Prince "literally Judas" Kropotkin throws the brave and good radical centrist souls of /r/drama under the bus to impress his new friends.

234  2018-06-25 by TheHeroReditDeserves


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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He's like /u/pizashill but worse, but hey at least he's not misogynistic.

They're not anything alike Prince is a fucking commie

implying pizashill isn't

He isn't even remotely communist.

/u/pizashill is a crypto-commie, he wants to nationalise the means of reproduction.

Means of reproduction being seized for society isn't communism it is just plain common sense.

Why do you hate women's liberty?

Because I love future men and women more.



lol, imagine buying into the natalism mind-virus this hard

Prove your beliefs through actions if what you believe is true.



Moar liek liberty to sniff... mah balls! haha


user reports:

1: daddy my bussy tingles when you get all fascy!


Why do you keep spelling pizza with one z? It is extremely triggering.

He's scared to link to /u/pizzashill








Or if Hillary Clinton was an incel

Then why does he hate the GEOTUS, our last defense against Cultural Marxism?

He is a euphoric Hillaryman

Burn America Down Again

That'll teach the commies.

/u/pizzashill is alt-center

alltright, ctrl-left, how about "space bar". das me!

more like "waste of space bar" amirite?


implying p_k is a communist and not just a social-democrat who thinks that calling himself an anarchist makes him edgy

He's like /u/pizashill but worse

Not possible

/u/feeepo was the only person worse the /u/pizashill and even then it was close.

No, nothing is close to Feepo.

found the subhuman

>nothing worse than feepo

kaaaaaalaaaaaaaaa would like a word and your doxx with you

True, him and noodles are much worse. You got me.

Was he the dude obsessed with poundcake's feet?

no, that was me. kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa was a german sperg who went nuclear after being banned from drama. proceeded to doxx and harass her family in real life only to prove she was right for banning him.

german sperg who went nuclear

This is why we needed the Manhattan Project.


/u/pitterpatterwater cuz snowflake pakistani < BASED Indians






  1. Isn't a commie.
  2. Correctly identified the femoid menace.
  3. Came back to us in our time of need.

PK is nothing like that.

r/pizashilldefenceforce is that way.

Which way's /r/subsyoufellfor?

L O L, Epik reddit meme! How do I subscribe to ur user page, HOLEE FUCK! fuckin pwned those dramanauts le epik style!

^ overreaction

it was a meta-meta making fun of regular redditors posting dumb shit like /r/theydidthemath and /r/showerthoughts and shit. ya dingus. im just on layers of irony you could never hope to comprehend.

See talking about it has reduced you to an unironic retard, if you were on that much layers of irony then you wouldn't have bothered to explain yourself

Its pretty simple tbh, esp if youre a drama lurker. so, maybe you are the unironic retard?


How is that sub not called r/the_pizzashill

Hmm. Has /u/pizzashill declared an official stance on bussy?

I could go for a post of that.

Implying u/Prince_kropotkin has any friends, and not just subreddits who haven't banned him yet.

/u/Prince_Kropotkin how pathetic do you think someone has to be to pretend to be too cool for /r/drama but still post here as frequently and as unironically as you do?

you are dumb and terrible

He’s as pathetic and constanza in the bad seed episode

how pathetic do you think someone has to be to pretend to be too cool for /r/drama but still post here as frequently and as unironically as you do?

What did you mean by this?

He hasn't posted here in a long time.

leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around

Wow, that is really hurtful.

a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

The truth hurts.

It does. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to work through my pain with some dank memes.

yeah, i mean its accurate, but hurtful

Where's the lie tho



this comment is worse imo:

I used /r/drama (and /r/subredditdrama wherever possible) as my personal armies to fight off the edgelords threatening to cannibalize my family and now that they've mostly left the site or have been banned there's no need to hang around anymore.

Nah, it's fun. Especially coming from ChapoTankieHouse

My feelings are hurt 😭😭😭😭


i agree with all of that except the "bad community" part


No matter how much you think yourself an intellectual that is bringing beautiful principles to Reddit, you’re as much a narcissist as anyone around here.

