"Maybe She Had So Much Money She Just Lost Track of It": How an Aspiring ‘It’ Girl Tricked New York’s Party People — and Its Banks

113  2018-05-29 by westofthetracks


Jews did this


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Unlike mayo roasties, Jews don't have to cut bad checks to summon money from thin air.

Lmao reading

TL;DR or btfo


I bet she gives good head.

Ask her cellmate.


Russian thot committed wire fraud from banks using a fake swiss account as a collateral.

Remember kids, don't trust thots :)

Who else am I supposed to give my neetbux to on twitch if not the thots?


He’s a beautiful man thot who deserves your love and bussy

Sorry baldies are subhuman and I don't give money to the untermensch :/


Arumba, tbh

A market ETF to save for your future.

$10,000 today is a million on your retirement, plan wisely : ^ )



You can spend all your money on 6/10s FinDommes.

So it's basically prince and the pauper only with fraud and two uninteresting hipster cunts at the helm.


Wow, that was actually really interesting. The long and short of it is that this crazy Russian broad managed to get a boatload of cash and hobnob around NYC with a bunch of rich fucks until her whole fraud scheme came tumbling down and now she is in jail and still a 5/10 like she was before.

It's amazing what a good bullshitter can do. I had a friend whose father was caught up in a similar but somehow more outlandish scheme, and I still don't know what is and isn't real about what I heard and saw.

i think my favorite detail of the scam is how she was able to get away with just straight-up forging 5-figure deutsche bank receipts because she met the ceo at a party once and kept flashing his business card. it really is true what she says at the end about "limited amounts of talent," most people are literally psychologically incapable of doing this sort of stuff at this sort of level so almost no one will have a real guard up for it.

And the worst part of this story? I was expecting to see someone who looked the part as well...ya know...slim, gorgeous, charismatic? Someone who's so enchanting that dim-witted trust-fund kids and horny business execs would excuse her "forgetting her wallet" for bills in the 10-60k range? Nope.
Nothing hideous or malformed, but a solid 6/10 will an ill-mannered and pretentious attitude. I don't know whether to point and laugh at these "street smart" New Yorkers, or cry because I wanna go for a nice shopping spree too.

If she was super hot then every other woman in a 10 mile radius would be trying to fuck her over and she wouldve been found out real quick. She's at the sweet spot, attractiveness-wise, of not being threatening to the other bitches, but also being someone that guys want to fuck up the ass.

a solid 6/10 will an ill-mannered and pretentious attitude.

That's like 90% of daughters of rich parents.

I don't think she did it to go shopping, pretty sure she's honest about her motivations

She seemed unusually gifted in the art of the con for being so young. What's a "legitimate" career path for someone that can bullshit like this? Intelligence field?

Customer Service, some sections of Department of State, Lobbying, real estate, p much any salesmen etc.

She'd make a brilliant politician

We're talking about legitimate and respectable jobs here no matter how much of a nonjob realestate is.

CIA probably, but generally they want people that they can train into liers.


Politician, lobbyist, religious leader, CEO.

Borrow 100k from the bank they will ruin you to get it back convince them to lend you 100mill they will literally through more money at you in the hope of getting it back. Remember kids if you are gonna do it go large!

I had a friend whose father was caught up in a similar but somehow more outlandish scheme

1%er detected

Snally definitely went to prep school.

1%er detected

Poor fags, smh.

I actually met my friend in a suburban public school. By the end of my time there the family was renting a (large of course) house because they'd gotten kicked off of their old property for some reason involving Mormons.

As long as you didn't do any sexual favors for him, no harm no foul

Definitely not, though one of the dudes in one of the 'secret societies' he belonged to was creepy as fuck towards us.

'secret societies'

Destroy the masons

Can we get a write-up? This sounds interesting.

Somebody did an investigative piece on the guy in a local newspaper a while ago, but it only lays out the hard facts about some of the story when the whole thing is so much more interesting. I'd post it or do a write-up, but my pal tried to separate herself from anything involving her father as soon as she could, and the details would make her family too easy to 'dox' because it's just so ridiculous. Actually, I'll just try and dig up the article and PM it to you some time or other so long as you promise not to do anything bad with it.

Oh no worries, I won't tell anyone.

Where did she get all the cash she was handing out in the beginning though? I seemed to have missed that part.

I think it was from bad checks and a 100k loan she managed to get.

That was a good read, thanks for posting

Neff’s boyfriend didn’t understand why she was spending so much time with this weird girl from work. Anna didn’t understand why Neff had a boyfriend. But he was rich, Neff protested. He’d promised to finance her first movie. “Dump him,” Anna advised. “I have more money.” She would finance the movie.

Neff did dump the guy. Not because of what Anna had said, although she had no reason to doubt it.

roasties, amirite /u/pizzashill?

I unironically want to see a pic of the woman who made /u/pizzashill the burnt-out husk he is. I need to know who stole his soul.

Unironically this.

I bet she's a red head


...who introduced him to the forbidden pleasures of anal sex, before he found out that half the school was doing her greek too.

Brown hair, glasses, lips to die for. Quick-witted, she had a masters in psychology.

Her father was an engineer of some type, she had serious daddy issues because he avoided her.

Was a real mess.

I would like to know the whole story

Just make sure you understand that he would probably find a rock incredibly intelligent and captivating as long as it found a way to pay attention to him.

How many pounds had she gained since those pics by the time she met you?

Nothing, she wasn't overweight.

I thought it was just Hillary.

/u/pizzashill is 100% LARPing. He got bored and is playing his second character now.

She's brilliant, punk rock af.

Has anyone fallen for a thot as hard as Lance?

Are rich people just retarded? Doesn’t not having a credit card on file, always paying crazy amounts in cash, and insisting on wire transfers that don’t come raise massive alarm bells in a service industry?

Wouldn’t these hotels talk to each other and realize she’s not good for any of this?

You only have like one, two generations tops before your money makes your descendents retarded and there was a lot of old money involved here. So yeah.

This is why the day I officially turn old, Stark Industries gets liquidated and all the money goes into a shady drug trade empire that nobody can find all the loose ends of, let alone collect inheritance from, should I end up dead.

You could just pull a Buffett and tell your beneficiaries they're only getting a fraction of your money specifically because you're worried the whole sum will make them retarded.

Then I'd end up with what will happen to Buffett, which is that the generation after me isn't yet retarded enough to fail to get their hands on infinite money anyway without me there to stop them.

I can't wait to see the difference your $5k makes in the world.


Already spoken for (the air conditioner).

I might have forgotten a few k's.

For every person who succeeds with this type of scam, there are 10 people who try and fail. But those people don't get nearly as much news coverage.

"It started with money, as it so often does in New York. A crisp $100 bill slipped across the smooth surface of the mid-century-inspired concierge desk at 11 Howard, the sleek new boutique hotel in Soho"

crisp, smooth, and sleek all in the second sentence. Oh boy oh boy I can't wait to read the wall of adjectives to come. Seriously, do they not teach writing anymore?

It's actually written very well overall

The original article is I think actually a more interesting read - it's from the perspective of Rachel, a friend mentioned in the piece she also defrauded.

God damn I wish I had the charisma and savvy to pull something that crazy off

I'm sincerely in love with this girl after reading this article. I was infatuated from the start, but by the end, true love. I'll make shit happen for her someday


never change, darqwolff

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand this bitch

Imagine everyone you meet opening doors of opportunity to you and wasting it all on trying to take a shortcut into becoming a Kardashian.

Pros: she robbed the bourgeousie
Cons: she just wanted to be the bourgeoisie

She needs Kevin Mitnick to help her ghost write her tell all book.