
205  2018-07-16 by ffbtaw


I don't like this bot stealing attention from snappy. It seems more forced.

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

This is anti-mayocide propaganda. Mods pls delete

It's actually the opposite. Not being hostile to mayos is more productive towards the goal of eliminating through interbreeding.

Boiling frog and all that.

Interbreeding can't eliminate mayos. Most Hispanic people are actually mayos already and black people are only like 13% of the population and they're already on average 25% mayo.

If we all interbreed, everyone becomes mayo. That's why the mayocide is and always has been about active eradication of WASPs.

Best bet is to transition mayo men to trans women and mayo women to political lesbian terfs, then have them kill eachother.

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

You're just weeding out all the weak ones leaving the Chads and Staceys to breed some sort of ubermayo.

Now we're cooking with fire

If we all interbreed, everyone becomes mayo

Not with those beta genes that run away as soon as they spot pigment.

eradication of WASPs

Irish confirmed safe from the mayocide

Catholics have never been included in the mayocide.

Irish are literally white negroids, even wasps know this. High recurrence of negroid features among celtic groups (including central europeans), and the only area where indigenous African paternal haplogroups are found in europe.

chimping out is also their natural state of being

Ginger with a hard "r" is deeply offensive.

Now thats woke!

and black people are only like 13% of the population

Not to mention they make up the overwhelming number of abortions. This is why I unironically support Roe v Wade

Most Hispanic people are actually mayos

Not in the eyes of non-Hispanic mayos though.

Then how come like two of the last three mass shooters and that guy that killed Trayvon were called mayos.

To be more specific, they're not considered mayos in the eyes of non-Hispanic mayos who are concerned about securing the existence of mayos and a future for mayo children.

Look, when talking about latinos being unjustly called mayos, the fat tryhard who shot a black guy because he was losing a fight and is literally named (((Zimmerman))) might not be the best example.

Why? Dude was Hispanic.

The WASPs are definitely the worst but let's not stop there.

This article is about 3x longer than it needs to be but its point is sound. It was really only a matter of time before the Left's MUH IDPOL created a counterforce on the Right. Because non-mayo SJWs are fucking stupid, and can't resist shitting on white women and "white feminism," this is only going to continue. The inexorable conclusion of pushing SJW-tier "wokeness" is a soft race war that the darkies will lose.

And yet it's so hard for them to understand that they have all become obsessed with the Russia narrative to explain how they're not winning. The American left is literally so stupid that that can't grasp why "fuck white people" means less white votes or why "kill all men" means less male votes.

But it's turned politics into hilarious shit show, so fuck it. I just hope the Dems can produce a candidate as hilarious as Trump.

I just hope the Dems can produce a candidate as hilarious as Trump.

Imagine if this candidate wins a presidential election. It will happen.

I'm sincerely hoping that's what we get after Trump.

Inb4 Ron Paul

Nah, he's a fringe Libertarian. It will be either Fauxahontas or Talcum-X

I kinda hope it's a Hispanic chick which demands to be called Miss Presidenta, with a hard R. Or even better Miss Presidentx to pander the Latinx community.

They'll definitely run an all-female primary. The "first woman president" trophy is something they'll double-down on after le Drumpf snatched it away from Hilldawg.

Le drumpf.

I would vote for Shaun King if he ran. The shitshow to ensue might be worse than Trumps.

I would vote for Shaun King if he ran.

I am thankful that you are not an American as well.

Thanks man but I already said I'm thankful. I don't need your fucking thanks. Thanks.

Clean your room.

It’s happening!

I'd still vote for his corpse.

Perez Hilton?



Now that's one CIA orchestrated presidential assassination I'm looking forward to.

Bernie Sanders would be an unmitigated shitshow.

Let me show you in 60 bullet points why Bernie could still win this

Rupaul is basically an ancap tbh.

How do you think Cumacho became President?

Not in 2020. It's almost always 8-and-8

imagine how hilarious it would be if hilldawg ran again and beat trump this time

imagine the collective butthurt of both the animefrog crowd and the rosetwitter crowd at the same time

They need an actual socialist to match Trump in retardation.

I think we're talking more IdPol than tankie. The American left doesn't really pretend to care about economic issues anymore.

I'd rather see them go full ivory tower. The kind of candidate who would roll his eyes at his opponent's story about working hard in a factory instead of getting a masters in gender studies.

OR some sort of abrasive minority candidate that constantly talks about hating white people while being worshipped by mayos.

Both the left and right seem split on prioritizing economic and social policy.

Trump is championing protectionism and his base seem to support it, but the rest of the GOP are begrudgingly going along with it.

We might see at least one big party shift in the next decade.

I'm not sure if I understand your point.

Both parties are forming dividing issues within themselves more than usual. GOP is usually known for being pretty rigidly uniform. At the very least, they wouldn't oppose other member's policies, but that seems to be happening now.

Kamala Harris seems to check all those boxes and California moved their primary up to super Tuesday to give her an advantage for 2020. If the Democrats are actually stupid enough to do this it's going to be hilarious to watch her lose the Midwest and South in bigger margins than Hillary did.

Kirsten Gillibrand is one to watch as well - she has smart political instincts and she's been actively building her brand as the #metoo candidate. Also, though she's from New York, she's from upstate, not the city, which is as close as it gets to having a "rural" prez candidate from the Dems right now.

Miss Marvel Kamala Harris has a lot going for her but she's too new on the scene to have a strong base of support in the party and she hasn't been decisive enough to position herself as a liberal darling. Though if she does get her campaign in gear, being from CA will give her a big megaphone. 2020 primaries are going to make 2016 look like a dress rehearsal.

The Gillibrand v. Harris primary contest will be interesting because neither of them have the Clinton family connections with the black community in the south, aka. The Gatekeepers of Democratic presidential primaries because of how their schedule is set up. With that, I don't see how either of them fix Hillary's problem in 2016, i.e. Midwestern black voters not showing up in Obama numbers. IMO Cory Booker would be their best shot at trying to pull an Obama 2.0 but I don't see how he makes it past their primary.

Gillibrand v. Harris results in Harris winning, at least when it comes to the nomination. Being partially nonwhite is a winning factor when it comes to party politics. Plus Gillibrand is too "Gen X Hillary" for the party to not draw comparisons, even if Harris isn't materially different from Clinton the image is enough to avoid it.

That said, I expect Clinton to get a VP nom from whoever leads the ticket in 2020 because until she's under the dirt that woman will never stop making increasingly desperate attempts to grab power.

I expect Clinton to get a VP nom from whoever leads the ticket in 2020

It'd be hilarious if Hillary got cucked by the first Female pres like that tbh.

"This is a great victory for women everywhere" she said through furious tears.

