The edgy NEETS of /r/LateStageCapitalism sperg out when some evil dissidents remind them that they'll still have to work under communism

101  2018-06-22 by QueenOfTheIncels


I’ve spent the entire day debating with my boss about what my time is worth. All of a sudden he’s started giving me targets to meet, I work at McDonald’s.

I got him to show me the figures on the computer and explain to me why that’s not enough money. I know exactly how much money the franchisee is worth (or makes) and I told him that, his response was “he’s worth a lot more than that”.

My whole point was yeah I’m cool with upselling, I have a strong background in sales and I can sell you stuff you don’t want. But I’ve been trained to provide great customer service, which I do. I do my job properly but if you’re going to give me targets to meet (added stress) and threaten my livelihood if I don’t meet them then I want more money for it. Commission would be nice, like most sales jobs.

I bust my ass enough, I am really good at my job and always get good reviews. Now you want me to do more for no money?

Get the fuck outta here...

The best he could offer was a free meal and kept trying to entice me with a possible pay rise. Which is 25p extra an hour. I took 25p out of the till and showed it to him and said “is that all my time is worth to you?”. It’s a joke which he understood, to be fair and he’s just doing is job, which I understand.

But I know what my time and labour is worth, and it’s a multi-billion dollar company so I will happily walk away from it if you make my day harder and more stressful for absolutely no benefit to myself. Fuck that. Fuck capitalism so hard.

/u/sunburnedtourist You... you want commission at McDonalds?

Commission is given to salespeople who actively make a sale. It's an incentive to pursue customers and convince them to buy. A realtor might spend weeks if not months working with the same family to sell their home, so there's a reason she gets a percentage of the proceeds.

You don't have to pursue customers and convince them to buy at McDonalds, they come to you. You take their order, put it into the system, make it and hand it to them. You have done no sales work whatsoever. Don't tell me that saying "do you want fries with that?" counts as "selling." It doesn't.

It is shocking to me that your manager actually put up with your tankie temper tantrum.

Man that’s exactly my point. I got so wound up about it today and it’s only that particular manger that has ever said anything like this. Luckily he’s gay and he clearly fancies me... which is why I didn’t lose my job. I’m very aware of how ballsy I was.

Luckily he’s gay and he clearly fancies me... which is why I didn’t lose my job.

Hey, dude, unironically, that's one shitty fucking take. I genuinely doubt a gay businessman wants anything to do with a pimply tankie. For some reason, loser straight men consistently think that all gay men want to fuck them.

Here's a good rule of thumb: If women aren't trying to fuck you, men probably aren't either.

You're not as woke as you think you are, because that's a bullshit thing to say.

I’m very aware of how ballsy I was.

"Ballsy" is not the word I'd use here.

Also, can you explain why an employee who comes to work high is entitled to a raise, let alone a commission? One who spent an extended amount of time imprisoned overseas for hard drugs?

You should be deeply thankful that anyone was willing to hire you, because you're not a lucrative jobseeker, period. Maybe don't bite the hand that feeds.

Also, in a communist setting, showing up to your job high on drugs is a good way to get sent to a labor camp. Maybe you should rethink your worldview, chief.

Okay well today he told me to stop bending down while I was mopping the floor because it’s too much.

Also I’ve spent a year in a Bangkok prison doing unpaid labour so take your perspective elsewhere.

Also I’ve spent a year in a Bangkok prison doing unpaid labour so take your perspective elsewhere.

So why are you so eager to do it again? That's the only way to handle people like you in the economic structure you're proposing. In a free market you just fire them, but in a system where the government controls the means of production and all people are cogs in the communist machine, you need a different penalty, since "go work for someone else" isn't an option.

Also, you didn't answer my question why someone who shows up to work high should get a commission and a raise, you just shamed your gay boss some more. How woke.

No gay shaming here. I’ve had couple of cocks up my ass dude. I’m working at McDonald so I can pay for training to better my future. It’s all about perspective mate.

No gay shaming here. I’ve had couple of cocks up my ass dude

Good, you're using your bussy the way the Lord intended for it to be used, wonderful.

I’m working at McDonald so I can pay for training to better my future.

Great! Capitalism at work, mate. :-)

It’s all about perspective mate.

Cool! But you didn't answer my question why someone who shows up to work high should get a commission and a raise, you just tried to win me over with some beautiful words about bussy and capitalism.

