Science journalist tries to explain why human sacrifice was actually woke, but the dumb masses stuck in their colonialist worldviews just don't understand

314  2018-06-27 by vgsa


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Too much femsplaining

Imagine having to explain to an adult why human sacrifice might be seen as evil.

They're just mad Natives got conquered by Spaniards 500 years ago

Spaniards are white peepo, right?


In Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion

Even britbongs are okay, it seems like the mayos only showed up once the burgers started rolling out

Can't have burgers without mayos!

Even britbongs are okay, it seems like the mayos only showed up once the burgers started rolling out

Stop, I can hear the dole addicted NEETs of /r/unitedkingdom, /r/Scotland (and likely r/australia) masturbating at the very thought of being excluded from mayo'ness from here.

I have Irish, Scottish, Swedish, Polish, German, Czech and "Gypsie" blood heritage and I am darker than any Spaniard. Spaniards, to me, are "white".

gadje gadjensa, rom romensa

The emotional labor is beyond draining.

They're literally defending sati in that Twitter thread, the same practice where they threw widows onto the pyre because they were afraid they'd become whores without a husband. We're approaching peak retard, what happens when we hit critical mass?

Primary reasons for human sacrifice was all around general lack of knowledge about how nature works and how babies are made. So, some shaman high on mushrooms figured out that his superstitious hallucinations are what is needed.

However, there is something to be said about relative strength of South American ‘shrooms in eliciting the worst nightmares thus converting into really bad customs.

In the old times, tribes in what is now southern Europe, would sacrifice a male king every full moon and replace him with another who would last 28 days, or one menstrual cycle. When women ruled, men were as disposable as tampons.

This sounds interesting. Have women really ruled anywhere in ancient times? How did they get around the fact that men are stronger and like weapons?

The literature is scarce on this but it’s about the tribes before Hellenic invasion. Their explanation is that in those early days, men were seen as nothing but a tool while women were actually bringing life. So women were seen as Earth/Nature itself and thus were worshipped and they actually had men tournaments where the winner would have sex with the queen. The winner was a king for few weeks and then all over again. It took a while for a king to change the customs and find a “king instead” (usually a young man) to be sacrificed.

The only thing about reproduction they knew is the wind and pollen so it’s funny to read that they’d turn mare ass towrd the window hoping it will get pregnant.

I'd love an actual source on this, since it sounds like something cribbed from a rejected Neil Gaiman comic

There's some of this in The Greek Myths by Robert Graves

I mean the line from the book says:

Once the relevance of coition to child-bearing had been officially admitted man’s religious status gradually improved, and winds and rivers were no longer given credit for impregnating women.

Also, H.G. Guterbock wrote on Hittite myth of simple minded Appu and is more detailed on this subject.

Graves says nothing about the connection to human sacrifice you mentioned, though yeah lots of people have not gotten the whole connection between sex and reproduction, the anthro literature is full of primitives thinking the sky knocked up their bitches.

Hittities weren't in Southern Europe, they were in Anatolia, which is Asia Minor. That being said, there's nowhere on the planet where the scale of human sacrifice reached the levels seen in mesoamerica and west africa.

Sorry, I don’t understand… are you arguing that there was no human sacrifice in Europe? Is that where you’re coming from?

Also, for all intents and purposes Anatolia - and few places around - is a birthplace of Europe.

No, human sacrifice was present on all continents, that has been known, well, forever. Only differences have been motive and scale. People kill each other for a wide variety of motives, unfortunately, an religiosity is definitely one of them.

"Anatolia is the birthplace of Europe" -- hmm? I mean you can make some argument re: Greek colonies on the Anatolian mainland, though those were never the big cultural centers compared to the ones on the Greek mainland. Anatolia has never considered Europe, from the beginning of the concept of Europe (from the earliest mentions which refer to the west coast of the Aegean as "Europe").

The "hilly flanks" area in Anatolia is considered to be the birthplace of Western civilization.

agriculture != europe

and no, Anatolia is not considered the birthplace of Western Civilization, you're thinking of Greece, though if you want to go back further, you're talking Sumer, which was not in Anatolia either. Neolithic/Chacolithic settlements in Anatolia were pretty much all dead by the time anything resembling Europe existed.

I'm recalling all this from Guns, Germs and Steel, which I haven't read in a while. Of course Greece was one of the first great European cultures, but really in that ancient time "europe" was not an entity. I'd argue that the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean was a more important geographical area - after all, the Greeks copied Egyptian art and the Phoenician alphabet.

Europe, as a thing, basically dates to around 500 BC, and at that time just meant the western Aegean coast. after that it bnasically became the ural/caucasus as the border between Europe and Asia. Fun fact -- "Asia" comes to us from the Romans, who used it to refer to the province in western Anatolia.

continents as we know them were not a thing at all until way, way later.

and yeah the Greek alphabet (again as we know it not, not the linear scripts) was adapted from Phoenician, though they were a Mediterranean civilization. while the Greeks definitely did borrow from the Egyptians, who didn't? Egypt was the sina qua non of greatness in those days, an ancient empire which had been around for thousands of years. And Egypt mainly survived the Bronze Age Collapse which took out most of the city states in the region, including most of the Greek ones, around 1200BC.

but pegging Anatolia as the "birthplace of Europe" is a big stretch. and GGS is a terrible, terrible work that should never be cited at all, it's full of cherry picking and geographic determinism, ick


Oh boy.

As it should be

i didn't expect to get a history lesson on /r/drama, but this entire comment section has been fascinating.

By dying, or by being isolated enough to not attract any attention for a while.

Have women really ruled anywhere in ancient times?

yeah, a lot of places. They all had some level of “separate spheres” power-sharing though, and usually got invaded eventually.

How did they get around the fact that men are stronger and like weapons?

When push came to shove? They didn’t. They “seized” power mostly through religious appeals.

if one views modern feminist as a cult of cult...then.....

i guess if you’d call any ideology a cult

point is, women are once again attempting to seize the matriarchy through a kind of religion. it might be an actual religion, but an ideology, which is similar.

Each Iroquois longhouse was ruled by a woman

Women lead tribes were prominent in Europe before the Indo-European invasions. Indo-European tribes were male led and were more agressive then their old european counterparts. They had domesticated the horse and used chariots to conquer Europe. Usually it is more associated with langauge but look up the Khurgan Hearth Theory if you are interested.

AFAIK there's never been proof found that matriarchies existed anywhere in the world. The "Old Europe" theory is baseless.

Women lead tribes were prominent in Europe before the Indo-European invasions.

only if you listen to the insane ramblings of radical feminist wiccans.

fucking shroom people!

everything is always somehow about the mushroooms with you fucks


What tribes?

