Lolcow /u/mukumukum has a spergout about the inferiority of Basketball-Americans. Also has a post history full of black tranny porn.

206  2018-07-11 by QueenOfTheIncels


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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this quote always manages to give me hope

"just be white game" is real.

/u/mukumukum is right tho

thx fam

u woke af

You're definitely a bottom

talking to yourself through alts

No need to use alts, u/mukumukum

It's actually boyoyoyong.

Which retard does this alt belong to?

You sound like a colored

You sound like a person that is depressed enough to want to commit suicide, but too much of a pussy to do it, so you are forced to live in a world where no one cares if you live or die.


Actually you're right mr gamer man, I'm gonna go slot myself now.


Stop using alts you retard

will dew le_spic 😘

Who talks like that


Alt-right even.

About being retarded?

Mamma mia! 😋 🍝 👌


People that are obsessed with "race-realism" are the same degenerates that don't realize they would be the first killed because they are so aggressively retarded

I'm fine with dying for a higher cause. I don't care if I'm killed for being a degenerate or whatever, I'm gonna fight for this cause. because that's just how much I loathe you rats

I'm fine with dying for a higher cause

What higher cause would that be? A black tranny's feminine penis?

I don't care if I'm killed for being a degenerate or whatever

Yeah, I don't think your love of chocolate trap pucci would go over very well in the ethnostate hombre

I'm gonna fight for this cause, because that's just how much I loathe you rats.

LOL, nigga you can't get off your computer and stop whacking it to black trannies, the fuck you mean you'll "fight for this cause"

Fight how though? 🤔

He's gonna whack it extra hard to Laquisha the 6'2 "woman" tonight, that'll show those darned darkies who the master race is


By posting bussy, of course.

I'm going to create something like Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, World of Warcraft, a cultural spectacle. I haven't decided on the medium yet. It will be so captivating and entertaining that nobody can refuse it. I will embed my pro-white fascist values and ideals into it on a subliminal level, preogramming those who consume it, and transfering their consciousess into my reality tunnel. There's many ways to fight wars, violence is the worst weapon of all. I don't want to be a footsoldier, I want to be the general.

Imagine being this Fentayl-fueled.

Laugh all you want now. It's not gonna be so funny when the right-wing deer squads drag you to the camp with rest of the commies.

deer squad


right-wing deer squads

Actual photo

god damn what a flawless alley oop he gave you

Lol shut the fuck up rerard

it's like if daqwolf went full fasc

I'm going to create something like Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, World of Warcraft, a cultural spectacle. I haven't decided on the medium yet. It will be so captivating and entertaining that nobody can refuse it. In it I will embed my pro-white fascist values and ideals into on a subliminal level, programming those who consume it, and transfering their consciousess into my reality tunnel, turning into soldiers in my army in the coming war.

NGL, if someone wrote "Harry Potter meets The Turner Diaries," I'd for sure read it for the lulz

There's many ways to fight wars, violence is the worst weapon of all. I don't want to be a footsoldier, I want to be the general.

Oh man, with every post, you just turn out to be more and more of an actual lunatic

What's lunatic about it? You're so stupid. Why do you think left is losing right now? Why do you think right is constantly winning? Because the left is trying to fight the war violence and control, but people do not like that, so instead of gaining support, they are just losing it. Right has similar problems, but they are slowly learning and transforming into what they need to be.

Hitler didn't start out by killing the jebs. First he won Germany. This is what the right is doing right now, while you commies sit here whining about white privilege or run around in antifacuck rallies beating toddlers with bike locks. Good luck with that.

What's lunatic about it? You're so stupid.

Yeah I'm the problem here

Why do you think left is losing right now?

Because of their love for black trannies

Why do you think right is constantly winning?

Because Daddy gets to work and doesn't waste his time with black tranny porn

Because the left is trying to fight the war violence and control, but people do not like that, so instead of gaining support, they are just losing it. Right has similar problems, but they are slowly learning and transforming into what they need to be.

Yeah I don't think this is a right vs left issue. No one's mocking you for believing in lower taxes here boyo

Hitler didn't start out by killing the jebs.


First he won over Germany and the German people, and he did it with propaganda.

