Milo Responds

176  2018-06-28 by scrivenontheedge


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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He probably was kidding, but I hope some jackass thinks he wasn't and offs him.

You should kill yourself.

Lol jk I'm just being HILARIOUS.

Epic Style!

You know where you are, right? That’s literally this subreddits favorite unfunny joke. Keep yourself safe xD

then gtfo mouthbreather

It’s all fun and games until someone discards their ID, burns off their fingertips, and shoots a building.

“It’s just a joke bruv!”

It was just a prank bro

I can't wait for the day when people will take arms and start liking journalists...

journalists get killed

I wasn't saying it that way...

It's already been confirmed that the guy that shot up the newspaper office had obsessively hated them for years and lost a lawsuit against them in 2015.

And the pedo's ironic joke pushed him over the edge.

You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:

Chuck Norris's log statements are always at the FATAL level.

Consider suicide.

What did he say?

No telling people to kill themselves jfc

wait, that's against the rules now?? jesus, what is the world coming to... 😔

end it faggot


Milo makes me homophobic

After I read Milo drama I make sure to ask for an extra aggressive top on Grindr

Seriously. Almost makes me believe the mentally ill arguments the bat shit insane righties throw out.

Doesn’t he himself also make that argument? I remember something like that.

He has argued it’s nurture v nature, ie the surroundings of a child tilting them one way or another.

In a way I could agree with it. IIRC a significant percentage of transsexuals had parents with BPD, compared to the population. I think there may have been a couple for the gays as well pointing to some parental issues, but as usual, nothing conclusive.

In another way, I just don’t care. Someone wants to be gay, or is born gay, whatever. Just behave and keep that Pride Parade shenanigans in SF.

Just behave and keep that Pride Parade shenanigans in SF.

Lol dude I don’t care about your triggers

That’s nice sweety.

He's a shame to hellenes everywhere. Quite the accomplishment truthfully.

Hold on was it “a joke” or telling journalist to stop asking him questions as a “fuck off”. 1 post and he manages to contradict himself. 🙄

It’s a record. Usually the second post contradicts the first.

Not mutually exclusive things.


Either he's serious in telling them to fuck off or he isn't.

You can call it a hyperbole or whatever, but you can't be serious and joking at the same time.

Trust me, I'm a certified jester.

Yet you're trying to be serious right now -- meanwhile you're a joke.

No u

Maybe if you got your head out of your ass you would realize you're defending people who think Milo holds a valid opinion on something.

No I dont actually think your head is in your ass.

Inspiring a mass shooter to own the libs!

He managed to make himself somewhat relevant again. Gj Milo


Stochastic terrorism is cool and good.

You could actually add another paragraph to this post at the end about ensuring the truth is protected at all costs, and how it's time to start "fighting back against FAKE NEWS" and it would fit perfectly

What a fucking degenerate faggot pus sac

lol this sounds like the little speech id give my parents in middle school before the report cards with the comments come out.

"Guys, i was just making a funny maymay. Don't *actually * go shoot journos."

"But lowkey do because it's their fault for publishing the things I say to them as a 'troll.'"

"Here are two names of specific journalists, by the way."

I was just LARPing!


Oh look guys Milo's still alive. I would have thought he'd overdosed by now.

dont think u can overdose on cock


Freddy Mercury's poisoning

PREP is a thing now

>current year +3


get with the times

ass cancer is the new deal

not with that attitude

Have you seen Courtney Love??


or gotten shot aparently

He's a GIANT coke head, although apparently in casual conversation he's really nice, but very jittery from the nose candy.

Source: I know a college Republican who was his handler for one of his "I <3 Daddy!" talks

I Sent A Troll

The only news story I want to see concerning this squishy bit of fecal matter stuck to our National Shoe, is the story relating his imminent deportation. If they actually did put him on a raft and send him back that way, I'd be OK with that too.

We should elect someone to build a wall to keep these undesirable immigrants out or something.

Wall off the Atlantic?

If those filthy Dutch bastards can do it so can we!

Imagine if a Latino member of MS13 had threatened a reporter for the Washington Moonie Times. We can already guess that Trump would be ready to implement the death penalty. It is telling that he hasn't said a word about Milo the Murderer's incitement to terroristic activities on U S soil.

When the President is unable or unwilling (dereliction of) to carry out the duties of his Office, he must be impeached and removed. Clearly Trump cannot be relied upon to protect all US citizens equally, particularly those who are critical of or otherwise opposed to his administration policies.

