Male feminists need to be reminded how not to rape on r/menslib

195  2018-07-15 by jasos-2005


Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact) has most of the removed stuff.

False reports are exceptionally rare.

Someone brought up that black men have a higher rate of false accusations, but the comment seems to have been deleted-- there is a long history of white supremacy tying in with false accusations of black men. In fact, many different marginalized groups get stereotyped as sexual predators, even when statistically they are no more likely than any other group to be abusers and are often much more likely to be victims.

The history of black men being accused actually fits in with the study that I posted about the patterns in false accusations-- a young person trying to escape punishment from their parents. There is a history of white women sleeping with black men (or honestly just being in the same room) and then when their white supremacist family finds out, they accuse the man of rape instead of dealing with repercussions from their relatives. And then the black man is murdered.

It is always important to keep issues, such as racism in this case, in context to any situation.

However, it's important to realize that racism and rape accusations don't only affect black men. Black women have much higher rates of being victims of abuse, including rape, compared to women of most other races (and especially compared to white women) and are also much less likely to be believed about being raped, due to horrible racist perceptions that black women (and girls) are less "pure" or "innocent" compared to white women and therefore were "asking for it" or were "provoking".

Extra-legal processes at college usually don't directly involve the legal system at all. The worst they can really do is kick you out, in which case you can just go to another college.

lol's important to note that colleges also are extremely notorious for covering up sexual assaults on campus, protecting abusers, and offering no recourse for the victims. Because the assault happened on campus, and the process is extra-legal, jail is often not even a recourse. This happened to several of my close friends, who were sexually assaulted on campus and had no legal recourse

Aye, that's a fucking lie, not missed by Kravego...

This is completely, 100% false. Nowhere in any school, in the US at least, are you unable to go to the police when a crime has been committed against you. Even in the military, where there's an entire separate justice system, you can still go to civilian authorities if you are raped. The idea that they somehow weren't eligible to report a rape to the police just because they were students is completely false.

It’s not whataboutism to spend two paragraphs addressing the issue directly and then transition to a different but related topic. They’re not saying we shouldn’t care/talk/think about black men’s issues because of black women’s issues, or suggesting their last paragraph in any way invalidates the first two. This is what is known in less dramatic circles as “conversation”.

In any case, do you not think it's a bit odd they are talking about black women specifically in a sub that is supposed to be about/for men? If whataboutism is not the right term then how about "derailing"?

Even in the military, where there's an entire separate justice system, you can still go to civilian authorities if you are raped.

If it occurs on a military base, there are issues with jurisdiction, no? I agree with the college campus thing, though.

I wouldn't really know. It was just the "no legal recourse" phrase that stuck out to me.

Wow that's really weird, the mods delete comments until all you see is people agreeing with the "correct" opinion lmao

Sexplanations: How Not To Rape (educational video, not sarcasm)


I also find it funny people in that thread saying it's normal to not understand consent.

Way too convenient.

I refuse to believe anyone is that retarted.

Threads like that really makes you think.

Maybe "uhu, a vocal, self proclaimed male feminist = nice guy with rape tendencies in disguise" is just a meme...and yet

and yet

ANNNNNDD??? What's the all the suspense?? 😓


...and yet

Not all rapists are male feminists, but all male feminists are rapists. You can say it. Most of us were already thinking it.

Any man capable of getting on board with modern feminism -- which believes that all men are in a quantum superposition of raping women and just wanting to rape women -- has to believe that, deep down, he's a rapist.

In psychology, it's called reaction formation.. You can see it in those Christian preachers who preach aggressively against homosexuality and then get caught with rent boys.

In this case, the obsession with rape and the long, wordy comments about consent are highly suspicious.

Honestly only the super spergs are attracted to groups like menslib anyway. The thing is that they latched on to empty posturing instead of model trains or computer programming.

Imagine wasting your time with pursuits like computer programming or model trains when a productive alternative like male feminism, which will easily land you a place where you can feed and home yourself for absolutely no monetary payment for the rest of your life exists.

They're going by the weird feminist definition of consent, so I could see how it's hard to understand

Fuckin weird feminists and their insistence that they have to want the sex too

I mean Aziz Ansari type shit, duh

that SNL sketch was fucking golden


What the fuck was that?

A comment on discourse

I think it was supposed to be funny. Didnt get a chuckle though.

It was just awkward and weird.


I thought it was done after the lights came back on, but then I saw it was only one minute into a four minute video...

