Zack Snyder fanboy spergs out on r/moviescirclejerk because nobody accepts that Batman v Superman is "Objectively flawless". Goes on a rant with essay length comments(seriously long) calling the sub worse than r/The_Donald while repeating the word "objectively" about a 100 times.

98  2018-06-13 by BoneOldSeetheAutism


Cool story, bro


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I didn't see the film; why is this funny?

They literally stop fighting because their mothers/caretakers have the same name. v v solid writing

It's so deep and meaningful. You just don't get it...

You need to watch it a second time, it's so deep you won't get it the first time.

Just see the clip on YouTube.

Decent concept ruined by shitty dialogue and bad acting to the point it's hilarious.

Anyone remember that movie reviewer who started crying when he talked about that scene, because of how moving he said it was? I can't find it but it was hilarious to watch

batman is about to kill superman and superman shouts IHAVETOGOSAVEMARTHA and that's why batman doesn't kill him.

And, from what I can glean it isn't even the same Martha.

That's really stupid.

Lex Luthor kidnaps Superman's mom (Martha) to blackmail him to fight Batman. After Batman realizes that Superman's mom has the same name as his own mom, he lets Superman go, and Superman uses his special powers to find and rescue Martha (which he could have easily done in the first place). Then they have to fight a CGI monster that uses the same model as the troll from The Hobbit.

idk if anyone has thought of this but can we track down benny netanyahu's mom's first name and also whoever is running hamas' mother's first name?

sometimes the easiest answer is the best answer

Twist... They're the same person.

Tzila!!! (wat)

I don't have anything to add I'm literally just adding a comment as a reminder so I can check back on this thread when it's more than 10 minutes old. That way I can see of if there's any comments I can exhale through my nose at.

6 years and you still do not know how to save a post? what have you been doing all this time?

Every time I save a post I never remember to check it again 😔

I only save porn

I've definitely saved porn without realizing it only to check my save list once every few months and realize it's there.

What happens when people have super hero levels of retardation

He says he is a philosophy student who is writing a massive analysis on Batman v Superman which he will release soon.

Why do people have ideas like this and then publicly admit having had them? Perplexing af.

not enough nerds are getting shoved in lockers when they go all spergy apparently.

Because you’re not allowed to lynch idiots anymore.

Ah, Philosophy students, when you absolutely must have a degree to prove you have no skills, talents, and are absolutely unemployable.

Humanities students generally end up doing as well as their counterparts in other fields, though often start out with lower salaries.

Just going to college is a great idea, no matter what you study.

Its a good prep for law school actually. There is always at least one "that guy" in every philosophy class thoug

Latin is a good class for law school. Taking philosophy classes is slightly less useful than just masturbating instead.

The degree for people who want to prove their fart sniffing credentials.

They actually do quite well, but I suspect it's because it's a course that attracts smart and naive students who think they have "critical thinking skills" (the kind that's later perfect as a management drone).

So he's a future Starbucks barrista?

only one r bro

haha he's like the anti-moviebob, instead of a 3 hour documentary about how Batman V Superman was movie cancer he'll have one endlessly praising it.

They start writing rick and morty

I think rotten tomatoes and (((Marvel))) bergen.kommune DC movie reading to be ridiculously low, but they aren't exactly good movies either...

Them trying to create their own Avengers in 3 films was so rushed and botched

capeshitfags are the worst 🤢🤢🤮🤮

Unironically they along with star wars fans ruin almost every movie related discussion forums.

They don't care about discussing aspects of movies like editing, themes, story structure, etc.....

No they want to have dick measuring contests with other fandoms on which has a higher Rotten Tomatoes score or which has a bigger box office.

They don't care about discussing aspects of movies like editing, themes, story structure, etc.....

Who cares about this gay shit


Don't forget the most important part of film: mastery of minute details to fill out a fandom wiki article

Yeah I have this account to bash on The Last Jedi and post in r/drama.

It’s really sad to see people defend a movie that start with a mix of a yo mama/knock knock joke.

People debating the intentions of characters in movies are my pet peeve.

/u/Dantius55 LMFAO nigga calm down it's just a movie

/u/Dantius55 BvS is a garbage movie, prove me wrong

Are you saying that film is objective?

No, but your opinion being shit is fact

Good, I am glad we agree that film is not subjective. Because r/moviescirclejerk literally hates you, according to them.