Cool, I had seventh grade history too, the difference is I didn't stop there. Did you know there are more grades after that?

This is what the right is doing right now, while you commies sit here whining about white privilege or run around in antifacuck rallies beating toddlers with bike locks.

All good Republicans brag about how the right is using Hitler-esque propaganda, good lookin out my dude

Good luck with that.

Good luck with finding the perfect chocolate trap to spank it to while your mom yells down to the basement asking when you're gonna get a job

Fuck you, I'm done with you.

haha you fuckin dim witted pussy

Great timing cause I gotta go to work, not all of us pay our rent with good boy points. Good luck with your race war chief

The biggest pussy I've ever seen

No one would ever fuck you

Did he go to wank it to black "women"

hey at least those antifacucks are beating something other than their dicks to black trannies.


Holy shit, you and /u/DarqWolff need to join forces. Together you could rule, not the galaxy, but something.

The Dairy Queen.

Nah that guy's a loser you're buggin out with your retardation right now

Come on, you guys could be the next great duo like Jobs and Woz.

Sure, but why?

Oh, I get it.

It's a troll

Sounds like a trick to make people look at tranny porn but ok


Shitposting on reddit on a daily basis

shooting up a school/restaurant/social event, c'mon we know how these bottom of the barrel mayo's think.

Why don't you consult a doctor for your Tranny Derangement Syndrome?

I'm fine with dying for a higher cause.

Could you please do it sooner than later?

You sound severely depressed. It often expresses itself in misanthropy.

"i'm gonna fight for this cause" yeah i'm sure your gonna be martyred after the school shooting you will be committing.

Then drink bleach

The people who push MUH RACE REALISM are mayos at the bottom of the social and intellectual totem pole, with the occasional bitter Asian or Indian who can't get laid thrown in. They NEED nignogs or some other group to be inferior so as to bolster their own self-esteem.

Hey /u/boyoyoyoyong, see this? You need to take notes 😂

Nah you just need to have lived in a culturally enriched environment. Spend some time in lawton ok or Columbia sc than get back to me. People who think basketball Americans are just like mayos tend to live in white areas with the occasional talented 10er

I can't wait until we get your weird sex fetish reveal

Nah I've just lived around percentages that reached peak negro. I'm just honest about it unlike most shitlibs who move because the neighborhood in going down the tubes of for better schools.

Cool, go live in a poor area in countries with no blacks and you'll see the same shit. Some white thugs in the UK tried to attack me and a female friend when we accidentally stumbled into the wrong neighborhood.

If you had one brain cell you'd realize the problem was poverty and not skin color, but you want to feel superior since everything about you fucking sucks, so "I'm part of the master race" is all you've got

I've never said I'm part of the master race you dumbfuck I've just noticed things. Oh yeah muh poverty excuse one of the poorest towns in the nation has almost no crime of course it's full of white people. I have to ask what's your zip code dude.

I'm from Miami, where black crime is down and whites are responsible for the opioid crisis that's killing everyone

Is Miami, once labeled “Paradise Lost” by Time magazine because of a searing homicide rate fueled by a crippling drug trade, now one of the safest major cities in the U.S. when it comes to gunfire deaths?

Of the 26 homicides over the first six months of this year in Miami, only 16 were due to gunfire, records obtained from the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner and the city’s police department show.

Both numbers represent historic lows for a city that often racked up close to 300 homicides during the 1980s and which has seen those numbers drop by about 75 percent or more the past three years.

... you're literally supporting my argument that crime is down in Miami, maybe actually read your link next time

Look past the first couple of paragraphs its spread to the surrounding area lol.

It hasn't even been implement yet. Maybe try reading your own article first.

Under the new Trump administration, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson had sought to delay implementing the rule for more than a year, reportedly to better study how the move to higher-income housing areas would affect the voucher program. But a group of civil rights organizations sued over that delay, leading to a federal judge in Washington, D.C., ordering the new rule to be implemented Dec. 23.

I'm not surprised the racebaiter has trouble with reading comprehension.

Chinamen are manufacturing and shipping the fentanyl to us bromine.

because no crime is reported doesn't mean crime isn't happening. A town full of mayos, well you can correctly assume someone there is fucking some kids and getting away with it.

