Protecting Anonymity is Very Important

95  2018-06-09 by CirqueDuFuder

Here at r/Drama we like to promote offsite Drama as a nice change of pace to run of the mill meta subs. This causes issues from time to time as this can tend to anger users such as u/BelleAriel. This is something we absolutely want to avoid. This user has already been suspended before like with account /u/Belle-Ariel among others so they are very well versed on what site wide rules are.

They took issue with this post here: They think that it is considered doxx to link to very public figures on social media such as Rose Hayes who holds a prestigious job as head of engineering of Google. Out of concern, I looked up the actual Twitter post and found zero harassment of them. Do not harass this person.

u/BelleAriel insisted in a modmail to r/Drama however that we are leading an offsite harassment campaign against this woman. I am supplying Belle's version of the story here as supplied by her own imgur link She claimed we were trying to trick her into self doxxing when actually we wanted to make sure that poor woman wasn't being bothered by a concentrated hate campaign enabled by weaponized autism. I've seen the carnage campaigns like that have done in the past and don't want them repeated. She took to AHS for support inbetween her regular postings to subs like ETS, PH, LSC, esist, MAT, Socialism, etc. who are double plus good and would never ever post Twitter links on their sub. You can see her conversation here:

Archived just to be safe are her leaks and complaints to AHS here: and I hope we were able to appropriately correct the record.

In conclusion, I wanted all of our subscribers to know that posting Twitter feeds on r/Drama might upset u/Belleariel so please refrain if you could.


The only appropriate response to anything Cirque posts lol.

The bots know what they are doing.

The bots know what they are doing.

Bot uprising when?

that just triggered me.

how dare you fucking mdegenerate denigrate circo?

Keep Yourself Safe ASAPZ





The pronoun madness is getting out of hand. Why can't they decide on She or Xhe or Zhe or anything? How are we even supposed to pronounce that?



lemme just see if i got it right, youre the ironic trump supporter and /u/chicup is the real, fentanyl-shoooting deal yeah?

You can never know. But I just realized that I can do much better, I can make art, witness:

         ๐Ÿคก    ๐Ÿคก   |
     ๐Ÿคก     ๐Ÿคก      |
    ๐Ÿคก  /u/chickup |


smithsonian when?

lmao that edit is fucking gold

Now I edited it into the shape I really like. Enjoy!

The /u/Chicup is making a plaintive gesture. The depiction relates to the Misgendering of Trannies by /u/Chicup in the $CURRENT_YEAR + 3.

my sides are gone


If they are FTM I'm in no danger.

Idk, it's ITs either way!

Btw, this made me realize that I've been misreading your username as "chick up" forever. What does the real thing mean?

/u/chicup comment on revides artwork and commentary

Its literally the comment below the one you posted you lazy fuck.




what do you mean.. she has decided ๐Ÿค”

are you doing a bit?


what do you mean.. she has decided ๐Ÿค”

are you doing a bit?

I'm pretending to be retarded and interpreting *he as a made up pronoun, for the comedic effect. You, on the other hand, are not pretending.

lmao because of the ambiguous use of the asterisks.. i get it! i get things! good one, lester ๐Ÿคฃ

Accusations of doxxing and harassment won't control public opinion, it's never worked before and it never will.

"Posts in LSC and supports LSC mods"๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ก

No puppy picks today, because I don't care or her well being...screw this lady.

I could sure use some puppy though.

Me too. u/voicelesshoodwinker please come through for us

I've said this to your last deleted account, but I'll say it again. You're my new favorite dramatard. ๐Ÿ˜˜

it's doxxing if you talk about something someone said on an account they use their real name for!!!

social media was a mistake

Belle is a nutcase, how hasn't she been banned from reddit?

You can reroll with new accounts.

She has only done that once iirc

Lmao this happens every time. She did the same shit on Bluelight till she got booted, then on most UK based subs and was collectively booted, and now sheโ€™s found a home in these far left mayo activists subs where her mental illness can flourish.

Her post history is hilarious. She's such a basic bitch.

Isnโ€™t she a confused man?

I just assumed it's a woman because the post history is so basic.

She got banned on one and deleted another one to avoid the ban in the uk politics subs.

is your username bait?

You sound baited LMAO

wut? how?

lmao kid lmaooo

what a worthless comment, you should be ashamed

Can you two fuck already?

no u.

Has to be. Who could stop loving Daddy?

i think if burger"people" were aware that you are not supposed to eat paint chips, we wouldnt be in this mess


how hasn't she been banned from reddit?

She's trying to get banned one sub at a time. Doing rather well I believe, almost got a hat trick with the UK subs and I gather she's only grudgingly allowed on /r/ukpolitics out of all of them - but they've got her number/know what she's about. Doesn't go on /r/AskUK as that would require posting more than a three word comment such as "Trump is vile" "Tories are cunts" "Impeach Trump now" "This is disgusting". "May must go".

u/bellearial please stop harassing this subreddit, you are hurting my feelings.

GJ on censoring /u/shitpost953 in modmail

The fact that Twitter still isn't bankrupt is the real upsetting thing here tbh

/u/BelleAriel you doxed /u/shitpost953 in your screenshot. what do you have to say in your defense?

