Drama in /r/BigBrother because only about half the cast are people of color

28  2018-06-19 by BettyCogburn


The Big Brother community is one of the worst on the internet. Reddit, somehow, manages to be one of the more sane places to discuss the show (which isn’t saying much, because it’s still terrible)

The Twitter community only likes the black contestants and thinks that at least half the cast should be black or CBS is racist

Tumblr somehow has a community as well, and always supports the token gay contestant until they get voted out, then turns into Twitter.


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  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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Big Brother is still a thing?

I would assume not having your race/country/gender represented on Big Brother is a win, why complaining?

yeah but dont a shit ton of countries have their own version anyway?

Lmao people give a fuck about Big Brother?

The Big Brother community is one of the worst on the internet. Reddit, somehow, manages to be one of the more sane places to discuss the show (which isn’t saying much, because it’s still terrible)

This, but about Rupaul's Drag Race

Ironically, no one is watching Big Brother