Director David Lynch: Trump Could Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents

96  2018-06-26 by CommonWrongdoer


Oh wow! I totally thought David Lynch was a Hillary Clinton, status quo-type of guy šŸ™„

yeah his work in film really demonstrates a willingness to toe the line of normalcy


He was frequently voicing a character on The Cleveland Show. He marches to his own kazoo.

Lol I didnā€™t know that was actually him I just assumed it looked like him

No it's him. Some.people were agagast until it turned out that Seth McFarland was one of the few to.stand Weinstein.

He went in Infowars to promote Inland Empire.

He's my all-time favorite director, but he's pretty retarded outside of his art (see him babble on about transcendental mediation)

Hmm. I would have expected him to support Jill Stein, then.

He voted for Johnson, so you're not too far off.


What the fuck is your problem with ketamine?

So what? Sanders and Johnson would have been better for the US than Clinton and Trump.


Heā€™s also a (((9/11))) truther

At least he's not a Scientologist. He makes a damn fine film tho. Last of the auteurs.

Aronofsky > Lynch

The Fountain was trash and Black Swan is overrated. Mother was a return to form tho. Almost The Wrestler quality.

Natalie Portman is perfection and black swan is Aronofskyā€™s most disciplined movie

I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed

I genuinely enjoy Pi more than most of his later work. His later stuff is fantastic, but it all feels so polished. I prefer the rawness that's on display in Pi.

Dune >>>>>>>>> Noah

The Wrestler is one of the greats though, no doubt.

Imagine being such a good director that you bring Mickey rourke back to relevance after 2 decades.

Imagine losing the Oscar to Sean Penn for another one of his retarded performances.

tbf Mickey didn't have to really act for that role

It's not hard for Sean Penn to act like a fag, so that's redundant. My boy Mickey (soon to be Michaela) was robbed, my guy.

Mickey's great, I'm just saying there was plenty of personal experiences to draw from:

Oh yeah, I agree with you about that, I'm just saying that doesn't mean he deserved the Oscar any less (assuming that's what you were implying before)

Allow it

I start watching Dune and I'm immediately greeted by a lore dump about the Butlerian Jihad. That is not the right way to tell a story. Frank Herbert knew when to show and not tell and he was writing a book, not a movie.

lmao you can't be serious



But thanks for your opinion.

Fuckin hell

Abrams >>>>> everyone

Likes Daddy unironically

pizzashill is watching

Clearly your favorite director of all time is out of sorts.

r u tryna flirt

Yep, dm bussy on discord

pls no grooming me

If you come to /r9k/ you can stay anon hun

I reallu dont think Trump has ever even seen a one of his movies.

That or they are the only movies Trump watches. It would explain a lot.

Do you think he has the mental capacity to even attempt to understand them?

le drumpf is a sub 70 IQ retard

You can disagree with cheeto Mussolini all you want, but to say he's dumb is frankly retarded.

I legit think hes dumb, dude. He just has a lot of charisma and complete shamelessness.


Sounds like Trump all right

Why are you such an unironical faggot?

Who the fuck are you and what's your problem?

Everything you say here is retarded because you treat this sub like it's r/politics2. Nobody cares about your agenda posting.

And yet you're the only one who's whining about it.

Most people downvote and ignore you.

If you think that's true (and it isn't) why don't you do the same?

lol pussy

Lol gay

Maintain personal safety, mdegenerate

deport mde

I really don't get why people think he's charismatic, he just rambles on endlessly, his delivery is all over the place, he can't stay on a topic. I guess he's charismatic to idiots who think he "Talks like me!" but their well... idiots.

yeah that guy who made billions and got elected president must be really dumb and charmless

It only has to be charismatic to a rabid base.

You can accurately gauge how smart someone is by the way they speak. Trump doesn't speak like a smart person, to say the least.

Using a bunch of 10 dollar words doesn't make you smart. Trump thinks of himself as a populist, someone who speaks for the common man it doesn't make sense for him to portray himself as a egg head like Obama or Bernie.