And then Kamala Harris has a tragic heart attack in January 20th. The first actual Clinton murder


I think you're basically right on this, except that Gillibrand was groomed to be Clinton's successor in the Senate and has very much pitched herself as HRC's successor. KG's pivot against Bill last year as part of her #metoo branding probably distanced her from the Clintons but that was the right move politically, imo. Cory Booker would be a good veep pick for anybody because of the Black vote, though I'm not sure if he wants it. Booker is sort of Obama without the substance; I've caught him recycling the same anecdotes, with the same exact wording and cadence, between multiple different speeches at different times. Maybe if he makes it onto the ticket I'll splice some footage together, lol.

All the Obama 2.0s are like that. Marco Rubio, Julian Castro, Bobby Jindal, and a bunch of other guys I forget have the exact same flaws as Cory Booker

Booker's kind of a clown tbh. He gave a talk at my school a few years ago. I saw him after the show and i flexed on him with a few of my favorite poses (token's pose, open wing pander) and he didn't do anything about it

she's been actively building her brand as the #metoo candidate

So she immediately loses every male vote, save for the sniveling "woke" 19-year-olds. Great idea!

Let's be real, any candidate for the Dem nomination with a realistic chance of winning a primary can be described that way. It's not the best times for the party.

Hoooooly shit, hahaha

If that woman gets the nom, I’m actually voting to re-elect Trump.

They'd all have to PUBLICALLY support her though. Which would make for the most dramatic election reveal in herstory.

Kamala Harris is a cop who literally slept her way to the top and probably has orgy photos floating around somewhere. Aside from being a literal San Francisco liberal idiot.

So, yeah, should be fun.

Oh yeah she's definitely the best drama candidate for the Democrats. If they go Harris it's entirely conceivable that Charles Barkley (one of Bama's best political lolcows, and that's saying a lot) endorses Trump.

I love me some Sir Charles.

that might hurt trump. a lot of people are still upset over the chaos dunk.

Well gee, I don't know what to tell you, but we already had that candidate in 2016.

Nah, Mommy was basically Bush with a wig on. I wouldn't mind her running again though, that'd be hilarious.

Going in front of bankers to tell them that she doesn't give a fuck about economic issues and that everything is about how well her minorities and LGBTPQs are treated gets pretty close.

You got a link or some key words I can search? I don't know about this.

Thanks player

I think we're talking more IdPol than tankie. The American left doesn't really pretend to care about economic issues anymore.

FWIW, a lot of us paleo-leftists consider all this idpol crap to be a fresh incursion of liberal trend-hoppers into traditionally Marxist spaces, as evidenced by how little effort the soc-jus crowd spends on actually addressing fundamental material inequality in favor of creating histrionic moral panics on social media or w/e. That said, if we're being real, left activist spaces have been vulnerable to this kind of extremism for a while since they tend to attract socially-dysfunctional weirdos. The term "SJW" was originally invented by the left back in the 70s to make fun of people like these and then got resurrected by the right more recently.

That's interesting, I didn't know that.

I have an earnest question: where does this jargon of “spaces” and “bodies” (as in “black bodies”, “white bodies”) used by the idpol left come from? Are we talking about social justice or astronomy? It must come from some particular literature or author, I’ve just never encountered it.

That language is common in Gender Studies and ethnic studies courses at university

I get that, but where specifically did it originate?

The general trend toward weird, vague terminology came from French post-structuralist philosophers like Derrida, Deleuze and Foucault.

I am not as clear on the gender and ethnic "scholars" because, obviously, I didn't read that shit. But I first began to encounter it in the early 90s associated with names like Andrea Dworkin, Catherine McKinnon and bell hooks.

Butler, Cone, Sedgwick, around the 70s and 80s

Was it Butler or Greer who inadvertently was responsible for all the tranny-gender terminology that now drives lesbian feminists so insane?

that's probably halberstam

IDK where it exactly originated, but it's been popularized by Ta-Nehisi Coates, especially "Between the World and Me", which came out in 2015, IIRC. Coates's thesis focuses on the Black body as a literal and metaphorical target of white racial animus that materializes in various ways, and his use of that framing kind of mainstreamed "body talk" as a common descriptor in liberal thought.

Personally (though I doubt Coates intended this), I think it also serves as a good metaphor for how the liberal left has moved away from material analysis about structural power and inequality and more towards a kind of metaphysical, emotive, even religiously-tinged individualism that understands social relations primarily through the lens of personal trauma (centered, of course, in the body).

this is about the level of comprehension I would expect of /r/drama on critical theory

Critical theory began in 2016, with Lena Dunham's "Not That Kind Of Girl"

This, but unironically.

Hard to write an actual analysis if there's a 50/50 chance it'll just say [removed] eventually.


Harsh but true.

Probably was collective effort ;)

That's Post modernism lingo, it's used heavily by the types that teach spiritual/crystal healing and such. They literally use those words because they sound deep and meaningful.

In academia there's a lot of crossover between them and SJ professors, and the vernacular gets passed on to students taking their SJ studies and anyone atrending a SJ conference.

From there it trickles down to Tumblr, then Twitter, and so on.

Michel Foucault.

traditionally Marxist spaces


Holy shit a leftist on r/drama


If you haven't realised that there are a bunch of leftists on /r/Drama hiding behind a thin veneer of radical centrism, you might be retarded.

I'm not joking about my liberal arts degree


My condolences


I'm so sorry. ):

This entire sub is just SRDines who think new SRDines are super lame


Both fake and gay.

well they are

Excuse me sir, don't slander us so

If you think being a neolib like PK makes you a leftist youre retarded

dont @ me until you’ve written “the kulaks deserved it” 100 times

There's loads of leftists here.

Holy shit a retard

Yeah sure but there aren't enough of you to matter. Democracy and/or the 15th Amendment was a mistake.

Tbf, you Marxist messed up whenever and wherever the ideology got implemented, it shouldn't be a surprise left's message changed. That the current crap maybe worse or in any case more stupid than traditional Marxism is a different issue.

Sup my man, just want to say that even though we are in the opposite political spectrum, and you may hate my guts to hell and back, it’s always nice to find some common ground. Also post bussy.

I’ve been saying this for years, and it sounds like you agree: it seems that “idpols” and even intersectionality studies completely miss the most important metric: class and wealth. Wealth gives you privilege that trumps absolutely anything else and it’s probably the biggest cause of justice inequality in the modern world. I’m not advocating the “abolishment of capital” (lmao) as I mean libertarian, but I can’t get over how the majority of the left conveniently ignored wealth.

Since we're being all generous with the milk of human kindness in this thread, I'll say that I think that libertarianism is valuable as a check against the encroachments on personal liberty and agency that the authoritarian left and liberal bourgeois politics so often try to foist upon us. Whatever other beefs I have with libertarians as a group, we do sometimes need you all to stick around and say "AM I BEING DETAINED" once in a while.

It's because those who ignore wealth are pretty well off themselves. So they need to find another way to feel oppressed or be higher on the social ladder in their subcultures. See also "almost being raped".

I'd rather see them go full ivory tower. The kind of candidate who would roll his eyes at his opponent's story about working hard in a factory instead of getting a masters in gender studies.

Her eyes, you degenerate. We need a womyn president NOW

Thank you for checking my privilege, Sibling.

Ftm trans president when!