SNL: Taking a one-liner and turning it into a 5-minute bore.

region blocked

Ayy you crackas at SNL, you're also on the list.

Woah woah there buddy she said yes but was it an enthusiastic yes and did you continue to request consent wvery time you moved onto a new sex act? What about "power differences", also have you considered her financial situation and whether youre exploiting her because of that? Did you ever lie or exaggerate to her about yourself, like your job or whether you really are into the relationship. Also are you sure this is what she WANTS or maybe its just something she feels she has to do because society.

Women generally cannot give meaningful sexual consent to men, similar to how a student cannot give meaningful sexual consent to their teacher, a prisoner to a prison guard, or a child to an adult.

This is because of the power differentials that exist between men and women. Men are generally physically stronger than women, have more societal power, make more money (see: the wage gap), and have a multitude of differences in their mental facilities and capabilities.

The dominant way of thinking about rape is that there is "good sex” and "bad sex." Consensual sex is "good," while non-consensual sex is rape. However, the notion of "consent" actually reinforces rape culture. The "consent" model legitimates relations of domination, shields the real content of sexual relations from scrutiny, and silences, downplays, or misrepresents gender-oppressed people’s negative experiences with sex. The reality which the "consent" model ultimately obscures is that sexuality under patriarchy is an oppressive set of practices. These practices dominate heterosexual relations but also cannot be escaped by any other form of sexuality within patriarchal society.

As of now, the vast majority of women cannot give meaningful sexual consent to men. However, with technological and societal advances, this may or may not change in the future.

Can I have the recipe book of this pasta?


We need consent to be like those breathalizers installed in cars where you have to blow ever few miles to make sure you haven't drank.

If a woman doesn't want to get intimate and decides to give me a blowjob, I think I can fairly call that "giving mixed signals".

What's not straightforward about a de-escalation blowie?

Well when women can withdraw consent after the fact because they regretted sleeping with someone, it does get confusing.

Carry around a set of documents to sign in your car, problem solved


That's silly... there's an app for that.


Don't be naive. You surely recognise that a woman's feelings about the sex she is having or about to have might change after she signs (and possibly before the ink's even dry).


It's a sub filled with male feminists, they just want to feel normal

I mean with how frequently people get raped I’m not all that surprised. Definitely disappointed but not surprised.

Rape is always the victim's fault. 😲😩 100% of rape incidents could have been avoided if the victim consented😂👌💯

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Being Raped Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Consent Like Nigga Help An Incel Haha

It's not rape 😳 👆--l l--👆 If we're both crying 😂 👇--l l--👇

Hot af 😩😩😩

This is the worst /r/drama thread of all timd

This is the best /r/drama thread of all time.

I fixed that for you. You're welcome.

Nobody will know it was rape if I murder-suicide right after.

gib bussy now!

Use your cooter, stop a school shooter.

This but unironically

If rape was so horrible why don't they shit themselves so he loses his erection? Prove me wrong.


Not every rapist is a male feminist, but every male feminist is a rapist.

Honestly, this is a giant fear of mine. I am scared of molesting someone I care about due to my inexperience and social ineptitude.

The absolute state of these people.

I unironically feel sorry for that guy. Autism is bad enough, but by getting into feminism he's just making it worse.

If autism means you have to learn the social rulebook from scratch, he's got a copy written entirely in pig latin

No shit. /u/rugbug23 it honestly sounds horrible for you. But menslib is gonna fuck you up. You’re not a molester and you’re not a born rapist. Despite the poison that comes out that sub.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Good bot

You see what happens, Larry!?

not a molester and you’re not a born rapist


He's not a molester or a born rapist...but if he keeps hanging out in /r/MensLib he's going to turn into a male feminist, and then all the rape and molestation will be second-nature to him whether he was born into it or not.

I am quite egalitarian, yes. I try to treat everyone equally.

I'm only inept due to my own inadequacies and lack of decent mental health. My personality is quite shit and it's probably a good thing people aren't attracted much to me. It'd cause a pretty unhealthy connection. I'm working on that, but 18 years of psychologists hasn't helped much there.

I was just expressing my fear over not understanding social situations which could extend to consent.

I too live in constant fear of accidentally raping my friends.

I don't think he shouldn't be worried about it, he just has to worry about it less. The chances of accidentally molesting someone are a fraction of what menslib thinks they are. I guarantee this guy is fixated on this "I'm a rapist" thing to the point where it's even harder for him to talk to women.