You can be coherent and well spoken while using simple language,Trump isn't that either. Also lol @ thinking Obama came across as an egghead, being able to string two sentences together on the same topic doesn't make you one. Sorry Daddy's retarded šŸ˜«.

Using a bunch of 10 dollar words

Is this the new euphemism for not riding the short bus?

So you like him because he's stupid?

No I like him because he's not a neoliberal and he's against the old GOP order.

So, you like him because he's even stupider than the old GOPs?

lmao literally any kindergarten teacher is more articulate and well-spoken while keeping it simple

People said the same thing about Bush. He wasn't dumb either.

you can't be president and be stupid, people are just in denial, trump is smart. i'm not saying i like trump , i am not american and have a centrist stance towards any of their gay politics, but still, you can't be president while being stupid. every president is smarter than average.

People tend to forget how dumb the average person is.

Wow, what an argument.

You centipedos are almost as smart as your manchild in chief

not american, don't support american politics. thing is, you burgers are very fucking dumb, so it's not harder to be smarter than average over there, but trump is absolutely smart than most of you.

What an impressive word salad, centipedo

your country voted him in, the rest of the world just laughs at you while you sleep in the bed you made, burger boy.

I'm not a burger, you illiterate centipedo

congratulations then, neither am i. but if trump wasn't smarter than the average burger, he wouldn't have been able to make their dumbasses vote him in.

Literally read my comment you replied to, 3 comments up


your comments are all just "lol centipedo".

Wow, what an argument.

You centipedos are almost as smart >as your manchild in chief

Now you got me quoting my own comments because your iq is lower than your shoesize

you're a very boring and uninspired drama poster, and that's saying alot.

You are too stupid to describe with words.

I really wonder how you're able to operate a phone

i'm actually on a pc. i don't reddit while i'm out in public doing shit cause i'm not a loser.

i'm not a loser.

keep telling yourself that, non-burger centipedo šŸ˜„

"lol i called you centipedo 2000 times". yes, because you come across as very intelligent and witty, as you try very hard to fit in on /r/drama and yet come off as more stupid than 99% of the posters. seriously ed insults better than you, keep yourself absolutely safe.

How are you able to use a pc with those obvious mental handicaps?

Do you have a carer watching over you 24/7 or smth?

Non-burger centipedo, the mind boggles

you can LARP as an intelligent person when your banter improves beyond spamming the word centipedo.

you cant even fucking read, centipedo

oh dear he called me centipedo again.


no bantz, its just an observation, centipedo


oh fuck, thats some strong bantz there centipedo

He's right though, Americans are really stupid, one of the dumbest and laziest people in the world. The only people pulling your country from its rightful third world status is well-educated immigrants from shithole countries. I mean look at you, you called his rant a "word salad" which is usually for "too stupid" or "too stubborn" to understand.

Look at my fucking comment he's replying to!

Are you retarded too?

Do I need to quote my own fucking posts?

Oh cool some eurotrash shitting on americans

You can absolutely be President and stupid. Especially if you lead a country of stupid people.

well yeah, i should have put "smarter than the average person in that country". trump is smarter than average americans, which isn't that hard to achieve tbh, burgers are dumb af.

I remember people saying GW was retarded and I defended him on that account because being president is some hard shit and he ran a smart campaign. But Bush isn't some genius and he was about 400 times more articulate than Trump. Also he read briefings and knew what he was talking about on most issues.

It's wild how Trump never really talks about any concrete policy stuff. Seriously, just listen to him, he speaks in almost all generalities and doesn't ever display a command of the details of what he is talking about. At the very least we have never had a president as disengaged and ignorant of how government works.

Trump is Q

he's actually noted for speaking more like a woman than any other presidential candidate (even Clinton)

A more willing soul would copy-paste the old "nuclear" drivel, but I'll just refer you to his Twitter feed. He's legit the only world leader toying with the boundaries of "mentally competent."

Name another candidate or politician who used social media as well as he did to win an election.

pro tip: you can't.

I'd be super awesome at social media too if I had another nation state build bot-farms to spam every banal shitpost I ever made

le russian bot meme

absolute cancer. Go back to /r/politics you gas lit faggot

gas lit faggot

Your daddy's daddy gets all his money from selling gas to Euros, so who in this situation is truly gas lit?

