A group of people extorts over $6000 from Christian Weston Chandler.

171  2018-07-12 by I-__

Story dox removed

Kiwifarms is livid and is collecting money to help Chris out.


thats pretty sad tbh

It's actually pretty amazing to see that Chris still hasn't hit rock bottom yet.

Chris believes Ted Bundy is part Sonichu

I lost it at that part.. The post said there was only one funny part but it lied.

I don't find it funny because it's just someone else's idea injected into him.

Inception is the greatest comedy

That was revealed in a conversation with Count Dankula btw.

That's actually fucked up. Fucker don't give a shit about basic lolcow conservation.

Seriously. How large does the lolcow grow? If you chop it down, you'll never know...

And you'll never hear the furry cry to the three wolf moon shirt

Like, I'm here to laugh at people making idiots out of themselves. When I was less mature and before I really understood what was happening, I thought CWC was the same. Now it's really clear though: for the last decade just about everything that has happened in Chris's life has been a collaborative project by trolls to see how big of a lolcow they can make through what a regimen of abuse and gaslighting. They blackmailed him. They catfished him repeatedly. They even systematically engineered delusional beliefs in Chris's mind just to make him funnier. That's fucked up beyond belief. I regret ever reading the cwcki or watching Chris's antics for entertainment. I'm sure Peter Weir thought The Truman Show was outlandish, but hell, this goes beyond that in my mind: at least everyone gave a shit about Truman.

...I can't think of anything to say that's actually in the spirit of /r/drama. Sorry I guess.

Ultimately it's why I stopped following CWC stuff in the first place. It became clear that it was a dancing monkey routine where it was essentially a small group of people arranging for these things to happen.

It stopped being funny and started being sad and a little creepy.

Chris's trolls are the only people in the world who care about him. The people who stole money from him are scum.

Yeah, there were some that actually seemed to care about Chris. I don't think it outweighs all the sociopaths, though.

And there is a lot to say about his parents. None of it is good. Who knew two neglectful narcissistic idiots could cause so much damage to one child?


RIP internet lumberjack

How exactly did chris' parents help him to get to here? It's a part of the saga I never really thought of

They didnt let him go to special ed school or some such

Most high functioning autistic children are mainstreamed. They can complete schoolwork with the same, or often times, better results as other children.

Nearly a fifth of students in the United States will at some point benefit from special education facilities. So every public school in the United States uses at least a portion of their fund to create adequate special needs facilities, so that a special education student wouldn't need to go to their own school in the first place and can just use their public high school, with accommodations.

Someone on the spectrum would likely only receive special education resources in the form of counseling and social skills training. They often make time in the day for this by pulling them out of lunch, PE, or homeroom. Otherwise, they're in normal classes, and with the added intelligence that is often associated with someone with Aspergers, they might even be in advanced classes. I swear half the people in my AP physics class in HS were on the spectrum.

Is Cris chan high functioning

well for starters his mom steals most of his social security money

And she's a psycho hoarder

It's not "his" money. He hasn't earned a dollar in his life. It belongs to her for providing for him even when he's this terrible of a person.

Does it really, even if he takes care of her more than anything? He's been handling most of the affairs in addition to keeping her alive for years.

his father paid tax and alot of it into the system to help those who can not work. yes chris could push trolleys or stock shelves but even then he would still get money.

Look up the Greene county conspiracy

They basically created a conspiracy theory that everything bad that happens to Chris is a result of the Greene County Education Board or whatever.

The people who stole money from him are scum.

Why? It's not like he'll ever amount to anything. He doesn't deserve that money in the first place.

gtfo ween


The cwc shit is just sad to see now. Back in 2008-11 it was funny to see all the hilarious shit he would do because back then it wasn't really malicious, but now it's just a bunch of douchebags extorting a mentally disabled person. I can't even think of a funny quip to make about this, this is just depressing.

A good deal of it was pretty malicious back then too. Bluespike was especially cruel, even if he was just a kid. I wonder what he thinks about his role now that he's grown up.

I only remember Bluespike being the only real malicious troll. Every other major troll just made fun of chris and then he would sperg the fuck out.

Liquid Chris was a brilliant and entertaining troll. It was all over an imaginary girlfriend and utilized decent acting and ended with an appropriate and well put together heath ledger joker tape parody

Liquid Chris is probably my favorite classic Chris event

it was probably the best of all the sagas. iirc he ended up marrying one of the female trolls, who ended up morbidly obese and abusive.