You've apparently lived in tiny backwater shitholes (seriously Lawton, OK, and Columbia, SC???), which explains both the ignorance of the communities you've lived in as well as your own retardation/fent problem.

Nah grew up in Chicago was the same shit, I was an army officer so I got to truly experience black culture. But please tell yourself I'm being ignorant. Also don't Google the racism map and cross check it with percentage of blacks as it's only a coincidence that they correlate and that the more mayo an area the higher the opinion they have on blacks

I was an army officer so I got to truly experience black culture.

thank you for service and also this is a profoundly retarded statement

It's why I got spend some much time in diverse places. Thinking i'd intentionally live in dindu rich environments

It's why I got spend some much time in diverse places.

the fact that you think oklahoma (basically texas but shittier) and south carolina (basically shit outside of charleston and a couple decent golf courses) are culturally diverse really indicates your level of intelligence, cletus.

Lived in Texas too, grew up in chicago. But whatever you need to tell yourself my dude.

wow you must've been doing some serious freedom-defending in texas, SC, and OK

they probably would've sent you overseas, if not for the fact that you might have gunned down every brown person you saw on sight

Nope wasn't really defending freedom in Iraq or Afghanistan. You do realize there are a bunch of specialized schools you get sent too?

I have no doubt that you've attended many special schools in your life.

We know it’s because you like big black cocks you faggot

I'm not the one posting in porn subs

i guess you wouldn't be into that as one of the benefits of taking dick in your bussy is you don't have to worry about pregnancy. at least your defective genes will die with you.

Porn, star wars, and I'm sure video games and capeshit is somewhere in there if I looked past the first page. You're the stereotypical nu-male. If you want to shit post use an alt cause your post history is the faggiest shit I've ever seen.

i don't give enough fucks to make an alt. you can't kink shame me. Go back to REEEEEING about fake news and the ess jay dubyas

Post forearm pick soyboy

super depressing reading everything you write.

Too much soy in your diet

Do any of you come up with your own shit?

You’ll just have to take my word it would stretch you’re anus to the limit, but it would be such a sweet sweet limit

Does your wife's boyfriend know you talk like this? I'm not sure he'd let you play the switch with all your homophobia. Prove you aren't an estronaught like your post history indicates post forearm pic


This is a term used exclusively by incels pretending to be red-pilled alphas.

Pity Saddam didn’t finish the job.

i was an army officer

more proof that military fags are the worst 🤢🤢🤮🤮

I know right I've actually left my basement unlike you emoji posting snowflake


Post emojis

which one will go with WOMP WOMP? I wasn't sure. Maybe this one ♿️️ idk

I don't know, just go up your basement stairs and ask your mom

damn boy! You're bringing out the big guns! Pls don't bully me like this 😢😣

😭 I'm sure you'll be steaming with the other faggots who spend time on discord. Your right though i shouldn't be bullying the mentally retarded, I'm sorry.

I don't use discord. Sorry sweaty 👋💅

did your mom and dad finally let you get a bedroom?

Close, your girlfriend is gave me my own room. I'm your girlfriends New bull, if you play your cards right I'll get you a Nintendo switch


using snowflake as an insult

Nah grew up in Chicago

Crystal lake is a SUBURB of Chicago my guy

Crystal lake is 93% white did you even see a black guy.

not understanding that I was making fun of you

so even she knew which neighborhoods to avoid

Hey sir, jump up your own ass for me

I was an army officer

Making up lies about being in the army

Just boot things <33

Whatever makes you feel better


I was an army officer

Does being in the army make you retarded or does the army only take retards? It's amazing how low IQ so many of you service"men" are.

or his face reveal

I would bet 200 sorosbux this dude is a fat loser. I can feel it deep down in my plums

Well Soros just wired me another 300 for defending the honor of the Basketball-Americans, so I raise you that

For the drama soyboy

Why would I post my face on an anonymous message board. You just got a glimpse of what someone whose hobby is powerlifting and strongman. Sorry not everyone on reddit has your testosterone levels. Also how do you plan on paying me 200 Soros bucks

how would I owe you 200 of my precious bluebux when you are quite literally fat, as I assumed.

