Solo a Star Wars story had an activist robot in it, a robot rights activist or something, Anita Sarkeesian is not impressed.

172  2018-06-01 by HawkGuy


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Honestly, that girl just needs a deep dickin, it would shut her up already

You mean The Laci Green Special?

Yeah, that! Notice Laci actually became fun to listen to after meeting her bf? Anita could become a better person for sure!

Does she still shoot heroin?

Does the pope shit in the woods?

Do Catholic bishops molest children?

And then shit on them.

What His Holiness does in his free time is none of my business, friend.

She grew up in Portland; if she stopped she'd probably die.

There is nothing wrong with heroin

I'd agree for pain killers, but not heroin.

Is she still fucking iDubbbz?

Why do ppl watch normal ppl on youtube??

Unsure, I dislike youtuber culture myself, the only channels I like tend to have instructional videos

I will never understand it

I can only imagine how miserably boring you have to be yourself to be entertained by that shit

Chris R Gun really did a number on her

*Chris R Gun really DID her



He must have a ray gun the size of a death star.

With a wooden dildo, 300 inches. Vlad the Impaler style.

300.0 inch = 762.0 centimetres

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I vote for this for all roasties

I hope you're being ironic because that would be slightly less cringey.

but what poor bastard is going to fall on that grenade? I mean, I know what they say about girls who wear hope earrings, but still. that lay is not worth ruining your damn life.

There is always a guy willing to fuck crazy

I imagine these types of people watch movies with a notebook and mechanical pencil on hand, just waiting to see something slightly off kilter with their ideology to start sperging out and to write furiously about it.

I saw a video about this movie from mauler on YouTube. Funny dude. He complained the exact same things she did lol and that guy is the opposite of anita.

Also thank god I never was a star wars fan and soon realized this space kino is shit. If my beloved franchise became about female robots emanding equal rights and the implications that she was banging Donald glover I'd be pretty fucking pissed.

He complained the exact same things she did lol and that guy is the opposite of anita.

Horsehoe theory confirmed.

An horsehoe isn't the same as an horseshoe.

No kinkshaming.

both sides are dumb


It's already infested with smug liberals circlejerking about centrist strawmen.

Yes that's the whole point. I assumed your comment was a joke too, I guess I was making fun of you.

Not unironically beign centrsit.

Stop advertising your shit subreddit, m8.


This. Centrism is easily the most dramatic political ideology because it makes retards on both aisles hopping mad that you don't want to kill all white people/jews/men/etc

Glad to see I'm not the only one who sees that sub for the fakeass shitpile that it is

/r/dirtbagcenter is the true centrist subreddit

Centrists makes me find extremists relatables

Also, I think they broke Poe's Law. Even RedLetterMedia in their review couldn't tell if it was actually meant to be satire disguised as social commentary to pass right underneath the noses of the producers, or if it was actual social commentary.

I think the best theory I heard I that the original directors made her as a parody which is was why they got fired. Then Ron Howard had to hastily re-shoot/redub parts of the film which is why its hard to tell if its parody or not. I like this theory most since its most dramatic but I have no real evidence.

They fired them for that? Tf

Thats his theory.

Apparently they got fired because their cut of the movie was really weird and wacky so they got Howard to re-shoot most of it.

Por que no los dos?

I read it as a sympathetic soft satire on activists. If the robots were human level AI, then they are in a form of slavery and she's not wrong.

The fact that Lando appeared to care for her deeply suggests it.

I imagine these types of people watch movies with a notebook and mechanical pencil on hand, just waiting to see something slightly off kilter with their ideology to start sperging out and to write furiously about it.

I dated one once and I can confirm this is extremely accurate.

How was the sex though

What you should be asking is how was their critical review after the sex.

Honestly terrible tbqh. She would insist she was being abused if it wasn't all about whatever she wanted.

Ahhh, a narcissist.

If you were gonna get called an abuser did you at least abuse her?

I call them "professionally offended"

There's a similar group of people that get really outraged voer these imagined/probably-accidental slights to score even more brownie points. I call them people with professional grade thin skin.

Need me some o that

MauLer is severely underrated. Spent 3 days at work listening to his Dark Souls 2 response to hbomberguy and he just does it piece by piece.

Like he is alright. There are points were he starts to make it seem like his word is law and does as much revieiwing as a sports match commentator.

Spent 3 days at work listening to his Dark Souls 2 response to hbomberguy and he just does it piece by piece.

what the absolute literal fuck is this advanced grade autism?

