Movies About White Men? Box Office Poison!

69  2018-05-30 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


Jews did this


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We are so overdue for another holocaust

Southern christians this time

Tbh, though, both Harrison Ford and the new guy are Jewish. Arguably it would have been more inaccurate to cast a goy.

It was only a matter of time before the damage control started.

Is there any other kind of damage control at Disney?

Someone should post this to /r/movies. I'm honestly curious how it would be received over there.

I tried now, someone did already:

No drama there, it just flew under the radar. ):

Shame. At least there's the one random comment angry at MRAs


Keep SEETHING that your space capeshit is shaping up to be the biggest bomb in cinematic history. At least you aren't blaming Russian bots like some retards did for TLJ.

lol /u/zerocorpse, what the fuck are you talking about?

Clearly they don't have a lot going on in their own life, they needed a win.

And this one bussy that shat on white male movies (and then disagreed with himself at the end) was enough to make /u/zerocorpse a little less dead inside for the day.

wtf is a 'white male movie'? I don't care enough to whitelist fucking Fnords ragazine to find out.

Captain Underpants was mayo....

A movie made by Jews starring Jews.

I blame American bots for the success of that fucking wet dog of a film The Interview.

Literally everyone saw this coming.

Holy shit that guy's profile pic. What a goblin. Must've taken it just before he raped the cameraman.

Even if he thought that picture looked good, you'd think there would be enough people saying "hey maybe you should take another picture" for him to change it.

People are probably too afraid to speak to that troll to give feedback lest that raper male feminist gets his greasy mitts on them.

I knew it would be Mendelson's hideous visage staring back at me before I clicked. He's the Forbes resident Hot Taker, woke boy and tiresome superhero movie shill.

I noticed this the other day on another article. Who looks at this picture and thinks it's a good idea to put it under an article with your name and all. It's like he's trying to look like a sex offender, maybe that's his fetish or something.

He looks like he belongs on Channel Awesome.

Duh, of course movies with cute Asian chicks sell better, that's pretty obvious. Give me a Wong Kar-wai picture and I'll be happy.

This but unironically.

Pineapple express changed my life from "weeb" to "almost too pretentious to be around"

Wasn't being ironic, I also partly blame him for my thing for East-Asian women

cute Asian chicks

Best part about cute Asian chicks in movies, is they all look alike so its not like you need to pay them "Star" money.

I'll have you know the only reason that I kept confusing the actresses in In the Mood for Love was because I was extremely tired that day

Emile Clarke is cuter and more talented than 90% of Asian chicks. She's also about the same height and body size.

seen better

Ever tried opening your eyes?

TFA: Han Solo is basically the equivalent of millhouse's dad. Divorced, broke, only company is a stuffed animal and is shown up by an 18 year old. Thankfully he gets killed by his son as a way to end his miserable existence.

Let's make a movie about this worthless sack of shit - Disney in current year

Han Solo is basically the equivalent of millhouse's dad. Divorced, broke, only company is a stuffed animal and is shown up by an 18 year old. Thankfully he gets killed by his son as a way to end his miserable existence.

Yeah? Just wait til you hit 30, boyo.

The dude is like 68 years old and his retirement plan is hunting down shoggoths and getting into trouble with rival crews. If he wasn't a crime syndicate leader by then, he was a pisspoor smuggler

But he helped kill tens of thousands of people!?

Nooooo, it can’t be that it felt like a soulless husk of a production. It’s gotta be the white men

"Did Solo: A Star Wars Story disappoint because it had a white male lead? Would that it were so simple!"... Would that it were so simple... Ah yes, journalism at its finest. I would that he wasn't so fuckin dumb.

Would that you isn't hilarious?

Would that he wasn't?


Would that it were so simple

That's a reference to a line in Hail Caesar from the guy who plans Han

Space capeshit being a shit movie? Whomst could've thonk that?? 🤔

Insert "white male" into title. Clickity click click.

movies are stupid anyway.

so are audiences though.

That's one interpretation.

people who write articles about box office bullshit should be hanged, drawn, and quartered.

hanged, drawn, and quartered

But not in that order though.

I think the hanging part should come last though. So they can enjoy the drawing and quartering parts.

i legitimately support mayocide but i can't fucking read this article. Like the entire thing is nothing more than a list of cherry picked movies and box office figures.

Last I checked avatar still was #1 grossing movie of all time and it starred giant blue furries so maybe it has nothing at all to do with skin color / gender / species!?!?

Yeah, that's why Infinity War made tons and tons of money. Obviously any movie where White men are the central characters are always box office poison

Here is my theory: Hollywood has been pretty anxious about Rotten Tomatoes for a long time. It hurts their bottom line because people won't go see shitty movies because Hollywood has also stupidly made the ticket prices go way up (because they are all morons) It used to be people would go see poorly rated movies by their local papers if they liked the trailer when the prices were reasonable. Now perhaps they would still go if they could only see their own local critics review and maybe they don't like that particular critic, but its hard to argue with all critics across the US disliking the movie. So Hollywood started running social justice campaigns to make bad movies critic proof, the first semi succesful attempt at this was ghost busters. And they thought they had neutralized the problem, just put some fake social justice cause behind the movie so critics are *ist if they give a bad review. In the case of Star Wars, movies feature a female protagonist, but that still doesn't stop word of mouth bad reviews. You will notice that they geared up to do this for Black Panther, because a small but actually racist group of people were going to try to downvote the movie, but they actually didn't have to do anything because it was a decent movie. With Solo they got the critics social justice plot points and maybe that Kathleen Kennedy is the producer, but there was no campaign they could run on word of mouth problems since the main character is a white dude and in their dumbass beliefs a white dude could never be oppressed