What am I gonna do? March on the streets by myself? I live in a very liberal city and I could ramble on about capitalism as much as you. But I have to eat every day, and I need a roof over my head. I’m not that passionate about capitalism that I’m gonna give those basic rights up. It fucked and I know it, but I’m a pawn in the game and really can’t do fuck all about it for now...

What am I gonna do? March on the streets by myself? I live in a very liberal city and I could ramble on about capitalism as much as you. But I have to eat every day, and I need a roof over my head. I’m not that passionate about capitalism that I’m gonna give those basic rights up. It’s fucked and I know it, but I’m a pawn in the game and really can’t do fuck all about it for now...

I was asking why you thought you were entitled to a raise when you show up to work on drugs, not why you weren't starting la revolucion.

The fact that you need to eat every day, need a roof over your head and are trying to save for tuition money should be a reason not to come into work high.

Let’s be real for a minute. What are you doing about it?

What am I doing about it? I'm pro-capitalism, so I dunno. I guess buying and selling stocks? That's kind of how I participate in the free market. And just buying goods in general, I suppose.

Oh fuck I thought I was in /r/latestagecaptialism. I have a new perspective on your view. I wish I had the money to buy stocks, I support capitalism if we all can get a piece of the pie. Unfortunately that’s not the way our world is functioning.

Don’t judge me for taking drugs at work. That was a a major error and I am in fact a drug addict. Drugs aren’t running my life these days but they are the first port of call for me, unfortunately, because I hate this horrible world we live in and the world I’ve created for myself.

Oh fuck I thought I was in /r/latestagecaptialism.

Happens to the best of us, friend!

I have a new perspective on your view.

Well that was unexpected.

I wish I had the money to buy stocks, I support capitalism if we all can get a piece of the pie.

I wouldn't share that viewpoint with your tankie comrades, champ.

Unfortunately that’s not the way our world is functioning.

Yes it is, you've just been brainwashed that it's the system that's the problem. The system is fine. Ignore socialist millennials who try to tell you otherwise. I understand that it's easy to fall prey to their bullshit theories when you're entering hour 8 of a bullshit double shift at your crappy entry-level restaurant job, but they're entitled undereducated retards who want to blame other people for their problems.

Don’t judge me for taking drugs at work.

I'm not, you sound like you've dealt with some shit. But I don't think you're entitled to a raise. I don't think you should necessarily be fired, but I think you need to step back and realize that you're not a worthy candidate for a raise due to your own bad choices.

That was a a major error and I am in fact a drug addict.

Unironically, the first step is admitting it, so kuddos.

Drugs aren’t running my life these days but they are the first port of call for me, unfortunately, because I hate this horrible world we live in and the world I’ve created for myself.

Don't blame the "world we live in." Place that blame solely on the one you created for yourself.

Trying to blame capitalism for your self-created problems is like incels blaming women for theirs. It's not capitalism's fault, it's yours. I'm not saying that to insult you, dude. If anything, you should see it as a good thing, because you can't change the world, but you can change yourself.

No matter how addicted you are, it's never to late to turn it around. I would let go of the "anti-capitalism" and focus on "pro-me." Hanging around a bunch of loser tankies who blame other people for their problems isn't doing you any good, it's just giving you a scapegoat so that you don't have to take responsibility, because taking responsibility is hard.

Focus on recovery, focus on saving money for school, and learn from your mistake and don't take drugs again on the clock. Hold off on asking for a raise for a long time, if ever. You're not a good candidate for a raise, you might be when you've acquired more education and experience and have been stonecold sober on the job for a year.

Stop blaming the outside and start focusing on improving the inside.

And finally, post bussy.

Perspective man, thank you for yours. I really mean that. I’ve had to learn my own in the hardest way possible. I don’t blame the world but it’s very easy to. I’m slogging hard at the moment to better myself for the future. I’m think 3-5 years in the future which is a great thing because I didn’t see one for a long time.

It’s easy to blame others and I see I’ve done that a bit here. I don’t blame capitalism but our government and the people in power are the reason such a massive percentage of our population is depressed and suicidal. It really sucks and I thank my lucky stars that I’m aware of the bigger picture. I don’t know if I’ll ever break out of it. If I’m honest, if I had I that much money I’d probably be a cunt myself.