Lol i know, right. I saw that on his channel and I thought he legit had some kind of autism. That was too much effort for a single game

what else am I supposed to do at work

How about doing your job instead of fucking around on reddit.

3 days

so when you gonna watch the other half of it

How I found out General Managers don't get overtime pay

Don't most critics do that? Take notes

It's a caricature of modern feminism because the robot actually frees oppressed people for once.

In her defense, and trust me I don't want to do this it is a star wars film. And an american film. We all know this films sucks and the only people who pay money to watch Ameri-shit films are third world illiterate fags who want to see some white girls.

the only people who pay money to watch Ameri-shit films are third world illiterate fags who want to see some white girls.

So, Americans?

like the bottom tier ones.


Would explain the obesity epidemic

The PC police they're everywhere.

Everybody should be banging Donald Glover. If Lando doesn't have a harem of men, women, everything in between and other things, he's not Lando.

caring this much about space capeshit


It didn't used to be capeshit

Vader wore a cape fam, it’s always been capeshit

that's not how any of this works

zorro is capeshit and that's a good thing

So did Grevious, how cape even had a place to add sabers.

So is Seinfeld capeshit then?

It's capeshit if it involves capeshit clichés

Lightsabers cut through capes. At least in the first two movies. RoTJ and after that, I take no responsibility for it.

Star Wars is juvenile, but it's not really as dumb as some faggot running around in tights.

Here, we disagree. I'm actually considering to declare it even more pathetic but i digress.

If you haven't noticed Star Wars is political commentary that mirrors current political situations of the time. The current trilogy is mirroring what's happening now in America where the military industrial complex/shadow government or what ever you want to call it is taking over the country. The First Order is a military presence that infiltratated the senate and successfully split the galaxy in two. Original Trilogy was Vietnam, Prequels were similar to now but in the time of the Bush admin. It's the same situation people behind scenes paying terrorists to attack a planet and then play the victim using reactionaries to convince the galaxy to go to war while secretly controlling both sides of the war. The force awakens title is very Meta. They know people are awakening to the real ways of the world. It makes perfect sense for Finn to realize how that he was actually on the bad guys side the first time he got to see it first hand.

Wtf I hate kylo trump now

Star wars isn't even close to as ridiculous as super hero shit. Star wars actually comes off like a mostly cohesive universe. The mcu isn't even pretending to.

the fuck are you smoking? capeshit is ten thousand times worse

You have shit taste in movies. Keep jerking off to space capeshit 😂😂😂😂😂

Id argue the star wars fanbase is worse than the cbm fanbase.

Cause it's about faggets running around with light sticks

What do YOU care about Ed?

Why can't she just shut up and go away

Because making her famous was the thing gamergate actually accomplished

As much as I hate turks, they didn't finish the damned job.

Fuck man.

I can't think of a single Armenian in the west who isn't a flaming turd.

If ever a reply has screamed "you are in r/drama."

My bad for forgetting.

I can't think of a single Turk who isn't either.

I can

Turks are generally shit yes.

I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop whTe dogs from advancing. We mow down whTe dogs but they keep coming. I shoot whTe dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering whTes, since whTes are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. whTes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see KARA BOĞA (Tengri) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in africa, my homeland. My BLACK brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..

u/kn0thing care to respond?


lol all gamergate did was warn people about her and they did the rest out of spite or to fight pretend misogyny or whatever

Well she isn't nearly as popular as she used to be. Gets far fewer watches on her videos and far less donations.

Possibly her immensely successful Kickstarter campaign about making a feature-length documentary - one that ended with the goal far exceeded, and then all the money mysteriously disappearing - may have something to do with it.

And yet she keeps getting invited to all this bigwig parties and conventions as a guest of honor despite being a well known con artist.

Surely if you organize a con, you wouldn't want sub-par con artists!

delet this

Her ex-boyfriend Jonathan McIntosh is actually pulling more views for his new channel. I guess we know who actually was the talent behind the heyday of the channel.

Imagine unironically caring about ethics in video games journalism.

imagine being angry enough about the idea for some reason to spitefully fund actual rapists

Bullshit fam all of her fame is due to gamergate

gg just said she was a charlatan, it was the rest of the media and neckbeards on the internet that decided that was enough of a reason to feature her in media and give her money out of spite

nobody can predict that sort of retard reaction

GG time machine strikes again.

Barely 11k Twitter followers, not even quarter of a million subs, and most of her videos barely crack 3,000 views even after a month. I think she’s officially not famous anymore.

Inc videos how video games made trump possible. And what common did Osama bin Laden, trump, Putin and Hitler had common they liked videogames.