I'd rather see them go full ivory tower. The kind of candidate who would roll his eyes at his opponent's story about working hard in a factory

Sooooooo just Hillary again?

"My dad made curtains, and honestly, he was just a waste of spa- I mean, an inspiration to us all."

This person is fictional and I already hate them.

TBF the Russia thing does look pretty bad for Trump too.

To who? The people who already hate him? Who cares? There's nothing there that would turn any supporters. Every election during my lifetime has had leaks with political consequences. This is the first time I can think of where the whining about the source of those leaks has continued for years.

Today he did everything short of slurping down Putin's cum on camera. You really think everyone who voted for Trump is as happy about being cucked as you are?

How exactly am I getting cucked? Well, let's save some time, how are actual daddy supporters getting cucked?

Even if Daddy did work with Putin to get those leaks released, do you think Daddy supporters would care? It helped their guy win.

It's one thing to be the foreigners' pawn in the election. It's another to have a press conference where the POTUS bends over and begs Putin for some cummies. At some point there's got to be cognitive dissonance between celebrating the 4th of July and cheering on Daddy as he swears fealty to the Russians.

Even accepting your hyperbole, why would they care about Daddy cozying up to their ally? Seriously, accept that no one in America still thinks we're all in this together. Accept that even if your worst conspiracies about Russian interference were true, Republicans would be happy to have the help.

Why would they see this as any different than when Obama would cozy up to some European or Canadian?

Why would they see this as any different than when Obama would cozy up to some European or Canadian?

My guess is that if they don't see a difference, the reason is pure, unadulterated ignorance to the very reality that we live in, or the rejection of the notion that there is a shared, consistent reality.

You inability to understand your opponent suggests YOUR ignorance, not theirs.

I think you slightly misunderstand me. The notion that US-based person, in the context of the modern geopolitical environment (lets say, mid 19th century thru today), not discern that there is a clear and certain, significant difference between choosing friendliness with western European states (or the eu, generally) or our border-sharing northern neighbor, and the current incarnation of the Russian state, is believable to me. It only suggests an ignorance of the historical or current differences, ideologically, politically, militarily, and economically between our traditional allies and the more-or-less adversarial Russian state.

A bunch of vague bullshit that might sound impressive to someone without a degree

Come on sweaty, demonstrate some knowledge if you want me to serious post with you. I mean I could go off on this post if necessary because you demonstrate that you don't actually understand the nature of these alliances in the first sentence, but please go on.


cognitive dissonance

I'm surprised that someone who wrote something so far removed from reality even knows this term.

Buzzword soup

reporter: hey POTUS do you mind attacking Putin over Russian interference live at this press conference. also what is diplomacy

Ahh yes, he was just be pretending to be dickless in front of the whole world because he's a master of diplomacy. It makes so much sense now. The art of the deal and all that.

if he's trying to improve relations it doesn't really make sense attacking him in a public arena

Not to mention time and again what was exposed is ignored. So the left just doesn't care about the Uranium One bullshit, they don't care about kickbacks and backroom deals, they don't care about ANYTHING those emails revealed.

This is what I don't get. I was pissed as fuck during the Bush administration and I lean more right. Why can they not actually take responsibility for what's been exposed? Why does every congressional committee that even tries to discuss this stuff get dismissed?

If you really give a shit, wouldn't you care about both party's misdealings and corruption? The old fallback "well she didn't win" shouldn't matter. James Comey's lies shouldn't matter. "No reasonable prosecutor" would try that case? Bullshit. Sharing classified documents, especially with those who don't have clearance, is criminal. A guy got fucked for just taking a picture of some completely unrelated shit in a nuclear submarine.

Why the double standard?

But what about her emails

Proving my point, appreciate it.

More like "what about blatantly violating federal law without consequence?"

-Sent from my personal blackberry and not the secure phone the Secret Service requires me to use

BlackBerry, ewwwwwwwww hit it with a hammer.

Or like "What about this unrelated issue that I always bring up when people talk bad about daddy??!?"

Dude I don't care if you say negative things about Trump. You want me to do the same? His hair is silly and he sure does talk out of his ass a lot. Happy?

Now do you want to talk about what I mentioned or not? Or are you just going to prove my point yet again that no one on the left actually wants to address this issue?

No, sorry, I don't want to join you in your autistic srsposting. I just want to laugh at ddf bringing up muh emails every time.
But yea, none on the left cared about the emails. Especially here on reddit, where the majority was in favour of publically hanging HRC during the Bernie days.

But yea, none on the left cared about the emails. Especially here on reddit, where the majority was in favour of publically hanging HRC during the Bernie days.

Yeah I know. I was here back then too. I started that whole 2016 era as a Bernout til I remembered how basic economic policy worked.

Also if you're not mixing an occasional srspost in between your shitposting to keep people on your toes, what are you even doing?

she can't keep getting away with it!

This but unironically.

The ball's in y'all's "control of all 3 branches of government, law enforcement is historically conservative" court. But what other phrase is as good at rousing up the 'tards as "lock her up!"?

Believe me, I'm not very happy with that side of things either. But that's just as much a matter of infighting as anything. You can't control a branch of government like the Senate when clowns like McCain and Flake refuse to participate with the party, can you?

Nobody wants to actually pull the plug keeping the swamp going.

the mistake you’re making is assuming Trump supporters are the voting block people are concerned about

You really think everyone who voted for Trump is as happy about being cucked as you are?

They voted for a rich liberal from new york. Does this answer your question ?

Technically, both main candidates were rich liberals from NY. One was even their senator.

Yes, but HRC voters weren't exactly happy with her.

Imagine thinking there's anything that could make Daddy supporters recant.

People who think this latest outrage will change anything are idiots, it wont matter how much putin dick daddy takes after the election unless muller proves he was taking it before the election as well. The left already ran on the drumpf is hitler strategy once and got crushed. If they try that again they will lose again for sure

I'm honestly not even sure the later would be the kill shot people want so long as Republicans maintain congressional majorities.

if things look really bad for him they might indite as a last chance to get some legitimacy for a new Republican candidate in 2020, but the time is running about for that probably.

looks bad to people on the fence too though

apparently to Newt Gingrich, too. go figure

Next you're gonna tell me Mitt Romney has turned on daddy!

One shouldn't sell their principles for votes. White men need to be exterminated.

For me, it is the dawning of the Age of Infernious -- the US is losing the scales of sleep that for some decades sheltered and shrouded an insane and sadistic population segment under the auspices of "niceness" and "absolute tolerance".

For me, this is the burgeoning realization that a segment of the US population has been irrevocably brainwashed and radicalized, that they have no ambition in theor lives but to act out as enemies of the state, and that there is no solution to them but to fucking burn them all. Alive.

This is an additional, side-reason to quit with the infantile anti-Jewish bullshit. We don't need people getting causes mixed up in their heads, and, the Jews deserve their turn at bat now. Hitler was a Liberal.

Bravo, is this fresh?

