Libertarian and former US Congressmen Ron Paul tweets out a blatantly racist and anti semantic photo

79  2018-07-02 by RzaEsq

Libertarian and former US Congressmen Ron Paul tweets out a blatantly racist and anti semantic photo

the photo in question

He deleted it within 3 minutes of tweeting it. It pretty much displays the full spectrum of racist caricatures. All it’s missing is a Middle East wearing a suicide vest

Dinesh D’souza a man pardoned by trump, quote retweeted it hash taging “burn the jews”

Which he deleted when Ron Paul deleted the source tweet.

Many believed that Paul would run for Presidential election in 2020. If he keeps this up he might just win.


The original grandpa ticktock

Even trump wouldn’t tweet this shit

Give him time

We believe in him! 🧡

We’ve got six more years. The odds are in our favor.


That said, I have money on him saying “maybe Hitler was treated badly by the press too” or something before his presidency ends, so maybe I need that second term.

Oof indeed! You have oofed 39 time(s).

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It's prettier, more liquid in American: lying press.



*Guttural gargling intensifies*

I said American was prettier, like a girl before her first oxy.

[[Laughs In EuroTruck Simulator 4]]

*six months

Drumpf isn’t leaving in six months.

I mean, he kinda has tweeted stuff similar to this though.

locker room tweeting

He tweeted Hilldog with the Star of David so give him an election cycle.

THAT WAS A SHERIFF'S STAR! Y'know, how Hildog carries her own hot-sauce like a real western cowboy sheriff!

That's because Donny Jr steals his memes from 4chan, and The Donald steals his memes from Donny Jr.

I can draw a human centipede diagram if you'd like.

I'll bet you money that trump either tweets or says a racial or homophobic slur before the end of his term.

Ron Paul is regularly on Infowars as a guest.

Trump stopped returning Alex Jones' phone calls in 2016.

As the kids would say “top kek”

RIP XXX. I'll drop a few fire bars in your honor 🔥🌊

Poopy-di scoop Scoop-diddy-whoop Whoop-di-scoop-di poop Poop-di-scoopty Scoopty-whoop Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop Poop, poop Scoop-diddy-whoop Whoop-diddy-scoop Whoop-diddy-scoop, poop

Fucc fam... that shit touched my heart.. keep it wavey 😤🤙

peep these fukkin bars nigga woke shit

Ecks dee

Grandpa stole his nurse's ipod again :(

Oh look it's Ben "unload my 9 in the welfare line" Garrison.

Ben "Threw A Rock At A POC" Garrison?

Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison.

Ben "Charlottesville with the Challenger kill" Garrison.

Ben "No Jews Is Good News" Garrison.

Ben "Lets get this Shoah on the road" Garrison

Ben "Pull the Trigger if You See a Nigger" Garrison

Ben "Terror of Tel Aviv" Garrison?

Ben "Wrecking ball to the Western Wall" Garrison?

Ben "If its black I attack" Garrison?

Ben "Around Blacks, Never Relax" Garrison?

Ben "I prefer my erotica to have a swastika" Garrison

that doesnt actually rhyme you know

its poetic license

I think they were pronouncing "POC" like "pock".

thats wrong tho


Lol the pajeet telling to burn the Jews. Total lack of self-awareness.

Meanwhile the base he’s spent his whole career pandering to takes one look at him and thinks “dirty paki”

Nah, I've even fucked Indian chicks. In the US we get the wealthier ones so we give them 90% whiteness.

That seems unlikely. If he has a base, he won an election. Do you really think most people who voted for him look at him and think "dirty Paki?"

I’m talking about the group he’s pandering to randomly seeing him walk down the street.

Def not talking about ABCDinesh

you don’t always see their face when you vote

He should keep better track of the /pol/lack he hired to run his social media accounts

inb4 Ron "DINDU NUFFIN" uses the milo "merely pretending to be retarded" defense 😂😂😂

Missed it. Went full dindu. Blamed it on an intern.


i am old how do i computer?

i'm still not tired of all this winning, daddy lied

All it’s missing is a Middle Eastern wearing a suicide vest

Why? A jew is enough. Are you seriously pretentious enough to pretend you care about all the sand-nigger subdivisions? Because you shouldn't. They're all sand niggers fighting for sand.

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.

Is it possible to love Trump enough to turn him into a globalist?

Yeah dude, obviously. Just ask Daddy Vladdy.

Or っ◔◡◔)っ ♥  rohpynol ♥.

Go to sleep, Ameriburger, it's past your bedtime.

Jokes on you I'm a non-Amerilard sandnigger

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.

Don't you have some sand to fight over?

Nah I'm excluded from all that shit both mentally and physically

Dont get your sandies in a bunch

Welp, there goes the last of my respect for that man.

Years ago in the late 70's he was involved in a racist controversy. A news letter with his name on contained racist subject matter. It happened a few times and he was called out for it in the 1996 election

You don't expect him to actual read his own newsletters, do you?

Come the fuck on, there must have been literally pages of material published each month!

>current year

>having any respect for Ron Paul

Ron /pol/ strikes again.

Is he wrong tho.. ?

How is Dinesh D’souza real?

it's funny because these people want to pretend "cultural marxism" is a real thing

but racism isn't


racism is a real thing. but it's pretty rare nowadays. it's now mostly racism against whites.

"You've probably heard about 'cultural Marxism', but do you know what it means?"

