Doom Guy is now Doom Girl in new Doom Movie, bravely the /r/Doom mods ban any dissent/discussion complaining about Doom Girl

193  2018-06-11 by WeWuzKANG5

Posted and locked to eliminate any response:

I really didn't want to have to do this. I was hoping the our users could express disappointment and dissent in a calm and reasoned manner, but apparently people on both sides of the argument can't keep themselves from getting violently triggered. Plus, there's been reports of people beginning to harass the actress and other crew on Twitter.

This will not be tolerated. Just to cover all the bases, /r/Doom is not a place for sexism, racism, homophobia, general hated, or any of the like. That's the core of rule #4 and I'm really fucking pissed I have to spell it out.

So, in short, regarding this current debacle:

Don't post topics about Amy Manson's "who needs Doomguy" tweet. It was probably a joke anyway. Don't complain about the apparent protagonist having a fucking vagina. Don't call people names for having different opinions. Don't harass the cast / staff on Twitter or any other social media. This one will earn you a permanent ban with no warning if I hear of it. And just to head off anyone who pisses about "muh free speech" and "reeeee censorship", just a brief reminder that this is not a democracy. It's a dictatorship, and this decision is unilateral. End of discussion.

Some other subs are somewhere between angry and stunned by both the gender change for their character and the moderation of their subreddit:

Apparently the Doom mod who made the post writes MLP fan fiction:

People should be "nice" discussing doom on the internet, my sides:

Apparently (with no proof whatsoever) the cast and crew are being harassed and these brave mods are doing this to protect them?:

Someone sounds like they might have an agenda, or check in the mail that made this decision easier for them:

Let's list all the isms we don't want at /r/doom here:

A brave white knight shows up to smugly mock the riled users:


Anybody excited about a Doom movie deserves it.

This is pretty much it. The only thing that was ever exciting about Doom was it was the first FPS game. The last thing there was to be excited about Doom was when the 2016 video game was supposed to run on VR goggles. But then it didn't and all excitement died.

Uh, the soundtrack to Doom 2016 was actually the culmination of what all human society and culture had been building towards up to that point. Everything else was just foreplay.

That soundtrack is really nice.

Wolfenstein 3d predates Doom. It's still worth getting excited about because it's one of the best videogames of all time, though.

Wolfenstein 3d predates Doom.

I stand corrected.

There's a pretty big jump there though. When I played Wolfenstein 3D for the first time, I knew, this is going to be big. When I played Doom for the first time, I knew, this is big.

They actually made a separate campaign for VR. Check it out on their website

I don't play video games because that's haram to the pure /r/drama centrist lifestyle but if I did I would tell you Doom 2016 was one the most fun games ever and tons of people loved it.

Anybody excited about a Doom any videogame movie deserves it.

Anybody excited about a Doom any videogame movie anything deserves it.

Anyone exited about a Doom any videogame movie anything deserves it.

but u


I mean, you can have fun in a variety of ways. You can install and play doom on a literal toaster if you so wish.

You're probably not going to derive a lot of fun from a videogame movie, is all.

different strokes for different folks, but yeah ok, only the things you like are valid.

Video games are absolutely a waste of time that people sink entirely too much energy into. And then to get so worked up about a movie that casting choices make you mad? Why?

Lol don't agree with either of you clowns about the franchise and especially not some shitty movie. I'd never tell someone they can't like something hah, downvote away tho, y'all enjoy that salt mine

Do you know where you are? You're supposed to be antagonistic and dramatic.

I like the Resident Evil movies. Yeah they're cheesy as fuck but they're no worse than capeshit.

Resident Evil Apocalypse was enjoyable fucking fight me

Resident Evil Apocalypse

I think it was a lot better than Extinction and arguably Retribution (which had just stopped giving a fuck about anything other than action sequences).

Yeah, it suffers a bit if you just compare it to the original (as do most sequels) but it was still pretty good.

you deserve it

Only exception to this is I want to see a Metal Gear movie

1) If it's from Kojima he'll be able to go all-out autism because it's obvious he has a burning desire to be a movie director and not make videogames

2) If it's from somebody else who bought off the rights, I want to see Kojima being judgemental about the result, and the gaijin movie director trying to cobble together a coherent movie from the convulted mess

Aside from that, videogame movies are haram. My father tries to get me to see Ready Player One.

there’s literally no meaningful story, the games are good cause they’re fun to play

as if every good movie has a cool story? some movies are just dumb ass action films but they are still awesome. having said that, movies made from video games have a 100% of sucking.



Doom was an insightful series about a mans pet rabbit.

You take that back, the books are art

I'm trying to think how a doom movie could be anything less than shit. Like there is zero plot to any of the games apart from kill shit gruesomely. How do you make a movie out of that.

kill shit gruesomely

How do you make a movie out of that.