Now, how'd you like a nice, friendly, civil debate over PMs? You are clearly asking for a debate. I would be happy to provide one.

You can't prove a movie isn't bad if it's subjective.

No, I can't. Mostly because I don't believe that film is subjective. Film can definitely be judged objectively, at least to some extent. Or, at the very least, any attempts at objective criticism, such as "BvS is bad", can potentially be disproven by addressing the individual criticisms. However, since you believe that film is subjective, this NECESSITATES that any and all films must be objectively flawless, because if a flaw in a film can only exist subjectively, then it cannot exist within the film itself, so it literally cannot be a bad film. Either BvS is a bad film, proving that film is objective, or film is subjective, meaning BvS cannot be a bad film. Furthermore, if film is subjective, you cannot prove that a movie IS bad either.

So, by your standards at least, I have proven that BvS is not a bad film. What do I win?

Oh, by the way, I have never once claimed that BvS is objectively flawless overall. Just in case you were one of the morons who actually believed OP.

The DCEU was a mistake.

I liked batman vs superman :)

I mean nothing wrong with that.

Everyone has that one trash movie that they like :^). I like Don't mess with the zohan and land of the lost but I don't go around calling them masterpieces

it's Super Mario brothers for me

I just turn off the whole Mario part and it's a decent sci-fi flick

it’s not even trash. There are some missteps along the way, but there’s also moments of great writing, acting, and cinematography. It’s just a chaotic mess

It’s on amazon prime, will have to sit down and watched it at some point. I didn’t hate man of steel so I probably won’t hate this one, right?

me too man i don't get the unbridled hate people have for it

that part where batman breaks into the building and just starts fucking people up is great

BvS is a german expressionist film masterpiece

People who like superhero movies are dumb lol

Art has objective quality as well. That is why a four-year-old's crude stick figures never find their way into museums.

/u/Dantius55, bruh… DYEDisumbrationism?

cape shit belongs in the trash

well /r/moviescirclejerk is a trash sub, he's not wrong about that

Most [subreddit]circlejerk subs are tbh.

"Our circlejerking opposite to your circlejerking is the superior circlejerking!!!"

There are prevailing popular opinions almost everywhere. Deal with it.

there used to actually be people who knew a lot about movies on that sub. Users like the late great /u/Fletchdoesnotlive seriously knew their shit. The sub was created mainly out frustration that /r/movies tends neglect anything made before 1990. That's still kind of a stupid thing to get bent out of shape over, obviously a bunch of young people on the internet are going to be mainly interested in recent blockbusters. I got where they were coming from though.

Now its full of people who unironically jerk over Marvel and Star Wars and parrot moviebob talking points. The original contrarians on the sub at least had some dignity lol

everything zack snyder makes belongs in the trash can

Isn't Zack Snyder some kind of pedo?

It’s rare to see a postmodernist perspective on the superhero film culture, a culture so deeply rooted in the traditions of a mindset rooted in escapism - a response to a world in the midsts of pre-nuclear wars. Comic book films have been so pre-occupied with capturing the essence of thematics contained within the source material that, while a substantial amount of the particulars are certainly relevant, there has been no attempt to transform our perceptions of such historically grandiose figures. Superman, as we know, is the manifestation of the glimmering patriotism in Western culture, while also embodying the spiritual prominence and dominance of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Batman, as has been publicly accepted by the majority of audiences, is a symbolic representation of uncorrupted justice, a vigilante striving to bring light to a ruined city. Both are the amalgamations of societal moralization. In Batman v Superman, this is not the case. Snyder reinterprets these beloved characters into something much more sinister, something reflective of a civilization that has fallen into a state of perpetuating hate. Snyder creates a new mythos.

Imagine: A young Bruce Wayne levitating as a cyclone of bats lifts him from the well. Next we see Superman, a terrorist, demolishing a city, ending thousands of lives. These are our first images. Immediately Snyder wants us to know that what we expect from the valiant crime fighters is not what we’ll receive. Instead we are offered an unadulterated brute force: a Batman fuelled by rage, so lost in his ways that he holds himself as a god. As well, there is Superman, lost in morality, becoming frighteningly unaware of his influence but despairingly aware of his image. He’s a figure the world simultaneously reaches out for and rejects, motivated by both individualism and fear (resulting from xenophobia, commenting on relevant fears), respectively. Their battle is one of judgement, so perfectly climaxing with a name enabling an understanding between the two. It’s a perfectly internal moment caught strikingly on the faces and in the demeanour of a stunning Ben Affleck and impressive Henry Cavill. The damaged characters suggest a past of corrupt idealism for the ultimate hero. Both these men had lost sight in the world they seek to protect and it’s with each other that they can find the light to guide their way. It’s an exploration into these characters never before seen.

