour analysis/dissection of the movie. He deserves way more attention for the sheer amount of effort he put into picking it apart.

Mate, in what universe is Star Wars "art?"

Anyway, I have not liked any of the Disney Star Wars films. Any. Not just The Last Jedi. After three in a row that I thought were lazy and sloppy, why should I spend $20 to go and see something that is likely going to be the same formulaic shit that every blockbuster is? At some point there has to be some recognition that you're paying to see the same movie multiple times a year.

You shouldn’t. It wasn’t clear enough but I’m only talking about people boycotting solely because they didn’t like TLJ. After three movies you’re decision is completely reasonable.

It's pretty clear you don't understand what a boycott is... Are you suggesting that people can only boycott things after they pay for them?

People are not just boycotting it because they think TLJ was a bad movie. They are boycotting because of the attitude Disney has taken toward actual Star Wars fans. They don't care about us so why would we care about them..... The only thing that the executives at Disney will understand is money. If their movies start falling well under projections they will step in and force the issue.... Similar to what they did with EA after the boycott....

I literally just said I’m talking about people boycotting because they didn’t like TLJ. It doesn’t make sense. Solo has nothing to do with TLJ. If you don’t like Disney’s attitude towards fans or haven’t liked a couple SW movies in a row or just aren’t interested in a solo movie those are all perfectly reasonable reasons to not go. But to boycott simply because you don’t like TLJ is ridiculous and that is what a some people are doing. The comments on this post prove that.

"solo has nothing to do with TLJ"

If you ignore the fact that it is being made by the same executives at Lucas arts who blamed called the fans who didn't like TLJ sexist trolls.....

How are you missing this? If you didn't like TLJ you were probably a fan of the original series..... The fans the studio came out and talked trash about for not liking their pandering piece of shit movie.

Why would those people see the next movie that the same studio put out?

Think of it like this.... If I cooked you thanksgiving dinner and purposely poisoned your food to make you hella sick because I just didn't like you ... Then invited you over for Christmas dinner and tagged on the line 'Christmas dinner has nothing to do with thanksgiving dinner' would you want to come eat dinner?

Probably a fan of the original series? So you mean any loyal SW fan? And your analogy makes no sense. Disney didn’t purposely make TLJ to offend Die hard OT fans.

You keep trying to explain things to me like I’m stupid but you are not understanding that I am saying. boycotting Solo is ridiculous if the only reason you are doing it is because you didn’t like TLJ. Your talking about them talking trash on fans and that’s a completely different reason. If you don’t like the way Disney as a company is acting, or if you haven’t liked the other Disney SW films then those are reasonable reasons to boycott the movie. One bad movie isn’t a good reason.

Imagine tying your loyalty to a series of movies.

If you don’t like the way Disney as a company is acting, or if you haven’t liked the other Disney SW films then those are reasonable reasons to boycott the movie.

WTF..... this IS the reason people are boycotting it. You are saying yourself its a fine reason to do it.

Anyway, I have not liked any of the Disney Star Wars films.

Me neither. I gave them a "freebie" with the first one since they had to set up their new cast etc. Then rogue one sucked slightly less, then TLJ sucked hard. I'm out.

Rogue was sooo boring. I tried watching twice. First time I stopped cause I thought I wasn’t in the mood. Second time I only looked up from my iPad to register that x wings make a very very annoying noise and Vader.

Rogue One was like a bad star wars fan film with a huge budget.

You can just shorten that to “ rouge one was a bad film.”

Why the fuck would you go see it again if it was boring the the first place. About half way through sitting through that garbage I realized I had wasted my money.

It’s on Netflix.

Agreed. Exact same way I felt.

Dude, I go to a lot of art exhibitions (because there's free booze and loose women), and if you just knew what qualifies as "art" ...

there is a superhero called Ant-Man?

and a movie about Ant-Man?


Honestly, as mediocre as a lot of superhero movies tend to be, Ant Man was kind of nice.

Nice try Rian Johnson

Stop down voting him you fucking idiots 😠

Its over. There's too many

Ant-Man wasn’t a great movie

Better than Solo Bolo: Piece of Wood

Solo is the Ant-Man of Star Wars which is why I'm not seeing it.

