Ohhh no Bernie got #russiatoo'd

103  2018-07-19 by respaaaaaj


The only thing melting down is your ability to influence this Sub in any way other than making them all hate you unanimously because of how much of a faggot you are 😂😂😂😂😂


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I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


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Gary Johnson no rapes no russians no ragrets

What's Aleppo?

What's the nuclear triad?

Is that the strain he was smoking that night?

It's his proprietary sativa, indica and ruderalis blend

TBF to Johnson, Trump didn't understand WTF it was either.

Strange, considering he was aware of Obama arming moderate islamic terrorist rebel freedomfighter heroes there.

Obama was arming people at the nuclear triad?

Someone not getting raped by Clinton or trump that's one less rape victim.

one fewer

One fewer, one Reich, one volk

one his name was seth rich

It's "what is a leppo?"

lleprosy?I know what leprosy is!

What he say: i dunno lol

what he think: fuck em sandniggers

There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.

Repeat after me.

Bernie is a straight white male.

Bernie is a straight white male.


Anti semitism is not 😎

Seems like pro-semitism to me.

Jews > Mayos

It's just statistically true by every economic, social and genetic measure

Jews are basically super mayos

genetic measure

Just the dental and mental genetic disorders alone prove this aint true

Oy I love my Tay-Sachs you dumb goy.

Israelis are pretty hot tho

Thanks JIDF

Bernie is the straightest whitest male.

Comrade Bernie honeymooned in Soviet Russia and is, in fact, a commie.

I don't like bernie, but it is hilarious how everyone except clinton is accused of russian collusion.

its like the ruskies didn't want her to win or something.

Once again proving Russia is doing more for our country than any of us could hope

Russia just proved that they are smarter than the majority of American voters

Russia sure. Russians? Fucking morons.

something, something Uranium One.

No, Snopes, Politifact, and the DNC told me that was all a misunderstanding and/or a shadow from a limb onto another limb.

... What?


About 50 seconds in.

I'm just gonna say this, if you unironically believe uranium one was an actual conspiracy you're either willfully ignorant or just don't understand how the US government works on a basic level.

There's also a slight chance you suffer from a severe learning disability.

As long as you think I'm ignorant, unbalanced, or mentally deficient, I know I'm going to be okay.

You are the South Pole on the compass around here.

And this is why you'll remain ignorant. Imagine thinking Russia bribed Hillary Clinton for a deal she had no actual control over, no ability to stop, and for uranium, they legally can't export out of the united states.

I like to use "uranium one" as my retard meter. I place uranium one tards near the "lizard jew" crowd. Because that is how absurd it is.

What do I need to say to wind you up enough to go on one of your big unhinged rants?

Whatever it was, pretend I said it.

I think we'll just have to wait for the midterms

Donald Trump has definitely laundered dirty Russian money, taken bribes, had no clue how servers work, and raped young girls.

you gonna keep yourself safe after trump wins again?

I hope to god Trump wins again because it'll greatly speed up the decline of the US on the world stage.

Another reddit lefty admitting their desire to see Americas decline. Do you know why MAGA was such a great campaign slogan? Because it’s a benign, simple statement that the vast majority of Americans would agree with but the far lefty types can’t help but sperg out about “America was never great”

The US, with the election of Trump, has very clearly displayed we are not good for the planet.

If the population can so easily be bamboozled by a literal retard, we should be no where near the levers of power.

I rest my case

"We elected a moron that is economically illiterate, doesn't understand international trade, and speaks at a 2nd grade level, we're totally good for the planet!"

I already said I rest my case. I don’t need you to keep backing me up.

Yes, my point is electing people with clear learning disabilities reveals the US to be unreliable.

Yeah and my point has gone so far over your head that you will need a ladder to get it.

many world rulers have been mentally disabled. why are you so bigoted?

iq is not correlated with intelligence in your words, correct?

When did I ever say IQ is not correlated with intelligence?

The only thing I've laughed at here is when retards say shit like "oh x group has a 5 point lower average IQ therefore said group is to blame for everything wrong in said society."

I swear to god American conservatives are just flat out retarded.

so you think iq is correlated to intelligence? disgusting

Every time I ask myself how Donald Trump was elected I encounter someone like you and it makes perfect sense.

the electoral college is pretty straightforward. did you think the popular election is how presidents are elected?