As the comedic relief and reflective soul encapsulating the collective psyche of modernity in the context of the God complex, Jesse Eisenberg’s Alexander Luther is a man striving to truly become all powerful. His psychopathy and infatuation with the mythos surrounding all powerful entities establish an extremely well built character, a new take on the deadly sin of greed. This desire for power, along with the previously mentioned moment of compassion between our two ‘heroes,’ justify the eventual coming of Doomsday, a personification of the world’s hatred; an unstoppable force that, in Superman’s sacrifice, proves pure selflessness as a necessary action in the evolution of society. Snyder continues to throw substance atop our heads that our psyches were unprepared for. The representation of politics is utterly hilarious in its inability to go forth due to indecisiveness. With such a pigheaded mentality present in the government, Luther’s corrupt initiative grabs hold and rectifies, from his perspective, a justice mirroring our two heroes, bringing into question their place upon the earth. This moment of doom is where the film asks us: what is the difference between a hero and a villain if, in the end, both kill the supposedly guilty?

Apart from the incredible amount of depth this film has, the technological achievement it is in the context of the story it tells needs to be addressed. Throughout the picture, the image feels false, manipulated by computers, attempting to replicate an aesthetic somewhere in-between realism and the comic book art. This, much like the rest of the film, is very much purposeful. Allowing us to see the artificiality, an idea that comes up within the score and pacing as well, breaks a forth wall separating the movie from reality. Snyder’s intent is to clearly throw the superhero film into today’s world and with this appearance forces it onto us. It only feels forceful, however, because we can’t allow it to be true. We continue to want to be stuck in a past where black and white are the opposing sides of a battle that never gets interesting. The superhero film gets an update and it’s much more pessimistic than you’d want to believe.

In terms of the remaining floating aspects of the film, I feel everything is pulled off with a disorderly precision that feels natural to such a chaotic experience. The introduction of the Justice League characters are established nicely, having a well built lead up into the reveal. Wonder Woman is an absolute treasure, the power she holds on screen being a testament to how well cast this film is. Her theme is ludicrous and completely fitting, being nothing short of extraordinary. Amy Adams has a much cleaner and relevant role in the grand tale, acting not as a girlfriend but as superman’s eyes to the human world. She’s completely necessary and her actions are just. The fight sequences are composed of sheer brutality. It’s emotionally stimulating to watch these characters who need each other pummel one another to the ground. Superhero films rarely elicit any emotional connection from me but with what these characters stand for and how important this film is as the zeitgeist of today’s society, I couldn't help but widen my eyes as connections, both peaceful and violent, were made.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a magnified image of contemporary humanity set on the stage of an opera. Its overtly imposing, yet always exhilarating score, constantly aware of the melodrama it creates, highlights every single moment as they fly by at an intentionally near incomprehensible pace. It thrives off of its emotionally exhaustive output, paralleling the motivations behind each character’s decisions, the decisions of gods. It’s their decisions that bring us to our final image of hope. That’s what this film is essentially about: gods and hope. It dethrones the deity, bringing them to our level through previously mentioned empathetic sentiments of kinless loss and love. It’s a beautifully powerful gesture, one that films such as this never attempt to offer. Though its hope is established as rather grim, it is in the end where sacrifice and humanistic idealism elevate the dire collective perception towards something to strive for. “Men are still good.” Bruce Wayne says. Yes, they still are and it is imperative for us to keep this notion in our minds. Batman v Superman is a film that personifies modern culture and explores it. Thoroughly, thoughtfully; the film sees what we believe is true and tells us it’s not. It shows us the ugliness rotting behind the pristine paintings of heroic idealism. This is the superhero film we’ve desperately needed, something to awaken us from such a mundane onslaught of derivative pictures and escapism jest. I honestly believe that one day we’ll look back on this film and see Snyder’s masterpiece as a film ahead of its time, a film we weren’t, in the slightest, ready for.