Finally the last problem haunting the world has been solved by your favorite corporation. The followers are paralyzed by the Poe's law. πŸ’©

115  2018-06-06 by opi


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Are BBCs vegan safe?

I want to shit on her and what she does, but I actually unironically like most emojis at this point...


I'm more pissed about what they did to that poor turtle. Turtle was clearly enjoying the brave new world of legalized marijuana only to have THESE assholes give him an attitude adjustment.

All ya'll red heads are losing your red headed minds over the new red head emoji but ya'll realize this doesn't mean you get red headed skateboarders or redheaded vampires, right? You get … a redheaded person. That's it.

This is how serial killers and terrorists are made. It's tweets like this that will birth the Fourth Reich.

Wow, mate. You're so out of it! Listen to lovely Bri Wu, it's Fifth Reich time now.

Here's the "speech" she "prepared":

you forgot to put quotation marks around "she"

I'm on a budget.

14 hours ago

Hello carnivores, vegans and everyone in between! Just want to clarify that the goal of salad emoji redesign was to create an image more faithful to unicode's description. "A bowl of healthy salad, containing lettuce, tomato, and other salad items such as cucumber." Bon appetite!

Confirmed as satire lol.


Woody Harrelson made a more believable woman.



you forgot to put Zyklon faucets around "she"

Moon rock droppers

He is just really stupid, isn't he.

keep in mind that theres is no chance that this is even slightly satirical, brianna is 100% serious and 100% retarded

Oh, I know 100%


As if anyone in this day and age can goose step.



That part made me angrier than the dumb egg thing


So your'e telling me in all honesty that this does'nt bother you at all

If making America Wolfenstein is the price I have to pay to never read something like that again, I think I can live with that.

At least, until a giant robot flays me alive for degeneracy.



Egg is salad is awesome, but I'm European degenerate.

Even in the US, who the f hasn't had egg in salad?

me. But I don't mind looking at one.

We need to bring the Crusades back.

did someone have to do a full online petition or did y’all just do it lol


ELI5: Why are white emojis darkhaired and their Amerimutt-equivalents blonde?

Skynet must be destroyed.

So should Carthage tbh

No, Carthage should be liberated from Islam. As should Egypt and Byzantium.

maybe you should make chrome not eat up all my fucking ram instead of taking eggs out of emoji salads you absolute faggots

this is what happens when you fire all the engineers and hire trannys

Be careful.

Ed ButterFace will type yawn emojis at you.

Ed vs google deathmatch pls


Needs more black gingers.

Lol in a thread where he didn't respond people are still talking about Ed. R E N T F R E E

leave my daddy alone


>"lol ed is just a retard who doesn blast our booty"

>sperg out about him every thread even when he's not there

The absolute STATE of ButterFace white knights

Imagine being obsessed about a /r/drama retard. Pointing out your obsessive behavior is not whiteknighting.

I think we found someone even less autistic, and with thicker skin than ButterFace

>still sperging out about Ed.

Lmao. You really can't help yourself.

i bet you respond to this

No i wont

how do you feel about mde

Mostly unfunny.

That salad looks bland af now

Using ram is free and good you ignorant. If the system runs low chrome releases the memory.

The Os should be the one managing memory, Chrome shouldn't act like it knows better.
Windows 10 already has standby memory, which is basically using all free memory as cache.

the OS does manage the memory, its not like Chrome overrides that

If Chrome allocates more memory than needed and frees it when the Os is low on memory, Chrome is literally doing memory management Os-wide.
And since the Os will not forcefully take away Chrome's memory (outside of crashes or serious OOM situations), the Os can manage less memory, thus Chrome is effectively overriding part of the Os memory management.

TL DR Chrome is retarded and acts like it's the only important program running.

using free ram is fine but turns out some people use their computer for other things that also need ram at the same time

who could have guessed? certainly not google

the engineers probably made it "eat up your RAM" because it doesn't matter. Get more RAM and learn how its used ya fucking cock holster.

of course it matters lol

If chrome uses less memory you might open up more tabs to read about video games and related alt-right propaganda.

top insult how long did that take to come up with

Lol are you that retarded that did you not recognize the blatant sarcasm?

i can easily tell the difference between actual light hearted sarcasm and bitter jabs disguised as a joke, thanks

for instance when people get weird about trump or mde or white people

Imagine getting paid for removing an egg from an emoji salad.

I came in my skinny jeans.

Putting that $500k gender studies education to work!

She actually has a bachelor's degree in fine arts, which is relevant to what she's doing (emoji design).

