The bad boyfriend case against the talking hardwick guy is crumbling, she refuses to post the proof she claims she has, r/television reaches the shocking conclusion that MAYBE we should demand proof before destroying someone's life

281  2018-07-02 by random_bullshit_blah


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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They'll forget when the next metoo happens

yeah they were thrilled to watch his career burn to the ground

seriously, in the original thread they were like jumping up and down about it.

I hate most people richer than me and delight in their suffering regardless of whether it’s deserved or not /shrug

Communism: the origin story

Das Kapital was basically the product of 40 years of Neetdom and 19th century shitposting.

19th century shitposting

Marx asked all the right questions and provided only wrong answers.

That's better than like 90% of Victorian scholars tbqhwy

Proudhon said nothing wrong.

“Jews. Write an article against this race that poisons everything by sticking its nose into everything without ever mixing with any other people. Demand its expulsion from France with the exception of those individuals married to French women. Abolish synagogues and not admit them to any employment. Finally, pursue the abolition of this religion. It’s not without cause that the Christians called them deicide. The Jew is the enemy of humankind. They must be sent back to Asia or be exterminated. By steel or by fire or by expulsion the Jew must disappear.”

Proudhon said nothing wrong


Did I mention how much I hate current day anarchists ?

No, could you start now?

Anarchist nowaday forgot that "no god no masters" is the anarchist slogan.

Priest/imam/rabbi/... are just as disgusting as nobles. None of that we accept everyone shit. We should never accept non atheists.

Secondly, they are larpers. When is the last time you heard of an anarchist terrorist attack ? Nowaday they beat up windows and not priest or people who have power over others.

For fuck sake, even anarcho communists are closer to the anarchist ideal than current day anarchists. At least they try to make their idea into a reality and they are atheist. When pedos are better than you at your own shtick, you should really reflect on what you are doing.


The word for that is "schadenfreude".

I hate most people richer than me and delight in their suffering regardless of whether it’s deserved or not /shrug

Radical Centrism: The Original Story

His "career" was a podcast network. Nothing of value was lost.

yeah they were thrilled to watch his career burn to the ground

So was I, but only because he’s grating and insufferable.

Here's a video where he pretty accurately describes why the hate happened Also shows the Dr. Who podcasting room he had built for a certain girlfriend around the time, but he had to turn it into a gym after she cheated on him.

B-b-but you should #listenandbelieve because no one would ever make anything like this up except for the UVA thing and the mattress girl thing and the Michael Jackson thing and Reuben Foster thing and the Hardwick thing and 8% of all rape accusations according to FBI statistics

And the Gulf of Tonkin thing, and the USS Maine thing, and the "Iraqi unprovoked invasion of Kuwait" thing.....?

Wait what was that last one?

Iraq literally invaded Kuwait though, Gulf War I was 100% justified.

The amount of people here on Reddit coming out of the woodwork and saying, “I always knew he was scum, just listen to his podcast; I have no doubt he did these things” was insane.

Welcome to #metoo

It was worse than "listen to his podcast", one of the upvoted topposts in the very first thread literally stated that he must be a creep for wearing converse shoes at his age.

It doesn't get more retarded than that

Converse shoes do suck. I have a pair for weight lifting since they offer no support and are hard soled and flat.

Since when do 12 oz curls count as "weight lifting"?

they offer no support and are hard soled and flat.

leave republicans out of this discussion please

Zroompf BTFO again 😂😂😂

ok, dont be a sensitive snowflake now

blumpf resigned

Bootstraps baby.

Why would anyone want to support your degeneracy?

It frustrates me most gyms won’t let you deadlift barefoot

Does it make a difference? The idea of deadlifting barefoot kinda freaks me out. I just use lifting shoes and I love them.

I hit all my maxes barefoot, it’s easier to balance for me since I don’t have to worry about shoe compression.

It’s not like cm of cloth will protect my feet from 400 lbs. I do use socks though since conventional lifting cuts my shins to shreds

It's to keep disgusting people from spreading athletes foot and God knows what else all over, not to protect your feet from the weight.