It's sad. They're living "The Shadow Over Innsmouth", masculinity edition.

I'm mostly concerned about my friends raping me. That might be a sign I should probable get some better friends.

Yeah, but what about your friends' kids?

they don't have kids yet.

This is why you need to become a male feminist too, you'll never do it accidentally ever again.

Oh no, here I go raping again.

Well he is a {{male feminist}}

They are all full-blown autists. Not surprising


lol you're not even trying to be different on this alt lmao

At least incels are slightly self aware.

That's probably the gayest thing i've seen here today

I think you might be missing the point.

Why the hell am I banned from menslib ?

I've got no idea why i'm exempt from all of these bans, only banned from fuckthealtright so far when I do nothing but autismpost on every sub I see. Like I insulted bussy on GC and only 1 person caught on.

Huh. That is weird.

it's not an automod. Or at least it's not one that scans subs that typically get caught in bans. I can post just fine.

Why would you ever want to post there, except to offer pity?

You probably unwittingly had an argument with a MensLib mod on a completely different sub. Feminists don't respond well to discourse, so of course they had to pre-emptively ban you.

I had the same thing happen because I discussed something with one of their mods on AskMen.

When was the last time you raped someone? Maybe that was too long ago and r/MensLib revoqued your entry pass?

My parents didn't actually say not to murder people, I'm just not a complete moron.

Consent is a meme

You're just lucky you don't need 2d women's consent

I don't care for 2D women

I don't know about 1D women my dude...

2D is alright, it's the women part

Holy shit you're into shota now?

no, but women implies too old

I'm going to bite your foreskin off

You're a meme

"""Men's"""" lib

We live in a society...

bottom text

Nice meme Rajesh!

can someone explain what tf is this sub to me?

It sounds like mens rights but they all act like twox there. A casual glance at the comments and there is basically no difference between feminism and menslib.

NiceGuys™: Feminist Edition

what if you actually don't like the expectations and injustices against men in our society...

...but also, you don't hate women?

Where is a person supposed to go then?

That's why I made /r/menslib2

>community for 9 months
> 1 post

well, good luck out there. Really do need some perfect balance out there on these issues, but the current communities are still a bit polarizing.

IMO /r/MensRights goes over that mysoginist line much too often, which is an unfortunte result of the this whole culture war being crossed with "free speech" on a controversial issue:

"if you’re against witch-hunts, and you promise to found your own little utopian community where witch-hunts will never happen, your new society will end up consisting of approximately three principled civil libertarians and seven zillion witches" -Scott Alexander

So modding is needed. But I feel as if r/menslib goes too far back down the overly authoritarian spectrum, where a few mods even seem to delete what they just see as "wrongthink" (e.g. somones comment was removed and replied to as a mod because he questioned how severely the media influences a person. Literally back to Jack Thompson, huh?)

I am not a sad neet and cannot put in the required effort unfortunately

That's perfectly understandable and respectable. If nothing else at least the idea is out there for whoever does want to reign it in. I'm too busy digging myself out of my IRL hole to do it as well.

yeah. I had created /r/ManShed at one point to try and create an alternative that had better discussion than just "reee femoids" or "reee menoids," but I realized that it was too much effort and shuttered it a while back.

And then there's ifeelromantic.


Live their life and date/fuck women like a normal person

So just suck it up and move on, never giving voice to your distaste with it...

...which is one of the problems with the expectations people have for men

What real problems do you think men face in western society that women don't?

higher rates of suicide, for starters

Men are more successful at suicide but women report suicidal thoughts more often. Although it's still a problem I'm not sure how the root of this issue is uniquely male.

ensure that you have adequate personal safety

...but also, you don't hate women?

Nodding your head and spewing feminist buzz words lest you get banned for hating women by insane mods isn't a requirement of not hating women

i just mean there are very few places to talk about that shit without also being surrounded by people with feminism derangement syndrome

I suppose your choices are self flagellation at menslib or "divorce rape! Scheming females reeee" at the other ones

cucked again by the globalists smh

Maybe if they stop kicking men in the nuts men will stop complaining about it? Just a thought.

but kicking men in the nuts is really funny

Only incels/virgins cry about "mens" rights. Normal people don't give a shit. Lose your virginity if you care about any of that shit.

the fact that nobody gives a shit is part of the problem :/

The population is more than 50% female. You should be ashamed of how you're talking about a minority group.