Deep down all you want is to put down people inferior to you, not enlighten them

Come back home. You need us. You know it.

Hes already here on an alt


as a diplomat

Can we recall our diplomat? He hasn’t posted bussy and should not represent our interests and values.

Also lol, mate, there’s a lot of center-right here. For proof of concept ask who hearts trannies.

Political opinions don't get graded on the trannie question. Ask are traps gay in a forum flooded with outright Nazis if you want a real night of the long knives.

Are they?

I will not be pulled into this trap. This is a thread by itself.

Come onnnnn you started the inevitable.

Are. Traps. Gay?

I can't partake in derailing Prince drama. Another thread.

Yes they are and so are you. Post trussy

I lack a trussy. Post bussy.

Depends on whether they're the bottom (not gay) or top (totes gay)


I will not be pulled into this trap.


Hey u/westofthetracks:

a) 😘

b) 😜

c) I demand an apology, I have a tankie hateboner, not a commie one and I'm not racist, nothing I said proves this theory....I...I'm sad, insulted and destoyed😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

d) a pic of animal friends I found 4 U

I have a tankie hateboner, not a commie one

>implying theres a difference

😯 I hate stalinists, deal with that...also, you made me cry😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 even after I spent like 8 minutes searching for an animal friends pic 4 U.

I demand either apology of a duel😀

i dont negotiate with emojiposters

B..b...but animal friends

They are.

Also lol, mate, there’s a lot of center-right here. For proof of concept ask who hearts trannies.

I DO πŸ’–πŸ’–


repeat after me:

two genders.



feminine benis != Female. Gender still male, buddy!

there are tankies that hate trans people and nazis that don't. It's one of those weird controversies that transcends political affiliation.

hearts trannies

is this cryto speak for 0 heart trannies, like no health left, (in minecraft that is)?

lol idg what he's on about tbh. There are two mods here that hang out there, he's hardly some kind of "diplomat".

I used /r/drama (and /r/subredditdrama wherever possible) as my personal armies to fight off the edgelords threatening to cannibalize my family and now that they've mostly left the site or have been banned there's no need to hang around anymore.

The biggest problem with capitalism is that people are just used for personal gain by others. Thankfully communism will solve that issue through people like Prince.

This is actually a decently funny reply and you didnt even ping him. For shame.

Fuck it.

Sarge Ward, more like Sarge Whored

imagine not just deleting your account /u/Prince_Kropotkin. Do you actually care about that string of text so much that you were willing to get eaten or are you just a lying narcissist?

The amount of effort he puts into serious posting on Reddit is highly dubious.

Fuck, we've been Trotsky'd.

u/Hammer_of_truthiness please stop threatening PK with the truth against his consent before he unleashes the Juche Gang on you.

Why bother with Economics degree when you are already a modern Sun Tzu? He already mastered how to understand how the masses operate.

Real talk I think prince is just assmad he got SRD banned after I was modded. I even opposed banning him!

He gets booty blasted that SRD is too smug and centrist which is fair whatever. You don't get to say that shit though and then write a fucking manifesto on how to win the internet for communism and talking about personal armies to help with leftist infighting.

"Nazis" are bad except when they are on my side -Prince Stalin

Prince shit talking us to his buddies is even more pathetic than it seems when you realize the age dynamics at play here.

He's a late 20-something loser working on a PHD yet he has the time and will to warn his new teenage internet friends about the menace that is /r/drama. Like how pathetic can you even be? Also lol @ pretending to be a reformed /r/drama user who knows all their evil ways but has become woke.

He told me to go to CTH once and Iistened. Now I have ass cancer.


I unironically listened to CTH just to see what the fuck its about

its the most boring, unfunny, 90 minutes of coastal city soy boys talking about shit, never backing their assertions, and wewlad, god its bad that they make like 10k a month from that shit

try 100K a month. You talk like a caricature of a right wing idiot.