Doesn't understand that there is more than skin and bone on the chest. Doesnt understand what powerlifters look like. It's ok baby do your circuit training

I understand that you can call yourself a powerlifter if it makes you feel better, but looking like that won't get you laid, it just makes it hard as fuck to find clothes that fit.

your lifting routine is probably stout as hell, I don't doubt that. but whatever your calorie and protein intake needs to be drastically cut down

being strong is good but not if you're so strong that you can't go for a 5 minute run without collapsing due to exhaustion

Take some clen with that tren.

Ok Bitchtit Bob.

Doesnt understand what powerlifters look like.

They look fat.

My triple is 1650 what's yours

No idea, but since we’re going with obscure references nobody outside of fitness subcultures gets, my 2K time is 6:23 and that actually makes me one of the slower guys on my team.

Runners are fags. It's not that obscure it's the big three lifts squat bench and deadlift

Lol not a runner. I’ll give you a hint, it’s a sport associated with people who wouldn’t even hire you.

No idea I have a high paying white collar job

I’ll give you another hint, I’m talking about erg time. That’s a giveaway.


Bruh why is your search for 'cupcake' pulling up cuck porn?

Ya know what, I don't wanna know.

iono iono

lmao bro you fat as fuck ahahaha

I really like how he changed his skin color as if we couldn't tell from his comment he wasn't a fatfuck mayo lol

Its to hide the stretch marks

The fat hulk

You're the whitest person here.

I would like to think so but I had to do 2 years in prison over a gram of weed so I know without a doubt white is the farthest thing in the world I am, although I am very found of mayo bitches but I think that's because I know the white man would hate to see me laying pipe in some little blonde.

Yeah, nobody is believing your internet character. You buy Dungeons and Dragons cards for fuck sake, cracker.

If your ass got caught with a fucking gram, you deserved every last second of that 24 months.

magic the gathering you fucking retarded faggot.

No one cares about your life and virgin hobbies, honkey.

obviously you do, fucking pasty skinned snowflake.

You tried real, real hard and it didn't pay off.

You prolly don't even season your chicken cocksucker.

Even his biceps have that fat wrinkle thing going on lolololol

I mean I'll give it to you you look like a powerlifter. Thing is you look like a fat fucking one

I look like every powerlifter who doesn't use gear what the fuck do you think people who triple 1600 lbs look like

Idk I'm a soy boy man

what the fuck do you think people who triple 1600 lbs look like

properly proportioned

Post DINDU statistics, faggot

Why? That just proves my point. Also get better material, you're unironically worse than ed

Better material implies effort, and you just ain't worth it.

Now be a good cumskin and post those stats so we can make fun of you again

Apparently I just be cause you just can't seem to stop following me around. I don't know if I should be flattered or 😨

who the fuck would ever want to live in oklahoma you degenerate inbred

People who live near minorities are more likely to see them in a positive light. This has been shown time and time again. So like the opposite

It's possible to recognize simultaneously that (1) basketball Americans are often worthless degenerates, and (2) the people who sperg about about this fact on the Internet are probably 90-IQ butter-splurping whites who feel inferior, you know.

"culturally enriched enviroment" "Spend some time in Lawton, OK or Columbia, SC" Oklahoma is a culturally enriched enviroment? HAHAHAHA!!!! I live next to that shithole state and I can say for certain there is nothing culturally enriching about anything in Oklahoma, the whole fucking state looks like a inbred meth cook's trash filled yard.

the problem is that it will be gangs of retards that survive in post-america

Whoa whoa whoa, what part about race realism says that black people should be slaves? It's all about acknowledging the differences between the races, good and bad.

Imagine taking credit for the accomplishments of people that look vaguely like you

Imagine taking credit for the accomplishments of people that look vaguely like you

Imagine people saying you have privilege because of the accomplishments of people that look vaguely like you? I'm against both, and not white Though my ancestors had their share of slavery and still do, not gonna be guilty about it tho, in case we're not clear.

Almost as if society treats people differently based on how they look.

Yes that's true, I still don't see your point though.

Yeah humans had great success in the past before globalism using race as a proxy for culture.

Nice word vomit, retard.