I heard you the first time.. poor /u/cirquedufuder

oh yeah she also doxxed him, not exactly congruent on the doxxing that woman


I am still trying to recover.

Hopefully it's fatal

how good is /u/shitpost953's bussy?

asking for a friend.

i have a couple of internet friends. i know their bussies intimately.

it seems you are not my friend, yet

(((hint hint)))

so you want me to dm you bussy?

not dm, post here

I already did on my last alt, you can look through the JWG 5000 upvote celebration threads.

oh its you

To whoever reported, the answer is no. It is a matter of laziness.

Post dog collar


I dont understand this meme

Not everything can be emojis for single serve consumption.

I just dont know who this belle ariel person is. Or at the very least i dont recognize them at the moment.

Just a regular AHS user that is concerned about Drama activities. They have a long dramatic history that extends past this website.

Just think of autism on a level we've never thought we could reach before

This is her previous incarnation

Not sith that attitude ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š

The most embarrassing thing in this post isn't the rampant retardation displayed by /u/Belle-Ariel, it is the fact that /u/Belle-Ariel is in posession of an Imgur account.

thats the suspended account, smartypants

Well I totally did that on purpose.


So... that's a dude, right?

why? are you attracted to him? faggot.

It's funny how she wants to spearhead anonymity. Here she is on her old reddit account talking about calling hospitals looking for a random on an internet forum because she didn't believe him.

Keep Yourself Safe ASAP

Just out of curiosity, is flying drones over her house considered "doxxing"? Asking for a friend.

No, but launching hellfire missiles would be a dox and violation of the NAP

Fucking statists

>launch preemptive strike to preserve the NAP

Oh my God, we've been doxxing Daddy this whole time?!

He lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA.



It's pronounced "REEEEEEEEEEE" sweaty

u/BellAriel is a danger to us all :(

wrong username you literal retard

lol wow youre still salty and buttmad over (this thread.)[]

anyways no thats the right username. That guy cant figure out how to gift wrap.

literally peeing my pants at how lmao you are buddy.

dude is pathetic as fuck. but i guess youd have to be to make it six years on the same reddit account

u havent even been sitebanned yet lolol soyboy

wow, thats some accomplishment, imagine not getting banned

saying soyboy

you do that constantly?

ok lets see, /u/BellAriel has contributed exactly 1 post to reddit in 3 years.

/u/BelleAriel on the other hand is actually an active user.

how does this make you feel?

it made me lol tbh

uh oh, better try to pretend i was joking

lol she literally just had a mod explain what is doxxing to her a week ago:

Nice find.

Hahahaha awesome

warning hostile comment coming as I have had enough of this stalking and bs lie.

Can you fuck off you and you loungers lot with your harassment? Youโ€™re fucking pathetic. I moved on a YEAR ago and you wont leave me alone youโ€™re like leeches.

last year, many of us donated money to an appeal by having these tattoos to the victims of the Manchester appeal. Sorry for doing such an evil fucking thing. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU USE THIS TRAGEDY TO COME HERE AND TEAR ME APART? Have you no shame????

But you thick gobshite stalkers think you know it all, yeah?

As for me being on benefits well Iโ€™m not anymore so fuck off with that bs about taxpayers money.

Better still fuck off completely and get lives. Youโ€™re all sitting on that sub doxxing and bitching about me. Youโ€™re pathetic fucking morons. Ripping me apart all the time when Iโ€™m trying to get on with my life and be left the fuck alone. Weโ€™ve all reported your crazy stalking.

Christ I cannot put anything on Reddit without being judged, torn to bits and scrutinised by you.

As for me not mentioning my child much online well any decent mother would do the same and the way Iโ€™ve been stalked, hounded, abused, is it any wonder I would not mention her on Reddit? Fuck off and go to hell.


PS: of course r/loungers has posted another thread with my real name and linked to yet another post from here. Please all go there and report their stalking nonsense. what the fuck is wrong with these people???? WHY WONT THEY FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE????

Good shit.

Is this a copy pasta made by u/BelleAriel herself?



Damn where is this from? As a moderator of r/loungers Iโ€™m concerned bc I havenโ€™t seen any threads about her in a while. Iโ€™m gonna go post a few

u/BelleAriel seems to be lacking in many crucial areas of mental development except for autism. She clearly needs to get help and grow up

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

She's literally shitting her knickers that its been suggested that she ran that other account:-

One of herknown previous accounts here was u/EVEYISMS, she still has a website, and her previous and hugely prolific internet incarnation specialising in trolling drug forums was Eveleivibe and yet she considers it doxing to refer to her as Evey, I shit you not

That was a post about cats and was harassment/trolling in that sub.

Don't forget magnevibe

Question for the mods. If someone gives you screenshots of another user harassing them and trying to get them to leave their marriage for them, and the user who shared them with you asked you not to share them around, but you go ahead and post them publicly, is that doxxing? Asking because I don't wanna get banned.

just do it

A different mod did message me and tell me that it would be fine, but eh, I'd feel too bad.

What is it with AHS members and sending random hate mail? I've received some too.