We have a LOSER!^

sucks there's no bots here to upvote you šŸ˜”

"He can't be a stupid president, he was elected."

Nice logic.

Heā€™s a complete moron

to be fair, it takes a very high iq to understand eraserhead

This, but ironically.

Your chromosomes are showing.

I still don't know what the fuck was going on in Lost Highway.

i really dont think trump has ever seen a movie

Stories are that he likes action movies but only watches the action scenes, he skips all plot stuff. For example he really likes Kickboxer wity Van Damme according to news reports but only watches the kickboxing parts.

this is consistent with how he seemed to think robert de niro was a real boxer who was really fighting other boxers in raging bull

De Niro fought 3 or 4 professional middleweight bouts in Brooklyn while training for the role.

The actor found that boxing came naturally to him; he entered as a middleweight boxer, winning two of his three fights in a Brooklyn ring dubbed "young LaMotta" by the commentator. According to Jake LaMotta, De Niro was one of the top 20 best middleweight boxers of all time.

LaMotta is who Raging Bull was based on and he helped train De Niro for the role.


Haha yeah he doesn't "get" cinema like us smart guys probably

He's been in a movie before.

Brilliant Director, the guy done Twin Peaks and Mulholland Drive, wacky stuff. So not really surprised his thoughts on Trump are completely off the wall.


Theyā€™re really not off the wall.

Man, this coming economic crash is going to be so sweet.

To be fair, the ultimate hipsters are pretty much red now because all the annoying faggots when blue two years ago.

To be fair, the ultimate hipsters are pretty much red now


We're a pretty niche PAC you probably havent heard of us.

I'm mostly into Phrenology and hating the Nauruans these days. Oh it's a really small country and it's pretty new, but I think they are just so subhuman with a real rapist vibe going, and anyway I've been just obSESSed with trying to get them deported for weeks.

PBR, pfff... nigga I listen to vaporwave and drink lost lake on my raccoon farm and fuck my sibling ironically. You wouldn't get it

I'm mostly into Phrenology and hating the Nauruans these days. Oh it's a really small country and it's pretty new, but I think they are just so subhuman with a real rapist vibe going, and anyway I've been just obSESSed with trying to get them deported for weeks.

Tweet all you like, Spanky. It won't change the fact that your days in office are numbered. While you hold rallies & cry for 250 years of due process to be reversed, Mueller grinds on, compiling a mountain of evidence of your crimes with Russia. The law is coming for you


Le ironic xD

Go down? Daddy already is. I'm in charge of a fund to add him to Rushmore, but I think really we need to divert it to a entirely Trump only monument.

They should just erase all the heads and use up all the real estate to resculp it to this.


Not enough gold. I suppose it could be made of gold....

He'll go down as a Nixon type, controversial meme president with mixed results. Not the literally Hitler some retards think and not the God Emperor another group of similar but unrelated retards think.

He still has time to shoot someone while demonstrating gun safety

As much as you hear the left scream about trump and how terrible he is, he has actually accomplished some things.

Or his admin has, trump just gets credit. Like NK. They actually seem to be chilling out, little by little.

On NK it was more Kim running out of cards to play, the US as a whole getting pissy about the new ICBM developments and the Chinese government slowly going full retard.

North Korea has done this exact thing seven times in the last 30 years.

The fact that Kim came to SK, the first time any ruler did so since the Koreas split adds a bit of weight to his actions.

Iā€™m of the belief that China was going to depose Kim and have him replaced by his brother. Kim got wind of it somehow, and had the brother killed.

I think it was around that time China had enough of North Korean shit and threw down the law. Remember, trump had a conversation with Chinese leadership just after he took office, and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he negotiated better Chinese trade deals in exchange for the Chinese to take out its trash so to speak.

And now we are here. Each week for like the last 2 months North Korea has made surprising moves that only make sense if they are finally willing to integrate into the global community.

Or, you could be right, and this time next week NK drops an iron curtain thicker than before. Time will tell.

