Spoiled rich girl who "is yet to complete her high school followed by PhD in Astrobiology" (sic) doesn't make that many people smile, apparently.

111  2018-07-16 by TUMS_FESTIVAL


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"she's just 17"

*Sigh zips pants back up"

/u/n0lifeismylife and she looks about 14. sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it.

She looks at least 16

Here's the thing...

How the fuck does that girl look 14 to you?

She is baby faced

Creep or psychic?

When someone sees an underage girl and thinks wishfully about her deadline to become a prostitute, they are a creep, and would definitely rape if they thought they would get away with it.

People with psychic abilities are often persecuted by those who are jealous of their powers.

X-ray vision especially... for being fucking creeps!

Calm down Charles

Don't kinkshame.

Calm down Elon

but i b-built a mini sub out of rocket parts


They didn't even use it! I'll show them! I'll show them all!!!!

(NGL it would be epic if this was the breaking point that finally sends space jesus over the edge)

2 months later, I feel like this comment aged well.

/u/Reer123 cry me a river dude. Maybe if you stopped bitching about being poor you could become an astronaut.

Thanks for noticing me :)

Because the space camps sure won’t.

“Well it's also a lack of time, I have long work hours so I don't really have time to practice.”

Yeah, you must have a busy schedule, stealing your neighbors' telepathic cattle and fighting Vikings or whatever the fuck it is that Irish people do.

or whatever the fuck it is that Irish people do.

eat potatoes. or in some cases, not eat potatoes!

is this the only joke Reddit knows about Irish people?

The only joke about Irish and Estonians.

It's supposed to be Latvia, not Estonia.

There's a difference?


Estonians are discount Finns, Latvians are discount Lithuanians.

Teach me to comment without refreshing the page. Can we be 'shitting on poking good-natured fun at the Yuros' buddies,?

Can we be 'shitting on poking good-natured fun at the Yuros' buddies,?

Howdy fellow American!

Yee-haw, sure thing! Those Europeans sure are wacky with how they don't wear cowboy hats and don't eat hamburgers for breakfast!

Kind regards,
Sleve McDichael

What's the difference? Honestly

Well, the three baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) are perhaps somewhat similar culturally but their language for example is completely different from each other.

Estonian roots and the language are quite a bit like Finns, and more dissimilar with the two other baltic states. Although especially their more recent history is more shared with Latvia and Lithuania than Finland.

If you replace "eat" with "drink" then it works for Russians

Calling them people is the real joke


Of course not. We also make fun of them for being alcoholic terrorists.

And the dead is not the only person lying down in a funeral?

I was impressed /u/Redactor0 managed to get one off about all the legendary cattle raids. I can just imagine one of the old bards being asked for a story:

"Tell us the one about the cattle raid"
"You'll have to be more specific."

whatever the fuck it is that Irish people do.

Throw Molotov cocktails at the British

They deserve it.

Why don't you join the military/air force then? That's how a lot of astronauts get in.

The two routes to being an astronaut,

A.) Be like the best pilot in the world, and then there's a small fraction of a chance NASA will pick you up. Then you get to run simulations on exactly how to fly it manually, while irl computers do everything for you in the flight and basically you do nothing.

B.) Be like the best scientist in the world for some mission NASA is working on.

A is a much surer route. Naive freshman with SCIENCE IS AWESOME stickers usually go B though because somehow it's more romantic.

3) Smoke a lot DMT; meet the Machine Elves; realize that soacetime is an elaborate carnival ride; Space travel is unnecessary

does it have to be dmt, shit is hard to find

lemme guess ayahuasca. i should its been a whule since i last went on a nice trip

Do not trust the Machine Elves, they'll burn your eyes out

Even ESA (European space agency) admits that they want pilots who preferably speak Russian too.

Space camp only sees green

Jonny Kim enlisted in the Navy after high school, became a SEAL, then went on to be a doctor and is now an astronaut. Why dont you just do that?

I mean I feel kind of bad for you that you think:

  1. This person is going anywhere because they went to some dumbass camps
  2. You don't have opportunities because you're not as wealthy.

I'm pretty sure you have just as much opportunity for a PhD as she does (since STEM PhDs are normally stipend based) and Trinity college in Dublin is very well respected, at least in the circles I've been in.