I’m pursuing a career on superyachts. I’m nearly there and I’m going to be working for actual billionaires. I don’t know how I feel about that but that where the money is. I like money, but I also like drugs so I’m a bit of a walking predicament. I’ve taken a bunch of drugs recently because I’ve been happy and they’ve been great experiences, I haven’t been taking them to escape from the world really. A few years ago I was a complete mess. I’m working on fixing that and yeah I wouldn’t really listen to anything I say... yet. I hope I can educate people one day because holy fuck whatever you’ve been through I’ve probably seen worse.

If I’m honest, if I had I that much money I’d probably be a cunt myself.

So work hard to earn the money to become a cunt. It's hard, but not impossible. You don't have to be a billionaire to be comfortable and cunty.

I’m pursuing a career on superyachts. I’m nearly there and I’m going to be working for actual billionaires.

That's fuckin' dope, son.

I don’t know how I feel about that but that where the money is.

Don't pull the shit you pulled with your manager with these high rollers. That's my best piece of advice. They won't have the same patience as some twink managing a McDonalds.

However, if you work hard, keep your head down and keep your nose clean, you can do some pretty epic networking. It's all about connections and impressing the right people.

I’ve taken a bunch of drugs recently because I’ve been happy and they’ve been great experiences, I haven’t been taking them to escape from the world really.

If you think you're an addict, don't touch them. If you think you can use LSD only on occasion and only when you truly have nothing to do, then do it. Only you know what's right for you. I know plenty of people who occasionally drop acid at festivals and shit and are still highly productive members of society. Only you know if you're capable of that sparing usage or not. But don't do it at work.

I hope I can educate people one day because holy fuck whatever you’ve been through I’ve probably seen worse.

Everyone thinks that. Stop thinking about the shit you've been through and focus on self-improvement and the future.

You're gonna be fine. Now never post on /r/LateStageCapitalism again, because those are the types of people who are going to drag you the fuck down.

This was unexpectedly wholesome

The whole time this was happening I was thinking "this is undoubtedly the most wholesome thing to ever happen on /r/drama"

I think we'll need to ping someone with a dead kid and make fun of the way they died to make up for it now. Mods should get on it asap.

Now you're thinking like a drunken autist!

I’m so glad I’m not posting on /r/latestagecapiralism because we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I’m clearly overthink things now you break it down into quotes like that.

I’m so glad I’m not posting on /r/latestagecapiralism because we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Well that should tell you something about /r/LateStageCapitalism, shouldn't it?

I’m clearly overthink things now you break it down into quotes like that.

No, you're not overthinking. I'm just responding to your points thoughtfully. You're fine dude, trust me.

I support capitalism if we all can get a piece of the pie

Lol @ you clearly not knowing what capitalism is.

Haha yeah that’s a shit quote. But it’s the idea we’re sold.

you bought it. Nobody sold it to me.

My bad.

What kind of drugs are you using at work? Drugs aren’t bad as long as you have ‘enough’ bussy and slave wage labor to finance your habit. Don’t give up on capitalism just bc you work fast food, most people have had to at some point in their lives. Tell me some things the government does well, take the best thing, and apply it to running your life. Sounds like you’re a euro, and I don’t know how the gov functions there, but here it’s literally trash. I worked for the EPA, and it’s the most inefficient piece of crap, yet still not as bad as our post office.

Drugs aren’t running my life these days

tfw they ruined yesterday but definitely not today

I'm gonna call bullshit on all of this

Holy crap man I can't believe it's you. I've been wondering what happened to you, I can't believe I randomly stumbled onto this so long later. I thought you were fucking dead lol. I've always been wondering what happened.

Glad you're alive and you made it out! Holy shit. Talk about leaving everyone on a cliffhanger so long ago. Still can't believe there's an update lol. This is crazy.

nope sorry you're wrong if he were gay they would definitely be fucking

Luckily he’s gay and he clearly fancies me... which is why I didn’t lose my job

wtf, i want to be a boss under capitalism now

He’s married to one of the managers of the other stores and is actually fucking useless. I’m a few years older than him and can play him like a a fiddle.

Jesus Christ you are way overestimating yourself there, buddy

Hah well this is Reddit comment thread and no offence to you but you don’t know me. I’m definitely better than a McDonald’s job but that’s all I want right now. I landed this while I was pissed as fuck at 2am eating cheeseburgers. Don’t make me get into my backstory...

