how to shitpost like MasterLawlz

42  2018-07-05 by MasterLawlz

I've seen many of you trying to emulate my shitposting to no avail. You simply cannot write something stupid and post it, there is far more to it than that.

No, to post like MasterLawlz you must follow several key steps.

First, if your post has any drama, delete it and start over.

Next, you must empty your mind. Empty your mind of everything that is not shitposting. Shitposting and breathing. And if you're into autoerotic asphyxiation, you can even forget about the breathing.

Thirdly, you must either give your post zero effort whatsoever or far more effort than you ever gave anything with actual importance to your life (like education or relationships). If you want to post like Lawlz, there is ZERO middle ground.

Finally, the most difficult part. This part takes many years of meditation to master, you must achieve a state of meme zen if you will. You need to be able to hone your skills so much that you can post something so banal, so pointless, so mind-numbingly irrelevant to anything that any man, woman, or child, be they white, black, gay, or any other minority, could find even the slightest bit interesting. The post must not have even the slightest bit of entertainment or educational value. The intelligence required to write it must be lower than anything that anyone with any known mental handicap has. A toddler should be able to tell that it isn't worth reading before they even have learned how to do so.

Once you have achieved all of that, then....and ONLY then....can you click submit.

And then sticky it of course.


You simply cannot write something stupid and post it

challenge accepted

Loving that flair boo


the most erotic thing i have ever seen

gross if it turns on drama users then i dont want to see it its probably goatse

Directions confusing, dick stuck in bussy.

Need modship to sticky stupid shit.


Mr. Lawlz long time reader first time poster. My question relates too the status of your immediate safety. Are there sharp corners? Scissors that are not currently adult-supervised? Footwear that lacks those pesky tying strings? Household cleaning products without safety caps? Thank you for your time, love the show, I'll take my answer off the air.

Should’ve asked that after the strip club incident...

Didn't specifically.

Step 1: Add nothing of value to the human race

that was already covered by the final step

The final step should be suicide.

but then you only get to make one post tops

Better make it count

If I post my suicide note here before I kill myself, I know that you'll just sticky some Ben 10 shit and nobody will even read it. Life is so goddamn unfair.

lmao this actually made me laugh

No, your knee jerk reaction is a mistake. The global elite are luciferians. They worship Lucifer with child sacrifices, pedophilia, Kabbalah (numerology), astrology/secret architecture, and music. They willingly allow themselves to become possessed through these means by conjuring demons and committing violent acts. They also use drugs and TM meditation. You're assuming there is no spiritual world. There is no reason to assume this since even science takes an agnostic stance on the supernatural/spiritual world. You can only prove something false, not true.

Now you have to admit that much of science is theory and much of medicine relies on testimony. Testimony is evidence. Demons have been written about for thousands of years. The goofy horse poop you are referring to is the fact the demons manifest in this dimension in any form they want but their true form -as the Bible and much literature states- is reptilian. They look like lizard people. They can appear when they want to the human eye but they usually hide. They appear momentarily in person or show signs in a possessed human by showing scales or lizard eyes/tongue. That's what those crazy david Icke stories are about. It's real. It's not aliens.

Aliens don't exist as far as my research has shown me. They are just the same demons written about for thousands of years. They manifest in different forms other than their true form such as appearing as children or deceased loved ones or Bigfoot but they are reptile-like in their true form. Sleep paralysis and alien visitations are -from what I've learned-just demonic attacks. Praying to or simply saying Jesus Christ name makes them flee. The more powerful ones that can possess people sometimes require fasting with prayer to get rid of them.

The global elite (13 bloodlines including the Rothschilds who funded the creation of the illuminati in 1776 and the creation of he state of Israel) are allegedly offspring of the nephilim. They are generational luciferians who are perfectly possessed and communicate directly with Lucifer in London. That's because that's where there is a low amount of Christians. They worship with child sacrifice and rape mainly so that's why there are so many pedophile rings linked to the elite/top public figures.

Your knee jerk reaction against the idea that there is a spiritual world was programmed into by the mainstream media from a young age. They control the media. That's why there is such a strong anti Christian sentiment for decades now. If you research luciferian illuminati symbolism you'll see it all through top brand logos, public figures hand gestures and wardrobe and tv shows/movies/music. They worship in plain site with symbolism. They have to. The rules of engagement dictate that we have to give consent in order for them to take our souls which is what they want. They control the money as means to control and lead us away from God. I was agnostic for decades until I started researching why 9/11 happened and who was behind it. They were. It was a setup. The Rothschilds make their money by manipulating wars. The reptile people are real but they are demons. I took a photo of one in a car that had luciferian symbolism on it.

I snapped this photo of what looks like a demon face to me in the rear view mirror of a car within ten miles of an Air Force base directly because of a show I heard in 2011. I took the pic in feb 2012. I had heard them ridiculing a Christian lady who claimed that the monster logo allegedly had a Hebrew 666 on it. I think she was right. I took a pic old a car that had a huge monster logo decal. I thought why would anyone put a logo that big in their back window? Later I noticed the numbers of the license plate were 6363it. They add numbers together in numerology and 6363 is as good as a 666. So Since the monster logo -and most other top brand logos- appears to have luciferian symbolism embedded- I thought it might mean to "666 it" in reference to the logo decal. As if to say "make it evil/worship lucifer". I later saw it on a big screen away from the suns glare and noticed that the drivers face looked like an alien face. I looked to check if the supposed satanist inside driving saw me snap the pic.