You talk like a caricature of a right wing idiot.

sweet, you found my /r/drama persona. want a cookie, sweety? nice find, honey! what a zinger!

Thanks and God bless.

You're actually worse than people who idolise movie stars. At least movie stars are hot.

Nah, apparently no PhD anymore.

What a fucking autist

"I cant cope with different opinions waaaah"

not one of you choadstains is either "brave" or "good"


please be a dear and leave /r/drama, you agenda pushing "choadstain" (haha! xd! epic fucking roast, choadstain! choad-noun! fucking pwned those drama tards)


Miss me with that problematic shit



FYI, drama's css makes np links not work so if you want to see the thread you'll have to remove the np.

What does that mean

your link gives this weird page that isn't the actual thread because /r/drama has some weird problem with using np links for some reason. I think this sub auto removes non np links though so nothing you can really do.

Wow calling Queen Miley weird. I love that page personally.

imagine not wanting to participate

Hey man sometimes I need a pick me up and there she is to brighten my day with her inspirational catchphrase.

Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis

well...? is that wrong?

Anything right of Bernie Sanders is literally Hitler's master plan

Sending the flower of German youth to die on the Eastern Front was hardly genius, unless he really was a pro-mayocide false flag agent

I'm not sure why great leaders always end up thinking "Russian Winter can't be that bad.."

well, akshuallyyyy, gonna interject for a moment for some /r/badhistory time

1944 winter was one of the coldest by a long shot in decades. just really sucked.

Well, he did kill millions of white people.

In a sense no.

that's pasta, and it's old af too

Who needs a prince when you have king /u/pizzashill

Let us all remember when PK, unironically, said that people needed to be afraid of him because he spent literally all of his time reading, doing his PhD and reddit and he would use the prestige of his position and the wealth of his knowledge to bring down capitalism internally. Unironically.

Is that post still up? That's hysterical.


Isn't he getting his phd in something gay like poli-sci?

I think he pretends it's in economy.

I have no dog in this fight, but you can't take the insulting r/Drama high road while posting in a subreddit dedicated to guys who look like they would get winded watching a 100 meter dash.

He threw us under the bus even his old anarchist friends like me

Proof that anarchism will never win. Didnt work in 1930s Spain, sweetie!

Bye bye!

wtf i hate pk now

Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. Chapo users are smarter than the average cookies, so they had to know we'd be on to them. How sad.

He disavowed this sub forever ago.

Lmao the most fucking pathetic thing about /u/prince_kropotkin posts there is the way he tries so hard to fling us under the bus because he can't be associated with le bad opinions.

Be real prince you this mad because you got SRD banned lmao.

Yeah r/dramas weird.

I wrote an article about it

crying about the terms Pakis

I'd like to take this moment to remind /u/pitterpatterwater to not rape any children in free time.

Lmao I use that term myself, it doesn't offended me.

Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. Chapo users are smarter than the average cookies, so they had to know we'd be on to them. How sad.

Mmmm, delicious new pasta.

it's an old pasta

dude you new fuck, its old as shit.

/u/prince_kropotkin Nice work, Jack!

a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

I believe we have discovered new pasta

Droppin fuckin loads.

Family Man is such a forced meme. /u/ChipChippersonAMA /u/Kat_B0T /u/le_epic_xd i hate you all

It's a good show!

My man!

It's a good show!

It’s just a good family based cartoon comedy which most people enjoy.


It's brilliantly executed!


man I'd love to make a script that does a ps kill -9 on any browser you boot up, that way you could never access the internet again. bitch.

probably for my own good tbh

me too, thanks.

/u/Prince_Kropotkin come back to us.

/u/Prince_kropotkin's greateset accomplishment was being BTFO by the dorks and lanyards of r/neoliberal

How rude

You're like that one guy who always talks about how all of his ex's are crazy bitches smDh

This but leftwithedge was a pretty crazy. Even for commie standards it was like commie roid incels.

u/Prince_Kropotkin, you're a little bitch.