Fucking yikes my dude

Might I recommend getting a PET scan done because there's definitely something in your brain that's malignant

How do you nominate quotes for Snappy?

goddamn i didn’t realize we ran Valerie Solanas last election

It's not just the American left.

I'm English and a true Labour voter. I'm from a working class (blue collar) background in an ex industrial city that's is a Labour stronghold. My family as a storied pedigree within the party and I'm probably now what Trump would call the 'Liberal Elite.'

We are eating ourselves over identity politics. That has become the prime concern at a grassroots level. Never mind the basic sociialist idea of caring for each other and the less fortunate. We have to care for some less fortunate more than others and there seems to be a shitfight over who can be more virtuous.

Socialism was about creating equals. Not awarding fucking points. I can't read The Guardian opinion pieces any more and I'm sure that they are driving people away.

I have stopped reading news almost all together.

They can't even identify their real problem because those at the top the left wing organizations are running what amounts to a psyop marketing campaign.


as opposed to what

Stop serious posting here you pretend intellectual

No one has ever suggested that I sound intellectual before. Thanks fella!

it's unbelievable the way that the fucking retards at chapo/lsc etc. decided the best way to beat the trump presence on reddit is to be just as obnoxious but all the way left instead of right. These subs are just a nega t_d at the end of the day.

They're unironically the only good leftists on Reddit. Everyone else is basic as fuck.

They ARE good leftists, in that they inspire disgust and righteous anger in all traditionalist Americans.

The crazies on the left here are finally making me think they're as insane as the hard right.

no they aren't lmao they call literally anyone they don't like a Nazi and like most hardcore left subs think they have the magical answers to everything because le capitalism is evil and fuck le rich

Still funnier than /r/politics or the SRDines

all srd does these days is jerk eachother off about how morally superior they are to everyone else

SRD jumped the shark when they equated masturbating to Facebook photos to rape.

Ah yes, the sharp crayons.

They used to be until they got taken over by the same crowd of whiny idpol babies that have cannibalized every other lefty sub on here. Now we hang out and complain about them on r/stupidpol. The funny thing is that most of the trend vultures don't actually listen to the show itself, which is pretty politically incorrect. It's only a matter of time until the sub tries to brigade the hosts because they get offended by something or other, and they get told to fuck off (at least I hope they do).

Well, there is always room for you here fella

heck fren

t_d is fun.

yeah if u have brain damage i guess it can pass for fun

Well, I am high a lot of the time.

What is t_d's position on stoners? The actual administration doesn't exactly have a sense of humor on the subject, but I was never clear on how their fanclub felt.

T_D has no fixed position on weed. Some of us think stoners are clowns. Some of us think Sessions is a severely flawed due to his drug-warrior background. Some of us don't like drugs personally, but would love to see the President back legalization for broader political reasons. Some of us are full legalization.

Personally, I love drugs, but I think fewer people should do them.

Well, to be fair, t_d has no fixed position on anything. Can't contradict daddy, that won't do.

  1. America First
  2. Keep Winning
  3. Fuck Hillary

Fuck Hillary

I'm sure her special prosecutor will be appointed any day now

Armed Citizenry

Take the guns first, due process second

Irrespective of your depressive tantrum, those ARE the_donald's fixed positions.

I don't doubt most of you feel that way.

They just aren't Daddy's positions, because daddy hasn't believed in anything in his entire life.

"I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans." - Donald Trump, 2004

As I said, you're all suckers, and fucking retards to boot.

"I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans." - Donald Trump, 2004

"I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans." - me, 2004

Is there supposed to be a point in there somewhere?

You've got the big brain. You figure it out.

I'm almost disappointed. If you can't do better than that, you need to go back.

I'm disappointed.

I expect that you are used to that.

He's just pretending 🙄

I figured he was just an edgelord. Hey /u/pozzedshill, you're literally the human equivalent of the provderibal pigeon on a chessboard.

You know, the one that knocks over all the pieces, shits on the board, then struts round like it won the game.

The trumpnet hasn't been that funny since 2015.

White women are terrible though.

They are only that way because male mayos forced them to act like that. It's a common. Mayo practice.

non-mayo SJWs are fucking stupid, and can't resist shitting on white women and "white feminism,"

Hold on, let's give credit where credit is due. White feminists are some of the fiercest opponents of white feminism

The inexorable conclusion of pushing SJW-tier "wokeness" is a soft race war that the darkies will lose.

This is in part because before the SJW became the primary body within the visible left, systemic racism was on notice and interpersonal bigotry and prejudice were more unpopular than ever before. The sad truth is that left idpol is an ideology of hate just as evil as right idpol ever was. The left has managed to bring back hate, and hate eventually loses (if the previous pattern holds.)

It was really only a matter of time before the Left's MUH IDPOL created a counterforce on the Right.

Fox News has been doing identity politics for over twenty years, and talk radio twenty years before that.

SJW-ism is a phenomenon of the Internet, previously that infection would die off as soon as its carriers graduated college and had to enter the real world. The Internet gave it the daily dose of reinforcement it needed to survive and spread. Twitter is the SJW's talk radio.

SJWs did not make Trump, because most Boomers haven't the slightest clue what SJWs are. Those that do learned about them through the same indoctrination channels they've been consuming for decades, and they were just one more bogeyman among many.

The Trump phenomenon happened because a black man was elected president, and the Internet had the same sustaining and amplifying effect on their identity politics as it did for leftist academics. The Internet eliminated the power that TV and newspapers had to regulate decorum in the national dialogue, and gave the retards a voice.

lol this is an awful take. you should feel bad

Fox News has been doing identity politics for over twenty years, and talk radio twenty years before that.

I've been incidentally exposed to far more my fair share of Fox News and Rush on my dad's radio, and I don't know that I buy this. Those outlets were more about defending and legitimizing the Bush administration and sperging on about muh war on Christmas than pushing white idpol, at least when I watched/listened.

SJW-ism is a phenomenon of the Internet, previously that infection would die off as soon as its carriers graduated college and had to enter the real world. The Internet gave it the daily dose of reinforcement it needed to survive and spread. Twitter is the SJW's talk radio.

I buy this, actually. I've come to a similar conclusion. The Internet has ruined political discourse, in large part because the more likely you are to have your shit together, the less likely you are to comment during business hours on Reddit/Tumblr/4chan/whatever. The result is that the most useless and marginalized elements of society--think like Tumblerina legbeards or 4chan /pol/acks--have an outsized say in the discourse. It makes for good drama but shitty political commentary.

SJWs did not make Trump, because most Boomers haven't the slightest clue what SJWs are.

I vehemently disagree with this. Boomers may not know about SJWs by name, but they are certainly familiar with their ideas, and certainly know they don't like them. What do you think the average boomer thinks about BLM or green-haired political lesbians or having their primetime TV ruined by political correctness?

The Trump phenomenon happened because a black man was elected president

Trump won like 6 states Obama carried so I don't know that I subscribe to the "whitelash" thesis. More like the Democrats ran a mayo who even other Democrats secretly hate and African Americans didn't turn out for her like they did for Obama.

sperging on about muh war on Christmas than pushing white idpol, at least when I watched/listened

War on Christmas is white idpol; people get bent over shape over cup colors, or employees saying "happy holidays" is a war.