The only good no-plot movies that are just about 'killing shit gruesomely', are the ones that are also funny. Crank comes to mind.

you could probs make the doom movie funny. the newest game doesn't remotely take itself seriously, it's self aware that it's stupid and cheesy testosterone fueled violence.

i can recall many action movies that weren't "funny", had a garbage story, but were still cool as hell.

Can you name any there were made after the year 2000?

hobo with a shotgun, machete, hardcore henry

John Wick.

Shoot 'Em Up.

Clive Owen literally kills a man with a carrot while saying "they're good for your eyesight".

If the movie did the same thing the most recent game did where any attempt to actually have a plot is interrupted by DoomGuy aggressively breaking whatever is spouting off exposition it'd work pretty well.

well that is one thing that cheesed me off about the game. at first that is what happens, but then later on the game forces you to listen to robot elon musk autistically spouting stupid back story for ages. it would have been better if the game gave you almost no plot with doom guy continuously smashing stuff.

You just adapt Doom: Reprecussions of Evil

There was already a doom movie starring the rock

Im still not over tgat PC SJW garbage. A BLACK Doom Marine? No respect for historical accuracy.

Karl Urban was the Doomguy in that movie though.

i havent seen it but i imagine it has a lot of him sidestepping around in a circle

I saw part of it on TV and it didn't seem too terrible. They had a scene where they actually made it first person and I thought that worked well and was pretty innovative.

They had a scene where they actually made it first person

yeah no doom movie can ever match the awesomeness of that one. They made another videogame for the original xbox soon after

How many movies have the protagonist go to hell (as in literal biblical satan hell), and rather than suffer and whinge, actually fuck shit up with a double barrelled shotgun? I'd definitely like to see a movie of that kind, and if one exists please let me know.

Just let them rip-off the Doom comic. Autism warning.

Add Transformers?

How do you make a movie out of that.

but my nostalgia!

You can have a good Doom movie when I get Actraiser 3D

Learning that people unironically care about this makes me want to intentionally get Ebola and go hug everyone at a vidya game convention.

A Doom movie could be fine if they remember it's just a series of fun action sequences, not a movie with significant plot. A good example would be Hardcore Henry.

I don't really play DOOM games but I can't wait to see how film makers justify an 5'4" 120 lb woman man handling demons and breaking them in half.

This movie is going to good for drama coin.

To be fair, demons aren’t real. So it doesn’t really matter. Plus, anyone who cares about a video game movies is dumb.

This comment already exceeds the amount of care one should have.

To be fair, demons aren’t real. So it doesn’t really matter.

This is the laziest excuse to not try to do something well. Imagine any sci-fi, fantasy, or horror form of entertainment having this mindset.

Video game movies are never “done well”. I assure you, cunt or cock, it’s still going to be trash.

I know. I'm not saying this, or most video game movies, will be/are good.

I'm just saying it's a shitty excuse to not try. Cunt or cock doesn't matter, but doom girl better look like this.

most specops soldiers arent even built-looking lol

I'm mirin

So off topic, but is she for real? Like thats not steroid enhanced or anything right? It looks so well balanced its almost fake looking.

is this gay?

Angry Birds was a great movie

Physically remove yourself from the planet earth, immediately.

Would you say the movie was fowl?

Im with you on this. I actually liked it. Then again, i dont expect much out of movies. As long as im entertained idgaf how reasonable or realistic it is.

I enjoyed it because it didn't portray itself as some masterpiece. It was a goofy, punny, stupid movie about a mobile game. It was fairly compelling, didn't have some gay love story in it, and managed to work the mechanics of the game into the movie, but only for like 5 seconds and it kind of worked alright.

But it was. Did you see it?

Video game movies are never “done well”

Sir, I give thee Mortal Kombat I.

Postal was, Uwe Boll really captured the Running with Scissors spirit on celluloid.

Unironically this, I dunno why everyone gives Postal so much crap. It was great. It's everything else that Uwe Boll's made that's been trash.

You know that's a thing. Like people ironically make shitty fiction movies and people ironically watch them.

Sometimes I worry about the fall of western civilization, but then I remember ironic culture is a thing.


Joss Whedon springs to mind, which is something none should aspire to.

Only thing he did good imho was serenity/firefly, a lot of people loved buffy, then again a lot of people should keep themselves safe.

Exactly, though even Firefly is over hyped.

Buffy is a masterpiece

He also abused his wife, which produced good drama.

"I'm willing to suspend my disbelief in demons, all sorts of other supernatural shit and FTL travel, but a woman in a lead role is just taking things beyond the pale of believability"

  • Johnny Twoinch, Alt-Right Spokesturd on Reality in Fantasy.

