Reddit addicted hyper child obsessed mod of FuckTheAltRight,DevaVrata17, strangely silent for 8 days after posting hundreds of deranged comments a day. Did his therapist finally make him stop?

70  2018-06-24 by Fuzzy_Oil


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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This is the deranged diaper fetishist or w.e. right?

There most be 0 other active mods on that sub if they are still allowing this look to sticky posts.


The poor guy must have finally been thrown in the looney bin.

Or the diaper pail.


It's a he iirc, although I expected it to be an Indian woman too

Press F to fill pampers

Nah that's DevaVrata17's fetish

Like the ice cream machine at a Chinese buffet, keep it coming.

Shareblue checks stopped

When they lost their r/politics pass was my favorite moment of 2018 so far

I haven't been in years. What happened?

Shareblue tried some shady fake-account marketing tactics and got caught/reprimanded.

Then they tried it again and politics put their foot down. Massive reeefest ensued. It was sort of similar to why TYT is also banned from there.


Their methods will become more sophisticated over time.

BBC and WaPo have both taken to directly contributing propaganda in reddit via "community engagement"- basically the articles they want to push the hardest they begin the narrative with direct submissions to subreddits to ensure the narrative goes the way they want.

Question anything in one of those articles? Expect to be downvoted into the basement.

Maybe some cop finally busted him for a hate crime?

[OP can at least take solace that there will never be a shortage of bussy](

All i see is a (ahem) "Greek" chorus of nazincels reeeing, and OP is el rey de los "incels"

/u/DevaVrata17 does not have a real life away from Reddit.

Check out his activity. Just because he had a court appointment for child pornography doesn't mean he isn't still addicted.

Oh man, /u/devavrata17 is the mod who lost her shit and made a sticky post on that sub when I called her fat. Not really emotionally stable, that one.

She probably got committed, or went into a diabetic coma

I think the admins talked to /u/devavrata17 and told him if he didn't quit it they'd cut off his supply of opium Reddit and he'd have to deal with withdrawals.

He’s banned do you literal retard