Thanks, autismo.

no u retard


Alright, cool.

If they killed saltine Americans, I'd be proud.

Im kind of skeptical they would actually by murdered, its more likely they would die because the whole welfare apparatus that makes it possible for them to continue to exist would collapse leaving them to fend for themselves.

Thsts /u/mukumukum to a T

Oh man was a funny little loser that kid turned out to be. And here I thought he was a typical run of the mill mouth breather

Only the finest retards for my favorite subreddit

You can post porn without fapping to it

Bruh. You should have invested more points in Intelligence and not Dexterity.

Dexfags irl


Also happens to be what I'd call someone who is actually fooled by this troll.

/u/mukumukum the only whites on top of blacks that matters to me is when Staceys are riding me and trying to get my African seed all up in them.

Blacks are the future, whites are the past. Enjoy your fleeting glory Mayos. Glad Europeans are getting cucked and have birth rates akin to giant pandas.

I for one am excited for my mud hut and nose bone

mud hut

mayos will end up homeless. Don't be so optimistic.

Can't to see what Mbutu and his homeboys do with the place!

You'll be dead and so will your bloodline.

So will you given that there won't be anyone to show you how to farm or use the wheel

Silver lining and all

Not black, I don't live in the US, and I already have land where I grow a few crops for personal use.

Not black

Should have noticed since you're at least somewhat literate, my apologies Jose

alt account

weak bait


Not black,

Judging from the comments, I doubt anyone on this sub is. I get a blackpeopletwitter vibe from this place.

Yeah demographic survey proved that. I'm Latino and Filipino though. There is a small smattering of Hispanics and Asians on here and a few black guys.

No ur wrong. All white people have privilege handouts every month at the white power meetings.

ECKS dee

Post on your main boyoyoyong.

This sub is really getting stale. You are boring.

Scared, yt?

Dont get me wrong, whites deserve whats coming. I just hate this fake irony.

a lot of poor, unintelligent white people have to convince themselves that the blacks are inherently lower/lesser than them, because if they weren't, they'd have to face the harsh reality that they actually are the bottom rung of society

/u/mukumukum it's not your fault. If you'd had two parents at home and a decent public education system, you wouldn't be this way

you're just a broken toy and it's unironically sad tbqhfam

How are they not inherently lower when their entire race got enslaved by whites and have been owned by whites, fucked by whites, for the entire past 3000 years of human civilization? Only in the last 100 or so years have they began to be perceived even on same level as whites, and why? Because some mes about how they can jump high and have big dicks. Okay, lets see how those skills will help you when the white collective has had enough of this diversity, I'm sure your fucking feces and spears will stand against, well I'm not gonna even say what.

you need to log off, call your mom, admit to her that your problem has gotten out of control, and see if she can start looking into treatment clinics that she can afford to admit you to

Imagine being so retarded you think human civilization only goes back 3000 years.

I meant 5000, was thinking of 3000BC but forgot to add the 2000. Ancient Egyptians were ruled by white pharaohs who blacks worshipped as Gods and white ruling classes.

Imagine being so retarded you think human civilization only goes back 5000 years.


Yes, any relevant human civilizations date back 5000 years to wall of jericho and ancient egypt when first real civilizations emerged. Before that, the societies in which humans existed, can not be called civilizations.

Imagine being so retarded you don't think the Sumerians, Indians, or Chinese count as civilizations

Fuck you I'm blocking you cunt.

don't worry little one, you'll feel better after dropping a few n-bombs playing fortnite

this exchange between you and him is some of your best work on this sub my man

I'm kinda sad that he actually blocks people. Meaning her won't be able to see our comments and pings 😭

It's so baffling this idiot somehow views himself as superior to other people. The Dunning Kruger effect is a helluva drug

Hahah you fucking retard. The same idiot screaming about sjw being weak and easily offended. What a moron. I hope you're a just a committed troll

The funny part is that he's actually this retarded. He proves 🦄♻️️👞 theory over and over again lol

Imagine being suck a fragile faggot 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Lmao what a fragile little mayo manlet 😂😂😂

Weak mayo genes detected. You won't last long before being spread on the Day of the Sandwich.


Also I was curious if the wall of Jericho was even real.