Alt-Right Spokesturd on Reality in Fantasy.

lmao what

Unironic /r/politics poster.

I don't know if people are on edge because of MDE refugees but not everyone who disagrees with shit like this hates women. I have no problem with women in lead roles or women majority entertainment. I just think seeing a typical small hollywood actress ripping demons in half to be hysterically awkward.

Johnny Twoinch, Alt-Right Spokesturd on Reality in Fantasy.

Oh and since you want bants.

You don't have to believe I'm not a misogynist, but you could at least suspend your disbelief that I'm not one.

I'm willing to suspend my disbelief that you aren't a man child virgin.

What if they cast Ronda Rousey?


That would be amazing.

Dramacoin to the moon

That would a good choice. Rousey is a WWE actress now so I don't think she conditions herself as much as her MMA days but she probably learned some acting. Also she was known more for being really good at armbars, not striking and strength in general, but it could definitely work.

Rousey is more a house-hold name, but if I could cast an absolute beast of a fighter as doom girl I'd pick Cristiane "Cyborg" Santos.

More believable than who they have playing her now

Or the big lady from game of thrones, can't think of her name.

Maisie Williams.

Maise is the sloth from Ice Age

Captain Phasma stomping a massive hole through some demons with her size 16s is something i'd pay to see.

Emilia clarke

If she wasn't a fucking awful actor? Then yeah.

Ye 'cos Ahnold was chomping on oscars back in the day.

Ahnold was entertaining. Watching Ronda act is like watching a high schooler try to act in a play.

>fucking awful actor

>Doom movie


Ehh... yeah.. I guess so huh? Ok fine.

She's a terrible actress and overrated fighter

I just threw her name out there on a lark. I’ve never actually seen any of her theatrical performances before.

Also, she is the Meryl Streep of our generation and you disagreeing is #whyweneedfeminism

I just think seeing a typical small hollywood actress ripping demons in half to be hysterically awkward.

I actually enjoy movies for being as far from reality as possible.

I don't know if people are on edge because of MDE refugees but not everyone who disagrees with shit like this hates women.

lol have people learned nothing in the past 5 or so years

What if the US oligarchy/establishment wanted trump and rigged everything to ensure his victory? Trump's persona of unstable loose cannon may be exactly what the American oligarchy needs to deal with a volatile situation. By putting a perceived "madman" with a hair trigger in theoretical charge of US foreign policy he makes America's rivals take notice and re-evaluate their strategies.

An "outsider" like Trump (or reagan!) can play the role of a madman more convincingly than a careerist like Hillary . American oligarch strategists realize that they are in a life or death struggle with China and Russia and that things are not giong well for them in Syria and the M.E. generally. By putting this guy in charge they may have thought they could benefit from the uncertainty that he would cause in the minds and strategies of their rivals.

I'm not saying I subscribe to this wholly, only that it's soemthing that might be worth considering.

look at historical records throughout the world: lots of mention of demons and supernatural things occurring, no mention of women accomplishing anything meaningful. i rest my case.

"the same shit but with r63" is a lazy and overused fanfiction trope, it should not have become a left wing issue.

if demons suddenly did exist though itd be men doing all the chainsawing

maybe a token michelle rodriguez style lesbian for colour


The fuck are you on about. Do you actually consume entertainment? Because hand-waving is basically a staple of fiction in all its forms. Grounded, realistic stories are the massive minority.

You mean most of media ever?

Yes. Also, no.

Yes they are. Read a bible ya dip.

suspension of disbelief only goes so far and most people cant imagine a woman being trusted to carry out a serious or important task in any sort of context

it always comes across as pandering

I'm no demonologist but having played Doom she will probably just shoot them with a gun rendered in 10 pixels while having a serious nosebleed.

I don't really play DOOM games but I can't wait to see how film makers justify an 5'4" 120 lb woman man handling demons and breaking them in half.

Cough, Riley in alien, cough.

I'm not saying doom girl can't shoot them up, but I thought part of the whole doom guy thing was "rip and tear" through enemies. Ripley had the mech suit in Aliens, so without one I don't think doom girl can do anything similar.

Doom has guns

and breaking them in half

Captain America can pull a helicopter to the ground with just some steroids. I’m sure they could find something similar for a gril

Hahaha, implying a hollywood actress would actually nut up and take steroids for a role.

Not steroid levels obviously but have you seen Evangeline Lilly's arms? Just slap her in power armor and I could see it.

Mary J Blige got caught in the BALCO lab roid raids.

This might surprise you, but the actor playing Captain America did not have to take steroids to lift a helicopter. It was not a real helicopter, they use props and computers to make things that look real but are not real in the movies!