Or North Korea now has working nuclear bombs and missiles and no longer needs its testing sites.

They spent an entire year testing missiles and bombs, being subjected to more and more sanctions while Trump threatened to nuke them. They had a series of successful tests of both and you think they geniuny are trying to give them up?

Nope. I donā€™t think anyone will be able to wrest them away. Thatā€™s why I would rather have them cool off a bit and join the rest of the world for the first time in ~50 years.

That way we donā€™t need to worry about them turning the key.

So you understand why the statement they signed is utterly meaningless.

he has actually accomplished some things.

oh yeah!

like exploding the deficit, giving a massive tax handout to the rich, gutting enviro protections, destroying climate change mitigation efforts, about to gut medicare and food stamps to pay for the gifts to the wealthy previously mentioned, tanked our standing on the world stage, etc

"but he had a photo op with the north korean guy! plus he made some SJW's mad!"

yeah thats a retarded reason to think he's a good president

Never said he was a good president.

you said he accomplished things

like what?

Jesus fucking Christ, crawl back into the hole you came from and die. Nobody here gives a flying fuck about your political grandstanding. If you don't understand that you don't belong here.

Nobody here gives a flying fuck

Who even are you?

Who are you?

Maintain extreme personal safety, discusting piece of mayo mdegenerate

Who who, who who.

So...he hasn't accomplished anything then. You're rolling over and admitting that with your statement.

No, this sub isn't for grandstanding political seriousposting. It's the fact that we hate everyone that brings us together here.

Nobody is "grandstanding", you fool. Boy, you sure like that word. We're talking about what's happening in the world.

You keep sperging out all over this thread re: seriousposting, but the only one actually doing that is you over being asshurt that not everybody is deepthroating daddy with the same ferocious skill & energy your and your fellow centipedos do.

GTFO mdegenerate, and stay the fuck away

where do you think you are lmao

this sub is anti-daddy and anti-daddytards, get used to it

This sub is for laughing at retards and that's you. You're the retard, lol.

20 days old accounts declaring what is and isn't the norm here.

You are certainly a special type of retarded.

You just listed them you tard.

he never said good things šŸ˜


giving a massive tax handout to the rich

because tax cuts = HURDUR GIB MONEY TO RICH right?

explain how states like CA and NY have still have the highest wealth inequality in the country despite being some of the most taxed

bout to gut medicare and food stamps to pay for the gifts to the wealthy previously mentioned

o yea, i guess the us just have infinite fucking money to keep expanding medicare and medicaid despite the fact it is such a financial drain on spending there's no way its sustainable even in its current state

Yup. Better to spend that money on cages, walls, weapons and divisive campaigns that make your country all hate each other. This is HILARIOUS to watch from Canada. We are laughing so hard at your country!

because that makes inefficient and costly spending on healthcare and social services ok mirite?

that's not to even mention the fact that medicare + medicaid + SS total to such an exhorbitant cost it /far/ eclipses us spending on defense, which should be kinda alarming for anyone?

This is HILARIOUS to watch from Canada

enjoy having all your real estate bought up by china, lol

or getting fucked over by oil

Enjoy paying back the trillion dollars a day the US borrows from China.

Enjoy the lasting damage a pro wrestling intelligence level cartoon president will do to your country that will take decades to be undone.

Enjoy playing your fiddle while Rome burns.

enjoy playing your fiddle while Rome burns

I bet you thought was real deep, huh? Probably the most /r/philosophy comment in this thread lmao

explain how states like CA and NY have still have the highest wealth inequality

California is at number 44 and New York has the LEAST amount of income inequality

If the trade war gets going in earnest, a lot of people are going to get fucked.