Years later I found out the liquid Chris actor actually had a gimped hand/arm. Never noticed it

I mean, making fun of a mentally handicapped person who you know will flip out specifically because they will flip out is still malicious.

Is he the kid that posed as Julie?

He sounded like a real vile shit.

Yeah Im more than willing to bet the kid is more than content with himself for doing that still to this day. He probably sees it as the biggest accomplishment of his life and something to be especially proud of.

Newsflash: kids do stupid things. More at 11.

He sent lewds to a minor, why didn't he get arrested for it? "Him" being CWC of course

Because he thought he was talking to an adult woman.

Doesn't make a difference in the eyes of the law. He still lewded a minor. With that logic pedophiles could send nudes to kids all they want while hiding behind the "I didn't know they were a minor" defense

Agreed. Remember there was a post on here a year or so back that mentioned how (parafrased) "CWC has his issues, but the people who are harassing CWC after all this time are probably the ones with more issues."

Like he did stupid stuff, and the Sonichu stuff was dumb af, but the guy needs to be left alone. Unfortunately, I can't see people really letting go, at least until a lot of people forget who he is.

/u/KiwiNull, I doubt you post on Reddit much anymore, but do you have any other thoughts you'd like to share on this?

Chris is really entertaining when left alone. "Don't call anybody" and "Stephanie Bustcakes" weren't organised by trolls and they were the two best Chris events in years.

I have nothing to say outside of that post. I am still reaching out to different groups and individuals to help crucify them.

Are you really? Why the change in heart?

It's not a change of heart. I also organized a drive to give Chris clean clothes, pet food, and gift cards for food after the house fire in 2014.

What has changed is that the people who try and troll Chris, half a decade after trolling Chris was funny, are the people worth trolling now. The people I deal with helping Chris manage his Twitter alone are just the most insane, hilariously pathetic creatures I've ever seen.

He still thinks it's funny but is also kinda ashamed is the impression I get.

Bluespike was flat out evil. Even the trolls themselves tried to get him to tone it down

I still remember part pf the way through the call where Clyde was telling Bluespike he went to far, but Blue just wouldn't quit. Shit was fucked up

if i recall he said he regrets it and isn't that kind of person anymore. he said that on some forum or something.

I can't even think of a funny quip to make about this, this is just depressing.



If these idiots are known and addresses and the cops do not do anything ( they have the info ) then maybe we should do it ourselves by doxing and publicly shaming them via facebook and youtube and the shitty mainstream news.

yeah, anyone who does this cwc shit is fucking weird. they're surprised and offended someone is fucking with him for money now? oh, that sure is a huge surprise.

i mean i understand where you're coming from but a lot of Chris' shit stems from the fact that he's a mentally deranged lunatic. from pepper spraying people in a gamestop over sonic the hedgehog's arm colors or stalking any woman who came in contact with him, he's not exactly innocent just because he's a retard.

that being said, stealing from someone who's too stupid to take care of themselves is pretty shit. this dude needs to be institutionalized by the state or something.

It was never alright to make fun of someone with autism and the mind of a kid en masse.

Don't get me wrong though, he's hilarious.

He still makes a comfortable living for himself purely because of these trolls feeding his delusions. Chris-chan isn't the delicate innocent you think he is.

Plus, it has been a reliable source of lulz for over 15 years. Very few sources of comedy hold up that long. Enjoy the freak show.

yo the dude is clearly mentally ill as fuck. trolling him and catfishing him is pretty much punching down and not really fun unless you're a psychopath. all the trolls that fucked with him are much worse human beings than he is, the whole thing was a bit much.

Holy shit. That bloke's life is like a real life Black Mirror episode.

But I thought autism just meant you're good at math and get awkward around the girl you like?

Tumblr says it means you are literally better than everyone normal and horrible oppressed (which frankly is a bonus)

Nah lots of autists are shitty at math

This is what tumblr users actually believe.

Forget about the 6000$ You will never see it, so say goodbye to it and get over it. Moving on, someone who actually has empathy for him and don't wanna leech off his tugboat/fame and has free time and space, needs to take this poor bastard in and take care of him for the rest of his sad life and try to make the best of it for him.

What part did Sparta have right? The fucking little boys part?

This is why the Spartans had it right.

Letting doctors cop a feel on underage gymnasts?