Turns out it's even 10k years old. Dumbass.

I meant 5000

You are retarded.

Ancient Egyptians were ruled by white pharaohs who blacks worshipped as Gods and white ruling classes.

Hella retarded. Who the fuck do you think tiyi is ?


Ancient Egyptians were ruled by white pharaohs who blacks worshipped as Gods and white ruling classes.

So, what you're saying is, you was kingz?

Literally reverse “WE WUZ KANGZ”

Reverse kangz is just history though. That's the reason kangz is so funny.

Did you think Black Panther was an accurate representation of modern African warfare?

Do you think black gang members in the US are running around with spears?

Are you so retarded that you think the concept of a gun is somehow incompatible with people who have black skin? That guns have a feature so they stop working if black people use them?

Faeces and spears, what a muppet.

Guns are faeces and spears compared to the kind of warfare I'm refering to, but I won't speak any more about that for obvious reasons.

Does this warfare involve you jacking off to black trannies?

No kink shaming unless kink shaming is your kink

It is, my dude

but I won't speak any more about that for obvious reasons.

Yea we all know you're way too retarded to talk about this


And here I thought most of these idiots were from the US

Did you think Black Panther was an accurate representation of modern African warfare?

Yes, unironically

entire race

What are the Moors?


Mate, please get help.

What do I need help for? What do I need to talk about?

just go to a psychiatrist and open your mouth, they'll know

It could be easier to just show them his post history.

How are they not inherently lower when their entire race got enslaved by whites and have been owned by whites, fucked by whites, for the entire past 3000 years of human civilization?

Lol imagine not knowing anything about the various African empires that have existed.

Also weren't Arabs reading, writing and building cities while whites were still fucking about in mud huts? Yes, yes they were.

Ehhhh to be fair, the idea of “white” is pretty meaningless. I’d bet anything that if the Greeks had converted to Islam en masse after the Ottoman conquest, Westerners would consider them nonwhite like they do the Turks.

Man say what you will about Nixon, he sure nailed it with the Southern Strategy.

To be fair, you would have had to been severely incompetent to have somehow nailed the southern strategy. The dixiecrats had just alienated themselves from their own party, and everyone knows that third parties dont survive in America. They were going to flock to the republicans anyway even if nixon decided to just ignore them, because they sure as hell werent going to return to the party currently dominated by Hubert Humphrey's liberals.

Bonus points for his contribution to the mayocide by lying to American and escalating the Vietnam War!

I’m probably the only anti-communist who wishes the Viet Cong has killed more Americans than they did.

You have been banned from /r/Conservative

Pretty sure I despite afros as well, to a certain degree. But when I'm here I mayocide post because mayocide > negrocide

Fact: You can post porn without fapping to it.

I explained this already years ago in r/ Hapas when they attacked me I used to have an addiction to porn and my specific fetish was black women because I was molested by older somali girls when I was in middleschool and it left a sexual trauma, which I later resolved with use of LSD. I was sick, but I'm not anymore. Also my racist opinions developed much later. I am not addicted to porn anymore, in fact I'm nofap and only will orgasm with a white or asian woman. I posted on /r/blacktraps just to keep the sub active and growing, even though I don't manage it anymore, because I created it. I don't need to post on /r/bcwd because it's thriving and does well without me.

/u/le_epic_xd and /u/QueenOfTheIncels I'm getting sick of your harrassment so I'm blocking your cunt asses. Be grateful I don't report you for doxxing for going to my post history, but I know the mods won't do shit anyways.

plz don't be a troll

I truly hope that

Someone mod this man

That would probably be the only achievement he'd ever reach outside of vidyagames.

Hip hop culture is beautiful

Ashy Americans are our allies!

Some of the best lolcowing in a long time and it's downvoted :(

"I posted that ironically"

I choked on my drink at work reading that

How far back in his post history do I have to go to find the porn? I need new fap material

3 posts back and you're already in bussy territory


You're welcome

Average blacked subscriber


non-human female cuck commie

Damn, I want that flair.

Y'all postin in a troll thread.

/u/mukumukum, how many BBCs can you take at once?

I love it when fat ugly sluts get into fights with racists. Yell at each other for my amusement.