In doom the protagonist is a violence loving, scares the demons away absolute monster. In Alien the humans are hunted and don't engage in any real physical combat except for when ripley gets into the loading mech. Not really an apt comparison to make.

This shows how badly doom 4 screwed up the tone of the original doom. Doom 4 is a remake of the stupid doom comic, not the original games.

Elaine Riley is the most badass protagoneist

Her name was Ripleys Believe it or Not, tyvm.

Same way a 6' 200 lb dude does it bullshit tech, angelic buff magic, and the power of being extraordinarily mad. We are talking about a guy quite literally punching a hole in a rib cage or breaking off a horn that's at least 2 foot around it's not really grounded in realism.

Besides the at least some of the rule 63 ain't bad.

Yeah, the doom guy is powered by being super pissed off, nothing else. I think that casting a woman in that role could actually be very good, because it would emphasize that it's not about muscles or armour, and also because, let's be honest, some women are really good at being very very pissed off with reckless abandon. The pure viciousness you could pull off that way would look over the top and outright psychotic on a guy.

This is why soy needs to be banned and people should be forced to lift weights at least 3x a week.

Waahhh Waaah Waaah.

doomguy in the latest game is a super human alien being who is 1000s of years old. he is able to rip apart demons cause he practically is a demon himself.

Good news then, she could also look as a ten year old girl!

be real, who wouldn't want to see a cute loli brutally ripping demons apart with her tiny adorable hands.

shed just have a period and cry and then lose

Nah, that's her power, she's always just on the verge of having a period.


Do you, like, not have even a mother somehow?

lol what having a mother doesnt make you tolerate biohazards

No, appreciate the PMS, and the entire point is that such a girl would be THE BIOHAZARD to appreciate.

technically, the doomguy isnt actually human. Hes more of a hell destroying skull crushing demon slaying force of nature.

Yeah except the woman they've casted is less female body builder like the pic you posted and more dainty Hollywood actress.

I mean his name is doomguy, and he is a big part of why the new one was so great (how they portray his character). So let's ride the wave of dooms newfound popularity and change the gender for no reason, other than to show how woke you are.

There's also the added benefit of pissing off losers.


Imagine caring about Doom Guy's gender.

but I can't wait to see how film makers justify an 5'7" 132 lb woman man handling demons and breaking them in half.

I've never played Doom 3 but in the earlier ones you just walked around and shot them. Regardless it's hardly less realistic because a man can't straight up snap a demon in half anyway. I don't know why you buy one but you're like "No way!" with the other.

I've answered this before so I'll just copy and paste.

I'm not saying doom girl can't shoot them up, but I thought part of the whole doom guy thing was "rip and tear" through enemies. Ripley had the mech suit in Aliens, so without one I don't think doom girl can do anything similar.


I just think seeing a typical small hollywood actress ripping demons in half to be hysterically awkward.

Did you think Emily Bloom in Edge of Tomorrow was awkward?

He didnt watch that SJW bullshit

That movie rocked though.

Yeah it was really good

women soldiers are hilariously shit irl

And yet still far more masculine than you 🤔🤔🤔

a woman can be as masculine as they like but its not going to magically make them capable

Unfortunately you can't be as masculine as you'd like 😔

lol people upvoted your shit joke to spite me

She made me believe, downward dog hnnnnnngggg.

doom guy only rips demons in half with his bare hands in the latest game, and it's because he is not human in that game. in all other games he is a faceless space marine, in the newest game he is a super human holy warrior mcguffin who's sole destiny is killing demons, and he can rip them in half with his bare hands now.

i suppose if they just make "doomgirl" into the same thing, it would make sense. she would be super human like buffy or wonder woman.

in all other games he is a faceless space marine

No he isn't, his face is your health bar...

by faceless i mean, no backstory, no personality, just a random ass grunt who happened to still be alive, killing all the demons he comes across.

his face is also on the game's cover

yeah cool, but that isn't what i meant by faceless. maybe i used the word wrong idk, but he's a random nobody.

Hmm, I guess generic and expendable soldier would be a way.

and he can rip them in half with his bare hands now.

He could do so in the old comics If I'm correct.




That goes to show how much of a failure of tone the new doom game is. Real Doom’s protag is just an every man marine thrust into a horrifying situation but whoever is on the team at the should be defunct id software now decided the stupid Doom comic is canon and made doomguy into some cartoony blood lust action hero so that’s what people think Doom’s tone is now.

A female doomguy can work for the same reason original doom works, it’s just a single marine against hell, not a manchild self insert.