When women ruled, men were as disposable as tampons.

this is why we couldn't elect hillary

But then ended up with a tampon, nevertheless.

in the sense that he is a bloody mess, for sure

"women are the real victims of war" - killary.

Men got out of this predicament only when they figured out that their dick sperging is what makes babies.

I'm pretty sure people knew that fucking lead to babies for quite a long time prior. Its a simple cause and effect thing. People were not complete idiots.

It also wasn't every 28 days but more of a yearly thing, you know death and rebirth of the seasons.

Where the fuck did you come up with this?

Full moon sacrifice was done as part of female worship for her child-bearing capabilities. One of the first observations was that full moon and menstrual cycle have same cycle.

The book is somewhat obscure but is often referenced - The Strange World of Human Sacrifice by JN Bremmer

All of this is a conjecture, of course.

All of this is a conjecture, of course.


Cultural Anthropology in a nutshell

Weren't most of the sacrificed people non-Aztec war captives? if I remember correctly, most of their neighbours also thought the human sacrificing was immoral and joined up with the spaniards against the aztecs.

yes, though not all. human sacrifice was rife through all of mesoamerica -- mayanists used to like to maintain it was mainly mexica and some olmec groups, but no, mayans were into kiddie killing also.

not to mention skinning young girls and wearing their skinsuits, so pretty much like Buffalo Bill with leopard skins and feathered head dresses

Mayans lived nowhere near the Aztecs you retard, the civillisation had 0 co fact with each other. I'm talking about the Aztecs actual neighbouring civillisation which they fought with.

um, where exactly did i state that the mayans and the mexica were anywhere near one another? they were hundreds of miles away, Yucatan vs Tenochtitlan, and more importantly, separated in time by a thousand years.

my point was that mayanists used to maintain that the maya didn't slaughter people wholesale for religious purposes, but the archaelogical record ended up being irrefutable.

And I was talking about how the Aztecs neighbours thought human sacrifice was immoral, not the Mayans.

nah they really didn't though, they just objected to them being sacrificed. human sacrifice was present in all Nahua peoples, and the Flower Wars were agreed upon -- the Tlaxcalans and the rest of them were primarily pissed about the extension and dominance of Mexica power, not the human sacrifice bit. If you've got a contrary source, I'd love to see it, but so much of that period is really quite unknown and characterized by archaelogical speculation.

expecting sources.

Fuck off.

one can dream, faggot, one can dream

What the fuck are you talking about. Mayans are around to this day. And the Aztec's tributary system extended almost all the way to the Yucatan

what the fuck are you talking about? yes the people are still there but the maya civilization, referring to the Classical Maya, ain't. and wasn't when the mexica / triple alliance rose to prominence, which was hundreds of years after the collapse of the Classical Maya civilization in 900ad. that's all i was referring to.

Ok then say Classical Maya, because this guy was talking about contemporaries of the Mexica

if that's the case then his comment is even more retarded, as if we're talking just ethnic maya

It really is. Which is why I was confused with you agreeing with him

this is why i shouldn't post while on conference calls

Malinche was sold to Maya groups as a slave and she was Nahua. Not exactly 0 contact.

Fuck off with your facts.

they were like right next to each other

Not in time you retard.

they overlapped actually. it's not like they popped out of existence after their peak

wtf I hate the spaniards now

Never heard this skinning thing, is there more info?

Xipe Toltec festivals to begin with:

Azteca were all kinds of psycho, man.

Good riddance

Not quite. The enemies of the Mexica (Aztecs) practiced human sacrifice as well. It defined the rules of engagement for all the nahuatl speaking peoples of the region. War was seen as an act of piety.

There is a moral tale of a Tlaxcalan warrior who was captured by the Mexica and set to fight a gladiatorial exhibition with his death to be a religious tribute. He ended up killing a dozen Mexica warriors and was offered a pardon to reward his valor. The Tlaxcalan warrior is said to have turned down the offer and willingly accepted his own sacrifice in service of the supernatural forces that kept the world functioning.

The Tlaxcalans initially attacked the spanish and fought to a bloody stalemate. They realized that their years of endemic warfare with the Mexica might finally turn in their favor. After the Tlaxcalans worked with the spanish to defeat the Mexica the spanish reportedly gave the Tlaxcalans a certain measure of tolerance for their bloody religious practices, but it didn't last under the long term conversion efforts of the spanish.

Sorry no citations. On phone. Pm me if youd like to know more later.

Lol fuck off with your facts and shit.

Completely forgot which sub this was. Ill see myself out.

They joined up with him for more than that, the Aztecs were just really brutal fucks. Everyone hated them really.

Imagine having your head so far up your own ass that you think ritualistic human sacrifice is in any way justifiable


that, plus the idiot musings of Critical X Theory (where X is whatever you want it to be, hell we've got Critical Plant Theory now). those guys are completely retarded.

This is relativism, not post-modernism. Anthropologists have been doing this since the 20s

relativism is the bedrock pomo is built on

Gotta go deeper. Relativism is the conclusion of nihilism.

Nihilism is the result of secularization of society, which is a result of the Protestant Reformation. Blame Martin Luther for Foucault.

Daddy memerson?

It may not be perfect, but it's the best system we have.

A large portion of these people unironically want to genocide the entire 'rural' United States, as it's just 'flyover country' full of hillbilly trash to them.

You are absolutely insane

No. I'm not.

Fucking pinko trash, is this literally the only thing you're capable of -- when confronted with challengers of your trash ideology you can only accuse your detractors of being 'insane'. Fucking metal defectives, send them to the gulags with the other dissidents, amirite comrade?

See? You're just randomly accusing me of shit. I literally posted today about how all prisons should be abolished and you talk about how I want to throw people in gulags.

Go back to wherever it is you came from, whatever trash 'anarchist' subs you inhabit and keep sniffing your own farts.

Yeah ok I'll leave you to your safe space where you won't be bothered by people challenging your ridiculous assertions.

One, this isn't a safe-space sub and I hate most people in here.

Two, I don't go to your dumpster fire anarchist subs and call you insane, despair shilling and trolling your trash subs -- because I'm not a malignant, wet pile of steaming pinko shit.

Unironically you are the one going back to your 'safe-space'.

Lmao like I'll actually leave. I've been subbed here for years

I just wanted to let you guys know that I upvoted both of you for contributing to the mission of this sub. Well done!

u/Darqwolff approved commentary

Now that's the type of radical centrism I like to clap my bussy to!

seriousposting on drama smh

One, this isn't a safe-space sub and I hate most people in here.

Y-you too 😓💓

What's ridiculous about his assertion? Shall I go find comments of people on Reddit actually talking about what he's saying?