You don't get to, as President of the USA, ignore the human rights of half the country just because they didn't vote for your malignant orange ass.

This is either a seriouspost, a copypasta, or the best damned impersonation of an /r/politics post ever. You must really love the bussy to be this upset over a joke about putting Milo on the other side of a wall to keep him out of the country.

no ure mad.

We don't want him back, he's your problem now.

Man, it would be terrible if Milo was the next journalist to be tragically killed by disgruntled vigilantes.

I would be personally disgusted and not secretly feel euphoria if both freedom of expression and the value of human life was violated in such an evil way.

I like Milo and I don't really care about any of this.

I like Milo

you stupid fuck

Goodnight HULKAMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks

the mayocide really cant come fast enough


Imagine being such a worthless knob that you hide behind the gayest wrestling terms. You should really keep yourself safe, friendo. Dangerous world out there for the stupid.

This jabronie just got worked into a shoot.

The treatment for liking Milo is forced euthanasia

A journalist asked me a question, I answered it, and then they actually published my answer! What a twist, who would ever have expected such a thing?!

And then he published it himself.

Do you honestly think someone would say that not in jest? We say mayocide every day. If your boss saw that what would you say?

i was trolling

Nah nigga that wuz real ur fault pplz dead

> mayocide is only a joke


Just enjoy your 5 minutes of relevance, Milo. Don't spoil it by whining about it.

He’d say anything to get that Mercer money to come back

Kinda rings echo to take issue with this when this is the same sub that had to be told to stop telling people to keep themselves safe


this sub is weird af ¯_(ツ)_/¯ i guess it's less of an echochamber compared to some other politically related subs but it's always surprising to see how perspectives shift with each topic

/r/drama and hypocrisy, name a more iconic duo.

> fabricated drama in order to stay relevant

"i sent a troll"

*private* response to a few hostile journalists


to journalists

Really nuzzles the ol' puzzler

I sent a troll about "vigilante death squads"

a troll

jfc this is just embarrassing

This is what happens when you discover the internet in your 20s or 30s: you think it's OK to unironically act the same way here as you do in real life.

"as a private response to a few hostile journalists"

Oh god.




But but but they were mean to me!

I think UKIP is going to be very happy with their new members.

This is par for the course for them, they're not like a real political party or something.

Literaly every commie-LARPing sub is having a MILO DID IT REEEEEEE on top of their sub, not even an hour after the shooting happened, whitout any info on the shooter. r/LSC, r/esist, r/politics, r/chapo. Even actual (((poltical newspaper))) put that as their front.

Turns out, it's a mexican mad he got exposed as a male feminist lmao.

Enjoy your 6 more years of Trump, you deserve it.

Enjoy your 6 more years of Trump, you deserve it.


Enjoy your 6 more years of Trump, you deserve it.

yaaaaaaaaaaaaas daddy

Turns out, it's a mexican mad he got exposed as a male feminist lmao.

Where are you getting this because from this [reuters article](] it seems like he's mad they wrote about his criminal harassment case

The point is, it's obviously not Yiannapoulos's fault.

You're not wrong and I don't know why you're getting downvoted.

Milo might be a dumb twink, but it's unlikely his comment had anything to do with the killer's motive, dude already had a longstanding grudge against the paper for personal reasons. The REEEEEEE crowd just wants to find a way to blame this on one of their Alt-Right boogeymen.

Normally when everyone in a reddit thread is pretending to believe something retarded like "right wing death squads constitutes a legitimate threat" it's because someone's paying some Russians to post and upvote it. People entering the conversation are dissuaded from posting about how Right Wing Death Squads are an established meme and an obvious joke by all the people going "yeah right Milo it sure was a le funny maymay you limey murderer"

The harassment case was years old. Not saying it is Milo's fault, but it really wouldn't be hard to argue the guy took his "joke" to heart and simply decided to kill two birds with one stone by attacking the newspaper that had done him wrong.

The shooter had a deranged, obsessive grudge with this particular newspaper dating back years, but somehow some retard sending a PM 24h earlier, so not destined to be public, is responsible for it?

I know it's hard for you, everyone is desperately disappointed to find that they can’t connect this to their favorite national political narrative.

You’ll have to wait till the next shooting

I'm sure sending what is essentially a threat to a journalist can't be expected to get out, especially since he then published it himself.