Don’t make me get into my backstory...

I honestly do not give a shit. Stop larping a commie and learn something useful.


Nepotism is exclusive to capitalist markets like serial adulterers are to their spouses. The real question is: you're a few years older than someone in management. Even if this guy is 19 and you're 24, why are you still working at McDonald's?

I've worked mediocre jobs for ungrateful bosses who expect the world and think they can find good employees who are begging for a job with low pay. And a lot of the time they'll find people who will roll their eyes and do a good enough job to avoid being fired before moving on to another group. But you really should be moving on to bigger and better things unless you enjoy doing what you do aside from the poor management.

It doesn't matter much anyways; you're going to be replaced with a kiosk sooner than later. So will your boss, for that matter.

Not if he forms a union that bans the introduction of kiosks. That way technology is introduced in a gradual fashion.

Great idea: form a union to delay technology for the sole purpose of keeping unskilled workers employed!

Nepotism is exclusive to capitalist markets

What is North Korea?

he clearly fancies me... which is why I didn't lose my job

He's a product of nepotism

Bitch ur a product of nepotism going by your version of events

Delete this, nepos.

You know this is why places like McDonalds are considered entry level jobs in life. Your time may be worth more, but as a rule not to McDonalds.

I think you might have some serious narcissism issues. I have no idea what recovery looks like, but good luck.

Nope. I’m a cunt through and through. I can’t believe people are shitting on me, they have absolutely no idea about me apart from a few Reddit comments.

I'm not shitting on you but based on the few reddit comments you've written, I don't believe anything you've written past "I work at McDonalds".



So how's it feel to be a tard and a useless conniving shitbag?

Luckily he’s gay and he clearly fancies me... which is why I didn’t lose my job.

That's super homophobic to assume gay people make business decisions with their dick. Especially when you're all riled up because he dared discussed target numbers with you, proving he's actually thinking about the business first.

Homophobic? I’m bisexual, I would definitely fuck my boss. I’d destroy him and I tell him that on a daily basis when he flirts with me... it shuts him up quite quickly because he isn’t sure if I’m serious or not. He has no idea about my sexuality and he goes all red in the face when I flirt back with him. It’s hilarious.

Why am I even fucking surprised most of these retards actually work in fucking mcdonalds...

Most of those retards don't work anywhere, odds are /u/sunburnedtourist will come out of his young commie stage pretty soon, he seems just young not fat drunk and stupid like the rest of LSC.

I actually have a degree in software engineering. I chose this McDonald’s for reasons I don’t even have to explain. It’s my choice at the moment.

Are coming to work high, and prison time in Bangkok among the reasons you don't have to explain? I wonder what more there is that you did not share with us here on reddit.

Of course there’s a lot more that I do not share on Reddit. I don’t need to tell my life story to strangers on the internet. It actually has nothing to do with going to work high or that I spent time in prison.

I left a job in London to go and work in McDonald’s in my home town. Again for reasons that I don’t even have to explain to you.

Well that seems a major upgrade.

Do they pay streetwalkers more in Brighton than London?

What? Are you just trying to insult me now? Grow up.

You know what, reading the rest of the thread, you seem to have reached somewhere with that other dude. I'm going to ignore the subreddit rules and wish you a good day.

Sorry for insulting you buddy.

If you have useful skills why the hell are you working at mcdonalds. People work at mcdonalds because you can't go any lower, you dumb loser.

Are you talking from experience or just ignorant as fuck? I don’t want to be a software engineer. I realised that very soon after graduating, I have a ton of work experience but I’m studying at the moment and I don’t want anything more demanding than a fast food job. It pays better than a lot of jobs out there and it’s the easiest job I’ve ever had. I’m earning more money than a lot of my friends at the moment. I’m lovin’ it.

waste degree on degree you don't care about work at mcdonalds work at mcdonalds

It wasn’t a waste of it taught me what I don’t want to do with my life. Next month I’m off to the Mediterranean to work on a super yacht. So I don’t think you know what you’re talking about mate.

"Working on a super yacht."

That could be sanding the trim for all I care faggot. Plus its ironic that youd be working on something that represents the 1% so, so well.