CWC has stalked and harassed multiple women, assaulted somebody with pepper spray, recorded his autistic diatribes on why “niggos” are not intelligent despite his own mental challenges, and burned his own fucking house down because he’s careless. He’s not a baby, he’s a grown adult. He doesn’t have Jiminy fucking Cricket in his ear telling him to get irate with game store owners or become the nations most notorious trespasser.

Chris should have been hospitalized years ago tbh

Thanks, Reagan

Reagan and the ACLU have a lot of crazy tard blood on their hands

Blame disability activist

big and true just like the love quest.

So what? He's mentally fucking ill you absolute brainlet. That is no reason to extort, harrass, and bully him. Leave him fuck up his life on his own, he has enough do deal with, and who knows if he would have ever had a chance at a liveable life now that people that think like you have absolitely and completely ruined it. The man needs help, not people emotionally scarring him and taking his money.

Learn to read dipshit. I didn’t say extorting money from the mentally handicapped was a really cool thing to do. But this twat in the image is a self righteous retard who thinks that everything bad CWC has done was the result of trolls telling him what to do. Which is obviously fucking stupid, even a baby boy brainlet like you can see that

thanks for unclogging my nose

This is too sad.

It’s fucked up that the local police nor his cLosest irl confidants at his church will help the case.

I mean you have an autist and his widowed mother who are both destitute being exploited by internet bullies and local police don’t care. Null should go to the media

Null is a literal pedophile, and the rest of kiwifarms aren't much better.

Didn’t the accusations that null’s a pedophile come from one of their cows that tried to get the forum shut down?

He's literally unironically talked on the forums about his shota fantasies and child porn collection.


u/KiwiNull are u a pedo? 😥😲


People try to nail me to the cross over two quotes in particular: one is completely fabricated, and the other was about being interested in boys my age when I was 14 or 15. People have tried to nail me to the cross over that for a fucking decade now and it's pretty pitiful people eat it up.

I've only ever been in relationships with women who are a few years older than me.

u/pitterpatterwater has been known to embellish for attention 🤔🤨

This is complete and utter bullshit. From Null's chat logs.

8:58 AM - [Name redacted]: God I feel so guilty about the CP

8:58 AM - [Name redacted]: I wish it didn't turn me on to see that shit

8:59 AM - [Name redacted]: It's not just regular child porn either, it's hurtcore now

8:59 AM - [Name redacted]: I just like to see children suffer :(

8:59 AM - [Name redacted]: Oh well, no point in thinking about it too much

8:59 AM - [Name redacted]: Time to load up Tor and find some more, lol!

The first is the made-up quote the second is from ten years ago. This is what happens when you read Encyclopedia Dramatica. You become a retard.

the made-up quote.

Lol nope.

from ten years ago.

So you only used to be a pedophile?

There's no source for the first quote. The person who edited it into the page later tried to remove it with the reason "sorry I made this up", before it was reverted.

And when I was 14/15 I hit on a boy my age. The conversation that quote is from is with that person.

You're desperate to be mad. I understand.

There's no source for the first quote.

Lol imagine thinking chat logs have sources.

They had the forum shut down for violating the (incredibly restrictive) rules of their host, but they tried to spin as an unwarranted ban for pedo stuff for some reason.

he is not just a pedophile hes an absolute turbo sperg on the level of chris himself who cannot exist without diet coke zero and had to hide behind a literal wheelchair bound cripple midget when he was working out of the states for him. imagine asking the brittle bones midget of agony to negotiate your flip drug deals for you because any social interaction terrorizes you.

the vast majority of farms users are as bad as chris.

the vast majority of farms users are as bad as chris.

this isnt true at all, cwc is substantially better than a lot of them. at least people will care when he dies

wait - i'm only adjacent to all this stuff but didn't kiwifarms chase @eevee and their partners off the internet for supposedly being pedophiles?

The whole reason they exist is making themselves feel better about their shit lives by gawking at people even shittier than they are.

It's unsurprising to me tbh. There's nobody more tired of CWC's shit than the people who personally know him.

churches are some hardcore gang shit, god hates snitches y'know.

seriously why do churches never report anything to police

why do churches never report anything to the police

Didn't realize Chris was Catholic.

Chris has literally burned, smashed and imploded every bridge he's ever come across. Some of it because of idea guys, the rest because he's literally incapable of seeing anyone elses viewpoint.

Not saying it's right, just saying that's the reality of his situation.

I'm sure that the Crash Override Network will step in to help any time now.

