SRD-ines declare in okay for women to have physical preferences in the men they date...but gosh darn it a man better not!

75  2018-06-04 by random_bullshit_blah




Your post implies defensiveness to everybody. Quit hiding behind implicit assertions. This type of argument is where dogwhistling was born. Implied assertions followed by "SHOW ME SPECIFICALLY WHERE I SAID THAT VERBATIM"

Actually dogwhistling was born out of leftoids wanting to respond to the words they imagine in their heads and not the words anybody actually said, because that's easier.

You know, the way you and the other SRDines are doing right now.

unironically using "leftoids"


Yep, this one's going in my cringe compilation.


You need a sleepy cat drawing.

I think you should use that instead of 😴😴😴 sometimes.

It's amazing how many people in that thread like u/sxae and u/Romulus_Novus need to pretend that u/Bluest_waters said shit that he never said in order to rationalize their anger at the simple, inoffensive shit they did say.

You'd think it'd be easier for them to just admit that they hate men, but I guess not.

keep reading

its ongoing

i have been TOTALLY calm i have been calm and clear and have not insulted a single person

however, i myself have been insulted repeatedly

SRDines are some stupid motherfuckers, it's true.

Can't wait until Shits bans you for """trolling""".

Fun fact: most people don't have a preference for SRDines.

Captain Ahab did.


I was thinking about the cruise ship that had all the poop on decks and stuff because the toilets broke.

An unhealthy obsession that ruined his life, yes.

An unhealthy obsession that ruined his life, yes.

Well most of 'em are incels so ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Cold hard facts


and now they deleted all my comments

i was totally calm, completely logical and dinnt insult a single person

didnt violate any rules

still got my shit deleted

That sub seems to get noticeably worse on like a daily basis.

You interrupted female supremacists to treat a woman equally. It's the definition of triggering for SRDines.

Lmao, this bot is hilarious. Author is either retarded or lazy. Probably both.

did you never learn the difference between nouns and adjectives?

Shit bot


Jesus Christ, stop crying about some feeble injustice. Yes, women hold the power position in dating. Deal with it, instead of playing SRD'nes games of equality.

ok, have a nice day

Thanks, you too!

Pretty sure the point is to expose their flawed logic and gaping hole of hypocrisy. And it makes them sperg out.

You're actually a total faggot autist in that thread tho fam. While I wouldn't put it past SRDines to say men have to date hams or whatever, nobody actually said that there, so you waddled in, threw a tantrum about something that wasn't happening, and then loudly and self-congratulatorily yelled at everyone responding about how not mad you were.

I don't know how you managed to get into a slapfight with SRDines and come out looking like the bigger idiot.

Happens everytime the short guy topic comes up.

So wait for them to actually say something retarded instead of spazzing about what you expect them to say. Otherwise you just look like a refugee from an autism convention.

Yeah, I agree. All the sudden guys come out of the woodwork claiming people bug them about not dating fat chicks. It's so they can claim women wanting tall guys are hypocrites has been my observation.

Oh, I gotchu. I read that as "these people always say you have i date fat chicks!" or whatever

They are trying to funnel views to /r/internetdrama

I mean, fuck manlets and all but...

Why do people think short dudes are naturally bitter towards women? It's so obvious that short dudes are bitter because women reject them. To say women reject short dudes because they are bitter is just so completely retarded.

No one is born bitter.

6 foot 2 is the average male height.

If you are under 6 foot, you need to keep yourself safe, for the good of the gene pool, tho.

We should keep the 5'11" manlet kings around as an object lesson to the children to drink your milk, lest you end up as them

No exception.

In the future, everyone will be above average height!

Anyone who has ever left their house knows that short men can get a date. So, when they see men complaining they can't get a date because they are short, they assume there are other reasons they are not dating. And, tbf, they are talking about a thread from /r/short where the guys talk about their height the same ways incels obsess about weak mandibles and canthal tilts. Yeah, people aren't born that bitter, but healthy, normal people don't allow themselves to get that bitter either.

One has to take into account there will be guys who get repeatedly rejected based on their height and whos prospects were limited already. So obviously those manlets will become bitter. Half of the dudes on /r/short probably have numerous other undesirable qualities but being told its your height pisses them off extra because they will never fuck an amazonian goddess.

So don't go on OK Cupid where you can see chicks with height requirements. My theory is a lot of women on dating sites aren't there because they can't get a date. They just want to meet new people. So, of course, they are going to list all their "nice to haves". That doesn't necessarily mean that if they were asked out IRL by a guy who isn't six feet tall, they are going to say no. The guys on /r/short aren't midgets.

If you are having to surf a dating site for women you've already hit rock bottom.

Also no shit most women use dating sites as an ego boost and have no interest actually using it for dating, unless someone 9 points above them decides to message them.

Nah, I was saying that women who can get a date go there to meet the type of men they aren't meeting IRL. They are interested in dating. There's nothing to get wound up about.

Yeah, and I'm disagreeing with you calmly you with typed english words.