They're dumb and they thought it benefited them and that there was no way it could be used by the opposition.

I tried asking people years ago about what they thought would happen when other people just fight fire with fire and the pendulum swings back in the other direction; unfortunately they were all convinced they were too convinced that, no, they were "on the right side of history", and that the more progressive you are the longer you'll be remembered fondly and not as someone who was problematic. Even their heroes like Marx get criticized now for journal entries or topics that offend them.

They conned themselves into thinking it was a revolution that was guaranteed to win because, in their minds, they're the next civil rights activists. The reality is that their special brand of crazy ideology is able to work-up just about anybody when applied properly, and it just makes everyone crazy.

Can't even have a discussion about actual issues now because some moron will tell you that you're off-topic for not addressing some microaggression that's the real problem. And then someone else chimes in. And nobody ever looks at any core issues or discusses them, let alone solves them. Too busy hashing out unimportant issues with no real answer.

I had a sex dream last night about this orange nightmare violating me annally last night but I won't be repeating it. My wife and I sold our wedding and engagement rings to buy guns and gun training courses. We won't let them take our ethnic neighbors some day. We all need to train ourselves to protect our democracy before it's too late. It sucks that I wake up crying every day now because this is our world. I wasn't meant to be a soldier I was a cheese maker . I made fucking cheese. But now I'm a soldier thrown into some Hitler remake god it's awful

Is that the original pasta? Feels like you shortened/rewrote it.


This is our world now, buddy and you’d better wake the fuck up before the brown shirts come for your lawn care guy and your housekeepers. You want to wash your own dishes? That’s the fucking situation right now chief

Yea yea, but aside from being a prime example why we should remove warning labels from tide pods, did you rewrite it in your other comments where it's longer or is there a longer version of this pasta out there that I can't find.

le tide pods

cutting edge boomer memes

I can’t compete with this


You can't compete, full stop.

Found it yourself, never even posted a link.

Talk about useless.

I did not choose to be born into a wealthy family just to lose my right to underpay a bunch of skin queers to do all the shit that I don't want to.

I had a sex dream that I was fucking my high school's cum dumpster in my bathroom and cum shot out me like a hose. It was runny and all in the corner. I tasted it, wasn't bad.

Maureen Craig and Jennifer Richeson, for example, found that simply making white Americans aware that they would soon be a minority increased their propensity to favor their own group and become wary of those outside it. (Similar effects were found among Canadians. Indeed, although this tendency is most dangerous among whites since they are the most powerful group in western societies, researchers have consistently found such propensities in all groups.)

Couldn't it potentially be more dangerous in groups that are currently actual minorities since they get that feeling of legitimacy? Like at least you can mock/threaten/bully white people who think they're an oppressed minority into submission.

Social scientists please weigh in; rest assured you will only be mocked after you leave.

If you are a minority, do you really want the majority to despise you? Do you really want them to vote in the interest of their ingroup against the interest of your group?

They don't use "dangerous" here to mean that people will be physically hurt or killed, they mean "dangerous" in the sense that it will be counterproductive to their agenda.

If you are a minority, do you really want the majority to despise you?

your assertion, and the collective claims of those pigging out in this thread, is based on a false premise: that non-white idpol evolved in a vacuum.

In reality, mayo idpol was the rule for most of america's history, and recent social events are just a reaction to this, as equilibrium is restored, and the white wealth transient fades.

but it's not like that hatred can get much stronger to begin with I, too, have forgotten about the six gorillion.

It's a non-issue, wigger. Jews were barely 1% of the population.

Relatedly, research suggests that calling people racist when they do not see themselves that way is counterproductive.

Get outta town.

WAAAH they called me racist! Guess I'll be racist just to show them!

Quit trying to blame other people for your racism, racist.

Weak bait

I'll sincerely defend my position if you'd like. You surely aren't suggesting that being racist is less racist because you're doing it out of spite.

Even weaker bait

3/10 made me reply

You're being mean

WAAAH they called me mean! Guess I'll be mean just to show them!

This time it's guaranteed to work.

I am glad you have called me a racist, and it has helped me to come around to your way of thinking.

So you've stopped being racist? Excellent.

Yes. Before you, an educated white liberal engaged in careful allyship, called me a racist, I did not even realize I was one. I once was blind, but now I see. Praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

How fucking dare you call me white, suck a dick son.

That's right, mayo. You like that, you little mayo? Yeah, you like it.

Ok, its starting to work for me now. Pls send jerk off instructions.

Improve your credit rating to impress the Jew bankers, you little mayo. Do some sports and some hunting. Get a business loan and build a life, you little mayo normie freak. Ejaculate into your wife.

Dear Sub-Human Filth,

I'm appealing to all of you stupid idiots to vote Democrat in 2018. That is if you have the basic education enough to read a ballot, anyway. I understand the majority of you racist rednecks can't even read this post, though. But those who can, please pass my message on to the rest of your inbred family.

We Democrats are morally, culturally and intellectually superior to you in every way. I will qualify myself by noting that I have a Liberal Arts degree from a college, which you obviously have never been to, if you even know what one is. I also have a black friend. I have been told by several professors that everything you hold dear is terrible. Therefore you, personally, are also terrible.

I don't know you, but I know that you're racist. I also know that you hate gay people and still get scared during lightning storms.

The religion which you hold closely, greatly believe in, and which brings you comfort--you are wrong because I'm smarter than you and I'm telling you so. It is one of the many reasons why you are stupid and I'm better than you.

You see, us Democrats want a system which helps everyone in the world. Our system is designed around love and kindness to everyone. If you don't agree, I hate you.

It's not too late to change. If you knew your history, which of course you don't, you'll remember a time in America when Indians were dragged away from their homes and forced to assimilate into white society. Well, we want to change that kind of behaviour (sorry for my spelling, as I'm not from your country) by making sure you go to college and have a small apartment in a big, busy coastal city, where you belong. That will help you rid yourselves of your backward, incorrect culture and way of thinking. We'll do everything we can to make sure you agree with us and say all the right things and not be brainwashed against thinking the same way we do.

All of you stupid, backward, redneck, racist, homophobic, uneducated yokels need to realize we're trying to build a classless society where we all get to live in harmony with each other, where we're all equal. If you only understood that you wouldn't be so much worse of a person than I am.

So please vote Democrat. Help me help you, you worthless motherfuckers.

But that's what happens. If someone calls you racist when you're not, and then goes and says you're a piece of shit because you're a mayo, then why the fuck wouldn't you return the favor?

Mayos are garbage though tbh. They invented feminism.

Yeah, but it seems many of them are now seeing the errors of their ways. Let us hope it is not yet too late.

It was always too late for the mayo. I dont know where this revisionist shit is coming from.