Truman show has nothing on this.



Chris Chan is a hard argument for mental institutions being brought back.

Actually he's the best argument for community-based care, which was supposed to replace the asylums but of course never materialized.

Unless you mean community based care with 40 foot walls and no chance of interaction with the public you're falling short of keeping the public safe from Chris Chan.

Oh come on, he'd be entirely harmless if surrounded by people who cared about him and told him to cut the bullshit when necessary, instead of trolls and his retarded parents.

Yeah, and decent group homes keep people busy. If he was going on outings with staff and his buddies at the home everyday he wouldn't need to entertain himself or find connections with spergy shit.

don't forget group homes are constant fuck fests too. even ole bent duck would see some action sooner or later.

chris walks around with a baseball bat and has multiple assaults on record not excluding his recently foray in unwanted sexual contact.

You comment on /r/drama, I'm all for locking you in a solitary confinement without internet access. Maybe watching the ceiling for entertainment would cure you of your antisocial attitude, and if not it doesn't matter because you're going to do that for the rest of your life anyway!

excuse you I got linked here sweatie, i am a perfectly adjusted normal white heterosexual member of srd.

I am a perfectly adjusted normal white heterosexual member of srd.

With Allah as my witness, death is too good for the likes of you.

my semen only belongs in two places:

  • my balls

  • an effeminate hole.

an effeminate hole.


Will the Slugger Saga end with the destruction of wrong arm sonic merchandise or Chris bopping someone on the noggin?

Chris bopping someone on the noggin?

its called a love tap gosh

Trolling made him worse. Pre trolling Chris was fairly benign and was a huge puss that got mad at himself from being friend zoned . Arguably trolls made him more aggressive and falsely confident. If trolls never interacted with him he’d probably just be another autistic incel without the guts to actually actively harm anyone

lol no. trolls didn't make chris get thrown out of community college, dragged out of malls and banned from multiple stores. a number of those events predated his popularity on the net. they also didn't make him mace the guy at gamestop or hit the other guy with his car.

Chris was sent to college because his parents made him. The bans I feel would probably have been one time things. Trolls actively encouraged the love quest. Everything else after him being found on the internet came from at least some troll influence.

Like I said, he reacted to the trolls which caused him to be more aggressive, and the fake girlfriends made him more confident socially . Remember that in his mind trolls are everywhere like gang stalking

CWC might be one of the only people in the world to be a victim of real gang stalking.

Most gang stalking victims are just people with paranoid delusions, but for CWC there is literally dozens of people stalking and trolling him on a daily basis for no apparent reason.

Him. The trans thing isn’t real and was dictated by trolls

There's retards I fear more on this subreddit than Chris Chan

I'd take fifteen Chris-chans over one MDEfugee.

/u/OniTan. Enough said.

Don't narc on the Montreal Mangler.

Here is a good scale of morality:

Is it more funny then malicious? I.E Burn pinging nerds. Threatening to blow up sonicu with a moon laser. Copycatting someone on YouTube.- then yes it's good

Is it more malicious then funny? I.E physically assaulting people, blackmail, harassing someone's employer/family, harassing them nonstop? - then no, it's bad and you are a fag.

Bluespike is what made me realize that the line can totally be crossed through trolling.

At which point can we advocate for euthanasia?

Chrischan should have been a demonstration that overly-serious radical lifestyles are strongly connected with mental illness, but it went wrong somewhere

chris chan was right about almost everything - stanely kubrick

Wait. Chris-chan really believes that ray guns on the moon might destroy his imaginary anime city now?

This isn't even funny anymore. He needs to be in a sanitarium.

Chris-chan is a disaster of a human being that's lived a disaster of a life, but he doesn't deserve this. As someone who's followed his life and laughed, I have a raging hate boner for those cunts. He may be a dumb retard, but goddammit he's OUR dumb retard.

Trolling should never go this far. Mock and hate on sonichu all you want -- he put it up, he exposed himself to the trolls. However, the things that have been done to CWC beyond that are abhorrent. The people that do this shit are sick to be able to get any enjoyment out of persecuting a mentally ill man to this extent. This shit is cruel and unusual. All he did was post his cringy art and videos. The guy's life is so shit as it is, he doesn't need this. God, this actually makes me feel really bad, he doesn't deserve to go through this shit.

This is depressing. I hope the issue is resolved and someone with power actually steps in to take action.

I lol'd and felt a little bad at the same time. The best kind of feeling