I wear socks for that

When I played football I remember there being the occasional outbreak of MRSA. I can only imagine how disgusting some of these gyms floors are.

MRSA or just regular staph infection? Because that shit is vaguely terrifying.

It was almost ten years ago so I don't remember. The word MRSA was thrown around a bit and we ended getting rid a huge chunk of our equipment. A policy was put into place where the stinky kids who didn't shower after/between practices were forced to.

Get your gross ass feet off the mat and into some shoes.

I only did this at a private gym when I lifted competitively and was expected to clean the platform after lifting.

yeah whatever


Socks work just fine

Try for 50% off socks!

Nigga ain't nobody want your ringworm

Just bleach it pssyboi

They don't suck cause that's what they're good for

Thats the only thing they are good for, being a non-shoe. If you wear them for anything else, and are over 15, you are a pedophile.

If its on a 40 year old dude, lady knows her stuff.

muh big boi

one of the upvoted topposts in the very first thread literally stated that he must be a creep for wearing converse shoes at his age

I think that was a joke, but here's the comment you're referring to.

If you want to REE at people though, the rest of the thread is pretty good.

It was like Saddam Hussein had tried to hide his "weapon of mass destruction" up the snatch of some mayo gussy on national tell-us-vision

You have to be a special moron to believe people on the internet.

She creatures are so disgusting. Look at them spreading their man hatred in that thread. Any time there's a chance to abuse men they Jump at it.

To be fair, Hardwick and his butt-buddy Wheaton were advocates for this "me too" bullshit. It was pretty funny watching it wreck one of them.

It came close to wrecking Wheaton as well.

what happened to wheaton

the public almost found about his horrific hook dick

that's my fetish

He's hung like a duck.

He was called out on twitter for sexual harassment. He said he was going to respond though I don't know if he did.

hly shti!

a person on twitter..said a thing?

anon twitter users are literally the most reliable source in the galaxy

Eh, I was just hoping Wheaton would get a good drumpfing.

Yeah, plus she didn't help herself by being a clear case of crazy and then deleting everything.

Also she was pretty vague, she basically just said she heard he was creepy at cons or some shit.

a person on twitter..said a thing?

isn't that how the movement works?

Nope. The person deleted it and nothing happened afterward.


I even tried to post it on an alt to TrollX to see if I could get the cat ladies going but it just sort of died.

Wheaton fucked Hardwicks ex while they were together

It's the ciiiircle of cuck

Why would anyone want to fuck /u/wil?

cus sticking feathers up your butt doesn't make you a chicken.

if you actually want to hit bottom, you have to commit.

isn't that right, /u/wil?

I hope he gets accused again and it destroys him. Fuck Wheaton

I'd honestly enjoy seeing him get spanked but, not destroyed he is a massive sperg but, not a menace.

Agreed. They both deserve what's coming to them.

I read what his ex had to say about him, and it just seemed like a relationship where both parties could have benefited from better communication skills. He didn't come off as abusive to me.

If any of what Dykstra claimed is true then he's abusive or has some serious problems at the very least. The issue is the extent to which it is true. I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of Dykstra's claims are legit and she's also a trainwreck as these things often go but it's impossible to know either way. Such is life when you're hearing about relationship drama

Every relationship is a trainwreck from the outside.

I'm not even a fan of Hardwick but I've been following this a lot on r/nerdist. Most of the claims she made in the essay can be understood with context. Her silence on giving that context other than a 2 1/2 page blog irks me. One example, his Christian Grey line about wine stopping. Chris is a fucking ex-alcoholic who's sobriety is one of his cornerstones, of course an alcoholic is not going to want to be with someone who's constantly getting thrashed, which she does to the extreme on her pizzaandporn videos immediately following the relationship. An ex-alcoholic deserves a person who won't tempt him into relapse the same way she deserves someone who will get drunk with her if that's a priority.

That's definitely not true once you leave high school.