Video game movies are retarded anyway

i actually like doom 3 better than 4, and i feel like it actually kept the tone of the original games far more than 4 did, though almost no else ever agreed me with when i said this. sure, 3 turns doom into an event horizon/hell raiser type horror atmosphere, but it's a series about literally HELL invading, it's not that hard to imagine the doom world with a more horror vibe. but the guy in doom 3 is just some random ass marine who turned up for his first shift, and it feels like you're struggling to survive against hell, you don't feel like bad ass testosterone filled 13 year old boys fantasy. in that way, doom 3 reminded me much more of playing the old doom games than 4 ever did. 4 took the violence and cheese and cranked it up to 11, and dropped completely the slight horror vibe the original games did have.

doom 4 is just basically a modern version of brutal doom, which is a modded version of doom 2, not how the original played. it amazes me that people say doom 4 is the same tone as the original games, it's not remotely.

Earlier ones had berserk packs.

He means DOOM 4.

Power armor?

Technically with the new lore it really wouldn't even be a big deal it would just be forced. I don't think the Doomslayer is human.

As opposed to 6’0 190lb guy handling demons and breaking them in half.

Let’s be honest, it should have been Doom Gorilla. I would’ve paid to see that.

Doom t-rex!

Yeah, a 6'4"* 230 lb man* snapping demons in half makes so much more sense, right?

I can't wait to justify a 6' whatever man killing massive fuckign demons.

Oh wait, nothing about DOOM is realistic in the first place.

Some of the racist doom mods can be kinda fun


Imagine a place and time where virtue signalling is worth more then turning a profit

Pretty clean why they cast a female - if it fails they blame sexism as opposed to the game being based on Doom... the video game that has basically no story and a character with no character development.


worrying about "character development" in capeshit movies and using it as an excuse for your alt-blightery

doom is capeshit? pls give me more example of capeshit, in your own defintion

Seems like one of those people that wants to fit in by use of buzzwords but they have no clue of what context to use them in

And /u/BigPriceToupee is an unironic r/Politics poster to boot lmao. Pretty fucking cringy

/u/BigPriceToupee is the kind of centipedo that doesnt know how to tie his own shoelaces




worrying about "character development" in capeshit movies and using it as an excuse for your alt-blightery


Are you refering to alt-right?

You realize youre on /r/drama?

If you aren't violently left you're alt right, or hadn't you heard? I'm sure Ed or Pitter can catch you up and list you either way once they reach their determination.

>calling doom "capeshit"

Apply super shotgun to the roof of the mouth

Or maybe they’d just like to have someone good to look at in the starring role. Or as an alternative, they could post a greasy neckbeard so the hardcore gamers could live out their fantasies on screen

literally why diversity initiatives exist, they provide an easy scapegoat and leave the creators totally unaccountable for its failure

people are naive af to think they actually care about women or black people or whatever

Except they could cast a black dude (or the Rock again even) and get the same thing

I’m guessing Producers style scam

Imagine a time and place when redditors think that subreddits are such as /r/doom are anything but corporate-sponsored advertising centers.

If that was true they would permit discussion to sway the circlejerk to "wow if you don't watch doommovie you're a bigot and a weenie". L2marketing

The corp running /r/Arrow should get a refund


Yeah no you lost your manhood long before E3.

This movie is going to make its money back just off losers hate watching it so they can complain online.

Just like what happened with Ghostbusters, amirite?

That absolutely shit movie that still took in $229 million and thousands of sweaty nerds watched just so they could REEE after?

If you actually believe that movie is successful you should be writing internet articles who's titles end in "and that's a good thing."

Successful in making nerds sperg out about it on the internet for years. How is me saying a bunch of nerds hate-watched it still triggering you momos?

Most of the sperging was from trollx types who desperately wanted the movie to be decent so they could rub it best n everyones face.

That whole thing was insufferable. Feminists on one side and on the other side were dudes like the dorks rage-mashing downvote with their fleshy little fingers and unironically trying to argue with me over a shitpost two years later.

Horseshoe. Theory.

Projection at its finest here.

That is about the gayest way there is to say "no u"

dont expect too much from that dude, lol

So we went from "succesful by any industry metric" to "caused flamewars online"? Boy I can't keeo up with goalposts these days.

Speak for yourself, my goalposts have always been at "caused flamewars online"

You planned this all along, didn't you?

I never even saw the new Ghostbusters

Truly a masterful plan

goalposts? do you even know where you are?

"Mayocide is happening now, and that's a good thing"

You mean the movie that they took an $80 million dollar or more loss on? Lmao

The budget was 144 million, the gross was 229 million. So a net of 85 million. I realize that there are other expenses, but there are other sources of revenue as well. And (gross - budget) is usually how movies are judged, literally someone on the internet just invented their own special accounting metric to make GB look bad and spread it across the internet. But if you applied the same thing elsewhere it would make most movies look bad. It's sad whenever it's that important to a person that a movie be looked upon poorly.