I literally haven’t seen a superhero movie since I saw the first captain America and man of steel. They were so bad I just stopped going them. I honestly do t feel like I missed out on much tbh.

Idiots watch Breaking Bad and Goodfellas and just fantasize about how badass they want to be.

Like Donald gambino and Daz dillinger

Then they'll get the correct message when Episode 9 tanks.


cough black panther cough

What is mayo?

It's a bland dressing made from egg yolks, oil, and vinegar. Mayos like to douse their food in it.

Oh I see. A love for "blandness" makes them sound less dramatic though, doesn't it?


Oh a race thing? You don't think that nonwhite people never tie their self-worth to something silly?

Imagine tying your personal self worth to how well a movie does.

This is only acceptable if you direct the movie.

Correction, Imagine tying your personal self worth to how well a movie does, Without being its actor or director or in anyway working on it. Seriously how pathetic do you have to be ?

Weren't these the same people crying about the last movie and saying they shouldn't support these new ones

no he specifically says those people make him sad

no he specifically says those people make him sad

y tho?

No, /r/starwars fans are the types who cant accept any type of criticism of theie beloved franchise and sperg out at anyone pointing out that its being ran into the ground by feminist directors, terrible actors, and even worse writers.

Ran into the ground? The only film that could remotely be called a flop is Solo and it still has made over 100 million bux so far. Whether or not a film is considered a flop is based on the money it makes, not how many losers get angry over it.

It has made 100 million in revenue. The movie cost some 250 mil to make...

Lol this nigga think that a star wars movie won't easily double its money back.

Exactly this.

No, after the reshoots it was 300-400 million, the most expensive SW film of all time

Plus marketing which is easily another $50+ million

Marketing usually doubles the cost last I heard.

50? My dude it's generally over half the film's budget

Holy shit. Yeah the movie is going to lose money.


On the first run? Sure.

After DVD/Blu-Ray sales and TV rights within the next 5 years? Unlikely

It takes a phenominal amount of effort to lose money on a film in the long run.

Yeah that's why the OT is still in the red, do you even Hollywood accounting bro?

Still, no one likes to make a competitively measly amount after 5 years, when they were hoping to double their investment within a year of release, especially considering the amount they. Plus, they paid 4 billion for Lucasfilms.

Rogue One made 150m its oprning weekend and it has grossed 1 billion eorldwide. Solo is at 114 mill, which puts it on pace to do about 750 worldwide. REEEEEE flop

on pace to do about 750 worldwide.

No it's tracking for 475 to 500 million currently WW.

TLJ made $700 million less than TFA. Solo's production budget was $250 million, which doesn't include the promotional budget. It's break even point has to be at least 500 million, and it's a fifth of the way there. So yeah, "run into the ground" may be hyperbole for now, but this is clearly bad news for Disney

clearly bad news for Disney

Oh, to have such problems.

"Gahh we've only made enough for two world economies off our bug shit films instead of four... noooo"

TLJ made $700 million less than TFA

It still made a shitton of money, even without considering merch and licensing. That's not what a 'flop' is.

Solo's production budget was $250 million, which doesn't include the promotional budget. It's break even point has to be at least 500 million, and it's a fifth of the way there.

In that case yeah, it's probably going to flop, but the film's been plagued with so many problems and so much bad PR that it's a pretty special case. Disney gave it almost no promotion compared to its other franchise films. If Disney doesn't learn from its mistakes with Solo then they're going to have a problem, but otherwise SW is still going to be a massive cash cow for them. For every culture warrior or angry nerd getting angry about the films there's who knows how many people who don't give a shit and just want to watch a Star Wars film.

It still made a shitton of money, even without considering merch and licensing. That's not what a 'flop' is.

Never called it a flop. But when the 2nd part of your brand new multi billion dollar trilogy makes 35% less than the 1st part that should raise some eyebrows.

In that case yeah, it's probably going to flop, but the film's been plagued with so many problems and so much bad PR that it's a pretty special case. Disney gave it almost no promotion compared to its other franchise films. If Disney doesn't learn from its mistakes with Solo then they're going to have a problem, but otherwise SW is still going to be a massive cash cow for them. For every culture warrior or angry nerd getting angry about the films there's who knows how many people who don't give a shit and just want to watch a Star Wars film.