It's true for all of mine and most of the ones around me and I'm economically comfortable dealing largely with people in professional fields

I think you are wrong but its to hot to find a witty retort. Just assume it was clever but not devastating.

you'll see if you ever get a relationship. they are mostly garbage, hence why they end 90% of the time.

If every long-term relationship you see is a complete trainwreck then you need to reevaluate who you spend your time with...

the comment you replied to was "every relationship is a trainwreck from the outside". as in, to people not in the relationship, the relationship looks fucked up to them.

that has certainly been true of my parents, every relationship that any friend has ever had where i knew the details of the relationship, my own relationships, and all my friends parents growing up.

at some point i just accept that people like have probably not been in many, or are just overly idealistic. most relationships are honestly shitty, but they have enough good points that people just stay anyway. that or people just hate being lonely.

you need to reevaluate who you spend your time with...

The irony of saying this while being an /r/drama fixture...

How is that ironic? This is entertainment, not my social life.

Will u be my gf Snally?

Lol dyke-estra

I wouldn't be surprised if it was some kind DOM/sub relationship that she regretted afterwards

He's a male feminist. He definitely raped.

Feminists and soycucks on suicide watch


Because there's really no reason for her to make up an elaborate, specific story that will undoubtedly hurt her career and make herself a target for fans of Hardwick, and because people who know Chris Hardwick have said they also believe her.

Lol "career" - a Cosplayer/out of work actress about to turn 30 in Hollywood.

Certainly no one would ever piggyback on to an instant sympathy movement to get a little more name recognition and maybe some pity auditions.

And the "hardwick fans" bit. Oh yes the all powerful Hardwick fans who rallied and kept him from losing his job, his talk show, his legacy at the... ughh nerdist.

"But he blocked my audition to be Ferry Passenger #3 in Spider-man: Homecoming"

Harddick fan

She's out for that book deal money fam

Because there's really no reason for her to make up an elaborate, specific story

This is such a dumb argument. Even if it were true that nothing good could come of a false accusation, since when is it a universal law that people always have clear or rational motivations for their actions? Is this person really denying that there are such things as poor decisions?

the only motivation you need is a desire to fuck up their life, which is a pretty common human motivation. the pretend psychologists on reddit are so retarded.

more name recognition and maybe some pity auditions

Nah, the third step in the “wronged person” game is to post your pay pal or set up a patreon so you can get those sweet sweet anti-oppression^ TM funds.

Her evidence was for if he sued her. Not to protect her credibility.

This needs to be rooted out of a gene pool.

"X is 1000% a serial rapist! but i will not release the incontrovertible proof, unless they decide to sue me for exposing them for the rapist i wholly know they are"


People who think like this don't breed, because boomers ruined the economy and they can't afford anything.

I might just be projecting based on the ones I know.

Its /r/television it is a miracle that they even made it this far.

shut down defaults

Omnicide now!!!

technically, they already did

I wanna see what happens in /r/television when someone accuses Jon Stewart, or Colbert, or Current Year Man, or that ugly bitch on TBS of sexual misconduct. Will their drive to get out the torches and pitch be overridden by their desire to ride the cock of anyone who was ever on the The Daily Show? This is the kind of scientific inquiry we need to start funding immediately.

It would be interesting to see. Probably total collapse.

We already saw that with Franken and the answer is yes

Franken was SNL, not TDS, and Senator Gillibrand from NY pushed hard to get rid of him because she wants to toss her hat in the ring for the next presidential election and she knew she'd never be able to beat him.

1984 Salem was not a instruction manual!

My favorite comment by far:

Why are you the sanest person here and not being upvoted more? I just made my own observation exactly like yours cause I didn’t see it. SO MANY people are rushing to judge Chloe because of this “bombshell” that’s anecdotal at best.

Side note: The "sanest" person is in there talking about how "bruises" would have disappeared after six regards to a case in which physical abuse was never alleged.

TIL he's 46. Dudes practically a Boomer.

He is solidly Gen X!