The fuck are the 'other sources of revenue'? The hollywood reporter is who makes up these fucking numbers and they estimated over 300 million after advertising costs.

The director himself said they would probably need to make 500mil to break even.

It's sad whenever it's that important to a person that a movie be looked upon positively.

The fuck are the 'other sources of revenue'? The hollywood reporter is who makes up these fucking numbers and they estimated over 300 million after advertising costs.

yeah i'm sure you know the numbers so much better than hollywood reporter ;)

Jesus, you really are retarded. I'm the one referencing the numbers the hollywood reporter gave.

why are you so invested in how much money a movie made?

Why are you so invested in me? Extremely gay.

how am i "invested" in you, boomer?

Is everyone who isn't a tweaker in highschool a boomer to you?

You also realize boomers grew up in the 60s right?

to call someone a "degenerate druggie",unironically, for doing some stimulants and staying awake 48 hours you need to be retarded or a boomer. your choice

I think you mean 'adult'.

so how old are you?

Didn't know there was a nerd defense squad.

Well ACTUALLY that movie lost money overall

Neat point. Did a ton of sweaty nerds go see it just so they could REEE about it though? Why would you even jump in to defend these dudes, were you one of them or something?

What exactly are you reeeing over yourself? The fact I corrected your dumb ass? Did a nerd fuck your wife or something?

I corrected your dumb ass

You didn't correct me, you just don't know what the word gross means when it's not being applied to you.

Starting to think you just hate anyone who can do basic math tbqh.

There isn't even any math involved in gross ticket sales, it's literally counting and yet you just can't seem to crack it.

- Production 144mil

- Advertising 156mil

+ Gross sales 229mil

= -71mil

You want me to balance your checkbook as well? Math is even easier when it never breaks the double digits.

Gross sales 229mil

Hahaha and there, in the middle of your retardation, is the number I used to talk about how a bunch of people saw the stupid movie right before you sperged out.

are you one of those hollywood jews?

Did a ton of sweaty nerds go see it just so they could REEE about it though?

If by "ton" you mean "a significant number in terms of the market a movie needs to succeed", then no. If you mean "4 or 5 sweaty obese nerds" then yeah, I guess that's a win?

You can get a ton (4 or 5) sweaty nerds all hot and bothered a lot easier than making a massive flop of a movie though.

If by "ton" you mean "a significant number in terms of the market a movie needs to succeed", then no. 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏

You have internet poisoning

losers hate watching

Nigga that won't happen. Not enough neckbeards who are willing to waddle over to theaters to do so.

They'll just pirate it and exclaim they helped for reasons

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Did they ever show doom guy's dick though? 🤔

Only in that 3d porn people like to make of him fucking female versions of all the demons.

I'll take some doom dick 😩👌


Every time a hundred thousand wails pierce the night because a woman or minority was cast in a film, I sleep so soundly and have the most vivid, beautiful dreams.

I fill my mattress with the salt.

No bed has ever been more comfy.

we wuz spartans

/u/chadcyberbully nah, they were romans right?

a subreddit about a violent video game is now a safe space, good job 2018.

also /u/caligari87 no one cares if ur pissed rofl.

Remember valid criticisms are now considered toxic.

'Reeeeee females' is criticism now?

how dare you infringe on the freeze peach rights of upstanding, "independent" """""""games journalists"""""" ??!?!?!?!?!?!!??!


It's the only purely logical STEM based criticism.


The mod also writes fanfic for My Little Pony (seriously), so take that for what it's worth also.

Do you have a link? I really have to see this shit.

I found no fan fiction, just cringe deviant art links and MLP cards they made for their wife:

There's more but this posting history is so disturbing.

This dude is a latter day saint (mormon), MLP fan, and a Doom mod, we need a plague. And of course he mods a bunch of subs as well:

r/Doom r/latterdaysaints r/ThemsFightinHerds r/ldscirclejerk r/lds_irl r/doom4 r/MetroRP r/NMM r/caligari87

Truly bizarre.

Interesting. I always imagined that Doom was basically a retelling of what would have happened in the Mormon War if one of the American soldiers had been cut off from his unit and had to fight his way out.

The Doom novels are written by Mormons and Mormonism actually plays a very large part in the story if I remember

Sometimes you want to see a demon's head ripped in half, sometimes you want to watch rainbow explosions and ponies continuously learn they need to use their fucking words instead of compounding the problem when someone jumps to a half-witted conclusion.

Hey, maybe having more FEEEEEEEEEEEEmale murderers as protagonist will finally fix the huge (((gender gap))) in the murderer business.

It's 2018, we can't have a ratio of 90% of perpetuators being male anymore!

