Fatty from /r/bodyweightacceptance and HAES shakes her jowls in rage when some boy's parents try to stop him from getting juvenile onset diabetes.

81  2018-06-15 by TUMS_FESTIVAL


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Oh, u/mizmoose, shocked.

Oh shit that didn't even register for me.

Kind of disappointed now, thought I found a new lolcow.

Is he a troll? He said in his OP that the camp started in early June and it's now the 15th...

Mismoose is very real.

Also a woman.

More woman than probably almost everyone on this website too.

By quantity, not quality

more whale than woman, really.

I think /u/PowerOfJerkoffMagic was talking about the 14-year-old fat kid, given that he was talking about the OP going to the camp.

Yeah that's who I meant.


I'm not answering this for the 14th time.

1 hour later, 2 paragraph reply. Shame.

FYI focusing on the health side doesn't work, fatties get outraged regardless for ex. this situation. Also source for it not working - current obesity rates that's still on the rise all while the past decade or 2 has been focused on health.

You should try reading some modern obesity research

lol link me to these tumblr blogs and HAES posts please, I got the FPH thread open over at /fit/ and could use new material.

You don't punish children for getting fat, unless you want to make them get fatter.

u/mizmoose. They already tried the while "focus on health" thing remember?

"I've tried almost nothing and it's not working"

Only just trying to get the teen to excercise, eat healthy and diet.

literally no one should ask her for advice about diet or literally anything health related. She's obese herself and if you ask her why she'll make some claims about living in a food desert probably while munching on some biscuits.

People can be fat and otherwise fit, but fat and otherwise fit people are still at an elevated risk of heart disease and other stuff. They would be fitted if less fat.

As the queen of mooses over there likes to say; fat but fit is controversial , there is research calling it a harmful myth.

Even "heavy but healthy" can be controversial when people are stupid enough to think that "healthy" = "suitable for everything". I have seen so many big ripped guys coming climbing and obviously they refuse to believe me when I tell them that they are not in a healthy weight for climbing. Healthy otherwise, yes, but if you put all your 200 pounds of muscle on weak finger joints like climbing does and refuse to take it slowly in the beginning (and they sure don't want to take it slow because climbing feels easy to them and they are strong), it will result in a finger or wrist injury in few weeks. They are also more likely to hurt their knees while jogging etc. So big people in general have to think it through before doing sports that put a lot of weight on their joints.

It's definitely a myth, and 99% of the "Fat but fit" people out there hardly do what a normal person would consider real exercise. Go to a Planet Fitness and just watch the elliptical machines, it will be a bunch of fatties bouncing around at 0 resistance and taking selfies.

tbh a fatass is getting a way harder workout at 0 resistance than a normal sized person. Every step is lifting an additional 200lbs or whatever into the air. Those hams are the resistance.

People can be fat and otherwise fit


You missed the otherwise lol.

I've rarely see old people who are fat


A thread with literally zero legal advice (or a comment at all)

All "update" posts have to be discussed on /r/bestoflegaladvice (per /r/legaladvice rules).

Huh, stupid rule. Scince best of is for the well best of the legal advice sub.

Legaladvicecirclejerk would be a more fitting name. Or the biggestdramaoflegaladvice as this is what people are looking for there. But those names probably seemed too long.

I don't generally actively dislike groups of people. But the HAES crowd is definitely the exception.

My dad was obese. And thanks to that obesity he also became a type 2 diabetic. Thanks to those type two diabetes he developed sores that wouldn't heal. Those sores formed blood clots. Those blood clots caused a spinal stroke. That spinal stroke turned him into a quadriplegic. He then developed sepsis. And then he died.

The last 2 years of his life were the most painful, long, miserable years of his life until death finally released him from his suffering on Christmas fucking eve.

Just imagine. Being limited to a bed. Not being able to do anything without the assistance of others. Like shitting, pissing, eating, and so on. For 2 years.

I was in the army and living in germany the whole time. Not really able to do much.

My siblings and I are without a father. My mother is without a husband. Grand children without a grand father. My dad won't be at my wedding. Or see my kids grow.

So you u/mizmoose. Encouraging and telling people it's ok to be obese, fat, or whatever is fucking wrong. I don't care if you're fat. But telling others it's ok to be fat is fucking wrong.

So fuck you. Fuck you so bad you piece of fucking shit.



HAES was ruined. When I first started hearing the term many years ago, it referred to a trend of getting everyone into health and exercise, while ignoring the number size you are. As in, don’t focus on going from size 12 to 8, focus on changing your diet and adding in cardio for a healthier body. Focus on the root of health without making it all revolve around looks. It was a tag used when fat people walked in marathons, or made a concerted effort to remove sugars from their diet. A large part of it was also reducing stigma for women who were healthy but naturally not the media image they wished they were...size 6s and 8s who thought they had to be 2s and 4s but whose hips would never, ever be smaller than 36” at a healthy weight.

Now it seems to mean “you’re healthy no matter how fat you are, don’t worry about your health. eat that 5th cheeseburger, because you’re beautiful and apparently confidence in looks is all that matters”

Exactly. It's "Health At Every Size", not "Healthy". Too bad nearly everyone misinterprets it.

