Gay incel demands court-enforced access to that sweet sweet bussy

220  2018-07-15 by dramasexual


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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He's trying fam. Those bigots won't let him.


And den they eat da poo poo

Laik ice cream!!!

I have been waiting for this day. There is so much drama online where different groups complain no one wants to fuck them, it was only a matter of time before someone filed a lawsuit.

He hasn't filed suit yet, and no attorney will take this case. Grindr is immune under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. He's just angry and stupid.

t. Attorney

Edit: read article and the author brings up the CDA, but it's more than a big hurdle. Craigslist, Facebook, eBay have all faced similar lawsuits and prevailed under section 230. There is zero chance this goes anywhere, or you'd see someone suing Reddit for allowing racist subreddits to exist.

I’m sure people have tried to sue Reddit countless times.

He hasn't filed suit yet, and no attorney will take this case. Grindr is immune under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act

Also I'm pretty sure it's still legal to choose who you want to have sex with

Even if this guy were to succeed in legislating language, you can’t legislate behavior of the people who don’t find you attractive. Dude’s issue is racism, and that’s not Grindr’s fault.

Also I don’t know if I’d call that dude an incel. More like just butthurt for all the wrong reasons.

Dude’s issue is racism, and that’s not Grindr’s fault.

Serious question, is it really racism to have a sexual preference that factors in race?

Is it really homophobia to have a sexual preference that factor in sex ?

I'd say that tendencies toward racism and race-based sexual preferences come from the same place - humans tend to favor in-groups and dislike outsiders.

humans tend to favor in-groups and dislike outsiders.

That's your way of coming out as a sister fucker, white devil ?

No, that's retarded.

Races look different, people are often sexually attracted to people based on looks.

fucking rape-ass """progressives""" tryna force people to fuck them smdh

Some of us need a little tweak to the law in order to fulfill our identities, ok?

Some people are so fucking ugly or have personalities so shitty that the only way they could get laid is if it were court ordered.

But if you think about it, people's perception of beauty is based upon the society and culture in which they grew up in. So everyone is it isnt blatant racism, isn't there a discussion to be had on subconscious racial bias?

Who cares? You aren't entitled to shit in dating. People either wanna fuck you or they don't. If people don't wanna fuck you because you're a pajeet or a hapa or whatever your rights aren't being violated any more than some ugly-ass incel's rights are being violated when nobody wants to sit on his deformed trailer-trash-looking face.

This new faux-progressive habit of whinging like sexual attraction is up for debate as if it's a political stance is 100/10 retarded.

I don't think it's racist to point out that there are 2 types of gingers:

Drop-dead gorgeous or "who let the steer out of the pen"

You should give out some more r/malefashionadvice

Not here, in that sub, where you give male fashion advice

Uh huh

I like your takes on male fashion, pls advice more

Uh huh

That wasn't a fashion advice?

That wasn't a false MDE accusation?

post MDE streetwear fit

Sorry I dress like an adult.

post it

You wish, creeper

so i can give you male fashion advice

You dress like an incel 😉

thats why i need more male fashion advice from you dammit

Depends on whether the race is based on a 'type' or a stereotype. Like some people prefer a hair color or body type, some people prefer a certain class (similar or up or down for whatever reason). I think there can be complex arguments about how and why people gravitate towards the people they like. Could be they're attracted to an unequal power dynamic, like a rich person dating someone who makes a lot less so they have more control, or maybe they had a relationship with a friend or someone as a child that ends up flipping their switch as an adult, either with looks or personality. In my personal experience, a preference is just something you lean towards, but not necessarily restricted to. I tend to like goofy smart dudes, but I've also dated ex-football players. I like dark hair, but I've dated a blonde or two in my day. I have found when it comes to the type of people, they culture matters more than race. I feel uncomfortable around macho pushy guys, the kind curious types that don't chase works for me.

Being racist though means that anyone of a certain race is off the table, without considering who they are. Some folks may equate that to culture, but that doesn't mean everyone who is of a certain race is from that culture, and that's not fair to pre-judge or not give the time of day to someone who may be awesome.

So... basically, preference means you have a type, but may be open to people who don't fit that type depending on who they are. Racism is when you refuse to be open based on race. That said, I don't think it's terrible that people leave a 'wont date X' on their profile. It's easier to identify people who are racist when they self identify. Besides, why would anyone want to date someone who wouldn't want to date them for whatever reason is beyond me.

Just my two cents...

Nibba that was like $20 not 2 cents

Sorry, forgot to adjust for inflation

Exactly. If tomorrow, Grindr banned statements of racial preference from their users' profile, nothing would change except a few Asian dudes would end up wasting more time pursuing mayo bussy that isn't in to that oriental shit.

No, what will happen is the community will come together to find a new way of saying "No blacks, whites or asians." Something stupid like I hate rice or chicken or mayo.

"Rice" is already used on grindr

a version of this for lesbians when

Also I'm pretty sure it's still legal to choose who you want to have sex with

Oh well yeah, but this dude is trying to argue that by allowing users to use discriminating language and not censoring them, Grindr is therefore responsible. 230 explicitly creates immunity against any cause of action that would hold the interactive computer service (ICS) liable for info originating from a third party (the user).