MensRights? Anywhere other than reddit?

mens rights

Lol no

not Reddit

You are basically right about that

what if you actually don't like the expectations and injustices against men in our society...

...but also, you don't hate women?

Where is a person supposed to go then?

step 1: start hating women

Men so repulsive, they are forced to go their own way, yet desperately want to be invited back to Gussytown.

It makes more sense when you realize /r/menslib was founded by /r/againstmensrights contributors

It's like they wanted to make their own /r/mensrights, but without blackjacks or hookers.

It seems like there's 3 paths men on the internet go down when they've completely failed to be appealing to women.

The red pill (TRP) - try to become a manipulative asshole to trick women into fucking you

the black pill (incels) - give up on women entirely, screech about this with the other failures

the blue pill (menslib) - become pathetically subservient to women in the hope of virtue signaling or grovelling your way to gussy


I use all 3 and believe in none. What does that make me?

Radical centrist

a drug addict.



nvmd, carry on

fwiw I think you are a good person :)

have a nice day!

fent pill when?

the bussy pill (drama)

The brown pill

Ahh, Sir Reginald.

/r/menslib is basically the Feminist take on the crisis pregnancy center concept: offer hope, deliver propaganda.

Well, you see, it's like mens rights but they all act like twox there. There is no difference between feminism and menslib.

lmao cant wait for allah to come lol


How To Not Rape

Is there a proper way?

It's pretty fucking simple guys.

Consent is when the person you're with says yes to every sexual move you make without pressure or constraint then you can proceed. Now some of you assholes don't understand that so here's some guidelines:

  1. Only in long term relationships should you have sex. You don't know what pressure you're putting on a stranger so they might say yes out of fear or pressure in either case it is rape

  2. Especially if your SO is dependent on you in any way. If you make more money than her, she might say yes because she is coerced into maintaining an economic benefit. She can divorce you and remain in the same lifestyle as before so you shouldn't ever have sex with her unless she earns the same amount of money as you do, otherwise it could be rape.

  3. If any of her friends mentioned sex in the last 36 hours, this peer pressure could be forcing her to say yes

There's about 43 other scenarios but we can get into that later. Reminder that in the state of California consent can be revoked at any time so don't bother having sex in that state as the women might feel bad about later on. Stay away from Aziz Ansari

Is there a code wheel something, like with those old PC games?

No it's a classic book encryption where the manual has a giant lore book and it asks for the thirteenth word on page 93. The book is some feminist literature no one would actually read, but instead buy to show to others when they visit.

I had super toxic ideas about sex growing up (I believed that that's all women were for,

how does anybody grow up thinking this is all half the entire population is for. sometimes i wonder if the only reason feminists think men are all sexist is because they are projecting their own insecurities on others. i mean as a man i never once thought women were just for sex. obviously theyre there for cooking and cleaning as well

The sub is literally trollx cosplaying as autistic dudes. Kind of like a reverse twox.

They aren't going to understand. Male feminists are rapisrs.

Imagine if women feminists had been so obsessed with pleasing men. Women still wouldn't have the vote because the only issues they'd talk about were how women could better support their husbands.

Is it their autism that makes them do things like this? No, blame the patriarchy.

Don't worry. No one in /r/menslib is going to ever get their penises close to anyone's vagina. At best they are going to get fucked by some strap-on-weilding femwhale.



The worst part is they can't even turn gay like so many other men who gave up on women, because that would be too much masculinity in one place. Can't have sex with women, but also can't exclude women by having sex with men. It's a lonely life.

Consent wasn't even mentioned, much less taught, in my sex ed class.

functional non-retarded people know what consent is.

There's this unhelpful assumption that everyone just knows what consent is

everyone does

that if you don't you're a bad person.

not a bad person just a socially retarded one.

Is it rape if one isn't sure if the lady is consenting? 🤔

Whether consent was given or withdrawn isn't an uncommon issue in sexual assault trials. Juries struggle with this because it is sometimes an issue, and it's always fact-specific. 99% of the time it is obvious but it's that 1% that creates the conflicts and the headlines.

Surprised how sensible /r/Drama speaks of consent.

Tbh fuckin we need PSAs.

Some chick I worked for and was messing around with in college asked for a dick pic recently, and when I sent it her way she said she showed it to her gay friend, someone I graduated with.

I dunno why she thought that was kosher at all, because I have a public profile and that shit can derail things.