Oh I don't doubt that episode IX will do better than Solo. Solo was the perfect storm of shitty ideas, and plenty of people are gonna want to see how the Sequel trilogy finishes up. But that movie is gonna be scrutinized under a microscope. And I don't see any reason why a Boba Fett movie would do any better than Solo

Never called it a flop

That's the terminology I took issue with tho. A bunch of idiots think that TLJ flopped because they didn't like it (and for the most part still paid for the film after already deciding that they didn't like it, which makes the butthurt over it even stupider).

But when the 2nd part of your brand new multi billion dollar trilogy makes 35% less than the 1st part that should raise some eyebrows.

Don't the vast majority of sequels make significantly less money and get significantly worse reviews than the first film?

plenty of people are gonna want to see how the Sequel trilogy finishes up. But that movie is gonna be scrutinized under a microscope.

That's for sure. Somehow Star Wars has become the epicenter for a culture war between people whose lives are so devoid of meaning that they're getting bootyblasted over a popcorn flick not being to their liking.

And I don't see any reason why a Boba Fett movie would do any better than Solo

I guess it depends on what the buzz is around it and how much Disney promotes it, at least in part. They clearly wanted Solo to slip by unnoticed given how little marketing they did. I wonder if that was because they didn't want to ruin their chances next time around by minimizing the amount of people getting irredeemably disappointed by Solo.

It -is- flopping, but who said anything about money. The quality is sitcom level bad after TLJ and nobody went to see the ashes that dumpster fire left behind.

TFA and Rogue one were at least mediocre and not comedically awful.

The quality is sitcom level bad in TLJ and nobody went to see the ashes that dumpster fire left behind.

Last time I checked the audience was pretty split in terms of whether or not they enjoyed it with a generally positive leaning. The people who didn't like it were just extremely vocal in their dislike.

What about all the people who hated TLJ and aren't vocal about it? You won't catch my mother on reddit bitching and moaning but she thought the movie sucked all the same.

What of them? The fact that some people didn't like it (and some of those people weren't vocal about it) doesn't negate the fact that it received generally positive audience reviews and that the 'discourse' was disproportionately negative because many of the detractors were fighting a 'culture war' over it.

So everyone who didn't like it was fighting a culture war? I thought the movie sucked, are you going to tell me I'm a mysoginist now?

So everyone who didn't like it was fighting a culture war?

...no. Where did I say that?

obv you didn't come right out and say it verbatim but that's the vibe I'm getting from you:

The people who didn't like it were just extremely vocal in their dislike.

...the 'discourse' was disproportionately negative because many of the detractors were fighting a 'culture war' over it.

I was a part of the discourse. I said (a couple of) negative things about it and I got backlash like I was fighting a culture war. In reality the movie was just ass.

obv you didn't come right out and say it verbatim but that's the vibe I'm getting from you:

Well you were wrong.

I was a part of the discourse. I said (a couple of) negative things about it and I got backlash like I was fighting a culture war. In reality the movie was just ass.

That's because both sides decided to make it into a culture war and assumed that everyone with a dissenting opinion was on 'the other side'. Of course, most people who formed an opinion about the movie without being involved in this shit, but the most rabid supporters and detractors were usually those with some sort of agenda.

Well I wouldn't call myself rabid so I guess you've got me there.

You are aggressively and unforgivably bland.

I'd rather be bland then a loser who wets their pants over a pop culture film not being exactly to my liking.

Fair enough

Whether or not a film is considered a flop is based on the money it makes, not how many losers get angry over it.

lol no I think it's fair for someone who traded their money and time to watch TLJ to say it was a huge failure

it's ok to look at it differently than the Hollywood machine whose primary goal is to sell you their products no matter how bad they are

I think it's fair for someone who traded their money and time to watch TLJ to say it was a huge failure

The audience reviews were generally positive towards it, and most of the vocally angry people who saw it were angry about it before it was even released, so if they saw it then it's their fault for wasting their time acquiring more outrage bait.

it's ok to look at it differently than the Hollywood machine whose primary goal is to sell you their products no matter how bad they are

If you aren't happy with the Hollywood machine then don't support it. It's not exactly hidden knowledge that big-budget films are designed to maximize profits. If you're upset about it and pay to see a Disney film then you're an idiot who's paying for outrage their fuel.