In the future at some Art Haus in NYC there will be Rembrandt's and Picasso's next to one of Ed's wall of emojii jizz posts.


you've never been to college, have you.



You can tell because I obviously don't have your level of erudition, can't you?

That is literally my job as a media designer lol

I can't tell if you won at life or lost, tbh.


shit pay, and harsh competition.

I still kinda won because I nested myself in a small IT company and only really do our internal marketing shit.

I'm pretty sure removing eggs from emoji salad does not qualify as "war crimes." Unlike say, "military drone pilot."


This needs to stop

u/Ed_ButteredToast any comments?



It's a British squirt gun. It's filled with acid.

y u delete ur comment :(

-1 points

oh nooooooooooooo bb :((((((((

too many creeps stalk me so you simply got caught in the downsnozzle fire. I'm sorry


Lol thinking this for vegans. Guess what mayonnaise is made out of. Open your eyes.




How is making something vegan more inclusive? Vegans are about 6% of the population. Excluding 94% of the population seems the opposite of inclusive.

Everyone eats vegan food, not everyone eats non-vegan food.

Just because something doesn't have an animal product doesn't make it yucky vegan trash :X

What... I think you misunderstood what I wrote.

I said everyone eats vegan food. How does that imply vegan food is trash??

Yeah but vegans are retarded so...

Yup, needlessly causing suffering and environmental damage are the actions of retards. Thank god for the climate deniers, flat earthers, and holocaust deniers, they're the real heroes.

You've gone three seriousposts about veganism without being called "soyboy".

/r/Drama, I'm proud of you!

There's no point in stating the obvious.

Soyboy 😏

Vegan food IS trash!! And NO I do not eat it 😀😀😀

Lol, do you have schizophrenia? You can't even hold a consistent view between comments.

Schizophrenia is for disgusting omnivores. They also have higher rates of autism 🀒🀒🀒

Eating veggies along with your meat doesn't make you vegan.

But it is vegan food, that's his point.

do you have schizophrenia?

can't even hold a consistent view between comments.

signs of a good /r/drama poster

well done /u/Starship_Litterbox_C

I make it a point not to tho, vegan substitutes suck shit.

You can't always cater to what everyone wants to eat, but you can usually cater to what everyone is capable of eating.

Regardless, 90% of vegan food is food that isn't labeled as vegan. Trust me vegans aren't eating mock meats all day. I eat vegetable stir fries, peanut butter sandwiches, hummus and bread, bean tacos, etc.

Vegans are πŸ’―% capable of eating normal food aside from being annoying sissies.

I'm also capable or punching a dog in the face, not going to do that either.

Am I the only one that likes knowing my meat felt the impending doom of the slaughterhouse it's whole life? I like being the end game of all their life spent wait to be seasoned and grilled or bake by me, especially if it's a painful or frightening death and it gives the meat a little more kick if you no what I mean.

Everyone eats vegan food,

I don't.

If everyone is a carnivore, nobody is a carnivore.

Tell that to /r/keto.

That's the irony. In a mind boggling display of their complete lack of self awareness, Google made this emoji both less diverse and more the name of diversity and inclusivity.

Who is this exclusive of? People that refuse to eat salad without an egg in it?

Its a salad. It's not inclusive or exclusive of anyone.

But now it's less colorful and excludes eggs.

Google made this emoji both less diverse and more exclusive

I just explained it to you, derek. Less diverse color, exclusive of eggs. You don't make things "more diverse and inclusive" by subtraction.

Google made this emoji both less diverse and more exclusive

It's not inclusive or exclusive of anyone.


Person vs thing, dingus.

Oh I see, you tricky man you πŸ€—

It’s inclusive because I don’t know anyone who prefers hard boiled egg in a green salad

Yes, we should pander to the 94 percent and fuck those outliers. That would be "inclusive."


I am actually stunned by how colossally stupid this is

so google pays people to do stuff like this? jesus christ.

yeah, but i like meat in my salad so ....

Why is it that the groups that we are supposed to be "inclusive" towards are composed of nothing but effete retards?

Speaking of "Effete retards"....

Fuck, I'm all wooded up over that pic

late capitalist neoliberalism is literally the perfect socioeconomic model

This, but unironically.

Oh thank god they made the goat less angry

If eggs aren't vegan then abortion is murder. Think about it.

Nothing's quite as good as a basket of fried eggs served up with a big bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy.

bring back the blob emoji you fuckers

I just read about the UK female terrorist and then came here. Good to know Google is addressing real problems.

Imagine caring about an egg in an emoji salad. One way or another, imagine just caring about. This is not a good look in the twitter thread or the /r/drama thread.