They COULD reach liability if Grindr itself provided options to discriminate. See where the website was not immune because it asked discriminatory questions of users in a dropdown menu, published the discriminatory statements in user profiles, and sorted the results based on discriminatory statements in violation of the Fair Housing Act. But Roommates was liable because they created the discriminatory options and furthered the illegal activity.

Websites have been found immune even when the site selected defamatory content to go on his website and commented on it, because he did not materially change what the third party wrote (Tucker Max), immune even when asking for defamatory statements (Jones v. Dirty World), and immune even if created for the purpose of defamation (Giordano).

This dude is shit out of luck, but maybe he'll find an attorney to take his money just to tell him he has no options.

Question: Would OKCupid's "dating question" that reads as follows be considered an option to discriminate?

"Would you prefer to date someone of your own race?"

I've never seen anyone except the planetiest of hamplanets answer "yes."

The example is totally inapplicable because there’s nothing like the FHA for dating, despite the attempts by incels

Hopefully not for long, inshallah

Shouldn't that be:

t. Attorney, t. not YOUR Attorney

1 lawsuit

2 profit

3 ....

4 get that sweet sweet bussy

their buttholes are sideways lmao

Shut the fuck up! You Round-Brown Eyed Devil

he street-shitter?


wasn't that offensive comon

Ah, so that's how ice cream machines at Chinese buffets work.


Hi i looking for a man i gay



"Reeeees about lawsuits instead of posting bussy on gay dating site"


Omg people have preferences, how dare they, I'm going to sue another company for someone elses valid sexual preferences...

Unfortunately, sex with everyone isn't a right, and therefore, means you aren't protected from "racist" exclusion from that sex.

i only fuck wealthy, elderly white men

nothing is more satisfying than the dual experience of submitting your bussy to privileged daddy cock, and stealing daddy cock from disgusting decrepit mayo women

This guy has got it all figured out

this but unironically.

Wait. So I can either fuck whoever I want, or I can sue them for discrimination?

Give up the cooter, Angela Merkel, otherwise I’m suing you for discrimination against white penis.

Interesting the articke did leave out anti-white preference

I hope he sues gridr into oblivion Checkmate Bigots!

What if the writer is transracial and suffers PTSD from seeing xer previous race? Systemic toxic transphobia.

He wants to seize the means of reproduction from the bourgeoisie chads.

Cant he just use a gun or a van like a normal incel?

gay dating app Grindr


They keep using that "dating" word

who the fuck uses those apps for dating.

I had this exact same conversation with a dirty neckbeard FTM tranny fuck on growlr yesterday at work.

I asked her if she was trans, she said yes, I said "Ok neat, bye." then she goes off like "I guess you don't wanna know me as a person."

Like, bitch, no, I don't, growlr is for finding chubby white genetic males to pound their bussy.

nobody wants fake bussy or real gussy.

Hookup apps have a brief golden age where most of the users are using the app for its intended purposes. All of them inevitably become filled with idiots that take offense when they encounter anyone who dares to still use the app for casual sex.

Aka women

in this country we can choose who we have sex with.

you aren't gonna shame me into fucking some dirty brown/black/yellow savage and therefore lowering myself.

I am a gold star gayo with no diseases, and will stay that way.

I am a gold star gayo with no diseases, and will stay that way.

Abstinence is really working for ya

sorry hun, I'm way too cute to be abstinent.

Only disgusting brown people get diseases.


I dunno who that is, I'm assuming you're trying to call me a tranny? that sounds like a tranny name, I'm fat and hairy and not trans, like, at all.

try again.

People like young, healthy, attractive people, not old overweight, ugly people and no amount of lawsuits will ever change that.

He doesn't seem ugly, though he does seem like a douche. I'm guessing the latter is actually why no one wants to fuck him.

I'd say he's pretty ugly tbqh.

it's over for ricecels 😞

Thank Allah

You have a forehead fetish?

That will be the last prejudice to be erased

So let's say he suceeds and makes it bannable say "no rice or spice" on your dating profile. Then what? Do they think the dude who said that is gonna give him a chance? Let's think things through to it's logical conclusion, what does it actually achieve?

Sexual preferences include-- always have, always will-- racial aspects. End of story.

I must say, he really is grabbing this one by the balls.

I hope he takes this further. Or hooks up with a co-plaintiff and gets the relief he so desires.

He should check out Thailand if he's looking for a gay friendly place

Suddenly Musk.

Odd, in my experience on Grindr, it’s usually the basketball Americans that list “no Asians” in their profiles. Also, please let this get to the Supreme Court.

It ain't even getting to a regular court lmao. Notice how he's announcing it to media all over the place and he doesn't even have a lawyer. Cuz ain't nobody gonna take this case.

I agree with this man.

🍦 or 🔥. No 🍫 or 🍚.

Imagine being a fag zoz

How dare be picky about where they put their dick.

A woman should sue this guy for the same reason. Bring it full circle.

this is obviously just a publicity stunt for his website, there is no way he believes that he'll get any money or whatever from grindr

I wouldnt want to bang an asian guy either. Go trans or go home.

What are you, such as huge bigot you won't put your noodle into a Vietnamese man's wangcave?

how hard is it to get laid as a gay man, anyway? he pretty much hit a jackpot when it comes to preferences and still disatisfied.