I dunno, I'm just going by my experience when I was single with a wide circle of single friends. Women who would like to meet a different kind of guy to date aren't always looking for a higher status guy. It could be shit like an artist wanting to meet someone who likes to do art also. Or finding a dude who likes science fiction so you can talk about books. But, the hussies on dating sites might be dumb enough to think a dream man is hot, rich and six feet tall. That's why I think guys shouldn't take what women say on these sites to heart.

If you are having to surf a dating site for women you've already hit rock bottom.

Maybe if you live in bumblefuck but dating sites are fucking great in NYC if you’re a good looking white dude

Takes very little effort to meet someone new and getting laid is about as easy as it gets if you’re not a turbo autist or using fake pictures

Don’t a massive percentage of people meet their partners online?

Sexal partners resulting in STDs or future failed relationships?

Anyone who has ever left their house knows that short men can get a date.

I want to engage with this bait. How much bussy and gussy do you thing this guy has slaughtered?

Literally who?

Literally the singer in the video. I met him in person, he's pretty smol.

Oh, ok, I mean I would.

Yeah, people aren't born that bitter, but healthy, normal people don't allow themselves to get that bitter either.

tbf the shit some of my shorter friends get is really fucking weird. Sort of reminds me of that picture of some Chinese I think it was dude in the Olympics, and people kept trying to make jokes about his height or his supposed dick size. I mean it's a good idea to not let it get to you but I don't really think it's surprising if it does either.

Sure, I agree with you. Everyone needs to go through the process of getting angry about shit. Online communities can suck though because people go there for validation and support and can get stuck griping and repeatedly complaining. Like some of the guys on /r/short. It's not easy.

get stuck griping and repeatedly complaining.

Not really disagreeing with you, it's no surprise communities like that get fucked sideways. Just saying people often get their heads firmly up their own ass. Make fun of a dude for some trait, he gets angry, then claim he's just insecure over that trait. Not sure if they're even aware of what they're doing.

I hear you. Like I said, I understand short guys being pissed and I think people should show more empathy, even if they are ranting on /r/short.

My friend is a 6’ girl that one time dated a guy a few inches shorter than her and she said she would get a lot of weird comments about it. Girls would tell her things like “I could never do that” lol

It's definitely gone from a mild dating preference to a weird complex for some.

Cab you link me to the comment in which SRDines said that you can't have a preferences?

Oh good, and this is the point at which the SRD thread goes to complete shit. Thanks for the heads up.

Cry me a damn river, you grandstanding, holier - than - thou twat.

Imagine thinking trans people are owed relationships or sex.

Trans people on Reddit could find dates if they just could be less bitter and negative.

And less rapey

I thought child grooming is the only way most get laid?

Why don't transwomen lesbians just date other transwomen lesbians?

It's not like in this day and age they have any trouble forming their own communities with a diverse dating pool.

Are they transphobic maybe?

yeah but let's be honest, they don't say that at all. They obviously always like to downplay any issues men face but they don't say that it's not okay for men to have preferences. Except if it's a racial one, then it's ... problematic.

Look at the responses to u/Bluest_waters to get an idea of what happens when you suggest that it's okay for men to have preferences. That's the whole point of this post fam

Uh... they seem kinda touchy, but you clearly come off as the crazier person here. She didn't seem to have anything against men having preferences, so what's the point of bringing that up in the first place?

And then you respond to everything with "I'm calmer than you are, dude."

Now you're claiming in here that they deleted your posts. They just downvoted you. The posts are still there. Take a deep breath. It's going to be ok.

the main post that i made that started the whole thing was deleted

Nope. It's right there. What do you get out of feeling persecuted, friend?

well shit a bunch of comments got deleted

not sure what is what

if I was wrong, then i apologize

also losing my intest in this whole ridiculous thing

We encourage our members to be the crazy person, please don't animal farm the lolcows.

Oddly enough it is more fair to discriminate according to weight rather than height.

It's ok to discriminate however the hell you want.

Oddly enough it is more fair to discriminate according to life style choices rather than genetics.

😥 peak mayo IQ.

I dated a guy who was about two inches shorter than me, so if I was wearing heels, he'd be a good 4 or 5 inches shorter. His friends were trying to tease him about it one day, doesn't it suck to be shorter and have to date people taller than you haha.. He was like suck? It's awesome, she can reach things on high shelves for me!

Oh yeah real confident and secure. LMFAO I don't think this femcel has seen a man interact with another man before

Women want a man taller than them.

Men want a woman lighter than them.

For the most part.

What good is a woman as a partner if she can't pick you up and bench press you?

No zarya waifu = no care

It's OK to be a man.


Incels were right, women were a mistake.

I've... come to learn there are just a lot of deeply insecure men on Reddit.

What a bunch of assholes! Fuck those guys. Personally I can't even imagine being deeply insecure; as a SAWCSM I just breeze through life with blissful self-assuredness and a thoroughly self-righteous air. Being deeply insecure is purely for proles, wagefags, trailertrash, and NEETs, AFAIAC.

literally just repost what they say but with height substituted for undesirable female characteristics and watch them flip their shit

If that chick is 5'1", why on earth is she bothering to tell guys that she prefers men taller than her? That seems like a really roundabout and confusing way to say "I don't date literal midgets."


Why don’t you date short guys tho