👏This👏 Needs👏 To👏 Stop👏

Women's rights are human's rights

Women's rights are human's rights

Women's rights are human's rights

Women's rights are human's rights

Women's rights are human's rights

The force is female

You joke but there are guys who are legit mad that more black women aren't raped by white men. Or at least reported as such.

Some fat women are mad that they don't get sexually harassed as much as fit women.

Like, really?

Some fat women are mad that they don't get sexually harassed as much as fit women.

The root of every woman's issue.

"Jealousy is a female trait"

ugh, its about ethics, u guise!?!?!

dont you care about ethics ?

talk about lame ass agendapost, go back to kia pls


Degenerate druggie shitposting in withdrawl...

Degenerate druggie

fuck me, how old are you? boomer?


how old/sad do you have to be to call someone a denerate druggie for doing some amph for 2 days, i wonder

No one does amphetamines "for two days" enjoy the denial and early death scumbag.

lmao, you obviously know A LOT about drugs

Imagine defending using amphetamines...

Imagine being this much of a nerd

As embarrassing as that guy's bender was, he doesn't wake up each day and post under an account named "We Wuz Kangs"

Yeah ikr satire accounts are so lame...



The first word your father spoke to you.


Imagine defending using amphetamines...

Imagine not knowing what a doctor is....

He was up shitposting 24 hours straight and admits abusing them, imagine understanding context...

Imagine me taking your words out of context in order to bait a response from you...

Damn got me

admits abusing them

literal lol, how sheltered are you mayo manlet?

Its a party drug➡Im a weekend druggy exclusively➡It helps me work better➡I need it to work at all➡Im taking a hit and completely forgot I was even quitting

Where are you on this timescale?

first of all, what drug are we talking about?

You seem like you're on crack.

you are obviously also a sheltered mayo that dont know anything about drugs

Addies? Yeah, you're still going to have problems with neurotoxicity. Good luck, dumbasses need a lot of it.


just stop

Then name it junky.

how retarded are you?

I had some amph and stayed awake for 2 days?

how sheltered are you? how old are you?

I feel there's a reason you dont want to say.

say what ?


is that clear enough for you?

Yeah but what kind?

what kind of amphetamine? is this a serious question?


are you finished googling amphetamine soon?


imagine being this sheltered ;)

Adderall is an amphetamine

Is everyone with ADHD a degenerate druggie now?

Can't wait to pretend that this movie doesn't exist for the rest of my entire existence

Jesus Christ doomguy is basically a suit of armor that slaughters it's way across dimensions, does anyone really care about the meat inside?

Just give it the Pacific rim treatment: give people exactly what they expect, don't hype it to extreme levels, and give it awesome gory mayhem. People will say it's ok, pretty good etc., Which is high praise for a videgame movie.

Jesus Christ doomguy is basically a suit of armor that slaughters it's way across dimensions, does anyone really care about the meat inside?

There's a little animated picture of his face at the bottom all the time. He's the opposite of a faceless protagonist.

He's probably a 12 Yo that's only played DOOM 2016.

I'm 13 and I played Brutal Doom

I hate todays video games, i only play morrowang and doom 2, I was born in le wrong generation.

All videogames suck you fucking moron

Old duke nukem was the shit, and jazz jack rabbit. DOS games were so much fun, looking back I had no idea how much more advanced shit would get.

The best thing about DOS games is that now we have DOSBox so you don't have to fiddle around with your goddamn config.sys to get them to work. All that stuff that used to be such a pain in the ass is completely effortless now, no matter what hardware you have.

B.J. Blazkowicz actually had a name, doomguy is just a face.

We aren't talking in the context of the original Doom games, we're talking about Doom 2016 which shares a lot of elements but is more akin to brutal doom.

Maybe you should clean your room so you can think clearly.

doomguy is just a face

A male face. I mean he does have a bit of personality too, but sure there's no name.

We aren't talking in the context of the original Doom games, we're talking about Doom 2016 which shares a lot of elements but is more akin to brutal doom.

Brutal Doom, which also has a little picture of his face at the bottom all the time. You can't ignore the context of the older games on Doom 2016, it's trying to recapture doomguy slaughtering his way through demons.

I'm personally not really bothered because I'd not heard about the movie until this story, and now I know not to care that much. Someone is clearly trying to put their own stamp on the source material, so it's probably not for me. I don't really watch films that much anyway. If it reviews well I might check it out.

A male face.

Seriously imagine being such a nerd that you care about the gender of the protagonist unrealistically killing ripping massive demons in half.

If it doesn't bother you, you do you. Seems to me you're being a sucker for some obvious feminist-baiting marketing but that's just me.

Imagine thinking that Doom, Doom3, the books and Doom4 are anything other than loosely related to each other.