I’ll be an engineer so no I won’t be sanding the deck. Grow up mate you’re just trying to insult me now and all you’re doing is making me feel better about myself because you’re clearly a very unhappy person.

keep larping buddy,

Please tell me what you’re doing with your life that puts you on that high horse

I don't think I should get a commission for selling food at mcdonalds LMAO

I think a lot of other things apart from a few Reddit comments mate. You don’t know me but you’re insulting a stranger on the internet for some reason. That tells me enough about you.

I'm gonna insult about a hundred thousand more strangers online and I'm gonna feel smug and satisfied when I do it.

Cool. That says a lot about yourself no?

nah not really, it's more that I enjoy a quality lolcow

Insecurity it is then.

I've known bosses that like employees with fragile egos. Makes them easier to manipulate and they're cluelessly funny.

I really have to believe this person is just really young and naive. Nobody with any life experience can actually tell me that by convincing someone from order a burger to a meal is actually "upselling".

The thing about tankies is that the seem convinced that they'll end up as party bosses when/if the Revolution happens, when in reality they'll likely die as penal workers, at best.

It's the same with incels who think that if they'd only been born in a different era before femmmmmminism reeeeeeeee that they'd be successful businessmen with hot June Cleaver wives who gave them blowjobs on demands and washed their undies.

Like, no, dude, you would have been a weird loser in that era too, and if you did have a wife, she probably would have drank herself retarded to cope with the fact that her parents talked her into marrying you.

Autists always seem to think it's the era/economic structure holding them back when it's like, no, dude, you'd be a loser wherever/whenever fam

Incels would get beaten to death in middle school in the 1950s lol. When "men were real men and women were real women", bullies were real bullies

Or at least had the whiny faggot beaten out of them.

This shit is the economic equivalent of "but I'm such a nice guy".

Nah, most of them will end up dead, killed by their own comrades...just like multiple times before irl.

It's not an option because there are always property taxes to pay so you must participate in the market. I just want to live my life and be free

u/ThotmeOfAtlantis are you a commie or a lolbertarian? Have you considered the SovCit movement?

Lissen Queenie:

it's not the "work" (labor) that is the issue here. It's the expropriation, by capitalist scum who in most cases did no work or labor of any kind, of surplus values created by labor that is the issue.

If you want to pretend to critique the adults, you first have to make an effort to understand the adult talk.


commie living in the west


I am just fucking amazed how clueless these idiots can be... Every single time none of these fucking idiots follow the thread of "what will people do and what can they get in return for their work" to its conclusion, which is replacing everybody having to store bulky trade goods like grain, with a currency of some sort which they can use to trade and so they will eventually get back to capitalism through mass starvation and reducing humanity back to the fucking middle ages.

These fucking idiots honestly expect the standards of living to stay the same when their communism flavor of the month is put to the test, instead of humanity resetting back to the fucking stone age and history repeating itself.

lol, what exactly do you think the "stone age" was?


damn, someone needs to tell the ecofascists theyre going about it wrong

Under communism I will get to make finger paintings for a living.

I'm literally seeing people claim a 1700s standard of living through subsistence farming is superior to how they live today. Holy fuck these people are a blast.

They're really a treat, aren't they? Praise the bussy gods.

Dude bussy lmao

bussy lmaooooooo

Wait,you're telling me working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week in constant fear of starvation from a bad harvest and living with horrible, untreatable disease isnt a great life? Huh.

Some of us would be the landowning barons. Deciding how much the 1%ers deserve is not as simple as you think it is.

I didnt say anything about how much the 1% earn. I was saying that life now for the average person is a thousand times better than it was under middle ages farming (or communism - same thing really).

Subsistence farmers did not really work 12 hours a day

I think I'll have some orange juice this morning whoops I don't live in a climate that supports orange juice, okay maybe I'll just have some apple juice instead whoops no apples are ripe. Uh... coffee? Whoops I live north of the coffee belt and that's impossible. Some soy milk perhaps? WHOOPS soy milk is pretty much only available due to massive fucking factory farms that grow soy in such abundance that it's able to be processed into milk.

Now imagine that some of these retards are VEGAN. Lol sorry but you're eating meat because that's the only year round available food crop. Oh yeah have fun slaughtering and butchering a fucking pig because that's SUPER FUN.

The weirdest thing about these people is how they glorify this old "to the soil" kind of life and hate modern life when modern life gives them the trivially easy option to live a completely hippie commune life and still have hospitals away from the organic farm if their appendix bursts. We live in the best possible time in human history to pursue any kind of lifestyle, and these motherfuckers are upset because there are chain restaurants.