I mean it's pretty heavily implied time and again in TYT's election night coverage. "Oh Kentucky? Ahhhh we don't care about Kentucky. West Virginia? Of course it's West Virginia, West Virginia doesn't even matter" literally rinse and repeat for any state in middle America that didn't go their way. All these people are looked at as stupid and irrelevant and all the world's problems are their fault somehow and if we could just get rid of these middle American crackers.

I'm actually surprised people ignore the disdain and dehumanization of entire groups of the population merely by geography.

People generalizing by geographic origin is bad now? What about Mexicans and people from shithole countries? Calling immigrants an infestation is fine but calling someone a redneck is literally turning the faucet on the gas chambers. Get real. What camps are democrats gonna put a hundred million people in?

For the ONE MILLIONTH time, no one gives a fuck if you're Mexican, get your papers in order. Period. We're a nation of laws, Donny.

Literally calling out a Salvadorian gang by name, the sort of gang that likes to torture people alive and flay their faces, and people scream "REEEEEEEEacist!"

Mention rape trees and the conversation always goes real quiet real fast.

"I care about migrants!"

"Thousands of them, maybe tens of thousands, are raped on the journey here, taken advantage of by those they paid to bring them across safely"

"Yeah well fuck you racist Drumpftard!"

Never mind I've been talking about rape trees and border security since I moved to southern AZ in 2013 and saw some of this shit firsthand.

The problem with people like you is you have zero room for nuance. You hear Mexicans and just go REEEEEEEEEE. When someone specifies that, hey, there's some real fucked up people coming in here, they're still called racist. Democrats defending MS-13. Never thought I'd see the day.


The 'Drumpfkin' actually cares about what's going on at the border and doesn't want to see people raped and murdered? Doesn't want to see an estimated 70% of single women be raped while trying to break the law in this country? Doesn't want to see bodies left to die in the back of an 18 wheeler?

What a fucking racist.

Yeah I'm sure the best option for helping them is to round them all up into concentration camps

Good thing no one is doing that then.

this was a lot of words to just say, "pls don't call daddy racist again" my man

lmao imagine being this afraid of the darkies

Imagine not caring about innocent people dying to these folks.

Finally another rape tree aficionado. Preach brother

I mean it's pretty heavily implied time and again in TYT's election night coverage. "Oh Kentucky? Ahhhh we don't care about Kentucky. West Virginia? Of course it's West Virginia, West Virginia doesn't even matter" literally rinse and repeat for any state in middle America that didn't go their way. All these people are looked at as stupid and irrelevant and all the world's problems are their fault somehow and if we could just get rid of these middle American crackers.

This is the result of the way elections work in the US. For similar reasons Republicans don’t care about New England and the West Coast.

"don't care" and "think they're pretentious cunts" are two separate things

"Ballot box or the ammo box"

"The Tree of Liberty needs to be watered with the blood of patriots"

"Free helicopter rides"

"FEMA camps"

"Why do commies use such violent rhetoric 😭"

ballot box or ammo box

this but economically

That's self defense

based schizopost

I didnt realize that anthropologists are so evil.

unironically want to genocide the entire 'rural' United States, as it's just 'flyover country' full of hillbilly trash

where's the lie tho

Flyover country has colleges and other tiny areas of sanity that don't deserve to be punished.

What the fuck is this non-mayocide bs

Your comment is the other side of "Nazis are taking over the United States and Führer Drumpf wants to round up all brown people!"

Tbh I don't see why that's a problem.

So they're half right

*cough* /u/pizzas hill *cough*

Yeah clearly not wanting rural people to have 3x the political power they should have is wanting to genocide them.

Sorry, this isn't the "United State of California"

TIL citizens of California are less equal than citizens of Alabama.

And the logic for that is they follow public health expert opinion in relation to HIV.

If I had to choose between giving power to commiefornia or giving it way down southern dixie, even if cali sucks im still going to choose them 9.5 times out of ten. Fuck the electoral college and the states that unironically voted for George Wallace.

A large portion of these people unironically want to genocide the entire 'rural' United States

Who wants to expend the energy? Just let fentanyl do it's magic.

What about letting a guy with a terminal illness live on the sacrificial alter until he dies naturally. Or just building a hospice on top of it.

I'll repeat what I said when this was posted like two days ago.

Anthropologists are literally the biggest dipshits on the planet and are almost singlehandedly responsible for the BUT MUH CULTURAL RELATIVISM that has ruined the liberal arts and social sciences. Imagine unironically stating "It's hard for me to imagine that people wanted to be sacrificed, but that's my own biases and cultural conditioning talking."

I studied it, can confirm

luckily, philosophy has left the 1960s and have pretty much abandoned relativism and positivism.

What was wrong with positivism?

Fucking lol this one is especially good.

Positivism will comr back stronger than ever just give it time

These people have been a joke ever since the sokal affair. Anthropology is a laughing stock even among social scientists...

tbf, I think clinical/medical psychology is pretty respected.

Even clinical psychology is beong invaded DAE FREUDE MYSOGGYKNEES

Imagine unironically caring about Freud and calling yourself a scientist.

You're one step above people who take Jung's philosophical ramblings seriously.

He was still very important for the foundation of psychology, reguardless of some of his specific misconceptions and debunked theories.

Psychology died as a official science when pussies stopped us from experimenting on Children and putting Pigeons in Missiles

Jung is important in literary critique, maybe not so much in clinpsych but Freud is just shit where ever he shoves his hooked nose

Jung is important in literary critique

lol wat

nah the french still love freud. i guess that's what comes of having a commie mayor in paris.

Literary critique isn't a science. Jung was a good occultist, that doesn't mean that anyone taking his stuff seriously in a scientific context isn't a retard.

Sociologists wanted to figure out why the other scientists didn’t consider them scientists, so they conducted a single variable survey and asked one person

No, they launched a science research project based consisting of a thorough critical autoethnography.

physical anthro and archaelogy are both fine. they have actual things to reference, as opposed to psych anthro which is basically Just So Stories the whole way down

What's wrong with other anthro? Just because something can't be quantified or isn't material doesn't mean that it doesn't exist or is not important to study. Plus archaeology has a fuckton of political problems that make it difficult to impossible for researchers to challenge long-standing theories.

impossible for researchers to challenge long-standing theories.

what theories are being repressed?

It's not about theories being repressed, but never challenged because nobody provides the funds for any sort of research.

Other area, similar issue: Germany or rather several German federal states heavily invested into full-time schools ~10 years ago because they assumed this will provide better school performance. So far, all research conducted by independent researchers has been in the comparison between full-time schools and the transition of regular schools to full-time schools. However, there have only been two (2!) studies funded so far that compared full-time schools to regular schools and whether the initial hypothesis has been correct. Both of those studies also saw no difference between performance in full-time and regular schools.