We fucking exist ya know!

stomps feet

What's that old man? I can't hear you over the sound of crushing inadequacy

My parent's generation got truly inspired artists of such genius caliber as Spielberg, Coppola, Henson, etc. What did GenX get? Kevin Smith, Ben Affleck, and Jeff Dunham, among other disappointments. My generation wallows in mediocrity and tries to play it off by riding on nostalgia and pop culture references.

unironically that is a really dissapointing list. I've never really stopped and thought about it before but jesus GenX is just a sad existance.

Bro people didn't care that you guys existed even when you were the young generation.

oh I see!

and what great musical innovations have you millenials given us?



one of the greats

Got anymore brain busters old man?

uh huh

nothin! you got nothin

lol not really anymore. Most of Gen X seems to have been split between Boomers and Millennials

I'm away from home cuz it's canuckistan day weekend up here but someone needs to Photoshop will Wheaton's face onto the two buttons meme with the options on those buttons being:

My best friend is a rapist.

Not Listening and Believing a woman

I think the tide is turning on women not being believed when they claim abuse of some sort.

I think /u/MaxByrne would be interested to know that (often false) allegations of sexual misconduct have a long history of being used by mayo gussy to extricate themselves when caught in flagrante delicto as it were, with a person of color.

Was lynching necessary? To many people it was not, but to the whites in the late 19th century it served a purpose. Whites started lynching because they felt it was necessary to protect white women. Rape though was not a great factor in reasoning behind the lynching. It was the third greatest cause of lynchings behind homicides and ‘all other causes’.


It's almost as if... call me crazy!... we should insist on actual evidence of wrongdoing before we tar and feather a person and run them out of the business.

Another lying no talent ass clown.

Lets not forget how classy she is:

I mean, I'm always happy to see some tits, but this is the 21st century, and I'm not seeing anything there that has anything to do with her "class". Young women take nudes these days. At most, you can use that fact to verify someone isn't a complete fucking prude.

Haha...."furry shit"

I find your lack of education in incel theory disturbing. She's a woman. She got naked once.

That means she's a subhuman whore. Duh.

Fair counterpoint.

if you went through my reddit history and saw that i posted my cock everywhere, you'd immediately mock me. if anything, women get MORE leeway for being trashy and taking photos of their genitals.

1) I actually wouldn't give a flying fuck if you were an exhibitionist.

2) She didn't post anything everywhere, these are private photos.

perhaps not you but most people would. if those are stolen photos then yeah, it's not trashy.

but if you sit there and tell me that girls that post nudes to reddit or w/e aren't trashy, i would direct you to the constant drama threads where those subs are linked cause the mentally ill girl is sperging out.

Sad body

Not all the fame-hungry predators are like Harvey Weinstein, there are most definitely sociopaths who see the power the MeToo hammer yields, with little to no consequence

Who's the next guy to get #metoo'd? I propose we start a BussyCoin betting pool.

Totes betting u/Pizzashill and u/OniTan are next

I've often been very resistant to rape kinks for this very reason.

The ironic thing about all this is that, should Chris be innocent, this is all abuse against him, passive as it may. I don't think she would ever see it that way, nor would a large percentage of people, but abuse isn't just physical damage or stereotypical masculine abuses of power; directing harm against a person that is undeserved is an abuse of that person, and being deceitful to the public is an abuse of the public's collected conscious, and against all the true victims its supposed to protect.

There's at least some commenters in there that have a handle on the actual situation. When something like this happens, accusations like this are levied and revealed to be false, there is still a victim -- the person who was accused.

Can someone post this on AskReddit why abuse against men is so encouraged?

Men can't be victims. Victims = lack of institutional power minus privilege plus being a victim.

Good thing they destroyed it first

If you link an entire thread you should be raped to death. At least find the fucking drama, fucktard.

The mods removed it for "gossip" yet let all the threads about him being accused stay up jesus christ

Reddit was a huge mistake

What are your thoughts, u/skydart?

Reddit is so filled with man hating feminists and females.