I swear to god, the 'getting upset over entertainment' branch of the culture wars is probably the stupidest. The solution is simple- don't patronize things that you think will make you unhappy. I can't imagine how boring and comfortable somebody's life has to be to get outraged over the fact that a big-budget popcorn film isn't to their liking either.

Remember the obvious marketing shilling going on claiming Solo had the highest pre-order of tickets of all time...

They probably needed an asterisk to clarify. "Most pre order tickets of all time (made during the third week of February)!"

I wondered about that too. Either Fandango was paid to say that or hardcore Star Wars fans bought a shitload of tickets and nobody else did.

this is so gay lmao

TIL Solo is in theaters.

Similar time as deadpool 2... I’ll be seeing deadpool 2 I think.

TIL Deadpool 2 is out. I’ll wait for home release. When I saw the first there was at least 15 kids under 12 in there.

I have an 8 week old, I'm not seeing anything other than Netflix for the next year at least. When I get an evening with Nana taking the kid, I'm not going to waste it watching a movie...

breeder scum out out out!

Hold on,

/u/VidiotGamer, is your baby white.

Only half.

One drop means they're safe, bless your efforts against the whites.

Even one drop of white ain't right. Starve the neandarthal genes out.

We can't turn on the half whites yet, they will be a valuable tool in the first wave of mayocide.

long as they're kept from breeding it should be ok to keep them around

but fenatil is a WAY better tool. god bless china

Yeah haven't been to the theater since my 13 month old was born.

You're bad at emulating the modern theater-goer; the idea is to be as loud and annoying of a jackass as possible while watching Generic Superhero Movie #5. Turning phone screen on, rustling chip bags, screaming kids; all that good stuff.

Drive-in theaters, bro.

So, Redditors?

TIL of "movies" methinks ill wait for the video game adaptation

I’ll be seeing deadpool 2 I think.

supporting blackwashing

I don’t know or care what you’re talking about.

I’ll be seeing both. I like entertainment.

Was actually pretty bad, Solo might be better

Both are shit movies intended to pump money out of your pockets tho.

I have no illusions that either with win awards but they’re entertaining enough - I’m not really bothered about arthouse films or whatever you would rather I watch!

It’s cool. I’ve got $12

Yeah but they will have millions thx to u and millions of u

I figured it would be out for Christmas.

I am so very out of the loop, I didn't even know that there was a new Star Wars movie last Xmas. I've heard a bunch about the Han Solo movie but the last actual SW movie totally slipped by my attention.

Maybe this particular cash cow has run its course. Maybe Disney is fucking retarded for thinking that they could release a SW movie every year and people would still give a shit. Only time will tell!

You aren’t out of the loop, Disney just barely marketed it.

Jesus Christ, literally begging so that rich executives can get even richer.

Star Wars fans were a mistake

Top comment:

Jesus, this is sad, OP BTW I've already seen Soylo twice

Absolute state of it. Is there anything worse than SW fans? Marlel cucks?

Capeshit fans, like /u/MasterLawlz.

Because they like capeshit, and because they're like /u/MasterLawlz.

I'm going to write a scathing paragraph about you in my memoir

"Dear Mom

One time I got cyberbullied by /u/comedicsans. As he paid me attention for 30 seconds one time, according to that book you got me, Autism and you, he automatically became my best friend. Every time you suck him off, ask him to think of me.

Your deceased son,


Are you esl?

Head on over to r/pcmasterrace

Just wait until Episode 9 bombs as well. That's when the fun really begins.

Episode 9 will maybe make a profit but I think without some major turnaround in terms of actually being fun to watch it's not even going to make TLJ's global take, despite concluding the trilogy.

Star wars creates surprisingly good drama. Hope this movie continues to tank for that reason. And the next one too.

I wasn't planning on seeing this movie, but you convinced me, /u/Heisenberg0606. I'm gonna go look for a torrent now.

I torrented TLJ.

