Guitar wizard drops some knowledge and encounters resistance - "You're an idiot. I'm really good at guitar. You suck and you know you suck."

47  2018-07-09 by kermit_was_right


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Always true, Snappy.


Dunning-Kruger strikes again, nobody who is actually great thinks that their great, you're the equivalent of the guy who tells everyone how many girls he's slept with, but doesn't know anything about basic anatomy when questioned, I bet you are that guy.

Some people can play pretty well by ear without knowing all the notes. Elvis Presley. Danny Elfman. Michael Jackson. Eric Clapton. Jimi Hendrix. The Beatles. Eddie Van Halen. Robert Johnson. Kanye West. Stevie Wonder.

Similarly, not every guy who's good in bed can describe the difference between a vulva and a vagina.

Not being able to read music is not the same as not knowing where your notes are on your instrument and relying solely on muscle memory. Don't conflate the two. Clapton, Jimi, the Beatles, Van Halen and Stevie Wonder all had/have a grasp of music theory and know where the notes are on their instrument. If you only know a C major chord by one hand shape and not that it's C, E and G and can be replicated all over the instrument, you have a problem.

Not being able to read music is not the same as not knowing where your notes are on your instrument and relying solely on muscle memory.

I couldn't draw you a keyboard and correctly place all the keys, but I can type 120gwpm by relying solely on muscle memory.


Bro, that clip is so fucking fake and wouldn't be good if it weren't. I'm good at 🎸. I know where virtually every sound is so I know.


play pretty well

el oh el

counterpoint: Jason Mraz exists

Unless you're just referring to guitarists regularly hyped as gods at the instrument in which case absolutely.

Unless you're just referring to guitarists regularly hyped as gods at the instrument


I know where all the notes on the fretboard are.

Kinda redundant.

Like, I can tell black keys from white on a piano.

And that kinda goes out the window with non standard tuning

He doesn't like non standard tuning and now we know why.

It doesn't really go out the window if you know the order of notes.

If you know what note a string is tuned to, you can figure out the note you're fretting by how many steps up it is. You can break it all down pretty quickly by just knowing the note on the fifth fret on each string, since the octave is at the twelfth fret. Finding the octave two strings up also helps.

It takes some experience to be able to translate the fret board for each tuning, but it gets easier when you practice obviously.

Usually in a new tuning I just try to find shapes that sound good and worry about the specific notes when I find something I like and I'm writing it down.

That's impressive for stevie wonder, and that's about it

lol @ guitar, everyone and their nephew knows how to play guitar. Play me a Bach fugue on the piano instead, way more impressive.

I can play you Yankee Doodle on the kazoo. Does that count?

Call me when you can play Born in the USA by slapping your dick against a trash can.

Was there another way to play it?

We'll no, no it doesn't lol. I know off by heart where virtually every sound I might want is. I know how to play whatever song, and easily transpose it to any key. I can improvise virtually any idea I ever have.

I know where all the notes on my dick are. For the most part. I don't really know the dorsal vein that well. But that's a poor way to look at it. You must not be able to improvise very well.

Call me when you can slay bussy with an accordion.

Your Dad literally played you by slapping his dick on your Mom

In my mom

Play me a Bach fugue on the piano instead, way more impressive.

Some of the fugues are pretty easy friendo.

Play a Bach fugue on the organ, way more impressive.

lol @ piano, every six-year-old Asian in America can robot through The Well-Tempered Clavier. Play Wagner with the air, loser.

Is it me or did the recording come from VHS that suffered from wow?

To be honest, as someone who plays both instruments, polyphonic pieces like fugues are easier on a keyboard than on a guitar, because a guitarist can only intimate with one hand. Nevertheless you sound like an ignorant fool.

why you gotta pick something easy

play me Fat Bottomed Girls on the theremin, then i'll be impressed

I won't be impressed until you can play an 11-part fugue, using all 11 digits.

Oh, his nick, "Akustyk" is a short-hand for acoustic guitar in Polish. So he's what we call, a "sweter", think hippies but with highlander bent. Here's a decent simulation of that experience,

Thx for the Yuroppill