Ironically, they'd all wish they were the Kulaks in that time period only to get wiped out by the very people they're worshiping now.

Posts where a whole thread is linked and sorted by controversial are terrible.

(Subsidence farming is) Hell of a lot better than being a wage slave today

/u/ThotmeOfAtlantis no it literally isn't, not even in the mind of socialist thinkers like Marx. Marx saw capitalism as a far preferable alternative to the systems of feudalism and monarchism from his time, as capitalism was a comparatively more progressive ideology and much easier to sptingboard off of into socialism than those traditionalist systems ever could have been. You are literally preaching counter-revolutionary ideals haha

What?!?! An LSC user who hasn't read Marx?!? Next you'll be telling me that most of the readers of /r/libertarian haven't read any Locke or Nozick.

Communal food gardens?

/u/qcho eating half a potato and lettuce a lunatic has shat on in order to fertilize the soil. Wow sounds great can't imagine why people don't turn in their steaks and cakes for that.

The more you avoid the fact you're indirectly eating someone/something else's shit, the sooner you'll condemn yourself and/or your descendants to eat it directly in order to survive.

Be warned, that very hypocritical "culinary pulchritude" you exhibit is the cause we're degrading the soil so fast through chemical pollution that "steak and cake" may be the first things to go in ~50 years, so if you're alive by then, good luck digesting the feces you're denying the soil today.

It's cool that you use Linux, the OS most compatible with communism.

Really great to see you sticking to you morals!

Not morals, but principles. If one doesn't live true to one's principles, one can't expect others to follow them, that's an obvious fact of life.

A little secret between you and me (and every other person snooping) as you seem interested in my personal life, I'm not a commie per se (nor I am affiliated to any political organization), have a very stable job I hate (which I'm passively expecting to be eventually kicked out of) and even have bought a Windows license out I spite and linked to an account with my real name out of stupidity, so by any metric I am in the same default route to hell as everyone else.

So, as most do but few accept, my morals have nothing to do with the way I act. The one difference between me and most is that I don't expect redemption at the end of the line, because I know I won't accept it either way... I'm always ready to face my conscience, and that's my only immutable principle.

One thing I am convinced though, is that if communism doesn't prevail our only viable alternative as a species is extinction. Either way, and based on what I know, I don't see myself "losing this bet".

How will communism prevail in the West?

How do you explain the lack of a successful communist superpower?

How will communism prevail in the West?

For what it is, as an ideal based on solidarity. By the mere fact we can be able to give our time and effort (not simply money) for the will being of all and each other (and never at the cost of a subset of the population, for "impure" we may consider them).

If the moment that disappears from humanity's collective conscience (not as a name, but as a concept) comes by the "counter-ideal" we are only "worth something as mere individuals seeking self-preservation", no matter how many species domesticate, how much tech we develop or how many planets we set foot on, we are doomed to always consider our collective well being "an externality" and eventually deplete any wealth we are able to build on the principle of blindly following empty morals.

How do you explain the lack of a successful communist superpower?

Time and resilience to change.

First of all, remember communism hasnt been achieved yet and socialism (which has) require of our active nurturing not to fall prey to our individual conformism. So expecting a "superpower" to develop out of any is just insisting in coercion as our primary motivator, and applying that logic to a "stateless, classless and moneyless society" is self defeating.

Now, communism is the end goal of socialism through "class awakening" (understanding that as humans we are all capable of intelligence and emotion, and therefore empathy among all, regardless of any "classification"we try to impose on ourselves: race, sex, ethnicity, faith, etc), which in itself is just a step in developing a collective awareness that anything and everything "we achieve as individuals" retroactively and permanently affects our whole environment by the mere fact of sharing the same time and place and therefore the awareness of responsibility for our actions, both individual and collective.

So to summarize idea, you may not like the terms "communism" or "socialism" due to cultural, but they exist to define concepts and as I mentioned earlier, as concepts (imo at least) they are an unavoidable milestone in our evolution as conscious beings, and one that may prove either a small step or a big filter for our species existence.

if communism doesn't prevail our only viable alternative as a species is extinction

Since it won't, why not be ahead of the curve and keep yourself safe.

Because, besides the fact there's no certainty "it won't", keeping oneself safe is a futile goal to achieve with a finite life.