Maybe removing all the dialogue would have improved the film, but having only two words in three be audible did not.

I saw TFA, and watched parts or Rogue One. They were both insufferable and stuffed to the gills with social commentary, Mary Sues, and laughable fight scenes. I did not, and will not watch, TLJ after seeing the clip of the scene where the red imeprial guard that Rey is fighting literally catches her and holds her up, while his plasma knife just conveniently disappears instead of ending her insufferable existence. Fan service or not, these movies are cancerous.

Good thing you've managed to be just as insufferable by virtue signalling about not watching a star wars movie lol.


Lmao caring about star wars

I like the drama, where have I inferred I care at all? I came for the drama, and boy is it here.

You keep commenting for one

I like responding to idiots.



Spaceshit is officially worse than cape shit.

Change my mind

Spaceshit doesn't give nerds hope. Capeshit teaches them that not being retarded is only a spider bite away.

There are examples of really good spaceshit, but there isn't a single example of good capeshit

Puma Man.

Checkmate, faggot.

Is that some Tarzan spinoff?

The 1978 version of Superperson was good, but only because Lex Luthors two assistants - Otis and Miss Tessmacher - had big tits.

There are examples of really good spaceshit

We're never getting a Culture film, are we.

Watchmen was pretty good

Starship Troopers is bretty gud

Someone did the same thing on the moviepass subreddit.


Wow, Star Wars marketing team is really on the last straw.

If you go by the internet's opinion on this movie, it's already grossed 500 million and is actually better than TLJ, if you actually follow the numbers, it's a dumpster fire and KK will likely be fired. You know desperation is setting in when "positive word of mouth" becomes the only viable strategy.

it's a dumpster fire and KK will likely be fired

Disney has already tripled down on stupid and she's on track to feck up the Indiana Jones franchise next. She's going to be a "gift" that keeps on giving.

I truly hope so, but these numbers are spectacularly bad and the negative reaction will carry over no matter how many articles end with, "This is a good thing."

Literally got back just now from watching, so the feeling is still fresh in my mind: Generic as fuck story with absolutely no reason to care about it, other than "It's star wars"

Worst, is that they took the mysterious nature of han solo, in which the gaps are filled in by peoples mind (Which tend to be far more grand and amazing than reality) and shoveled it out instead of something actually interesting. The fact that they dug up han solo's story shows that they're literally out of ideas on what to do with star wars.

3/5 movie. The only thing that separates this from some episode on TV like star trek is the high budget and run time.

I felt the same way. The movie wasn't actively bad like TLJ was. I didn't walk out of the movie thinking "what a pile of shit", I just walked out feeling.. indifferent. Like I don't think my time was wasted, but I definitely didn't need to spend 12 bucks to see it.

actively bad like TLJ

This has to be the best way to describe TLJ

It honestly boggles my mind how they can't tell a new interesting story in the setting an entire galaxy.

That and there are like 200 fucking books already written they could just turn into movies.

Yeah, but they aren't canon anymore.

They are in my heart

if my chest was canon, I would shoot my heart upon it

That's what TLJ did and mobs of mindless fans hate it for that. They just want to be clockwork oranged with the original trilogy for the rest of their life.

Yeah it was new, but it wasn't good.

That's honestly what pisses me off the most about Star Wars movies.

Entire galaxy with many diverse species of aliens and cultures

Entire main party is generic-looking humans with a token droid and Chewbacca once in a while. Not even a genetically modified human or anything.

they can't tell a new interesting story

If you think about it, they actually have very few tools in their storytelling bag. They're limited by their own worldview and the dominant culture, which says you're not allowed to offend anyone in the "protected" groups.

Their problem with storytelling is the same problem the left has in general and why people say "the left can't meme" - if you can't risk offending anyone (in the "protected" groups) then there's nowhere to go - because everything you do is going to offend someone in one of those groups. I mean, these are people who think air conditioning is sexist for fuck's sake!

dude what

lol you loons see this culture war shit literally everywhere. If you hadn't quoted me I would have thought you replied to the wrong comment.

see this culture war shit literally everywhere

Here's a picture of the person Disney put in charge, wearing a shirt that ties Star Wars to a feminist political message. I'm not seeing anything that isn't there.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

lol what does that have to do with their boring, uncreative stories?