Strietholt, Rolf & Manitius, Veronika & Berkemeyer, Nils & Bos, Wilfried (2015). Bildung und Bildungsungleichheit an Halb- und Ganztagsschulen. In Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaften 18, 737-761.

excuse me, I speak nazi

It's not necessarily about theories being repressed, but also never challenged because nobody provides the funds for any sort of research.

Like what? Provide specifics as it pertains to archaeology and archaeological research.

Sadly I don't know/remember, but I've heard from a few grad students that you basically have to wait for someone to die to challenge their narrative if they have any clout and that findings that don't make sense in the context of a dominant theory are more or less hand-waved away and better explanations based on evidence aren't entertained because everyone's afraid of destroying some big wig's life's work and/or getting blacklisted (which is incredibly easy to do in academia where only tenured and tenure-track professors have any form of job security because academia is shit).


Science advances one funeral at a time.

  • Max Planck, he of Planck fame (that's physics, for those not in the loop)

everyone here knows about planck because its the only way we can measure our dicks

No, it means you can't study it.

I take it you don't know anything about research methods...

it's a gigantic mess of bizarro-world pomo and critical theory?

Just because something can't be quantified or isn't material doesn't mean that it doesn't exist or is not important to study.

Not sure how you're using "material" here, plz to be doing the needful and clarify.

And I'd have to disagree about things impossible to quantify. There aren't any. You may think certain attempts to quantify things are insufficient and/or wrong, but you can certainly quantify anything, and that's a critical part of formalization, which the softer flavors of anthro (cultura, social, psychological, etc) fail utterly to do. Those fields are still encompassed by obscurantist bullshit to a large degree, and deeply colored by ideological rules and dogma.

it's a gigantic mess of bizarro-world pomo and critical theory?

How so? I'm sure there are academic circles where they're all about that, but I highly doubt that all of the 'softer' fields have gone completely nuts. I imagine that it's similar to sociology where all of the ___ studies people distract the public from the fact that most fields of sociology have moved towards more rigorous/quantitative methods or otherwise have nothing to do with things like critical theory.

Not sure how you're using "material" here, plz to be doing the needful and clarify.

Tangible and possible to quantify. Sure, you can 'quantify' things like human interaction or cultural norms by counting the amount of times something happens in an hour or sending out a survey asking people how much they value a cultural norm or some other dumb bullshit, but in most cases that's so ineffective at capturing an aspect of a culture that it's meaningless. There's a reason why many fields of science that deal with human behavior/cognition are at least beginning to pick up qualitative methods again after having largely abandoned them. Quantitative methods alone are sufficient for describing low-level behavior and cognition like motor control and attention, but for anything more complex it doesn't even begin to give a full picture, and when you're talking about things like describing a culture or complex systems of interaction quantitative methods are only useful in limited contexts. Even in fields that still have a stigma against qualitative methods, like perception research, teach students that the quantitative data doesn't provide a full picture and doesn't describe the experience of something like vision or pressure.

Those fields are still encompassed by obscurantist bullshit to a large degree, and deeply colored by ideological rules and dogma.

Is there anywhere I can read more about this? It sounds like another case where fringe or pop academics color public perception of the field at large.

Is there anywhere I can read more about this? It sounds like another case where fringe or pop academics color public perception of the field at large.

I don't know why you're even acknowledging the possibility that this isn't the only thing this person is talking about

I highly doubt that all of the 'softer' fields have gone completely nuts

I'm not anywhere near a specialist on the subject but I've read a few books my grandpa had that were from sociologists talking about science/physics. I was struck by how confident and assertive they were at spouting completely wrong bullshit.

How so? I'm sure there are academic circles where they're all about that, but I highly doubt that all of the 'softer' fields have gone completely nuts. I imagine that it's similar to sociology where all of the ___ studies people distract the public from the fact that most fields of sociology have moved towards more rigorous/quantitative methods or otherwise have nothing to do with things like critical theory.

Sure there are. History hasn't been walloped as much as say, Soc or Anthro, much less Lit. And I wouldn't say most in terms of soc (though no, I ain't got a list), but there's definitely significant people out there that are not into that kind of thing, mainly social statisticians like Andy Gelman. Unfortunately most soc / anthro people can't math for shit (and some of them are quite proud of that). Critical _______ Studies definitely does have a heavy impact on the social sciences these days though -- I'd wager there's not a single anthro program in the country that doesn't have units on that. If there is, that's where I should have done undergrad :)

So, if you're saying "material" means "tangible and possible to quanity" (which isn't how I'd use it but YMMV since I'd use a more philosophical definition rooted in eliminative materialism). Right, so I'd doubt there are really any things that fall into the immaterial category based on "possible to quantify" but "tangible" needs to be further defined, in cases like x-rays, etc. which are not strictly tangible, yet definitely exist, and whose resulting effects on the reality can definitely be seen and quantified in a very granular sense.

but for anything more complex it doesn't even begin to give a full picture, and when you're talking about things like describing a culture or complex systems of interaction quantitative methods are only useful in limited contexts.

Agreed, the distinction between data and hypothesis is an important one to make. My core philosophical objection is to streams of thought that ignore quantitative metrics, or have a very loosey-goosey sort of approach to anything quant-ish at all, all of which are present in the academy today, and really have been on the freudian/marxist side since before WWII. A perfect example is a fantastic work of scholarship which is just plain wrong -- The Ghost Dance by Weston LaBarre -- whose main thrust is that the origin of religion itself is via crisis cults. It's a voluminous, well-cited, well-researched work that fails because of its ideological underpinnings in Marx and Freud, which while very contemporaenous for the time it was written (1970), has not aged well.

Even in fields that still have a stigma against qualitative methods, like perception research, teach students that the quantitative data doesn't provide a full picture and doesn't describe the experience of something like vision or pressure.

So true. There's only so much you can get from data points before analysis comes in -- that's really the whole point of things, I just deeply distrust innumerate people using either light/no data points, or the type of free association logic that is so often a problem in those domains. Plus there's a giant amount of soft-headed bullshit still floating around in those fields: people like Derrida, Lacan, etc; Womens/Critical/Indigenous/X Studies, most of social psychology, these fields are full of reprobate ideologues who do Opposite Science -- determine their results first, according to whatever ideology is fashionable at the time, and then do their "studies" -- which quite often are things like a small sample size, poorly writtem, self-selected poll like you would find on Buzzfeed, with a 65% non-response rate, which is then bandied about as proof positive of some extremist position or another. Or all the papers whose innumerate authors failed to correctly calculate P, or used incorrect statistical tests, or just plain made math errors -- there's tons of these floating about.

