When u/nationalismisfun eyes’ go dead, the hell 🍕 Pizzashill 🍕 sent him to must seem like heaven after what he’s done to him.

39  2018-06-22 by Strictlybutters


Now with added cancer!


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Forget Dead or Alive 6, this is what rape actually looks like.

/u/nationalismisfun how many sutures did it take to sew up that gaping hole PizzaShill left between your cheeks?

Your concern my bussy is endearing, thanks bb

Hey man, I believe that even retards deserve to have intact bussys. I’m not a monster ffs.

This has been a real treat

Masochism really isn’t my thing but I don’t kinkshame so please continue doing u

u/pizzashill reported to spez for aggravated fash bashing.

u/NationalismIsFun delete yourself. srsposting in drama is one thing, but then losing to pizzashill? Really?

I got him to say "losing social cohesion is not bad for a country" so I feel pretty comfortable with how this went down

No, you ignored the paper you linked which discussed only short term, and then tried spin out of the fact the author said you lied about his research.

Social cohesion eroding doesn't mean a country is in decline.

Sorry jabroni, you did say it

It doesn't. Not to mention, the paper discussed only short term.

It's not my fault no one ever taught you how to think critically and you just accept everything everyone says at face value

He's the author of the fucking paper you mongoloid.

Are you unironically claiming you have a better understanding of his research than he, himself does?

I'm unironically claiming the data he collected clearly doesn't match Putnam's personal beliefs and he's forced to cover his ass to avoid being Charles Murray'd

Who's existence I vaguely remember you never addressed

This is hilarious. The argument is pointless. In your head, you can lie about research, and then when the author of said research says you're wrong, you can simply declare that because Charles Murray exists (btw, the guy is an idiot) and declare that the research you lied about, in reality, supports your argument and the author is only saying you lied because Charles Murray exists.

This is your brain on nationalism. Let this be a lesson to everyone. This is what happens when you become a nationalist.

Charles Murray exists (btw, the guy is an idiot)

Gotem. Hot take coming from the guy who didn't realize when I called him "Einstein" it was because he'd just called nationalism a "disease"

This is bottom barrel psuedointellectualism, even for you it's comically low brow

Gotem. Hot take coming from the guy who didn't realize when I called him "Einstein" it was because he'd just called nationalism a "disease"

Right, I'm sure that's why you called me "Einstein."

This is bottom barrel psuedointellectualism, even for you it's comically low brow

What? Are you claiming he isn't an idiot? Like you realize other people put books out either refuting his claims, or explaining why he's wrong, and people like you still run around invoking his name like he's some academic that became an outcast for simply stating the truth.

No, that's not what happened.

You're not half as clever as you think you are:


Do you unironically think I just...happened to call you Einstein right after you aped his quote

You absolutely did not call me Einstein because of that quote.

lol k

This is exactly what happened though I’m sure he will continue to deny that reality.

I really admire your commitment to this community

Thnks bby I do it for the love of drama

This was fucking murder.

/u/NationalismIsFun You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

Good morning from Ataturk International Airport! Thanks OP for giving everyone this chance to say nice things about me, what a fun surprise to wake up to. Still a little drowsy from flying/whiskey so I can't stick around but I'll be back soon, promise!

No one cares.

Clearly you cared enough to say something, checkmate

>boasting about being in Istanbul


The funny part is that you are probably at home.

> Having travelled so little you think it's something normal people boast about.


yeah, which is why I'm wondering why you mentioned it.

It seemed like a way to acknowledge I knew this thread existed while making clear I couldn't really respond because of my important business meetings

Or maybe I just wanted someone to wish me a good trip 😢

When did sexpats start going to turkey? 😶

I'm here to sell them weapons so I suppose in a way I am here to fuck the Kurds

Rebuttal is disappointing and homosexual in nature

No u

Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate immigrants, and I'm sure as hell not a white nationalist. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate spics" bit is ironic.

And even then, that's not something that displays I lack some type of self-awareness, if what you said were true (it isn't) it shows the exact opposite, I'm perfectly aware.

And I've never said anything that would even imply I was a white nationalist. I've said I don't associate with wetbacks anymore a few times, but that's a choice, and one I made after getting out of a nearly 5 year long relationship with someone that had a half-Mexican kid and it killed any interest I had in nonwhites.

This is the exact opposite of being a Nazi.

If there is 1 illegal border crossing then, by nature of definition, our border is unsecured.

/u/NationalismIsFun holy shit, I didn't realize that now drugs are uncontrolled because I just did a bump of coke and nobody arrested me!

Woah it's almost like different things are different. Profound shit homie