I explained the connection in my first post. They desire to avoid offending protected groups, and this greatly limits their storytelling repertoire.

you can't think of a single good story that won't offend black people?

I can think of many good stories that wont offend black people.

Do you think that question is relevant?? Maybe you just didn't read my post. I pointed out that there are many "protected groups" and anything you do is going to offend at least one of them. It's like if there are three people, Joe, Sam, and Tim and I say that I can't avoid offending at least one of them and then your response is, "are you saying there's no way to avoid offending Tim???"

No, you fucking retard, I'm not saying there's no way to avoid offending Tim. I'm saying I'm going to offend at least one of them.

Black Panther was very popular, but was still criticized for not having LGBT characters. To avoid this in Solo, they came out and said that Lando is pansexual - those are the kind of eggshells you have to walk on if avoiding offense is one of your values.

I don't see what this has to do with the story. The way these big studios deal with that is exactly what you mention with lando. They slam in some token character or add a post-hoc attribute to an existing one. They never have the balls to actually make it matter in any way.

I'm sure they could take whatever pure aryan star wars story idea you'd come up with and just make some of the characters gay or black and the story would work fine.

I don't see what this has to do with the story.

Did you understand this sentence: "They desire to avoid offending protected groups, and this greatly limits their storytelling repertoire."

Look, there are templates for making good stories. One example is the Greek one called the "hero's journey." The problem is, if you try using that template, then let your SJW buddies pick it apart - let them take out everything they find to be "heteronormative" or any instance of "mansplaining" or you let them add in a bunch of extraneous bullshit like how capitalism is bad (that was added in TLJ) or how so-and-so is pansexual, then you end up with nothing left of the template. You end up with shit.

I understand it, I just don't think it's true.

A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.

What part of that involves capitalism or heterosexuality? Make a story about a lesbian hero in a post-scarcity future for all I care, the story template still works fine. You just want to bitch about muh SJWs, but the truth is neither you nor they really matter much at all. All you culture warriors get are shitty little tokens like pansexual lando.

What part of that involves capitalism or heterosexuality?

Remember earlier in the conversation when I made you look like an idiot after you asked if it was possible to make a story that wouldn't offend black people? The mistake that you made in asking that question was thinking that they were the only group.

Here you're making the mistake of thinking that the two examples I gave, capitalism and heteronormativity, are the only things SJWs can get upset about. Pay attention: those are just examples.

They will always find something to be offended by. I linked you to someone whining that there were no LGBTs in Black Panther. I mentioned in my first post that feminists have claimed air conditioning is sexist. If you name any movie or story, I will make an argument that it's "problematic."

Capitalism and heteronormativity are just examples ...and yet, they're relevant examples and if you'd pay attention to what I'm saying, you'll understand that I'm pointing at the problem here. In LTJ they added in a scene to criticize capitalism. The addition was ham-fisted and everyone cringed. I'm pointing to the problem right now. I'm pointing right at it: their ideology is the reason they can't make good stories.

You just want to bitch about muh SJWs

They're making political statements. I linked you to the stupid feminist shirts. I linked you to statements about (irrelevant to the story) pan-sexuality.

When they put their ideology into the story, I am justified in my criticism. When the stories end up sucking, I and correct in attributing it to their ideology.

If Disney had handed Star Wars to a bunch of conservative Christians, and they posed for pictures wearing shirts that said, "the force is actually Jesus' love" and they made statements that some character or other had always been a Christian ...and then the movies ended up sucking - I would be right to criticize them, and I'd be correct in attributing their failure to the inclusion of that ideology.

And you would agree with me. You wouldn't say, "you just want to bitch about muh christianity" - but for some reason, you're denying the connection when it's the left fucking things up.

Remember earlier in the conversation when I made you look like an idiot

It starts like this and is like 8 paragraphs long. Oh lord please tell me this is pasta

If the comment is too long for you, maybe you could find an adult to help read it

Generic as fuck story with absolutely no reason to care about it, other than "It's star wars"

so same as the last 6 or 7 Star Wars movies then

Is that all of the star wars movies?