Is there anywhere I can read more about this? It sounds like another case where fringe or pop academics color public perception of the field at large.

Anywhere really. Crack open Of Grammatology or Anti-Oedipus or anything along those lines, all of which are taught in anthro schools, hell even Levi-Strauss wasn't exactly a paragon of clarity. These are not fringe academics. Or just look at the influence upon the field by people like Saussaure, whose linguistics (proven badly wrong in the 1960s) is an integral part of semiotics and the works of people like Derrida (who mangled it completely) who've had massive impacts not just on soc, but anthro also. Even Geertz, who I actually quite like at times, and who was a really nice guy, is deeply obscure in his writing. In my experience, anthropologists generally cannot write, or do math. It's sad really. At least the historians can write :)

Or look up the Chagnon affair, to see the impact of these types of ideologues. Or how the Noble Savage myth still exists, just morphed into the "Indigneous peoples did no wrong, they lived in pure peaceful harmony until the Big Bad White Man came!" shit that litters the field, from carefully massaged and excluded homicide rates among hunter gatherers, to the long-time denial of the scale, and sometimes the very existence, of Aztec + Mayan + Native American human sacrifice and cannibalism. Though those guys have mainly given up, since it's kinda hard to argue with thousands upon thousands of skeletons at the bottom of cenotes and giant pyramids of skulls. I mean, look at the post the other day with the twitter academic's ongoing apologetics around that issue. That type POV is fairly common.

Now, you're totally right in terms of saying that the outbursts of vocal minorities in the field definitely color the popular perception, but that's only possible since the more reasonable people tend to hide in books and avoid conflict. And the "more reasonable" way of doing this is not really ascendant in the social sciences at the moment -- and I say that not based on outragefilter shit from TiA or somewhere along those lines, but from what my friends still in academia, mostly in the social sciences, tell me. A few of them have gone over to the dark site recently also, which is always a shame. And let's not forget official publications by groups like the AAUP and the APA and the AAA.

tbf, I think clinical/medical psychology is pretty respected

Sure, if you ignore the recent replication crisis controversy that saw half of published studies in the field being unrepeatable. Not as bad as social psychology where it was something like 2/3 of published study results weren't able to replicated.

It's pretty much the same in economics, medicine and some of the hard sciences. Across the broad we see a replication crisis

to varying degrees, psychology's replication crisis is particularly bad though.

the sokal affair

You mean that time a physicist decided to bait a minor cultural studies journal with no real peer-review process into publishing an article they knew to be impossible to pretend, played on their willingness to engage with somebody on the basis of his scientific reputation, and then refused to make even the most minor of corrections in order to purportedly show up a whole set of fields of which they were not representative?

... and then proceeded to non-ironically publish a book on social theory using a poverty of rigor or research as ridiculous as the deliberate parody>

I really like that super revealing article in the TES, which shows up both him and Bricmont as, essentially, sniggering schoolboys having a laugh at the teacher's expense. It even opens with them sniggering over random sentences in a sociology textbook they think sound funny.

Never succumb to the temptation of bitterness.



he said sniggering not niggering, fix your shit bot

What article is that?

I can't find it on a brief search in my current physical state, but it's an interview with the pair of them in, I'm pretty sure, the Times Educational Supplement

Tbf it's pretty dumb to get offended about anything anyone did a thousand years ago... when you look at things from a scientific perspective, you are not usually interested in throwing around judgements on people, you're just describing what happened.

Which is why what this idiot on Twitter said is so stupid. She should of been like "dude I'm just reporting the way it was, I doesn't matter if you to like it." Instead she spent a bunch of tweets trying to convince everybody that what they did was totes cool and it's the white people that should be the ones ashamed of their history.

That ain't what this lady said though. She was explicitly trying to moralize human sacrifice instead of looking at it from a neutral scientific perspective.

No one in philosophy defends relativism. It's not defensible in it's normative or meta-ethical forms at all. But anthropologists make the mistake of seeing relativism in it's descriptive and methodological validity and extend that to making meta-ethical claims all the fucking time. This mistake has literally been happening since the 1920s. If this dummy uses the logic she applied to the Aztecs she can't condemn Hitler for all his hi jinks either.

Especially considering both murderous rampages were conducted on top of cultural complicity and conditioned helplessness, and motivated by esoteric occultism.

I couldn't have said this better myself. There's a pretty big fucking difference between adopting cultural relativism as a research conceit (which was done in the first place because early anthropology was conducted almost exclusively by British and German dudes in pith helmets who thought the natives they were studying were literal subhumans--obviously you don't want that) and extending it to normative situations. Worse yet, this retardness has seeped into the discourse at large. It's why white coastal libruls think people in middle America are dipshits for going to church on Sunday but will gladly defend Muslims and Africans whose social views are by any rational standard 100x more regressive and harmful. Sorry for the serious post but this rustles my jimmies like few other things.

well said though

Philosophy is barely a subject. 'God is real because that would be hella good.' How dumb are philosophers?


That was basically Kant's reasoning.

I know you guys are deliberately dipshits, but this isn't even funny by /r/drama standards

He didn't even go for the low-hanging Kant/cunt pun. Disappointing.


Someone has to pay for welfare.


GOOD post

Relativism is necessary to accurately describe a culture though. If a researcher forms a bias then it's going to color their work and make it more likely to be inaccurate. It's a research tool as much as the null hypothesis is. However, when it's extended beyond an academic context then it becomes an issue.

Yeah relativism is necessary as a methodological principle... any other form is bad news

No one in philosophy defends relativism

Russell Blackford, one of the most prominent philosophers working today, defends the views of "thoughtful relativists" such as David Wong and Jesse Prinz, who are both also prominent philosophers, even though he ultimately disagrees. So that's three "ones" in philosophy who indicate you probably didn't check google before you made this claim.

No one, almost no one, not too big of a djfference fam

besides i still think wong is an objectivist pluralist and not a relativist

The second one, sure, I don't really care. The first one is bullshit: dude said relativism is indefensible amongst philosophers, Blackford thinks it's defensible even if wrong.


Wong's pluralistic relativism is a different doctrine with some very soft meta-ethical consequences compared to actual cultural/moral relativism.

Sure, but you said, quote,

No one in philosophy defends relativism

You also said, quote,

It's not defensible in it's normative or meta-ethical forms at all

Traditionally, people who know what they're talking about in philosophy, and who wish to give something back to a world that isn't always fully cogniscant of the relevant stuff, don't consider it, at their best, a good thing say things which directly contradict their later statements like, quote,

Wong's pluralistic relativism is a different doctrine with some very soft meta-ethical consequences compared to actual cultural/moral relativism

Notice that the word "relativism" appears in all of these comments, even though what you've said is that "relativism" is indefensible. So what's going on here?