She literally just got 35 k to open a discord server.

Literally no one outside of the US and Canada knows who she is.

They do, she's the making white suffering a thing. you

Yeah but even this level of success is overachieving on her part. I still cant believe she got 35 fucking k.

Feminist Frequency has always been a findom racket disguised with politics, it's hardly surprising the paypigs that make up her remaining fanbase keep coughing up the dough.

wtf she only has 11k twitter followers? I thought she was way more popular than that

Her personal twitter has 11k followers

Feminist Frequency twitter has like 750k

oh right didn't realize

Feminist Frequency twitter

probably mostly bots or dead accounts. look at how many faves or retweets she gets for a more realistic number.

Everybody who likes something you don't like is a shill or a bot

You can argue whichever thing you like, but when less than 1% of your "followers" are actually retelling re-tweeting / favouring you, that's not a good sign for your social media presence.

Its because there is an entrenched minority of people that will all spam articles about her in her defense and they have enough institutional power to get her to the UN.

That's not saying much. The UN is more worthless than a dead child. They can't even destroy Europe.

I'll never forgive Gamergate for making her famous enough to be invited to write a haunt for the House on the Hill expansion and proceeding to write the worst one in the entire game.

gamergate is in the legbeard press practically daily and it’s been 4 years

It really isn't. They would have been 'insane' over something else, and the people who were/are still involved in GG after all the initial hype died down are somehow even more batshit. Watching this GG/anti-GG shit trudge on after all these years is depressing as fuck. It's just a handful of idiots who are unironically as stupid and out-of-touch as their adversaries cycling between smugness and anger over a "problem" with stakes that are as low as can possibly be.

The lowest the stakes, the more people care

Sarkeesian was well before Gamergate.

About two years beforehand, though I will point out it was Sarkeesian inserting herself into the GamerGate drama (with all the class of your average ambulance chaser) that got the MSM to start covering it.

It's funny that people blame gg for Sarkeesian randomly start tweeting about it when it had nothing to do with her in any way.

It wasn't exactly subtle, she drops a vid the week after the article spree when everyone's at their most autistic and then says "Gamergaters did it!" when /v/irgins immediately start flaming her like they had been doing for the past two years.

One of the funniest aspects of that drama was the lowkey slapfighting between the various professional victims trying to grab the title of "biggest victim of GamerGate". It only got funnier when Wu jumped on board and the whole competition became explicit instead of vaguetweeting.

Because people link to her on /r/drama

So we lose a source of all that Drama? Terrible idea.

At this point i dont think it ll happen. She just got 35 k to make a fucking discird server. The internet has enabled like minded morons to lift bigger morons on their shoulders.

Blame it on the morons who can't help but turn people they dislike into public martyrs by obsessing over them over petty shit.

wtf I love Solo: A Star Wars Story now

I mean she’s is right. The robot was this really shrill annoying ‘female’ banging on about equal rights. It was kinda bizarre seeing them mock activists like that tbh.

Haven’t seen it but it seems accurate

well now I wanna see this movie

The robot was also right though. So it was in this weird realm where it was also or even moreso mocking people for taking issue with these loud voices. The robot really didn't fit in the movie though.

If you tell me it was mocking both I might actually give the movie a try

Is this the radical centrist media I have bee waiting for so long? 😍

Well, since its the prequel story to han you can extrapolate that he ultimately neither joins the rebellion nor sides with the empire.

You're telling me that a movie with multiple directors with very different styles and millions in reshoots slapped together in a few months has some tonal issues? Next you'll tell me that wasn't Henry Cavill's upper lip!

Wait you still post in bad philosophy fam? in 2018?


I never said it was good. I was on board when someone tried making a new one, but unsurprisingly their new one didn't get far.

So is a lovehate/hate relationship like mine with r/drama?


That's the majority of subreddits I go to.

btw i used to see your name on askphil but i never quite knew where you would fall politically. you didnt seem right wing or too "sjw-ish" either

Another radical centrist? 😃

I did think of using the term radical centrist more, until centrism became a meme. I never call myself left wing since I have major disagreements with many aspects of them, but on average lean that direction. Often for very different reasons than they do though.

yeah same I think. I just say that i am a left-leaning centrist

political labels do seem to be getting more meaningless as time goes by though

I think they broke Poe's Law. Even RedLetterMedia in their review couldn't tell if it was actually meant to be satire disguised as social commentary to pass right underneath the noses of the producers, or if it was actual social commentary.

Art level: master troll.

TLJ was already trolling the fans and so was PT.