You can't be racist towards mayos, they aren't people.

i think its less a case of people deciding to be racist in response to being called racist, but more it just desensitizes the term. i mean by that, if a person is called racist does not think they are racist, then when they see other people being called racist they don't go "wow, that person must be a racist then" they go "well... those people call everyone racist, even me, and i know im not. so how racist can the accused person be?"

so it's just the process of getting desensitized to the term, i think. most people agree that heinous acts of racism such as lynching are wrong, but when you start applying the term to a multitude of rather mundane things, "racism" becomes mundane, and therefore the accusations easier to accept, and harder to take seriously. people didn't vote for trump because he's racist - they never believed he was racist in the first place. i saw many of his supporters point out that literally any republican that ran would've been called racist anyway, so what's the difference really?

i think in general people are also wising up to the fact that the accusation of racism is often used to deflect away from the issues as well. like, if you take the "wrong" stance on immigration, for example and you try to explain your position, instead of responding to your argument with opposing facts and data, it's just much easier to shout "racist." that makes the other person have to take the time to explain and argue why they aren't racist, and therefore takes time away from their ability to explain their policy - now "racism" is the main focus of the conversation. i think a lot of people on the left realized that it is way easier just to assume everybody that disagrees with them is a racist, because learning about actual policy is hard - might as well just push dissenters into a corner with namecalling and labels. this is also why you see them mock stuff like "the market place of ideas" and "civil discourse/discussion" because that's the one antidote to said "namecall and deflect" strategy.

and, as we see, the end result is a populace apathetic when people cry wolf.

also ngl im pretty ashamed of myself seriousposting on drama. smh @ myself. but whatever, its food for thought.

This exactly. I have seen people defend fucking Richard Spencer, because they just assumed he was another target for the people crying about Nazis etc. Then when you link them shit he has actually said and done they are like "oh fuck, wow yeah that guy actually is a piece of shit".

I cant get a cool european football haircut cuz people will think im a spencer shill 😫😫😆


Yea it's like how people say Captain America is racist


All true, and very well-put, but isn’t this all just obvious truth now?


I have I told you how much I love you lately?

Feeling is mutual fella

That's racist

Surely not!

fair enough

what if they’re being racist though

It's not PC to call people out when they're being racist.

PC - the Republican version

Define racist.

What I really want to know is how well calling people Hitler works.

hitler went from a nobody doing random speeches in pubs to literally running a country and fighting the entire world, and he almost beat the ENTIRE WORLD.

it should be a compliment to be compared to such greatness.

Nah he had no chance.

he did better than any one lunatic taking on the entire world should be able to do though.

This is the United Fucking States of Murica, we can build the better lunatic.


Yeah, not really....his story took over 12 years which is about the same length of time as a school board member to president.

except that he was just a grunt in ww1 who was doing speeches at bars, not some preppy fag who'd always been involved in politics. he was a nobody.

You know, I was not sold on Trump winning a 2. term. I thought it was silly quite frankly, but I have to say, I am starting to believe.

I think the article gets a lot of things right, but that a lot of it is overblown. When you radicalise one side against the other, you will inevitably radicalise the other one too as individuals on your side engage in needless provocation.

I wish the US would just get nuked already.

Radicalize the side that is notorious for both its quickness to anger and its arsenal of weapons.

t. taliban cockmonger

t. loves cock and Islam

Who doesn't, tbh ?

I am willing to buy you a one-way plane ticket to an Afghani butt-harem. You will need to be under 12 years old, though.

>You are never going to be a sex slave in an harem.


Don't worry, the military (which is overwhelmingly right wing) and the police force (which is overwhelmingly right wing) will fight for the government (all three branches of which are controlled by the right wing) to stop all the violent gun owners (which are overwhelmingly right wing) on behalf of the Trans-Commie revolution!

Hey I remember your username. This isn't really the time or the place, but I would be remiss if I didn't give you at least +5 bussycoin for this, one of my favorite comments of all time.


Hey thanks buddy I appreciate it

Np bby, you keep doing the Lord's work

I don't think the dipshit can possibly pull it off twice, but the REEEing would be so fucking funny. I think we'll just have to wring what we can out of the likely failure of the "blue wave" in Congress.

Seems like yesterday, /r/California was hyping McCarthy getting ousted from the hyper conservative district he resides in. Then suddenly it became, “we might not get the Senate and house, but to be close, blue wave!”

If the GOP pulls off a sucker punch and gets a red tide, I’ll be happy.

you're retarded and not paying attention to politics if you think the democrats are capable of putting forward a candidate who's able to beat Trump.

At this point the only way I seem Trump going down is some Obama 2.0, who will inspire left and center voters with positivisty for the future, not drumpf is bad rhetoric. But which potential rising dem star will be willing to risk their future as being the person who lost to Trump. Nah 95% chance they run out some old white person and get dumpstered

banned from papa johns

Studies make clear, however, that racism has been decreasing over time, among Republicans and Democrats. (Views of immigration have also grown more favorable.)

Holy shit finally!

Perhaps because straightforward bigotry has declined precipitously while more subtle, complex resentments remain, understanding how intolerance shapes politics requires examining not just beliefs, but also the relationship between beliefs and the environments people find themselves in. This distinction has important implications for how we interpret and address contemporary social and political problems.

Crypto hate strikes again!

Building on such research, Diana Mutz recently argued

Get your girl /u/annoysthegoys

What does all this mean for those who oppose Trump and want to fight the dangerous trends his presidency has unleashed?

The short-term goal must be winning elections

The only goal maybe?

Relatedly, research suggests that calling people racist when they do not see themselves that way is counterproductive.

It is a bold strategy, Cotton.

r/politics on suicide watch

We are witnessing the balkanization of America

inshallah. I unironically hope to see this happen in my lifetime. If it happens peacefully, of course.

Me too, it would be an interesting twist.

Fat chance that its peaceful. Lol

I had that done to my tires once.

About 150 years late.

If the DNC would just present a plan, outline what they want to accomplish, and push a legitimate candidate, it'd be a fucking landslide. They won't do those things though because they suck

Step one: drop gun control.

Step two: have a coherent platform that is more than trying to appease every fucking group in their umbrella.

Step three: wonder why the fuck they didn’t do that sooner.

Step four: just be Trump

Tell Trump that if he switches parties and makes Bernie his VP, he gets to rename whatever government program he wants after himself.

Bernie is an ineffectual commie retard. Not going to happen.

This requires finding a cohesive ideology to drive the party platform as opposed to uniting under #FuckBlumpf.

So I'm sure it'll happen sometime around early 2023, when people start being embarrassed to claim membership in the #resistance and someone who isn't a geriatric boomer takes control of the party.

non-boomer takes control of the party

it’s a CTH mod

Well we are screwed.

No way. The conservatives don't need a cohesive ideology to win, so why do the libs? If fiscal conservatives can partner with the guys who launched a trillion-follar war, the left should be able to put aside their differences

Cons have enforced double-think, which is something Dems don't have.

Idk why they threw away the whole labor thing. The working class loved that shit.