The collective iq in this thread seems to be lower than usual. Maybe you find his joke distateful and that itches the sand in your vaginas but in the end who shared his "private" joke to the whole world ? I really wonder. Do you wonder ?

You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:

Chuck Norris can read from an input stream.

Who said drama needs to be relevant? We are all unprincipled voyeurs on this blessed sub.

He could actually be jailed under the provisions of the USA PATRIOT ACT (sections 41 and 802 define his actions as domestic terrorism.

(IV) is a representative (as defined in clause (v)) of— ‘‘(aa) a foreign terrorist organization, as designated by the Secretary of State under section 219, or ‘‘(bb) a political, social or other similar group whose public endorsement of acts of terrorist activity the Secretary of State has determined undermines United States efforts to reduce or eliminate terrorist activities,’’; (ii) in subclause (V), by inserting ‘‘or’’ after ‘‘section 219,’’; and (iii) by adding at the end the following new subclauses: ‘‘(VI) has used the alien’s position of prominence within any country to endorse or espouse terrorist activity, or to persuade others to support terrorist activity or a terrorist organization, in a way that the Secretary of State has determined undermines United States efforts to reduce or eliminate terrorist activities, or

(F) by amending clause (iv) (as redesignated by subparagraph (B)) to read as follows: ‘‘(iv) ENGAGE IN TERRORIST ACTIVITY DEFINED.— As used in this chapter, the term ‘engage in terrorist activity’ means, in an individual capacity or as a member of an organization— ‘‘(I) to commit or to incite to commit, under circumstances indicating an intention to cause death or serious bodily injury, a terrorist activity

to get around the 1st amendment you have to be aware that your speech are likely to cause imminent lawless violence.

That was before the 9/11. You have to remember that the US has already claimed the right (and has acted on this claim) to jail foreign nationals without due process or with regard to their free speech rights.

The case of Anwar Al Awlaki has set a precedent also in that even American citizens can be targeted for extrajudicial killings for their material support of terrorists. Awlaki you may recall was the publisher of a slick magazine which glorified terrorist activities. There was no chance of appeal when the Hellfire missiles were launched.

SCOTUS ruling still stands dude.

The US has already established the precedent of extrajudicial execution of suspected terrorists and those who engage in terrorist activity, including the incitement to commit terrorist activity. If US citizens can be targeted for their material support of terrorist activities (including incitement) then a squishy little poofter pommie like Milo hasn't got a chance...that is, unless he's being protected at the highest levels of government.

In that case, then the possibility of his protectors' being charged with treason still exists.

By 2007, he had declared loyalty to al Qaeda there and become the terrorist group's chief propagandist, recording sermons denouncing the U.S. and calling on Muslims to massacre Americans. In 2011, he was killed in a targeted U.S. drone strike (see below). But Awlaki's death didn't end his influence.

Calling for the targeted killings of US citizens is, by definition of the PATRIOT ACT, an act of terrorism which qualifies Milo the Paedo for a lifetime vacation at Guantanamo and all the waterboarding he can eat.

Why is everyone pretending Milo was serious about right-wing death squads? Is this really an opinion you hold? Y'all are out of your minds.

The whole point of trolling is for the the other side to think you are serious? No? am I missing something? Trolling is a fucking great excuse, because as soon you get backlash for something, "oh I was just trolling". That cunt wonders why no one takes him seriously?

He's a retard but he has a minor point. He said "Someone should kill you fags" and then the fags published that



Keep yourself safe fam

Right, I forgot that journalists have to publish PMs.

Well you're retarded

abhorrently apperantly

abhorrently apperantly

Can't spell English either. Must be American.

I don't know, this "Jornos must release every PM they get, even if the PM calls for other people to attack said journo" seems like an American view to have, because it advocates degenerate media.

lel I called it

Who the fuck are you

The person who called you out for being a retard and here you are proving that

Sorry for offending you, amerilard. I now believe that publishing a call of violence is a good idea.

OK retard

The last spasms of an almost cold carcass

Ya know, this is legitimately the first time I've seen this.
Not on any leftist circle-jerks, not in any right-leaning publications. Here. I see this first in the bastion of centrism. I'm simultaneous shocked and relieved with expectations.

Long live centrism, brothers!!

He is vastly overestimating his relevance.




in all serious you have to be fucking retarded to believe either side

"I was just pretending to be retarded"

Ohhhhh! It was all a troll he sent, bro!

I don’t like ((((milo)))

he’s such an attentionwhore

merely pretending to be retarded teehee XD

Fuck you, Milo.