According to many Christians, end times will be a fake alien invasion of demons that will try to get permission to take over by pretending to want to "serve" mankind. We'll be in deep shit when they finally arrive to supposedly save us. At home I zoomed in and saw the face. I blew it off as the tinted windows and jpeg compression in my photo distorting the pic. Only months later when I learned after much research that aliens are actually just the same demons we read about in books over centuries old including the Bible which look like reptiles, I decided to look at that pic again. It's clear as day to me now. It was actually a movie about gargoyles that made me remember that face I saw in the rear view mirror which I blew off as a digital artifact/visual illusion.

That's a reptile face, not an alien face. I didn't see a drawing of a reptilian until then to see that there are exact other versions of that face already on the web from different angles and renderings. After taking the pic I almost died in three separate car accidents and just stopped driving after that. I'd never had a car accident in my 19 years of driving and suddenly -in one incident- some Arab woman started driving in the wrong lane headed towards my car. Anyway, here is the pic of that demon face.. This one is less cropped but also brightened. . The face is in the rearview mirror. You can see the bulbous round back if it's head in the drivers seat. It's grainy because the windows were tinted. It seemed to have a scarf hanging over the mirror to block people from seeing it easily and perhaps the huge logo decal was another cover. Here's the full unbrightened and uncropped pic that was compressed by Dropbox I think. I have a better version less compressed/lossy version not handy at the moment. It was taken in a tiny backwards town full of rednecks. Edit: Someone was nice enough to create a guide using the unbrightened photo, too. It's harder to see but I still see it. It's extra hard to see on a small screen.

Personally on the brightened version, I see even ambient glow in its catlike eyes of the sun setting on the right and it reminds me if my cats eyes. I see it frowning at the area my camera was when I held it out of my window to take a clearer pic. I even see it's scraggly like hand (looks like white lines) on the wheel and a cloth over the center of the rearview to hide its face more. This was taken in a backwards town near an air force base and Kennedy Space Center.

satanist/occultist, Aliester Crowley drew the demon he channeled and it looked like a gray "alien".

yes, now you're getting it


10/10. Complete shite. Won't read again and lost a few brain cells.


lost a few brain cells

People can have negative amount of brain cells now??? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

0/10. Too easy. Would expect better from my first grader.

this but unironically

Senpai notice me!


Now i can commit seppeku in peace.

bussy lmao


Shut up.


And if you're into autoerotic asphyxiation, you can even forget about the breathing.

Oh good. Can I have someone else choke me while I shitpost or does it have to be me?

autoerotic asphyxiation

If someone's doing it for you, it's just erotic asphyxiation

I'm aware of that. That's why I asked the question. He never said we couldn't do it, but I needed clarification.

An animal friend pic I found just 4 U u/Masterlawlz😄


How to actually shitpost like master lawlz.

Eat lead paint as a baby

as a toddler repeatedly ram your head into walls

as a teenager take up meth

turn 16

start posting

Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo,

Aureli pathice et cinaede Furi,

qui me ex versiculis meis putastis,

quod sunt molliculi, parum pudicum.

Nam castum esse decet pium poetam

ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest;

qui tum denique habent salem ac leporem,

si sunt molliculi ac parum pudici

et quod pruriat incitare possunt,

non dico pueris, sed his pilosis

qui duros nequeunt movere lumbos.

Vos, quod milia multa basiorum

legistis, male me marem putatis?

Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo.

Love me some Catallus

OK Q #1175 decoded, Clowns attempted to blow up Southwest airliner. Hero pilot saved the day. They sought to intimidate GEOTUS by bringing down this jet. These people are sicK. Decode shows the ultimate Doomsday plan. Clown Anon threatens 8chan, Abel Danger picked up the ball. Busted pandemic plans Victor Bravo Virus' & Bacteria' CDC meeting Today featured Dr. Nancy 'Rosenstein' Messioner as key note speaker!

Thirdly, you must either give your post zero effort whatsoever or far more effort than you ever gave anything with actual importance to your life (like education or relationships).

Lmao, we all know /u/MasterLawlz is in Team Retarded Effort.

I want to meet you in real life

He's probably 24 working part time struggling on by, and really he's probably the kind of guy that politely declined whenever someone offers a drink. The kind of guy with a receding hairline and horn rimmed glasses that are too narrow for his face. This sub is the only place he can shake those feelings of inadequacy.

PS lawlz I like your posts xx

This is how you're using the ability to legally drink?

Is it worse if I wrote this sober?

Yes. You should be drunk as fuck the entirety of your 21st year.

If you want to post like Lawlz, there is ZERO middle ground. WTF this is a safe space for radical centrists

No u

I dont want to be like you


Are you still a r/4chan mod?

I never was