Jokes aside it's because advocating for labor doesn't pay and the party leadership cozied up with socially liberal big money to compensate after getting their shit pushed in by Nixon and then Reagan.

"Third Way" Democrats then spent the intervening 30 years pushing progressive identity politics as their main means of pandering to their base and differentiating themselves from a similarly corporate Republican party.

I'd say it has more to do with demographics, largely Hispanics and their growth of control in places like California.

Can't exactly advocate for the working class while also supporting importation of cheap labor.

The obsession with demographic destiny is more recent than that. Democrats were fucking broke in the 70's and 80's and politics were getting more expensive, not less. Carter being unable to clear the cesspit that is DC cratered incoming donations and the party decided to cozy up to Wall Street so long as big business didn't care about pushing socially conservative bills.

Democrats didn't especially care about getting the Latino vote and increasing immigration to the US until post-9/11, when this book was published and the brain worms controlling Democrat leadership became convinced they could eventually rule a one party state if only the voting base was flooded with 3rd world poors. That's why you can find hilarious footage of people like Pelosi, the Clintons and Dianne Feinsten from the 1990's talking about curbing illegal immigration with rhetoric that would get one labeled a nazi in the modern political environment.

Unfortunately for the Democrats those authors forgot to read a map and realize the vast majority of Hispanics either live in states that are already blue or in places that they're relatively well assimilated and thus more likely to vote Republican, Texas being the example of this, the only state with a large Hispanic population that the GOP has to win, and also the state where they do best at earning their votes

Adding a dash of chipotle to mayo doesn't make it cease being mayo, such that the Democrats will still live and die by the black vote in the Midwest. Meanwhile Trump correctly surmised that the GOP would accept deregulation as a consolation prize for swallowing the bitter pill of having to accept tariffs and immigration restrictions as a more acceptable form of welfare for the Southern and Midwestern Jacksonian Democrats whose votes they need to win elections.

Got to advocate for illegal aliens since half of California now identifies with that group.

Step one: drop gun control.

Step two: drop gun control.

Step three: drop gun control.

They have no fucking clue how much that lost them the rural and blue collar vote.

It's not like they care about rural and blue collar voters.

Should someone tell them that the popular vote doesn't count, and that they have to win the electoral college?

Nah, I like the drama every 4 years when they cry about it.

I actually would like to have a competent and well-meaning government at some point, so maybe we can trade once in a while.

what trade war i just got this sick fidget spinner for 2 bucks it says made in china.

There seems to be a inverse relationship between competent and well meaning though.

Step 1: drop gun control

Step 2: call Reagan liberal cuck for signing the 1986 Automatic Weapons Ban into law and banning open carry when he was in charge of California

Step 3: watch NRA shit itself in confusion

step one: drop gun control

Thats going to alienate the middle class metropolitan vote and most of the millenial/gen z vote, the only white voter blocs that are really solidly blue.

So basically a candidate has to make a choice between winning the primary or winning the general, and there is no way to do both.

Trump won white Millenials, and it's not like California is going to swing red no matter what they do.

And...who will those darlings vote for?

They’ll vote blue regardless. Gun control isn’t a big selling point to a major faction.

Thats a fair point on a general scope, but on the party level scope those blocs matter a great deal to the party. There is no way in hell the DNC's liberal majority would allow for a candidate to be against gun control. A candidate with that almost certainly wouldnt make it past the first round of primaries. Even most sanders supporters Ive talked to have objections to even his moderate views on gun control. Gun control is a very important issue to liberals.

It’s pretty superficial. It’s important to some donors but iirc the last poll on the subject indicated it would have minimal effect on the DNC support if they dropped guns completely.

Is that a fact? Very interesting. Do you happen to have a link to that poll? It sounds like I could very well have been wrong

As I said: IIRC. The topic was something one of my classmates took an interest in and ranted about during the 2016 shitshow.

Why win elections when you can be edgy and get cool kid points from /r/cth?

I don't think they like elon musk very much do they

That place is a hugbox for sjws.

The dirtbag left was suppose to be some sort of normal brained appeal to class warfare without the idpol etiquette bs, it was a myth that woke twitter couldnt tolerate.

The cth podcast hosts got scared because they didnt want their patreon bucks to evaporate (they probably wouldnt actually anyways)

So now the podcast is unfunny an its community is r/socialism tankies

It's honestly simpler than that. The people that actually decide a president ("swing voters") are the dumbest people in the electorate. There is one rule that has predicted every winner in every US presidential election since the first televised Kennedy-Nixon debates in 1960: the candidate with more charisma wins. Sanders won in all head-to-head polls against Trump with large margins while being much more of an SJW cuck than Clinton. Obama did to the Republicans what a blowtorch does to old newspaper in 2008 and 2012, this is because he was a cool and relatable candidate. Trump was also genuinely charismatic and confident, while Clinton had the personality of a wet rag.

She was so boring to listen to. It was the hearing equivalent of gas station white bread

Pokemon go. to. the. polls.

I always carry hot sauce!

I am looking forward to being called a misogynist for not supporting Gillibrand on the basis that she'll obviously lose, though.

this entire article reads like it views their side as 100% right, all republicans as babies with temper tantrums, and the path to winning manipulation through hiding your true beliefs and avoiding all debate and confrontation, but at the same time identity politics are bad....

Both sides are fucking babies who believe they are 100% right. Maybe if they could just see how similar they are they can finally just fuck and get it over with.

Oh, and btw, everyone is racist except the author of that article and those that agree with her

No, everyone is racist.

You're only racist if you disagree with me

Leftists will lose the middle based on their propensity to deplatform in general.

Many leftist media groups are ignorantly helping the side they oppose.

They're just vendors of clients paying them to push a narrative.

I have a Clandestine Agent in the Field, deeply embedded within the strongest stronghold of the American left - the public schools.

Though I won't say what s/he does or where s/he is, s/he said something the other day that gave me, even the ole pessimistic, Enjoy the Decline, Cappy, a bit of genuine hope and optimism.

"They're not swallowing it anymore. They're not believing all this privilege and racist stuff."

When I pressed my agent for more information, s/he continue to explain that the left through their most ardent of acolytes - teachers - were so uniform, so omnipresent, so overbearing with the "white privilege," "racism," "sexism," 31 flavors of gender, that the kids (dumb as they might be) not only DON'T believe any of it, but are now mocking it and ridiculing it, much like Gen Xer's do today.

This gave me hope, and I think it should you too, on many levels.

One, in watching my and the Millennial generation of kids just swallow whole what tripe their teachers forced down their throats, I was sure these Gen Z'ers would prove no different. Everybody showed how independent they were by regurgitating the same talking points as their teachers. Everybody would show how independent minded they were by wearing salmon color jeans, perfectly groomed hair, piercing their noses and getting tattoos. Everybody I knew voted Bill Clinton and went for the whole grunge thing. And every Millennial is, well, just an amazing case study of conformity and sheeple behavior. Why would Gen Z be any different?