Both China and the E.U. are preparing to get their dicks out vis-a-vis retaliatory tariffs, and if Trump escalates the situation even further - which he has suggested he might, they are going to proceed fuck every politically sensitive industry in the entire US if that's what it takes to force him to back down.

gutting entitlements like Medicare is a bad thing

For someone who cares about the national debt you sure donā€™t seem to care about the national deficit šŸ¤”

spending on health care is an INVESTMENT

it creates wealth

Thatā€™s some pretty shitty ROI

its actualy really awesome roi

We calculated that each additional dollar spent on overall health-care services produced health gains valued at $1.55 to $1.94 under our base case assumptions. The return on health gains associated with treatment for heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and breast cancer were $1.10, $1.49, $1.55, and $4.80, respectively, for every additional dollar spent by Medicare. The ROI for specific treatment innovations ranged from both savings in treatment costs and gains in health to gains in health valued at $1.12 to $38.00 for every additional dollar spent.

Great methodology, except that the ROI is dogshit compared to European countries where they spend 1/1000th of our budget per capita and saw the same decline in prevalence in heart disease and diabetes. I would say correlation isnā€™t causation but itā€™s self evident if you are aware that countries like Switzerland and Sweden arenā€™t worse off than we are healthcare wise despite having a fraction of our spending per capital.

So we get a flimsy correlation between spending and a relative decline in common preventable disease. And in return we emerge with trillions of dollars in debt. Sounds like a great fucking investment šŸ‘ŒšŸ»

rigth, so lets get a better ROI

just slashing the budget will only make things worse

No evidence to suggest this since other countries spend less and get more.

Hospitals and the medical industry can figure out how to do more with less.

they cant, they are constrained by current law

and current congress refuses to change law

so everytying will just get worse

People figure out how to work around laws or restore cages for better ones if they have to. Congress just hasn't had to.

So we spend a shitload of money, get massively into debt, and having nothing to show for it. And your solution is... To spend more money on something that isnā€™t fucking working

Keep Yourself Safe because Lord knows it must be a tough life with your with that level of retardation

so you think giving tax break to the rich - negative ROI - is good

but a program with a positive ROI - medicare - should be cut?

ok then

I didnā€™t say shit about trickle down tax breaks, all I said was that only dumb fucks think Medicare is a sustainable program that is worth the amount of money it costs, which includes your sorry ass

it creates wealth

so yes, its sustainable, by definition

it creates wealth

In possibly the most inefficient manner possible, which drives the country deeper into debt

Youā€™re also making the classic mistake of assuming ROI scales linearly and not logarithmically which is a trademark of having Downā€™s Syndrome. Your latest study is from 2002 data and isnā€™t even a cost benefit analysis. So I donā€™t know what to tell you. It correlates increased spend with lowering risks of disease which is irresponsible without a regression analysis. Because retards like you take it to mean that multiplying the public budget for healthcare by double digits is a good idea.

Fuck you for making me serious post.

like exploding the deficit,


Continuing the policy approved from both sides of the aisle of racking up the deficit, is more apt. Massively increasing the deficit is probably the last non-partisan issue the US has, at this point.

giving a massive tax handout to the rich,

And a massive tax handout to the middle class, and the working class.

gutting enviro protections,

Nope. He's attacked some of the less sensible regulations that don't actually create much benefit for the environment, but are costly for businesses.

destroying climate change mitigation efforts


Yeah, the great climate change efforts, where Obama bent over backwards and begged Xi to fuck him.
Any agreement where the US is supposed to half it's releases and pay hundreds of billions of dollars, while China contributes nothing and caps it release growth to 40%, does nothing to mitigate climate change.
All the Paris accords did was give people a false sense of something actually being done about climate change.

, about to gut medicare and food stamps

To kill the rampant misuse of such benefit schemes. WallMart having courses to sign up for foodstamps as part of their employee training programmes, to ensure that they pay the lowest amount of money possible to their employees, is ridiculous. The majority of Food Stamp recipients are employed, usually in several part time jobs. It's corporate welfare and not fulfilling it's purpose.
If you ask the average US citizen whether the government should be paying parts of the salaries for WallMart, McDonalds, etc, you'll get a fairly resounding no.

