Apparently Tom Arnold is just insane. Cohen confirms he is not plotting to take down Trump.

49  2018-06-23 by AggressionSsb


Trump Derangement Syndrome really is a thing with some people.

Apparently Tom Arnold is just insane

Anyone this wasn't obvious to needs to get their head checked

Yeah didn't we know this in like 1995?

I am truly, truly shocked that someone who voluntarily married Roseanne Barr might not be connected to reality.

Where's the drama?

He said he had tapes on trump and that trumps previous lawyer was teaming up with him. Tom arnold is just fucking insane as the lawyer said all they did was take a selfie.

maybe it's another michael Cohen. i remember when the news first started talking about this guy there were a whole bunch of stories about him beating women and raping children and selling state secrets to foreign countries but it turned out all that shit just happened to be stuff other kikes named Michael Cohen was doing. See there are like 50 oven dodgers named Michael Cohen but only one of them is connected to Donald Trump the rest are just evil people with no affiliation with our president outside of both having all jew relatives.

anyone catch him on The Last Word I guess it was Thursday..

dude sounded and acted like he just finished snorting a whole 8-ball of coke

(I know this from experience)

Ahh to the top of /r/politics with you then! No need for facts when you have rambling incoherant holywood

This guy was married to Roseanne.

Just think of the raw and unadulterated levels of crazy that household provided.