While I still think Gen Z will succumb to the all-too-tempting offer of free everything from the left, the fact they're consciously identifying this racist/sexist propaganda for what it is - propaganda - AND making fun of it, means the teacher-left overplayed their hand on this one. Not only does calling whites and males sexist and racist at the age of 10 immediately piss young kids off, it's too much and just so blatantly wrong the kids in a very South Parkian manner know the adults don't know jack. So now, instead of getting whites and males to cower in fear of the accusation of racism or sexism like Millennials or Gen X'ers, you have an entire generation that scoffs at it and dismisses it.

Two, it's not just white and male students who make fun of this leftist lie that everybody is a racist or sexism, but minorities and females too. This proves doubly troublesome for the left because not only have they lost the ability to shame whites and males into voting for reparative socialist policies, but they are losing an entire generation of female and non-white crops (and that's PRECISELY how they look at children) for future votes. Again, it's a mere spring-time sprout, but the fact that black and white, hispanic and asian, male and female students are getting together and uniting over the idiocy of their leftist teachers' indoctrination, not only means this tool of the left is no longer effective, but simple adult behavior is uniting races than any race whoring or sexist mongering the left purposely forced on society.

Three, what would the left do without their vital tools of racism and sexism? Imagine the left without these two vital tools at their disposal. While after 20 years of a consistent cacophony of brainwashing from academia, media, and government, and 8 years of intensive anti-white and anti-male bigotry under the Obama administration, what if you imbued the American population with it so much, they built up a tolerance to it rendering them immune and vaccinated against it?

Right now it is laughable how the scaredy cat, spineless Gen X'ers, Baby Boomers, and Millennials will jump at the mere potential chance somebody maybe might accuse them of being a racist. The left was COMPLETELY successful in getting three whole generations to see everything as race or sex, making them putty in their hands. But now, if what my Agent in the Field reports is true and universal across US schools, the left will have to go back to mere class warfare and global warming since they overplayed their race/sex whore hand.

Again, I still think the US is in terminal decline. Too many stupid people have been bred, and too many leftist sheep trained that one mere generation is not going to turn this country around. It does, however, give me hope that a generation is on deck that may not have to live with the nation wide mental illness that the rest of the country has been infected with and had to live with these past 30 years. Imagine if an entire generation grew up much like you and your friends did in the 80's with no consideration of race or sex. Imagine if through simple genetic programmed self respect and self survival you knew when the adults were evil lying sacks of shit. Imagine, if the group of friends you have today, which no doubt includes non-whites and women, where you guys can be completely open with each other and give each other ribibngs over your races and genders, is already embedded into Gen Z'ers today because they needed to unite against evil teachers with an agenda. Instead of being like ESPN and masturbating over race everyday, kids today will actually enjoy watching the sport. What would it be like to go an entire day, week, even year, without being lectured about race, sex, or gender because it truly doesn't matter?

Gen Z MAY be at that point, thanks to leftist teachers' overzealous forced feeding of hatred, sexism, and racism. And like chicken pox, these kids may be vaccinated against this mental disorder of "Ist and Ism Fever" forever.


People familiar with their thinking.

This is OC? Bravo

I can't claim it. But I can't give up my sources, man.

Of course.

Is right there in your flair. 🤩

Do you have a problem with lazy agendaposting?

Lol, all of these people trying to find fancy ways of saying "flyover peasants are fucking retarded".

You want to really know the answer to why Donald Trump is President, it's really simple: flyover peasants are retarded. Full stop. No further examination required.

(Mason cites a study showing that in the week following Obama’s 2012 election, Republicans felt sadder than American parents after the Newtown school shooting or Bostonians after the Boston Marathon bombing.)

I want to see a study that researched Dems feelings after Trump won. Literally know a nurse who took a 2 week leave of absence for "health reasons" because she was so distraught.l

I want to see anti depressant sales 2017 v. 2017.

That would be a good macro, peripheral analysis.

Anyone who unironically cares about this culture wars shit is a low IQ maggot who is too dumb for big boy politics.

no u

"anyone who's cares about the future is a retard"

This but unironically

This, but ironically

Best thing to come out of the guardians in decades

curiously, The_Other_Reason_Trump_Won also reared its head about the time this was posted

i’m sure that’s unrelated though

I don't know why everyone is acting like this article is a burn towards the left, white women, darkies, etc. It basically advises people to treat Trump supporters and fragile white people like half-drunk, PMSing, borderline girlfriends. Bite your tongue, walk on eggshells and don't hurt their fee-fees or they will get confused and do something stupid.

I think people are just glad that lefties might finally alter their shitty tactics and do something actually effective.

I dunno dude. You know the button in people's forehead the article talked about? I really think people, on both sides, enjoy getting that button pushed. Politicians and the media, for different reasons, have found it profitable and easy to push the button. And, if people have to, they scour twitter and facebook and Reddit to get their buttons pushed.

The article made a good point that we need to talk about are our commonalities. But, if people really wanted to do that wouldn't we be doing it? It's like we get the society we deserve.

Need a real external enemy to unite us. I vote for cold war II.

No they wont

Only if you pretend that leftists don't act like the same if you try to criticize media (who actively caused trump to happen) or academia (that puts young people in massive debt for useless degrees). Usually point those out and they'll sperg out about how it would be solved if the government was more corrupt or whatever.

I'm just pointing out the tone of the article.

Maybe you need to shut your own tone


if they spend more time supporting trump then protesting and coming up with these russia conspiracy the world would be better and funny part of all this is : hillary said in the election trump is not gonna accept defeat but now she is doing what she was accusing trump off not accepting she lost she comes up with excuses why she lost

Nobody can be racist because race ain't real

I'd much rather the mayos just continue to eat themselves alive, fighting against imagined enemies. Mods pls delete this; we cannot suffer a single mayo to live.

What in the ever-living fuck does mayo mean?

Damn, it's rare to see this kind of truth-telling in the media. I'm honestly kinda shocked.

Facts in the media are like content patches for MMOs: the developers try their best to space them out about every 6 months or so, and a single patch--er, fact can shape an entire year worth of playtime--er, narrative.

DDF on damage control. Sad

Alana Conner notes, if the goal is to diminish intolerance “telling people they’re racist, sexist and xenophobic is going to get you exactly nowhere.

(Mason cites a study showing that in the week following Obama’s 2012 election, Republicans felt sadder than American parents after the Newtown school shooting or Bostonians after the Boston Marathon bombing.)

This quote from the article might be the stupidest fucking thing I've ever read.

Where’s the Drama?

Sorry, I mistook this place for /r/blatantagendapost. I'm sure you understand.

No shock. Identity politics is largely sexism and racism repackaged as 'good' things, and white people make up 60-70+% of the country depending on how you count them.

But saying, 'Brown people must stick together!', you make saying 'White people must stick together' a lot more acceptable, so the dominant social groups will come away in the stronger position.

Liberals control the media, and have that control has deluded them into believing that the country genuinely agrees with them, because all of the characters on TV agree with them. And that's becoming a dangerous thing.

It was Russian hacking, though.