The point of Doomguy is that he's a stereotypical male power fantasy character.

There is literally zero reason for Doomgal except pandering and virtue signaling.

Quit virtue signalling

How are moderator actions to this shit always exactly the same and written in the exact same tone, even though they always attract the exact same response? Like, I realize people who moderate subreddits aren't going to be the most charismatic individuals but you'd think they'd have learned by now.

I'm glad they haven't, but it's weird right?

I'm sure it was discussed in discord and IRC at length with other moderators in a frenzy of pandering and ideology suited only to internet communities.

Be honest with us /u/caligari87, how do these things happen?

Autism and virtue signaling.

They want that same response, and they want to be smug insufferable cunts.

The negative response can be painted as harassment/whateverism to play the victim, and being a cunt for a "good" cause can be used to justify being a cunt all the time.

I miss the internet circa 2001 where there were basically no rules anywhere.

Don't post topics about Amy Manson's "who needs Doomguy" tweet. It was probably a joke anyway.

It's just a joak, so don't make fun of it.

I don't understand the logic here.

At least the stupid thing is just in the movie.

It's going to be shit regardless of the gender of the MC. I don't even think they did it to be PC, I think at this point they know that casting a female MC in an action or geeky movie is going cause an autistic shitshow and that is like the one thing that can cause publicity for a guaranteed stinker like this. If it had been generic hard broiled marine lead character #5694, we wouldn't even know about it. So maybe it's 3rd on the opening weekend rather than 11th. The corporate committee that dropped this deuce is genius in a way.

Okay, now this is just getting old.

knowing anything about the protagonist of DOOM beyond what weapon they're shooting


The portrait that represents your health?


This agenda post is even sadder than what it's mocking. It would be some pretty good drama to see the Doom sub tearing itself apart over this if you weren't so much of a shitlord yourself bravely waving the outrage flag.

oh pls, you need a couple more layers before that gets even barely believable

Geez you put a lot of effort into this. Who gives a shit if doom person is male or female. Also who gives two shits about a doom movie? The rocks movie was too corny to even consider watching.

So yeah, your pent up agression about doom being a girl... Is sexist,... Because.. nobody gives a fuck.

It's drama, who says I have a side?

nigga pls lol

Excellent, about someone took these stupid white nerd dudebros down the same as we did with gamers. Gonna cry when toxic masculinity gets removed from all your media? lmao

Shut up, gay boy.

It's literally pride month in 2018 and you think it's still okay to write that shit? Hope you don't enjoy using this sub cause you're going to find yourself banned as soon as the mods see my report

Do it fgt

Let’s not get too rough here guys.

trying too hard

Too hard, or not hard enough?

this tard unironically went "i'm a vet, unban me" in the modmail lmao

False and homsexual.

laaaand of the REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE home of the BRAAAAAP

Kinda hot tbh

They should have just gotten dwayne johnson to do it again.

gamers are the most oppressed minority.

Doom movie

and who wanted this?

Me tbh. If it's done in Hardcore Henry or The Raid style it will be actionkino.

The only good video game movie was the warcraft one.

That wpuld be Prine of Persia

Even with about a half of important for plot scenes cut out?

All they had to do was make it Dredd style and have a doomguy that never takes the helmet off. You can make whatever cast of characters you want around that. Or the Mad Max treatment, a mostly silent protagonist and the world tell the story around that protagonist. Give it a metal soundtrack like the last Doom game, some good action effects, choreography and it's solid.

Anyway, the thing has bigger problems. Going off the production company and the director's previous work, it's a direct to DVD type thing anyway.

there's already one with Dwayne the rock johnson in it.

And it was pure ass, as are all movies with The Rock in it.

I don't downvote on r/drama, but if you have any negative opinions about Scorpion King, go fuck yourself until you die from it.


Doomslayer is alien, he's not male anyway idiots.

only in the latest game. in the 3 other games he is just some random space marine. they are probably basing it in the latest doom though.

They know this movie is going to be hot garbage so they're already on the defensive about people not liking it.

Oh anybody who makes a post and locks it before anybody can comment should be de-modded automatically.

Why is this a big deal?

RIP AND TEAR.....Doomguys' dick ofg

And just to head off anyone who pisses about "muh free speech" and "reeeee censorship", just a brief reminder that this is not a democracy. It's a dictatorship, and this decision is unilateral. End of discussion.

At least he's honest about it. Wish more people were like that.

/u/caligari87 why do you bully your subreddit?

Unless it's just two hours of nonstop gore with no character development, plot, or dialogue, a Doom movie's gonna suck.

theyre probably just rebadging a failed movie they were already close to finishing tbh

I don't see why his involvement in other subs is relevant. I mean, who doesn't like fantasizing about ponies?