Star Wars: Rose actress Kelly Marie Tran quits Instagram after MONTHS of harassment

45  2018-06-05 by Snowayne2


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no u

no u both.

Shut up, Ed.






Some people are bullies. Get over it.


Lol space capeshit

See! Even that you're a degenerate animefag, we can still agree on something. Like hating on capeshit.

Do you like South Park Ed?

She made millions, she’s probably make more millions; and she got to be in a Star Wars movie as the token Asian. She has nothing to complain about frankly.

Her character was dumb and contradicted herself constantly. Her and Finn are tools.

What I hate most about the main movies is the casting. I haven’t like anyone in any role. Finn sucks, giant mouth sucks, P.O. is fucking annoying.

The new solo movie was better than every new Star Wars movie to come out since the originals. Ironic that it’s the only one that’s considered a flop.

I was pleasantly surprised at the mayo that plays young Solo. It's really hard to cast for the role young hot shot that doesn't come off as a douche. I was certain he was going to blow.

Yeah I thought he did a great job. Everyone in it was great. I loved the movie. Interesting from beginning to end

Fuck all the people that have that guy shit before the movie came out. He fucking killed it.

Easily my second favorite Star Wars performance right behind Harrison Ford's Han Solo.

Backlash has lag, it's the same reason BvS did well but JL flopped.

BvS did not do well. It barely turned a profit.

Because superman was shit

As was Suicide Squad. They've had one decent movie with Wonder Woman. The DCEU is a joke.

Justice league was a pretty bad movie as well.

I don't think she made millions. Random no name actresses aren't paid that well nor do they receive a cut of the gross.

Daisley Ridley made like 300k and John Boyega made a similarly small amount in TFA and they were the main characters.

Nah I'm pretty sure the side character earned several times more money than the main cast without any research /s

lol hollywood is such a fucking scam

A lot of it's based on how desirable or important to a franchise an actor is. It's why Harrison Ford made like $20 million dollars for TFA while also having them kill off his character in the movie. Killing him off-screen would cause a ton of outrage and while keeping him in the franchise longer would probably net them a lot more money he was done with the character. So they had to pay him enough to bring him back one last time.

But yes Hollywood is one giant scam.

You're right on most things except for the reason he was killed off. Harrison Ford was tired of playing Han Solo and really didn't want anything to do with Star Wars anymore so they did all they could to convince him to star in TFA. Killing him off was the only way to avoid not having to find a replacement actor in the sequel. 20 million a ton fuck of money but compared to gross earnings just shy of 1 billion, it's just a drop in the bucket. Even Marvel would rather keep paying their current cast of actors outrageous salaries if it weren't for the fact that half of them are just tired of playing the same roles.

That's what I said.

Lol I just saw that. My bad.

an unknown actor is worth very little. If an unknown actor demands $301k, they can just hire another, equally good unknown actor, who is happy with $300k.

in fact, for a franchise like SW, it would even make financial sense for actors to pay the studio for letting them a big role, because in the sequels they will become indispensable and can demand high fees.

they don't have a replacement mark hamill who also used to be Luke Skywalker. Maybe his high pay was why they killed his character off.

Those two are unknowns making their careers, they're hungry - and their characters have a continuation and chance of more work. Hamill, however, is finished with Star Wars, represents a massive investment in IP, and has no real reason to do this movie if he's not well paid.

Daisley Ridley made like 300k

Mark Hamill made 7 figures

And people question the gender gap.

Don't forget Boyega also made way less as well. So proof of the color gap too.

It's not because he's male, it's because he's Luke fucking Skywalker with forty years of Star wars history behind him and he puts butts on seats.

So pay her the same. That’d be fair.

Pay her what Harrison Ford got paid for the first Star Wars movie. That'd be fair.

Large mouth isn’t interesting.

Holy shit, did you forget the rest of the fucking sentence you quoted? Here, let me help that ignorant brain of yours:

Daisley Ridley made like 300k and John Boyega made a similarly small amount

But Mark made more. Why should the cis white male actor make the most?

Holy shit, I've heard of tunnel vision but you have tunnel thinking. Try and think outside the box for once. The answer to your question was already posted outside of this comment chain, dude.

I honestly don't think anything I say could educate you on the actual answer to this question. I fee bad for you.

I mean, it's not he fault her character was shit.

I’m not saying it is. But I don’t feel bad that she got off of Twitter and instagram.


You say that like her performance was anything to write home about.

Do I?

thinks space capeshit is worth watching


I like Finn. Rose sucks though


Finn has a decent backstory and some depth. Felt like they could have done better with his character in TLJ, especially with the whole "i'm a coward who wants to live" arc transition toward being a hero. But i think that's just oart of the larger movie failure because there wasnt enough to tome to do any character development with all the other irrelevant shit they wanted to show.

Rose was like super extra double pointless though.


She made millions, she’s probably make more millions; and she got to be in a Star Wars movie as the token Asian. She has nothing to complain about frankly.

The new solo movie was better than every new Star Wars movie to come out since the originals. Ironic that it’s the only one that’s considered a flop.

Holy shit, you're opinionated. You sound like some neckbeard who loves to simply have wrong opinions just for the sake of disagreeing with everyone else. Trying to convince you of how wrong you are is an exercise in futility. I'd say I'm just shocked or even disappointed in what you said but this is the internet, and I was bound to find a hispter cynic somewhere.


The movie, directed by JJ Abrams, will round out the current trilogy, which is expected to end the Skywalker Saga.

After that, Last Jedi director Rian Johnson will helm his own standalone trilogy of movies, and more spin-offs are also set to enter production in the near future.


nobody's coming to save us

They might cancel that, since The Last Jedi was such a disappointment.

This would be the darkest timeline if I actually cared about Star Wars.

No. The darkest timeline would be if they were all directed by George Lucas, and he released special editions of the prequels.


16th minute entered, "I'm being harrassed."

Is that blue outfit see through? Wtf thats what it looks like.

She had the screen presence of a pile of wet newspaper


She was good, it's not her fault that 90% of her screentime was time travelinng back to the prequels

Was wondering how Disney was going to deal with the Solo fallout. Should've guessed.

Wonder what their skin was 🥚

Good. She is easily the worst SW character ever.

Have you even seen Darth Vader's whiny emo bitch of a grandson, bruh?

Worse than the meat eating rabbit Han Solo-knockoff?

imagine demanding for asian representation in star wars only to end up with an ugly pan faced korean girl to fill the roll.

Lol at the white male nerds calling for the death of white male nerd culture. Fucking furries here we see the white women and white soys blaming whitey

Fuck disney & fuck the fans

This whole thread reads like it's the SRD.

All it needs is some non-sequiter defense of dog fucking and we'd be there.