Around 10 million jobs are currently being held by illegal immigrants, because they're willing to work dirt cheap. (Usually well below the legal minimum wage.) By tackling that, there'll be a lot more jobs having to offer decent wages, which means a lower stream of desperate people for WallMart and similar corporations to exploit, which means they either have to settle for teenagers and college kids or pay better wages to compete.

to pay for the gifts to the wealthy previously mentioned

Not really. The tax cuts to the middle and working class are far more costly.

tanked our standing on the world stage,

LOL. Strange how you worry about that now, but when Obama was slaughtering children in an allied nation the thought wasn't even considered.

started trade wars with our allies for absolutely no fucking reasons,

"For no reason". Except you know, because American businesses have been reamed up the ass for several decades.
"Reeeeee, why would Trump put tarrifs on the Eu!?!?? They've only had tarrifs on our products from the start, reeeeeeee. It's so unfair and stupid!"

"but he had a photo op with the north korean guy!

Literally the greatest diplomatic achievement since the end of the cold war.

plus he made some SJW's mad!"

That is always a bonus.

yeah thats a retarded reason to think he's a good president

Maybe stop being such a sycophantic dipshit and use your head for three seconds. Christ, people like you make me genuinely wonder whether the elimination of critical thinking from American schools was on purpose to create an easily led electorate.

Imagine writing a fucking wall of text to defend Daddy on r/drama. lmao

he has actually accomplished some things

You're talking about the guy who promised you a Muslim ban and now he's got Sunni semen running down his chin.

NK peace is the unexpected outcome at best. The guy did almost everything wrong leading there.

1985: North Korea signs Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty

1992: North Korea signs historic agreement to halt nuclear program!

1994: North Korea signs historic agreement to halt nuclear program!

1999: North Korea signs historic agreement to end missile tests

2000: North Korea signs historic agreement to reunify Korea! Nobel Peace Prize is awarded

2005: North Korea declares support for "denuclearization" of Korean peninsula

2005: North Korea signs historic agreement to halt nuclear program and "denuclearize"!

2006: North Korea declares support for "denuclearization" of Korean peninsula

2006: North Korea again support for "denuclearization" of Korean peninsula

2007: North Korea signs historic agreement to halt nuclear program!

2007: N & S Korea sign agreement on reunification

2010: North Korea commits to ending Korean War

2010: North Korea announces commitment to "denuclearize"

2010: North Korea again announces commitment to "denuclearize"

2011: North Korea announces plan to halt nuclear and missile tests

2012: North Korea announces halt to nuclear program

2015: North Korea offers to halt nuclear tests

2016: North Korea again announces support for "denuclearization"


Nixon actually accomplished a fair deal politically before being president though. Trump got elected because he's a meme.

Nixon wasn't really controversial after his resignation though. He was pretty universally despised once it all came out in the wash.

Nixon's legacy has improved significantly

Only because now we compare it to what followed.

You mean relatively?

And I still would lean toward no government and not so many rules, except for traffic lights and things like this. I really believe in traffic regulations.

Dude is so fucking sucked into Hollywood that he thinks traffic crimes are the worst ones.

If you lived in LA you would agrer.

He's a Libertarian...

One of those Bernie Sanders supporting Libertarians.

Also known as political retards.

"I like weed but fuck the poor"


This, but unironically

Everything is slavery except actual slavery, which really wasn't that bad for the slaves, tbqh...

Hot take from resident /r/drama intellectual.

"How to destroy a political party in 12 words" by JamesRobotoMD

Gtfo mdegenerate

Well yeah, gotta repeal those age of consent laws, only then will he be satisfied

Do you know anything about Lynch or are you just a clueless mouthbreather?


I totally get what he's on about with the traffic. Traffic is one of those things where you actually have greater freedom from structured order. Like whoa man. Seriously.

Like pretty much everything. Which is the whole foundation of John Locke's second treatise and libertarianism.

I don't know how libertarianism changed to mean anarchy online.

I don't know man they seem to have a lot of freedom to moventheifuh traffic in Southeast Asia...

I want to strap you to my hood while I drive the 110 after last call.

That would be a violation of my NAP and I would be forced to throw a vial of self defense smallpox at you

Does trump tweet literally every time a celebrity says something nice about him? im beginning to really believe the fire and fury anecdote about aids literally giving him folders of people who said nice things about him.

It's not often that somebody above the level of Ted Nugent says anything positive about him.