Sure, but you said, quote,

No one in philosophy defends relativism

You also said, quote,

It's not defensible in it's normative or meta-ethical forms at all

Traditionally, people who know what they're talking about in philosophy, and who wish to give something back to a world that isn't always fully cogniscant of the relevant stuff, don't consider it, at their best, a good thing say things which directly contradict their later statements like, quote,

Wong's pluralistic relativism is a different doctrine with some very soft meta-ethical consequences compared to actual cultural/moral relativism

Notice that the word "relativism" appears in all of these comments, even though what you've said is that "relativism" is indefensible. Worse, you say that "actual relativism" ("cultural/moral") is different from "pluralistic relativism". So is a "pluralistic relativism" not in fact a form of "actual relativism"? Is Wong just wrong to call this view "relativism"?

So what's going on here?

Right I see what you're saying. Relativism in philosophy is almost always taken to mean moral or cultural relativism, a pretty specific line of thinking. If you take relativism to mean anything but moral objectivism - that's actually wrong too. So if you want to talk about pluralistic relativism, which is the work of a single philosopher who takes some very rough lessons from descriptive relativism to inform his doctrine, I think you're being overly pedantic. Especially considering Wong's premises - where he essentially argues relativism can or does exist on a bedrock of an objective moral criteria.

Just because a guy once put a word in front of a long established argument in philosophy does not mean I have to consider that in conveying the general consensus of said argument.

Relativism in philosophy is almost always taken to mean moral or cultural relativism, a pretty specific line of thinking.

This still doesn't work because we're discussing forms of moral relativism

And does Blackburn defend moral relativism? Or does he defend something called quasi realism

Jesus fucking Christ you are dense

Lay it out to me then champ

"Simon Blackburn" is a different person from "Russell Blackford", whom we have been talking about this entire time.

Dude you literally just said BLACKBURN who is also a big name in relativism. Why would I not suppose if you SAID BLACKBURN I would not think of BLACKBURN. Get off your high chair. Ok. BlackFORD doesn't defend relativism either. so whats your fucking point

It's right there in the first comment, which is also why you should have thought of Blackford instead of Blackburn, because that is the "Black-" that we've been talking about this entire time:

No one in philosophy defends relativism

Russell Blackford, one of the most prominent philosophers working today, defends the views of "thoughtful relativists" such as David Wong and Jesse Prinz, who are both also prominent philosophers, even though he ultimately disagrees. So that's three "ones" in philosophy who indicate you probably didn't check google before you made this claim.

Oh that comment yesterday (?) sorry I was responding to comment you made one minute ago. No we have no been talking about Blackford because I didn't even take note of that comment as it is retarded.

"who are both also prominent philosophers, EVEN THOUGH HE ULTIMATELY DISAGREES. So that's three "ones" in philosophy who indicate you probably didn't check google before you made this claim"

I'm really confused how you got to the point of being able to recognise names like "Simon Blackburn" or "Russell Blackford" without being able to keep in mind basic things like "the topic of this conversation" or ever learning to read.

Because this conversation holds little importance to me? This only became about Blackford retrospectively because you needed SOMEONE who defends relativism, yet what you failed to realize is that he does not actually defend relativism.

The topic of conversation is your confusion over generally accepted terms of moral theories. No amount of furiously googling someone who once said something different is going to alter the fact the when you speak of moral or cultural relativism people don't associate that with Wong's pluralistic relativism - which isn't really a position even close to moral or cultural relativism at all.

Also, if you're pulling quotes from my history(which shows you have some sort of emotional baggage to work through) please acknowledge their context. That was me attempting to talk a teenage SJW off the cliff. But actually, what is so wrong with suggesting reading Jung makes looking at fiction more interesting? At the very least the pattern recognition involved should be fun for blockhead like you.

I'm not sure I'm the one with the emotional baggage here

I don't think I'm the one with the emotional baggage here.

For what it's worth, whatever you learned in first-year undergrad about Wong, Russell Blackford takes it as a sufficiently relativist account to include it in his stuff about moral relativism. You're welcome to read his work.

Trolling through someones post searching for a 'got cha!' moment suggests you need something else to spend time on. Also who in first year is reading about Wong's pluralistic relativism lol.

Next time I talk about relativism I'll make sure to mention Wong, despite the fact part of his argument for pluralistic relativism uses one of the most common arguments against moral/cultural/meta-ethical/normative relativism.

Are you confused about the fact the just because you reject objectivism that does not then mean you are taking a relativist position? Lol

Anyone I have to go today we're learning about 'Utilitarianism'!

Also who in first year is reading about Wong's pluralistic relativism lol.

I guess some of us had educators with more confidence in our abilities than others.

Next time I talk about relativism I'll make sure to mention Wong, despite the fact part of his argument for pluralistic relativism uses one of the most common arguments against moral/cultural/meta-ethical/normative relativism.

Yes, which is the point: Wong's rejection of naive relativism ends up with something which is still, for some people, a form of relativism. Hence he defends relativism. Why is this so hard for you?

Trolling through someones post searching for a 'got cha!' moment suggests you need something else to spend time on.

It's called procrastination. Those of us with some academic training happen to be good at procrastination that involves using research skills.

Yeah I think for sure you belong to a special group! :) Wong's pluralistic relativism is possibly the only non-garbage defense of "relativism" that we both know of, but the problem is, it's not a defence of 'relativism' at all... ??????? I've read his stuff. It's his fault for him to work within the terms of relativism.

"Those of us with academic training" did you really just write that YEEUSH, You stink adn you know it. I'm not a phil major. I'm working towards a phd in epidemiology if U must know

Right, so there is at least one non-garbage defence of relativism, along with Blackford etc. I'm glad we agree that your initial statement was wrong

I'm not a phil major.

And I was, maybe some epistemic humility is in order.

I'm working towards a phd in epidemiology if U must know

Epidemiology is interesting, I do philosophy of science. Please to meet you.

It's not relativism. Moral objectivism requires simply 1 moral rule that is true in all cases (something like one should never torture babies for fun) I mean if you want to go 101 the argument for cultural relativism is something like

P1. Different cultures have different beliefs about what is right and wrong P2. Beliefs about what is right and wrong are then relative to one’s culture C1. Therefore, there is no objective right and wrong that extends to all cultures (moral objectivism is false)

So the most basic argument against this is that A., just because there is disagreement does not mean there is no objective truth (flat earth- Rachels) and B. Pojman, and many others say there are certain moral rules that are required in order for society to exist and not destroy itself - like don't kill for fun in any case. Wong suggests that morality has a functional purpose to sustain group cooperation (Darwinian morality). So wong talks about basic norms that morality must require, stuff like reciprocity, , but again this is just basic Darwinian morality, then wong talks much like Kant about agency or Kant would say autonomy i suppose, basically a ability to be moral. But the point is Wong's relativism relies on a basis of objective moral goals, on which he argues then can societies and cultures build their own relative moral codes, he does this using epistemological arguments mainly. I can quote wong here talking about moral pluralism: "there are a few basic moral principles that all cultures should follow" - I mean, that's literally an argument for objectivism... So I think Wong is mistaken using the word relativism in his work.