Literally nobody knows what it means.

Was literally made up by facists IIRC, usually used by boomers to rant about deviancy (like putting my dick in a pie is your business grand-dad) or not being able to tweet ben garrison cartoons without being called a nazi.

I dont know if they were actual fascists, but they sure don't get invited to Seder

I think it's a vague reference to the Frankfurt School. If you read these guys Wikipedia page, they are way less cool than the right makes them sound. They bought the central premise of Marxism, but rejected the notion that a revolution ever could occur. So their worldview we'd literally that humanities face was being smashed in by a boot, and this would just go on forever and there's nothing you could do about it.

Given that they were non-revolutionary, it's pretty odd that the right would focus on them. But then you have to realize that most of them were Jews. Ahhhh.

Well, 99% of the people using it do not even mean that. I think antisemites tried to use "Frankfurt School" and "cultural Marxism" so that they could talk about the Jews in public, but they were too clever by half and the people they indoctrinated never actually got the point. Today it's sort of like the iron cross, which was used originally by bikers who probably did have Nazi sympathies just to be edgy, but then it just got slapped on every biker and skater and over time just meant "I'm edgy".

It is a reference to Adorno & co, but it is also a reference to the "Cultural Bolshevism" Hitler and friend yelled about.

like putting my dick in a pie is your business granddad

Well when you do that at the thanksgiving table it certainly becomes a topic of concern.

Cultural Marxism is a pejorative referring to the Frankfort School, a branch of Marxist thought that came out of the "crisis of Marxism," in the 20th century. They looked at the world, a century after Marx published the manifesto, and asked, why hasn't the revolution happened? The conclusion was that western society was so thoroughly bourgeois that the working class lacked any revolutionary potential. I know Marcuse (who was a big fan of Freud) in particular believed only oppressed groups on the fringe of society - Feminists, LGBT people, non-whites, etc had the potential to start a revolution. Marcuse came up with the idea of "repressive tolerance," which is basically that in order to be truly tolerant, we most be intolerant of all right wing beliefs and ideology. He also advocated for androgyny and other stuff that obviously spooks conservatives.

I'm not familiar with Adorno, but I know he wrote about how capitalism destroys culture and replaces it with generic, consumable trash, the "culture industry."

Critics of "Cultural Marxism" often claim it's a conspiracy to undermine Western Society and that it festers in academia. I'm not sure why this is really lambasted on Reddit, when prominent Frankfort School theorists advocated for this to a T. Rudi Dutschke was a famous Marxist student activist in West Germany who spoke about the, "long march through the institutions." According to Dutschke, Marxists should seize control of western universities in order to instill class consciousness in future generations, sewing the seeds for revolution. Marcuse wrote to Dutschke in support of this,

To extend the base of the student movement, Rudi Dutschke has proposed the strategy of the long march through the institutions: working against the established institutions while working within them, but not simply by 'boring from within', rather by 'doing the job', learning (how to program and read computers, how to teach at all levels of education, how to use the mass media, how to organize production, how to recognize and eschew planned obsolescence, how to design, et cetera), and at the same time preserving one's own consciousness in working with others.

I find it funny that Marxists on Reddit will deride people for unironically using the phrase Cultural Marxism to describe a Marxist plot to take over our universities, when that's literally what these guys were trying to do. Where the critics are wrong is that these Commies obviously failed. But to many on the right, there's no real difference between Post-Modernists and Marxists, Liberals and Commies, so they lump them all together to label universities are Marxist indoctrination camps.

Where the critics are wrong is that these Commies obviously failed.

That's why Jordan P annoys me.

do you actually expect people in /r/drama to read this

I did, it was interesting.



Yeah, that's cool and all, but unironic "Zyklon" Ben cartoons.

But to many on the right, there's no difference between Post-Modernists and Marxists, Liberals and Commies, so they lump them all together to label universities as Marxist indoctrination camps.

This is why people "deride" the use of the term you dork. The label is applied to everything. The only meaning it has these days is "anything I don't like because I think it may have something to do with the left". It isn't used just to refer to universities but also art, entertainment, or general left-wing principles and values. That's why people often compare it to Cultural Bolshevism.

Very few people who use the term are referring to the Frankfurt School.

The Nazis used the term "Cultural Bolshevism" back in the day, but I guess using a line directly from Nazi propaganda isn't a great look so they changed it to marxism

It's when commies try to redistribute video games to women. Everyone knows that.

it's when the working classes aren't shitty enough to join your idiotic commienism movement, so you decide to change the oppressor/oppressed narrative -- instead of class, you make it about race, gender, sexuality etc.

that way you don't have to rely on support from people with real jobs.

So it's a scary name for the American left abandoning the working class in favor of identity politics? Why is it controversial?

you find the name scary?

First I get spooked, now I'm getting bullied for it. This sure is a crummy day.

When I hear (((Cultural Marxism))), I reach for my gun.


so u know it’s semitic right

also yeah Ron Paul hates jews

Hahahhaha how’d i fuck that up

Isn't it convenient that whenever something racist comes up with Ron Paul's name attached, he tries to claim he didn't write it?

"I didn't write the Ron Paul Reports, Lew Rockwell did!"

"I didn't send that tweet, a staffer did!"

Seems to me that he's just a stormfag too much of a chickenshit to admit such.

In fact, he's been photographed with the King of Stormfags before, Stormfront administrator Don Black:

Really makes you think...