PEAK REDDIT: REEEEing over whether there were fat soldiers in the Civil War.

110  2018-07-11 by AlohaWarrior34


There are no fatties in foxholes tbqh

Yes, in fact the whole Confederate army was comprised of Wilford Brimley clones

Difficult to keep your platoon in shape when your CO is Colonel Sanders.

Winfield Scott would disagree fam.

one 51-inch man weighing 313 pounds

4'3" weighing 313 pounds. Nice.

The dude must have been shaped like a sphere.

Probably means a 51 inch waist.

That's still ridiculously large for a person. I'd be surprised that people like that even existed back then

Certainly not typical, but Angus MacAskill was 425 lbs in 1863, with an 80 inch chest. There's always a few just plain big people.

He also has a phenomenal name for a man of that size.

Andersonville was just a summer fat camp.

I hate how defensive fat people are. They either make up some vague ailment to explain how they just *can't help** but be fat*, even though that's demonstrably untrue, or, worse yet, make fatness into some sort of YEA GRRRRRL-tier empowerment thing, even though they revert back to pitiful defensiveness and self-exculpatory rationalization and blame-deflection the moment someone goes "hey maybe you shouldn't eat an entire fried chicken every day fatass." Fuck fat people.

Why you mad bb?

How does that graph disprove the existence of hypothyroidism? I mean, some motherfuckers even have to have their thyroids completely removed and get all of their metabolic hormones synthetically. How does that not exist?

But yeah, ultimately I agree. From fat people to poor people everyone has only themselves to blame their place in life.

Nah, I was fat (though only 75kg so literally normal by US standards lol) and I knew I was just eating too much, I was just too lazy to do anything about it for a while, and I know I’m not alone.

It’s just the type you’re talking about tend to be louder about it because they’re complaining about other people/things than themselves.

What’s your height?

5'2" - so 75kg is obese, but not by much.

They want fatness to be a part of LGBTQWERTY

I think I genuinely detest them.

When did Americans become fatties 🤔

When the government buys corn so that evertyhong cam be pumped full of high fructose corn syrup

Had to be after WWII

Don't worry u/wincompetence, I'm sure your kind were represented in the war too!

I'd argue that r/gaming's meltdown over women's role in WWII because a bideo game included the option to make your character a REEEmale is peak reddit, but this is close.

Everyone became a historian for like a week and no one learned anything.

But muh historical accuracy on childrens toys!

Im sure there were until their first battles

Imagine caring this much about your shitty LARP

/u/COMMUNIST_WARRIOR talking about "fat erasure", truly peak reddit

shut up virgin

Daily reminder that the average American woman in 2018 weighs more than the average American man did in the 1960s.

Large segments of the population being fat is a sort of newer phenomena that didn't come to fruition until about the early 80's, that's around the time fast food started to become more popular and began to be advertised regularly.

Why is Reddit so obsessed with fat erasure/minority erasure? There were plenty of fat soldiers in the Civil War, just like there was black and gay soldiers. Not everyone everywhere was a skinny pasty white straight white incel like the users of this site. ~COMMUNIST_WARRIOR


If they excluded fatties, nobody in the South would be able to participate.


A few months at Andersonville would see to that....

/u/COMMUNIST_WARRIOR, you’re fooling nobody. You only seem to bring your retarded schtick to threads that this sub has linked to.