You know best, obviously

No, no they aren’t. You’re thinking of sociologists.

Found the anthropologist!

What about physical Anthropology?

Is that an actual thing or are you trolling?

She kind of has a point. Many highly devout traditions emphasize death as something good, including modern Muslims.

But three guesses if she would call the white Christian evangelical martyrs an example of an innocent CULTURE OF PEACE.

I remember taking an anthropology class at lsu and being pissed when I found out we weren't gonna' be diggin up dinosaur bones

That's your fault for taking an anthropology class and not a paleontology class.

congratulations on getting the joke XD

It literally is cultural relativism at play. Imagine that the human sacrificing middle eastern cults wiped out judaism and we had a world where 1/3rd of the population practiced human sacrifices. Those people would look at Hindu and Buddhists as culturally strange. Literally the only reason people in this thread find this idea hilarious is because judeo-christianity took over and until recently morality was derived from that source.

I think secular humanism will eventually solve the issue of whether human sacrifices was an absolute human wrong or not.

I'm pretty sure people would be averse to being murdered in the name of Huacapottapotumus the Jaguar God regardless of whether they came from a Judeo-Christian tradition or not you euphoric neckbeard fartsniffer

why? if your whole belief system centralizes how you die over how you live, and sacrificial death is viewed as basically the best way to die (like this lady says it worked for the aztecs), it doesn't seem that hard to imagine someone being totally down for being sacrificed. i mean jehovah's witnesses in america right now refuse life-saving blood transfusions entirely because of religious belief. a particular aversion to ritual sacrifice over other forms of death is absolutely culturally encoded

In theory some were totally OK with sacrifice in much the same way that Christians are OK with giving away all their worldly possessions and Muslims are down with tolerating other religions. In practice, not so much. People don't like giving away their life or property, whudda thunk. In practice, the Aztecs sacrificed tons of non-Aztecs for this very reason, which is why the non-Atzecs were on board with the Spaniards fucking the Aztecs' shit up.

Sure, you have vanishingly small minorities of zealots who believe otherwise, but, they're vanishingly small minorities for a reason and everyone else thinks they're retarded.

Further, I like to think that because we as humans are capable of logic and stuff, we can call upon values and rationales beyond whatever the religion of our culture is, or at very least trust our basest instincts of AVOID DEATH and LIVE EASIEST LIFE POSSIBLE to avoid hyper-zealot death cult faggotry. If you couldn't, (1) shitposting on the Internet and (2) chucking spears at capybara on the banks of the Amazon while wearing a loincloth would seem like equally appealing options. Yet here you are doing the former. I bet the desire to do that latter has never once crossed your mind, fancy that.

this is a really weird and stupid argument. i agree that pretending all the aztecs would actually, on an individual level, buy into their metaphysics to the death is a stupid proposition, because of our lizard-brain instincts, but your proposal of some set of transcendental "values and rationales" as a ward against bad ideas isnt any less retarded. people generally seem to possess self-interest, and that generally seems to incline them towards acts that are not immediately deadly (although the prevalence of suicide proves even this can only be argued with serious caveats), i don't really think theres any universal claims you can make about human psychology beyond that. theres certainly no such thing as an intrinsic "logic" we possess that couldnt easily be convinced human sacrifice is justified, it just seems that way because the value system we're immersed in is very anti-human sacrifice. yeah, self-interest makes the case for why you, in particular, should be sacrificed much harder, but the practice in general? easily.

and the desire to hunt capybara in the amazon has never crossed my mind because i live on a different continent and our sociopolitical structures make it impossible to even be a hunter-gatherer anyway. i dont really know why you think this says anything about anything.

people generally seem to possess self-interest

So we agree?

the desire to hunt capybara in the amazon has never crossed my mind because i live on a different continent and our sociopolitical structures make it impossible to even be a hunter-gatherer anyway

So you're saying doing so would be against the self-interest we both agree exists and is the primary human motivation?

dont even know what point youre trying to argue anymore lol. and im saying becoming tarzan in the amazon would be impossible, which comes prior to any statement about its desirability

we all know what the amazon is like, i mean didn't we all read Hovitos: The Innocent People, I. Jones, 1932?

Those people would look at Hindu and Buddhists as culturally strange.

Huh? The Hindu tradition contains at least a few different forms of human sacrifice.

Anthropologists are literally the biggest dipshits on the planet

I believe this woman is a journalist


Journalists are literally the biggest dipshits on the planet

Women are literally the biggest dipshits on the planet

Yep, it works on multiple levels.

Your mother!

finds random group of people in (insert pacific island) or (insert native group of people) they do really weird stuff sometimes “Alright boys this explains why the entire system of values used by centuries of people is wrong.”

"The Aru Islanders of the north coast of Australia invert their penises and practice a form of male concubinage of youths. This is why self castration and pedophilia is totally fine."

Daily reminder that gassing jews is just part of Nazi culture so please don't say it's bad.

sorry, but that's just part of my culture, so please don't say that saying gassing jews is bad is bad.

Can you explain to me what is exactly wrong with what you quoted. Someone who is raised in a completely different environment will think very differently, what is incorrect about that?

Were the founding fathers evil for owing slaves? If not why does BUT MUH CULTURAL RELATIVISM apply to cultures separated by space but not by time?

I remember taking legal anthropology and it was a very interesting class about law and society interaction in history. I don't know how anthropology is in its pure form but I would definitely recommend the legal part of it. But then again, we didn't have a retarded mayo chick as our lecturer but an actual professor with decades of experience.

This is why we need mayocide NOW

2018, when people started defending pedophilia and human sacrifice...

I should get a twitter account. So much drama

Imagine getting 700 likes an 350 retweets on tweet that basically says slavery wasn't evil because the slavers didnt see melanin rich as ppl

I agree with her

also all the those jews gassed in WWII ? it was an honor to sacrifice their lives for the glory of the grand Aryan race

their surviving relatives should send us a thank you card

Trick question there were no gas chambers the holohoax is a Jewish supremacist myth

You have broken through the gas ceiling

This but post ironically

the best is all the dumb fucks agreeing with her

holy shit these people cant be for real

Pinkos aren't human.

McCarthy literally did NOTHING wrong.

