106  2018-07-11 by serialflamingo

Dirty English bastards BTFO





It is a shame tbh. If I had a heart, it would bleed for them.




Brexit means Brexit

We're up to Brexit *does mean** Brexit means Brexit it does.

That was certainly a soft Brexit

1st time I'll ever upvote a serial flaminghomo post :P


I have super annoying chavvy neighbours so they'll finally shut the fuck up now lol.

Also I made £££ on Croatia to win.

You made coat racks?

chavvy neighbours

they'll finally shut the fuck up

I have bad news for you.

chavvy neighbours

they'll finally shut the fuck up

I have bad news for you.

I'm used to their regular noise but it was so bad when England was playing. Silence never sounded as sweet as it did when Croatia scored their two goals.

he did not beat his wife after they lost?

are you sure that they are real chavs?



tfw its not coming home

Lol anglets btfo

yuropoor sporting event


It's the world cup, it's different than your "world series"

I know it's rough when you can't even manage to qualify for the championship though πŸ˜„

It’s called the World Series because all the relevant parts of the world compete to make it in.

How does it make you feel that usa didn't even qualify?

qualify for what?

Read the thread again

>It's coming home

The team is πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Excuse me, we still have to play the 3rd place game.

Hrvatska FTW

Now Brits can stop dreaming about soccer and start building a great nation in real life.

Too busy flying Donald Trump balloons, mate.

The 19th century already gone buddy.

They're coming home lads.

oh shit, they def deserved the win for making that puppy

Wow. More Croatian sheepdog pictures please.

Istrian Coarse-haired Hound puppies

Also croatian, now HD for wallpaper purposes.


Such lovely babies. I like the one in the corner eating the other’s face. Adorable face chewing > all other face chewing.

Istria belongs to Italy


England v france would be so tasty... oh well

A bitter loss for the meme economy.

Oh no it wouldn’t, and I say that as an England fan. We just don’t have the midfield to compete with France.

Modric is my only hope!!!

Dier should have started

Died would’ve been even worse. Throughout the tornument we’ve lacked creativity and Dier can’t provide that.

Lingard and Alli can provide that.

Evidently not.

dirty ugly uncivilized Balkan Slavs beating uppity French will be way more funny

Which make this great is that either we win the cup or r/france burn and I get my monthly dose of drama in one day.

At least they still have their sunny weather, famous cuisine, and beautiful women.

France is going to win tho

Yeah probably. My bet is 1-1 then France winning on penalties.


More extra time

It's been enough already

I had exactly the opposite prediction with France beating England on penalties.

What are you, a dirty scot or a dirty irish?

This is a Scottish thread.

🎢Oh flower of Scotland, when will we see, your like again🎢

So we'll all shoot heroin and lament over the loss of good Irn Bru then.


Britannia rules the waves


I kind of wanted to watch an English vs. France tbh

They dropped the ball

One of my coworkers has croat ancestry and has been rootong for them the whole tournament. Since day 1 basically everyone has been making fun of her for it. How the hell did this happen

Aww I hope they win even more now.

I don't want to be shallow, superficial or immature...but is she hot?

Judging by the fan shots of Croatia in this world cup, yes she probably is.

What cunts.

There is a big difference between recognizing reality and liking it.

This is the way politics works, in particular for the left. Liberalism/progressivism/leftism what ever you want to call it is at it's core anti-authoritarian, it's about distributed power. Bottom up democracy.

The answer to the Right isn't to emulate them, liberals don't think the same way, they don't fall in line the same way, We're stubborn, cantankerous and suspicious of arguments from "authority" so you can't motivate the left the same way that the Right is motivated.

Yeah it would be great if you got a complete crop of lefty candidates all on the same page about priorities and policy agendas that all of the diverse interests groups that make up the left agreed on. But you are working in an environment where the Right has spent 4 decades and literally billions if not trillions of dollars building the propaganda and misinformation engines.

Engines that have been so effective that even liberals are ashamed to wear the label.

You can't counter something like that in one election cycle, you can't undo that much programing that quickly. You have to work from the bottom up. Build a coalition, find like minded individuals even if they don't agree on the specifics as long as they recognize the same problems. Form common cause, work on educating your immediate circuit of friends and family.

This poo poo isn't going to get fixed over night, in the mean time we all do what ever we can to slow the regression down, educate ourselves and others and as far as electoral strategy goes, Vote your conscience and ideals in the primary, but vote party in the general. Because a bad Democrats is still better than the best Republican if for no other reason than to deny the regressives control of the legislative agenda.

Cause frankly the problem that has always been the weakness of the left is that we don't do a good job of follow through.

Think about how everyone wants to blame Obama for where we are now, because what he "sold out" or some bullshit. He told us, make him do it. Stay loving engaged and keep pushing him. but what happened in 2010? the loving left stayed home and the Regressives swept the house and put a kibosh on any further actions that Obama could have taken.

What do you think might have happened if the left had got up off collective their asses and voted for in the same numbers they did in 2008? If rather than lose seats in the house and senate they had gained seats ideally more progressive seats. if the failure of the "public option" had motivated more of it's supporters to get out and redouble their efforts to demonstrate support for it, if the electorate had demonstrated approval of the direction things were going rather than getting apathetic because they didn't get exactly what they wanted instantly, like a bunch of whiny children who only got a single scoop of vanilla ice-cream when they wanted a triple scoop of chocolate.

Change requires consistent, pressure and action we didn't get into this mess over night or even over one presidential term and we're not going to fix it overnight or even one presidential term, hell it's going to take decades unfuck this mess, decades of consistent actions. That means that the left needs to have the same staying power and stamina as the Right has demonstrated not the same strategies and tactics.

How is this even relevant to the World Cup? Fuck off.


I ain't reading all that shit





Meme posting in text on drama is fucking sickening.

Start your car in your garage and take a nap


i dont care about sports but i am a big fan of bad things happening to england, so i can still get behind this post

Same, and I'm the one who made the post.

Cries in English

TFW soccer fags


If you listen closely you can hear americans trying to figure out where croatia is.

Every 90s American knows that Croatia got BTFO by the Serbs.

Um, Croatia basically achieved their goals. You may be thinking of Bosnia.

i have never won a bet in my life

pretty sure im cursed or something

so yesterday i bet on england winning the game hoping that the curse would ensure croatias victory, and it worked

100 euros well spent

im more flattered that you all seem to be so invested in how we perform ur all welcome

Shut the fuck up.

how could u

Go home

Scotts mainly care that England loses.

I don't think Scotland even competes to lose anything

i dont think we even qualified

It made me smile when that player got hurt and they had to play with ten for the rest of the game.

Football players should get the same treatment as horses in the Grand National tbh. You'd see a lot less "injuries".

Not a bad idea. I’d be on board as long as I get to watch.

Anything that triggers BritBongs is fine by me.

Shut up catholic Serbs.

Can you not with the sportsball shit you fucking normie