Star Wars is troll kino

I knew people would be thrown by it. It's hyperbolic to the point of satire but then so are most of these activists so it's impossible to tell.

In the immortal words of Stephen A Smith - "Stay of the weeeeeeeeed"😘

I actually really enjoyed Solo.



Says the guy promoting sex robot tape culture and Male protaganism

If Sarkeesian hates it, I'll probably like it.

lol i forget sometimes that her only actual skill is making nerds mad

She looks greasy af

Anita Sarkeesian is a complete hack. I don't understand how people still care about her.

I don't like what I see in the mirror either.


mockery of feminism and activist culture.

Sadly, it wasnt

Even RLM brought this up that L3 might be a parody that was from the Lord/Miller movie

ZOMG these replies. Thanks for a good laugh.

  • Respectfully, why do you review pop culture if you always seem to hate it? ** Because her income is based on her hating everything for increasingly ***I thought her income was based on running kickstarters and gofundme's and not fulfilling them? Oh and creating free discord groups and charging 25k for the privilege?
  • You're an inspiration.
  • She literally complained because there was a male in the movie that was doing important stuff.
  • That wasn't mockery, that was imitation
  • Do you hate droids? Don't you want equality for all? Are you a droidophobe?? A DERF????
  • “The comic relief is a ROBOT.” No, the correct term is “DROID!” What a dismissive and culturally insensitive thing to say. L3-37 would have been greatly offended at that slur. Lucasfilm has been bending over backwards for feminists and SJWs, and yet this is how you repay it?
  • Are you upset that they took your shtick or something?
  • And what'sthe problem? You can't make fun of that? Why not? How activists can't take a joke? ** Because jokes are harassment, duh. 😂

I just realized the robots name is leet, or 1337, L3-37.

None of those tweets have over 50 likes.

Can we declare gamergate over now?

  • Franchise owned by jews and directed by famed jew SJW J.J. Abrams
  • Writers officially confirm on twitter the bad side is supposed to be, quote, "(white) human supremacists"
  • Good side is multi-cultural and free of hate
  • Bad side has incel caricature
  • Good side has strong independent womyn 'archetypes'
  • All the old white male patriarchs either get killed in a preachy manner or turn retarded
  • Every main character is sexually deviant or BLACKED™
  • Disney tries to make the franchise as influential as possible towards easy to indoctrinate children


  • A SJW robot is also comic relief and a single movie still involves a cis white male character

Fkn white devils

(((white))) devils

activist culture

It's just their way of life people. We need to respect their alternative lifestyle.

Does saying "people of color" sound like some 50's era racism to anyone else? She addresses the girl by name immediately after saying "I'd like to see more of that colored girl" so she clearly knows it but only primarily identifies her by her skin color.

How is that not racist?

It is racist as fuck. Whenever you bring it up with people who use it they always just snidely dismiss the argument though. Really mona's my lisa.

r/drama bigots smh. There are only two kinds of people in this world, wh*te oppressors and the uniform colored masses that must endure their global hegemony.

She used the British spelling: colour. It's sophisticated, despite being tainted with the historical Whiteness of its origins.

Racist: "Colored people"

Woke: "People of color"

Haven't you figured out the lingo yet?

I get it now. A racist would say "chocolate ice cream" and a woke would say "ice cream of chocolate".

Ice cream first language helps stop the marginalization of minority flavors.

She’s right tho

Anita 😍😍😍 All hail mommy!

"I can't believe they parodied virtue signaling! Now let me virtue signal!!"

She is not getting enough bussy

L3-37 acted like a stereotypical feminist. I couldn't tell if it was a joke or meant to be serious.

Wait, Anita Sarkeesian is still around? But how? I thought that she became so irrelevant that even the universe forgot she existed and so she just ended up phasing between the layers of reality.

> The comic relief is a robot who is basically a mockery of feminism and activist culture.

Is it ironic at all the she is a robot who is basically a mockery of feminism and activist culture? She fights against art direction and internet comments ffs, and has almost single handedly killed feminism for a generation.

My guess is the character was a joke of the first directors, but Disney is so far up the SJW thing with StarWars that when they fired them, they didn't get it was mocking SJW's.

scared brown folks

Anita scoring woke brownie points there very nice 7/10. Spell it "folx" for a 10/10

Feminists and activists are a joke, so it follows

This persecution complex that most of the country seems to have is annoying as fuck. That being said, I didn't mind the robot character in the movie, or it's activism. It made sense and didn't feel like I was being beat over the head with it.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar I guess.