I think "Health FOR Every Size" describes the idea better. That focuses on encouraging people to adopt healthy habits, and doesn't imply that staying AT a BMI above 30 can be a healthy thing.

It's emblematic of society as a whole. There has never been a collective more willing to abet the worst possible choices than current Western society, America in particular.

May Allah cleanse the degenerate West, Inshahllah

LOL non poor Muslims tend to be fat as fuck.

Food and tobacco are the only vices they can openly indulge in. And tobacco is increasingly considered haram by Islamic jurists, so when you quit smoking you're gonna fall back hard on the baklava.

Lol since when has bhang been halal.

Since it was convenient for it to not be, and I'm sure it'll be halal again as soon as the cup is put down

What about amphetamines, are those halal?

god i hope so or i'm gonna regret that shahada

That kid is amazing. If anybody ever asks where Incels come from just show them that post. And /u/mizmoose is an incel enabler.

"But he could develop an eating disorder!" Bitch he already has one, he's a fat fuck

ETFM Syndrome.

*Eats Too Fucking Much

shes right tho

Quiet fatty.

She is right in a sense that shaming is not good, no matter if we are talking about an anorexic or a fat person. But in this case his parents have already tried healthier methods and failed, the boy obviously has an eating disorder and he needs help. Hopefully they'll get him in therapy when he gets back as well.

there more to that boys problem than just diet

yeah, he's retarded

but he's a kid so i guess it's to be expected

She is never right.

Fat camps should be like concentration camps and should be compulsory for anyone with a higher body Fat% than what would correlate to "overweight" on the bmi scale.

This, but unironically


I stare.

People who point and make comments at me, as if I'm invisible? I stare.

I love it when it happens in a restaurant. I not only stare, but I sloowwwwly eat my food while staring at them. Bonus if it's dessert.

Somehow, when they notice that you're reflecting their behaviour back on them, they always wind up having somewhere else to be.

Imagine how large you have to be to have developed a habitual response for when people stare at you while you eat in public.

I guarantee that not very many people are even gawking at her in public. That it's actually just her crushing insecurity making her think they are.

That it's actually just her crushing insecurity making her think they are.

lol imagine:

You're at a Swiss Chalet, minding your own business. You look over to see giant fat person, completely unsolicited, just staring you down expressionless while slowly mowing down 2 pieces of chocolate cake.

No explanations. Just a giant person adversarialy eating at you.

I’d take my phone and record the moment.

stop i can only get so hard

I would tell that story every day for the rest of my life.

And then thinking that forcing them to look away in disgust is a win lol

I stare.

someone from behind her, quietly, getting louder, "mmmmmooooooooOOOOOOOOO"

I cry into my pudding.

Lmfao yeah, she's moaning over dessert like it's a Hitachi magic wand but in the first comment thread in the link she's talking about how "people need to learn to like veggies!" Fuck outta here


Real talk man. You are wearing out the cartilage in your joints.

Take a car and rev the fucking guts out of it. That's what you're doing to your body with that weight.

When will you change your ways? When your joints start to hurt a bit? When you need serious pain medication to stop those joints hurting? The damage you do now is not easily reversible, but the damage you will do in the future can be easily prevented by taking your foot off the accelerator (putting down the fork). Portion control with carb reduction is the way. Do NOT let it get to the point where you spend the rest of your life in pain because of the damage you did to your joints.

u/mizmoose pain medication is meant to be enjoyed, not counted like beans in a jar.

Intuitive eating = overeating in almost every case. Our bodies crave excess calories so we can store energy (fat) for lean times. But with supermarkets and fast food, there aren't any lean times anymore for many first worlders. People need to get it through their thick skulls that eating when they feel like it is a recipe for obesity.

And there doesn't need to be anything intuitive about it when we have technology like scales to track progress. Obesity is bad for you, full stop. Finding a million rationalizations to stay obese is the same shit as an alcoholic talking about quitting tomorrow or how they have it under control.

Not a great analogy because lots of fatties think opiates should be handed out like candy because of their "fibromyalgia"

As someone who lives with chronic pain, fuck these people


Yes, but as discussed elsewhere here, it's likely that "eat healthier" is pre-packaged and processed "health foods" that are low in nutrition, fat, and fiber, which makes you less likely to feel full.

you're less likely to feel full because your fat fucking stomach is expanded beyond what it normally is supposed to be you thick retard, not feeling full is how your chunky ass is going to drop a few pounds because you're too lazy to go out and exercise properly without shoveling a whole box of Hostess down your gob afterwards because your whiny, entitled personality thinks you need a 'reward' for doing the basics of human activity

HAES and "thicc" are two things that had good intentions but were hijacked by idiots. You can be 6 foot, 300lbs. However, the person that has been lifting weights and can do 2 hours of cardio with no problem just eats too much or has a legit medical issue. You're just a lazy asshole.

And we had so many stick figures in fashion that in shape curvy women got shit on. Now that it's popular, they push this shit and the ones who are "thicc" like a bag of half-made instant mashed potatoes are trying to claim the title. This is thicc. You are most likely not that.

why was i not surprised it was mizmoose??