Why aren't you rich yet? Are your bootstraps broken?

What does being Irish have to do with your dream of jerking off in zero-G? You think Elongated Muskrat discriminates against potato farmers?

It means that there is no such thing as an Irish Space Agency! The US government requires all workers of SpaceX have certain criteria met, like not being from a foreign country.

It means that there is no such thing as an Irish Space Agency!

Not yet. Rumour has it there's a few boyos out in Limerick who are working on poitín-based rocket fuel.

I-it's not like I w-wanted you to notice me, senpai!

I’m Irish.

/u/Reer123, rocketships are powered by ethanol, maybe you can grow the potatos that'll be used to make rocket fuel.

Sounds like a great idea!

That helmet needs a nice hot gory hole so I can give her some of my biology ;)

Kill yourself.

Keep Yourself Safe from that edge mayo


Coming from the person who made a sex joke about a teenage girl.

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.

Darqwolf has throwaways now?

Literally who fam?

Newfriend please

What a simpleton

that pasta is old af

Never seen it. I try and stay out of pedo circles personally.

Well I get that's a pasta now. And I'm pretty sure the only real pedo is Darqwolf, and mostly it just seems he's here to be laughed at, so I dunno.

You might be in for a surprise.

Nah, still not really I think, though. Most people are just shitposting. There's absolute nonsense here every day. Not that I doubt there's a couple of those weirdos around here, that's for sure.

Removed. No KYS comments.

Boooo! You whore.

Sorry. Gotta keep the admins happy.

Who's your favorite Admin?

Removed. No slutshaming comments.

U suck. Go commit diethat'sarobloxmemesoittechnicallydoesn'tcount


Removed. No KYS comments.

Removed. No sexualization of minors.

>HS followed by PhD

Is she attending bizarro college or is this simple a gigantic omission of her, you know, 4 years of undergrad.

maybe one of those gifted children.


She skipped so many grades , she might even graduate at 18


But how can you tell that it's alien life if you're not an

A S S T R O B I O L O G I S T ?

as it stands, astrobiology basically finds live in extreme conditions on earth and concludes "i guess it can survive in extreme conditions elsewhere"

I thought astrobiology was the study of how space and spaceship conditions like microgravity and temperature extremes affect earth life, like humans.

Is it that or is it less useful?


They do a lot of spectroscopy to understand planetary conditions as well.

No no, astrobiology is the study of the star-based lifeforms

Good for her. However NASA seems to prefer medical doctors and engineers with flight experience for astronauts.

Twofer if someone or something breaks they can fix it.

And there isn't any wrong in making the ground work either (be it engineering or science).

Astronauts are really a kind of exclusive club.It will be decades until being an astronaut becomes a layman's thing. Or going anywhere which isn't the ISS.

Someday we dream of putting a man on the moon

Are there seriously universities offering degrees in subjects that study things we have zero real life examples of? All astrobiology at this point is just conjecture. I'm OK with astrophysicists and biologists being like "what if" for fun and coming up with creatures that might live in space and calling it "astrobiology". But offering a course in that to freshman? Like this is practically child abuse, colleges will take up any sexy new thing, slap together some bullshit set of courses together (literally probably this is going to be 80% astronomy, 15% biology, and 5% a couple of senior capstone classes that touch on the subject), and slap it on a degree to suck up naive freshman.

Hey at least it's not a course in big data organic machine cloud learning on the blockschain

One can only hope, she's beautiful.

How can you go to a NASA academy when you haven't even finished High School though.

This is either fake news or a serious case of special treatment for someone.

It's basically an expensive summer camp.

So it doesn't mean anything then?

It means she has wealthy parents and she likes space.


pfffft hahaha

it exists and indeed has some phd programs in the us

good luck being accepted to one, even better luck being accepted to one from a first-tier university

Meh, i'm doing a PhD in molecular biology in a western european country. I'm fine with that.

I'm well aware that astrobiology is supposedly a real thing, but it all just boils down to looking for extremophiles on earth. You can do that better with ecological microbiology.

i was talking about the girl

i can't even find astrobiology PhD programs being offered in first-tier universitites, so with addition with what you said it can ironically be a burden if she wants to go to mars in the future

oh ok

"White Privilege" is code for talking shit about honkies.