But she thought I should take it as a compliment and I don’t know what bizarro universe she thinks that’s appropriate.

Like I’m still going to send dick pics because that shit’s fun, but some PSA for the numbnuts who don’t understand consent might go a long way.

yeah, unfortunate reality is that a handful of jerks often ruin everybody else's fun

I try to live my life independent of them if the stakes are relatively low.

I like to think we’ve gotten to a place of relative acceptance. My current person got her pics spread through college because a loser she rejected was upset enough to sneak into her ex’s phone and send the pics to himself, and then everyone in her major. Incels are nuts.

There's this unhelpful assumption that everyone just knows what consent is,

Peak social ineptitude

Holy fuck, she got the crazy eyes.

Did you guys watch the video? It's fuckin hilarious.

there's a "How to Make Toy Vaginas" so I might skip to that one.

u/Rugbug23, why do you think you might accidentally molest someone? You can't put your hands where they should be?

u/raze2012, how many times you have gotten away with it?

I am autistic and unaware of social situations or reading people. I do not read fine emotions in people at all. However, constant verbal consent for even basic touches was considered a downside. I am scared if I try to initiate nonverbal instigation it could make someone scared and not able to express their consent or lack thereof properly. Thus I would rape someone when I felt there was consent. Not every yes is a yes.

Touching is nowhere close to "rape," so that would not be possible.

If you meant no harm, you would stop when the other party says "no" or "stop." Unless your social circle is as autistic as you are.

I do, but both times I attempted nonverbal escalation (she didn't like that I constantly asked consent for things like hugging or handholding) I got gently pushed away and both outings were cut short.

If someone got intimidated and had a hard time saying yes, and I can't read it, bam that's molesting them.

I don't have a social circle nor friends so I can't really comment there.

You don't have a friend, but you were trying to get intimate with other girls without knowing more about them previously? Did you want a genuine date or just a hookup? If it's the former, I think you need to get a social circle first. If it's the latter, I would just tell you to give up because you are obviously bad at hookups.

That was two years ago. I saw her at work a lot. I knew her for a total of a year. I had two friends at the time. One online and one irl.

I currently have no friends and it's probably best I do not until I'm able to more mentally stable (Autism, psychosis delusions, and depression) and able to be a better friend.

At least you're aware that you need help. That's the first step.

Good luck, and hopefully you'll find friends that could steer you toward a more healthy outlook in relationships.

Friends will not do that; only yourself can. Friends won't fix the issue, neither will a relationship. My loneliness is a symptom rather than an origin for distress. How to make it feel less bad and downplay inexperience at almost 25 though; I don't know. It's probably toxic that I feel bad about something as minor as intimacy and lacking it. Ah well

I've been getting help since I was a child. I have no idea what your post was supposed to offer constructively. If that's "the first step" I've taken a lot of firsts with little follow-up.

Oh well then. I can't give you any help or any suggestion. It was just a hope that your situation will improve.

Those guys live in their own world

So they're on a male feminist sub and they need to tell each other what consent is? What?

I think people not wanting to hurt people (as opposed to not wanting to get caught hurting people) is a wonderful and desired outcome of the #MeToo movement...

I highly doubt rapists are going to change their mind after #MeToo.

Isn't this a prime example of how the patriarchy also harms and distorts men? - /u/obig_org

lmao you have a traumatic experience with a disgusting femoid and all of a sudden it's because "the patriarchy". Truly seeing life through a feminist lens, super glued right on to your face

There's this unhelpful assumption that everyone just knows what consent is,

They do.

and that if you don't you're a bad person.

You are.

Male Feminists: not even once.

Consent wasn't even mentioned, much less taught, in my sex ed class. My parents never said the word to me, and obviously it's never a conversation I had with my peers. There's this unhelpful assumption that everyone just knows what consent is, and that if you don't you're a bad person. But having an in-depth conversation about it should be the foundation of sex ed, not just an awkward detour.

/u/usernamebibonic let us know how that defense goes in front of the judge.

Sissybois blaming society™ for their degeneracy, what's new.

this is what is funny about the vanguard/ultra elite activists, instead of thinking how they can make the world a better place they'd rather witchhunt and make their own community more toxic by accusing the people trying to help them of being against them.

why is their logo a blue hand holding Pepe's hand?

I never thought we would have come to the point where the thought that someone could "accidentally" rape some one else could be entertained seriously.