Gender diversity drama in r/indieheads.

30  2018-06-04 by Ghdust


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It’s not that dramatic I know because I love drama.

Why are you so obsessed with gender diversity?

Because I think it is important! Just like how some people are obsessed with environmental issues or economic equality because they care! Please don’t shame people for caring.

I mean, environmental issues might prove to be an existential risk to humanity as a whole, I don't think it's quite the same thing.

Sorry to seriouspost, keep enjoying your drama.

I wasn’t saying that to compare issues they are all serious in their own way! I do believe that diversity is essential for humanity but I care about other issues too! I think we all set our own priorities for these political and social issues- like how some people donate to cancers of certain organs because someone close to them died of it, that doesn’t mean they don’t care about other forms of cancer and they shouldn’t be shamed for that. Gender, racial, religious diversity are all massive issues and hard for one person alone to advocate for equally!

diversity is essential for humanity

Eh people are fine without it. It's pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things. But you do you.

I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say you're a man.

I'm gonna correctly assume that diversity in Spotify is unimportant, which it is. In fact, going off a disparity and then assuming there's a problem with it inherently is pretty much a problem too.

By the way, articles that "start conversations" are the most useless thing in activism today.

Do you think acting like a presumptuous dumbfuck helps your cause or hinders it?

They don't care if it's counterproductive, it's literally beyond their control

I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say that white knighting for sara won't get you laid, dude.

White knighting for roasties is bad, white knighting for rich roasties is fucking pathetic.

I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say you're a man.

or anyone who's studied history at all

I wasn’t saying that to compare issues they are all serious in their own way!

This means absolutely nothing.

I do believe that diversity is essential for humanity but I care about other issues too!

"Diversity" is just a stupid catchphrase without another qualifier, like "political" or "viewpoint" or "genetic". Hell, look at all the articles calling Black Panther diverse, when it's casting is one of the least diverse things in Hollywood lately.

I think we all set our own priorities for these political and social issues

You don't say

like how some people donate to cancers of certain organs because someone close to them died of it, that doesn’t mean they don’t care about other forms of cancer and they shouldn’t be shamed for that.

Depends. If they are saying "We should divert all federal funds that currently go to cancer research in general and put them all into the cancer my uncle bob had" then yeah they should be shamed for that, since it's retarded.

Gender, racial, religious diversity are all massive issues and hard for one person alone to advocate for equally!

Gender diversity is built into the human reproductive system, you have roughly half males and half women, but here's the thing: they aren't the same. Different outlooks, different reactions, different psychological profiles. Yes, I'm aware that intersex individuals exist, no system is perfect, errors happen in replication every day (though the female body aborts most of 'em).

"Racial diversity" leads to social decohesion and unrest, in all cases, everywhere. There is literally no racially heterogeneous region in history that didn't experience this.

"Religious diversity" is retarded, you gets jihads and pogroms and crusades, at best apathy (from non-competitive systems). Religions posit supreme metaphysical Truth about the universe, and the stronger the claims, such as in Abrahamic monotheism, the less room there is for diversity. especially when you get to the bottom barrel, the Muslims, hell those guys can't even tolerate each other much less anyone else. Religions are not in any way "equal" -- a Scientologist and an Anglican minister are not the same. Buddhism and Animism are not the same. Jim Jones and the Pope are not the same.

hard for one person alone to advocate for equally!

Especially with that grammar, sheesh. You shoulda gone to Catholic school, the nuns woulda fixed that right proper.

Why is it important?

I think diversity is essential into providing each other with knowledge- whether that be through our music, in the workplace, or simple friendships. I think it’s important to learn from one another so that we can all prioritize keeping our world as fair as we can- instead of being bogged down by ignorant biases. Maybe some people don’t see it as important but I think in the grand scheme of things it’s one of the biggest ways we can move towards a more rational and peaceful future.

If humans were adept at learning from others raising children would be as easy as following a step-by-step book.

Pop music isn't knowledge, no matter how many vaginas (white or black) you force into it.

Diversity is the soup du jour of the current #1 ineffectual generation.

You see this in genre fiction as well. Crappy authors think they don't sell because there's some spoopy bias/prejudice when in reality they just peddle crap. Nothing really needs to be fixed apart from getting better at writing.

Note how anyone who brings up this argument can't for the life of them actually articulate what's going on and only makes assumptions of stats like neo-nazis posting racial crime stats.

Pop music isn't knowledge, no matter how many vaginas (white or black) you force into it.


Do you support artists from obscure or frequently ignored areas like rural Appalachia? They certainly have points of view that you've never seen, let alone considered, before.

Why can't you be friends with the white, cis, hetero male bands?

It's also important to laugh. One way to do so is by watching the funny tv show Family Man. Check out the sub /r/familyman

I love that show. It is really funny, and presents a diverse POV that is usually oppressed by the dominant media culture.

It's a good show!

Diversity is essential IMO

What are your top ten Mexican artists?

If you think forcing every genre/hobby/interest to be 50%m/50%f then you're retarded. You literally aren't helping anyone by doing this, so please don't compare bitching online about gender %s in music to actual activism about equality

Why don't you make your own women lead bands? Have you thought, maybe, that the bands, who happen to be male, are just more talented than you?

Please don’t shame people for caring.

You've got a lot to learn about this sub.

You're not being shamed for caring, you're being shamed for being stupid about it. Caring is important.

We're not shaming you, we're mocking you. In other words, you're not being a bad person, you're being a stupid person.

Um sweaty if you stop replying then you screw up the gender diversity of this post which is very misogynistic of you.

My god, your post history reads like a psychotic fangirl.

if the subject of women in music interests you

it doesn't.

Only five women artists were represented during this four-week period of time: Alice Merton, K.Flay


(upvote the cow, you idiots)

Yes Spotify is out to get women in rock....First World Problems.

Some people aren't happy unless life is organised like a World of Warcraft raid.

Looking for 4 black guys, 6 women of any race, 3 Asians, 5 white guys, 1 wheelchair user, and 6 random trans people.