They whitewashed, pun intended, the mesoamerican exhibit in the Field Museum, to the point where their religion was all awesome and there is NO mention of human sacrifice, and everything was peaceful and wonderful. Interestingly they also narrow the Spanish conquest down to one small section in a narrow hallway.

I think it was done with the intention of just talking about the "good things" but its beyond sugar coating.


Or warfare. It would be like giving a history of the Vikings or Rome and not mentioning war or religion.

So they fought stupid charicatures of Aztecs as bloodthirsty psychos with stupid charicatures of Aztecs as tree-hugging peaceniks. Quoth Lrrr:

Lrrr: Wait. What am I saying? If I poach this beast's lower horn, am I any better than that ranger with his demented foot lust? Yes. But not by enough.

And eating babies


Absolutely degenerate.

Pinkos are literal demons. Their entire ideology in all of it's form is born out of spite and spite alone, all of their works are destruction and "deconstructionism".

damn you make me sound even cooler than i am

I unironically think this is okay and correct.

But you can't then turn around and say slavery and colonialism were the worst things in the world without excusing it for the same reasons.

The Mexica, like many Mesoamerican cultures, believed that without human sacrifice, the sun would stop rising and the world would end. They saw the skulls on the tzompantli as seeds they planted to insure the existence of future generations of people.

My people believe that if we give the women the right to vote the sun would stop rising and the world would end. We see women in the kitchen as seeds we plant to insure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

I think that it's time to have a discussion on why it's time for a discussion on why this practice is not "horrific" or "loaded [with] evil," as some of you have said.

I wanna make fun of this but i really don't have anything. This is just fucked up.

The social "sciences" were a mistake

Why are the mens on this thread so mad?

1) A woman said something. 2) see #1

Absolute state of lefty academia

sounds like she’s saying it’s just the regular amount of evil

It wasn’t “horrific”.

What is it with crazy leftists and lacking historical knowledge? The Spanish were able to conquer the Aztecs because their neighbors rose up in mass rebellion for having their members sacrificed and treated like shit.

I unironically see what she's trying to say to the Aztecs and the like, sacrifice was (theoretically) viewed as a great honour and those who were sacrificed were treated like kings before they were killed, and were supposed to go to the highest levels of Mesoamerica "heaven".

However that does not actually mean that human sacrifice is right, it's objectively wrong. But to be fair I don't think she's arguing that human sacrifice is right, just that the Aztecs and general mesoamerica had some "justification" for it in their world views.

Also, right now we have people literally blowing themselves up in part because of their religious beliefs about the afterlife. But, we aren't supposed to study a culture based on what they believed about themselves and how they viewed the sacrifice.

Cause human sacrifice for spiritual strength and climate change beliefs is infantile and evil, but if you are a euro torturing and killing masses so they believe in your God is a-ok with the mayos lol. Anyone that can’t understand her argument here is dumb dumb dumb.

TBH I'm not against this. I'm all for human sacrifice as long as they make it public.

Only if the executioners are privatized outfits.

Agreed. I hate it when governments legalise something only because they want to give their buddies a monopoly on it.

I really shouldn't be surprised that Gregory Malchuk is up in her replies talking about infant circumcision. This is like the 5th time this week that I've been looking at something completely unrelated to baby penises, yet there is Gregory Malchuk in the comments sperging out about foreskins and how the Jews are running a multi-million dollar circumcision racket.

I've noticed that faggots are particularly into foreskins and ass-eating and so forth. Like they have to demonstrate their cock-fervor by getting into the grossest possible sex acts.

Without the harvesting of faggot and nigger skulls, my crop will not grow and my children will starve. Killing if I get lucky and find a faggot nigger, I can skip having to kill one for a week.

Imagine being so liberal you think refusing to bake a cake is bigotry but humans being sacrificed to idols is diversity

I like her twitter avatar

Human sacrifice was a sign of a very interesting cognative revolution where people were toying with the basics of investment, sacrifice a little now for a lot later, sacrifice a lot now for even more later. What's more than a human life? Unfortunately that was before they learned that there was no karmic entity that balanced the books of suffering and pleasure so their sacrifices were total wastes and then Spanish people killed them.

Imagine getting conquered by fucking Spain

We do need to bring back virgin sacrifices, but that would mean most of Reddit's audience would be lost.

This woman is a fucking moron.

The Mexica almost always sacrificed people from other tribes who didn't even believe in their death cult religion.

She got even her central premise wrong in her eagerness to virtue signal.

Their ideology is so strange. They don't seem to understand that the Aztecs were the local slavers and imperialists. Cool article anyway.

The surplus population that was consumed by sacrifices because not employable but still consuming, is the same population that now writes SJW stuff on the internet, thanks to Capitalism terrible mismanagement of excess labour. Let it sink in.

imagine being such a colonialist that you think the sun will continue rising if we don't murder thousands of people and display their skulls! Fucking ignorant westerners!

Aztec slavers are pretty OP in Civ6

"Ruling-class barbarity is fine as long as brown people do it."

Well waddaya know? Evil and good aint always soooo black and white. Got some gray bits in there too

The Aztec, also known as Mexica, periodically sacrificed children as it was believed that the rain god, Tlaloc, required the tears of children.

Yes, they definitely wanted it, little sluts.

It’s all fun and modern to hate on the Spaniards who landed in central and South America but they saw some really horrific shit. Doesn’t excuse everything that went down but some of the records they returned with were all sorts of fucked up.

>Thinking anthropology is a science


white women are literally of the devil and should be mass killed. here's why (and that's a good thing). take any evil act, and you'll find these thots to be the most enthusiastic supporters of it. fucking mindless retards.

well i mean, she isn't wrong to a certain degree. it's hard to imagine wanting to go to war and hoping you die in battle, but that's exactly what vikings where like, cause they believe dying in battle means you get to go to a heaven dimension where you get to beat the shit out of each other, fuck hot wenches, and be perpetually drunk for eternity.

who's to say some people getting sacrificed didn't also feel psyched about whatever pretend dimension their whacky religion said they would get to party in? also, modern day example, people LITERALLY ASPLODE THEMSELVES because they believe they get to party with 70 tight young virgins for eternity.

religion is kooky.

Not their faults. It was started by the Phoenicians, Africans, and Chinese who arrived and started the Olmec empire.

Her: "When trying to understand historical events it's crucial to be aware of how your own culture influences how you interpret and perceive these events".


Except she thinks all her cultural references involve white guilt.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Imagine being dis fucking WOKE

This bullshit is why prof memerson got big in the first place.

As Canadians, I don't think I'm able to fully appreciate the culture which led to child immigrants being separated from their parents at the border and being detained, so I refuse to call it evil.