ā€I am not really a political person, but I really like the freedom to do what you want to do,ā€ Lynch explained. ā€œ[Trump] could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history because he has disrupted the thing so much. No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.ā€

How do you argue intelligently with a literal retard? Lol

ā€œIā€™m a Democrat now,ā€ he continued. ā€œAnd Iā€™ve always been a Democrat, really. But I donā€™t like the Democrats a lot, either, because Iā€™m a smoker, and I think a lot of the Democrats have come up with these rules for non-smoking. And I donā€™t think that thatā€™s necessarily so bad, but they have to give the smokers a place.ā€

He's concerned with the important issues facing our country.

Lmao gotta love a single issue voter

In fairness he's also very concerned about making sure the traffic lights work.

I believed in next to zero government. And I still would lean toward no government and not so many rules, except for traffic lights and things like this. I really believe in traffic regulations.

so he is utterly and completely retarded

like most trump supporters

got it


Utter and complete retards aren't capable of creating cinematic masterpieces like Lynch has. But I wouldn't expect an autist like you to understand humanity in anything other than totalizing, black and white terms.

Utter and complete retards aren't capable of creating cinematic masterpieces

The more I learn about Hollywood, the more I doubt this.

Lynch is a bit of an idiot savant. A maestro when it comes to cinematic art, but pretty retarded when everyday stuff is concerned. He's a 9/11 truther iirc.

Nobody considered David Lynch to be smart.

Every director has a bad film

Jan Ziska never lost a battle.

Dune is a great film, it just has bad pacing because of the weird cut that ended up being made.

It's funny how nobody mentions WHY he thinks like that.

And he said the only truth worth mentioning

ā€œOur so-called leaders canā€™t take the country forward, canā€™t get anything done,ā€ the Oscar-nominated director said. ā€œLike children, they are. Trump has shown all this.ā€

Somehow, Democrats think they can win Great War of Petulance...

He seems like a Pabt's Blue Ribbon kinda guy no wonder he's for Trump.

We get it you are just an insufferable fag

Did I say something bad about daddy?

have we reached peak retardation in this sub when a chapo fag thinks im a trump supporter because i didnt like his """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""joke"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?

< implying I don't hate commies more than anyone or haven't been on this sub before you started growing pubes.

Jokes on you i was born with a full bodied thick and fragrant bush thank you very much

Gtfo you illiterate mdegenerate

Fuck Heineken

Jesus, they look like each other! What is this sorcery!?

Yeah, I read the full interview with david lynch where he said that and trump is taking it completely out of context.

[He is undecided about Donald Trump. ā€œHe could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history because he has disrupted the thing so much. No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.ā€ While Trump may not be doing a good job himself, Lynch thinks, he is opening up a space where other outsiders might. ā€œOur so-called leaders canā€™t take the country forward, canā€™t get anything done. Like children, they are. Trump has shown all this.ā€](He is undecided about Donald Trump. ā€œHe could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history because he has disrupted the thing so much. No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.ā€ While Trump may not be doing a good job himself, Lynch thinks, he is opening up a space where other outsiders might. ā€œOur so-called leaders canā€™t take the country forward, canā€™t get anything done. Like children, they are. Trump has shown all this.ā€](

Weirdo known for being a weirdo says something weird.

So interesting.

ā€œIā€™m a Democrat now,ā€ he continued. ā€œAnd Iā€™ve always been a Democrat, really. But I donā€™t like the Democrats a lot, either, because Iā€™m a smoker, and I think a lot of the Democrats have come up with these rules for non-smoking. And I donā€™t think that thatā€™s necessarily so bad, but they have to give the smokers a place.ā€

Lmao wtf?

That part was Twin Peak autism. I'm sorry, I'll see myself out.

Ultra disappointing

Article in the Guardian says he's "undecided" and was a Bernie Bro.

I think he supported Ralph Nader back in the day so take what you will from that...

Why is trump proud of this. He basically says heā€™s so retarded he makes a mockery of the established politicians.

What the hell was Lost Highway about?

The left will now claim that Lynch was never a good director.