Is it any good though? I'm not a big SW fan but if it's a masterpiece I'll go see it. From what I've heard so far it's just a decent but unremarkable action film.

From what I've heard so far it's just a decent but unremarkable action film.

Exactly. No reason to spend money seeing it, unless you just have absolutely nothing else to do.

I enjoyed it quite a bit but it's definitely no masterpiece

Unironically: TLJ is great and Solo is everything wrong with modern Star Wars

TLJ is great

Good luck having a correct opinion in the midst of the most powerful movie circlejerk of all time

Wanna blow this sub?

Just get a room and blow each other, you two.

Maybe for space communists. In TLJ, the story goes all you need is hope, not spaceships, fuel, an army or more than 10 people or a religious order or formal training to stop from turning to evil. Just hope and space communism.

Solo: All you need for a rebellion is 200,000 galatic credits worth in hyperfuel. Pure capitalism baby!

Correct opinion: There have been only two good Star Wars movies. TLJ is one of them. It's the best Star Wars movie since Episode V.

Unironically: you having an opinion on "modern Star Wars" justifies the mayocide

I just got done watching Solo at the drive-in with my son. Jesus Christ, Brett Ratner couldn't have directed a more mediocre movie if he tried.

Wait... There are still drive ins? That's awesome

we should be happy Disney is being punished for TLJ.

Mommy!! They ruined my childhood 😭😭😭 make it stop 😭😭😭

Hilariously, the Avengers was the worst marvel movie up to that point.

Me want pretty sword fights

pls no kill childhood hero REEEEE

Fucking hell that is disturbing to read. Either there's something very wrong with these nitwits or it's just a massive pile of paid shills astroturfing on each other without even realising.

Little column a, little column b

What's funny is this same post, exact wording and picture, can be found on internet forums everywhere, almost like it's coordinated...

Ron Howard and Gambino seem to be the only talent on this project who the fuck is alder robinreich anyway

Maybe I pretend to have standards occasionally but who the actual fuck reads that type of thread and upvotes it? If I loved star wars and loved the movie I wouldn't even remotely be compelled to make that thread or approve of it. It's fucking clown shoe city.

but who the actual fuck reads that type of thread and upvotes it?


I liked the new Solo movie.🙃

But i never liked that character even in original trilogy. He was goofy idiot

To be fair, this script was started when Lucas was still in control and was finished by the person who initiated it + his son.

I enjoyed it and I think Ron Howard deserves credit for saving it. Tou can tell by the weird pacing in some of the forced plot mechanics that he had to stitch it together

I think Ron Howard deserves credit for saving it.

Hottest of hot takes right here.

I refuse to see Solo because they're already making noises about a shitty fucking Lando movie and they've ruined him enough.

You don't think him being a pansexual adds to his character?

I actually watched it....yeah, that's gonna be a 5/10 from me dawg.

space capeshit


Solo is unironically better than TFA and TLJ

LOL nah


I found Han Solo to be a really good movie, and that ending was mindblowing to me. I easily rate it 7.5 or 8 out of 10. People complaining about the actors chosen, or the plot itself need to come down from their high horse and be humble for a change, movie is great, action-packed and well paced

It's almost like movie-goers worldwide don't agree with you...

So they're automatically right and I'm wrong because we enjoy different things?

If we're going by numbers, I'd say so.

Awesome, glad I like different things and I can think for myself :)

Yes, you're a very special snow flake!

Wow so I'm a special snowflake for not being just another mindless internet warrior that hates everything that is new :) movie is great, that is my opinion. The fact that you keep trying to make me the bad guy here is funny actually

Do you know where you are?

Its almost like this has nothing to do with TLJ and everything to do with the fact that no one wanted this movie, even Disney didn't bother hyping it, it kind of sucks, and there are better movies out there.


also no one could have predicted this hot take which is sure to rile the beardos

Wow, that sub seems to have a lot of viral marketing going on...

Stah Wahs makes capeshit look like capekino

Nope. The last Star Wars movie I saw is Rogue One and I think it's going to stay that way until Disney finishes sucking the corpse dry, discards it and someone a bit more competent and less politically correct buys the rights.

I think most SW fans are boycotting Solo. This is fake news LOL.