Yeah, giving the least intelligent people in society disproportionate power was a bad idea.

because basketball players have low intelligence hi think they shouldn’t have a vote? not surprised a libtard is racist

Rural Americans, but nice try.

this is just another veiled attempt at disenfranchisement. honestly it’s sickening. sad you’d apply your feelings re: women to cis males.

TIL thinking 1 person = 1 vote is disenfranchisement.

wait do you actually not know how the electoral college works?

I do, I also know that due to winner takes all and a capped house, small states have disproportionate representation in the electoral college, meaning voters in small states have a vote worth more than voters in say, California.

iowa has more electoral votes than california? or new york? wow TIL

As a percentage of the population? Yeah, it's because of the way we set up the government.

Small states get 2 senators - same as California, and then get a minimum of 1 house member.


you’ve been put down.

so california has one house member like wyoming and alaska? how unfair!

Do you literally just not comprehend what's being said to you?

I think you’re just baiting shilly but on the chance that you’re not, I strongly recommend decide not to breed.

Imagine serious posting on /r/drama and still losing the debate 😂😂

drama winners are picked by the electoral college. you don’t know this?

because basketball players have low intelligence u think they shouldn’t have a vote? not surprised a libtard is racist

I know you think this is some form of master baiting/mocking, but do realise this is how you actually come across irl, too.

master baiting

masturbating. another intellectually inferior libcuck

Worst bantz ever😂😂 I love how the upvotes stopped once people realized you are actually retarded

imagine caring about upvotes on reddit

Do you seriously think any amount of not caring is gonna stop pizzashill

I'm voting for the next black panther that runs. Ohh maybe Michelle!

orange man bad

Stay mad

being anti burgercide


Nah I unironically need pizzashill to stay here to counter balance the MDE menace

IMO we should get a tankie version of pizzashill and watch them murder each other leftists self cannibalizing is natural.

Tankies are one demographic that we are sorely missing. Probably because they don’t have a sense of humor.

humor is anti collectivism capitalist pig.

Humor is the opiate if the masses


China numbah one... I guess

spoken like a true retard. the us has the smallest window but biggest impact of any state in history.

who is gonna dethrone us in our lifetime. very interested to hear.

Cool story cuck.

And then, like, beautiful countries like Haiti and Djibouti can, like, umm... empower women all over the globe. And, umm, feminism! Yeah! Cuz like, capitalism is bad (my favorite pop star was tweeting about this). So you know, when the US patriarchy collapses, we can, like, have universal basic income and we'll all beat up racism together!

I swear to god every time I think Trumptards can't be any dumber a new one comes along and blows my mind.

Lol you're just protecting (((🦎)))

We're onto you

And this is why you'll remain ignorant. Imagine thinking Russia bribed Hillary Clinton for a deal she had no actual control over, no ability to stop,

That's where you're wrong bucko.

No, this is called you not having a basic understanding of how the government works, not even the president could have stopped the deal.


Even the retard that fabricated the conspiracy had to admit this.

The only way your bullshit conspiracy makes sense is if you claim Russia bribed the entire US government, all the way up to the president.

Yes, and?

I'm sorry, I didn't know you were literally retarded.

Holy shit a lolcow responded to me personally I am shAKING

You can go to HillaryClinton.com and fact check it

Don't forget they unironically did start their own "fact check" website and told people to go to it lol

You have 1 reply to point out what in my link is factually incorrect.

Or what.

Or he's going to call you on Skype using a voice modulator to sound like a woman and convince you he has an ex gf.

Wait, did that seriously happen?


That polifarce piece is laughable inaccurate. The CFIUS has to approve every sale, meaning every member has to sign off on it. Not signing is vetoing.

The great thing though is that every person on the committee is appointed by the president so they would just all do what he wanted them to.

Obama was "more flexible" with Russia after his second election after all.

That polifarce piece is laughable inaccurate. The CFIUS has to approve every sale, meaning every member has to sign off on it. Not signing is vetoing, meaning she did have the power to do so.

A) Nothing from Politifact was linked. Work on your illiteracy.

B) No, they have no ability to stop the sale. Had you bothered to read anything you were linked, you would have understood why, in fact, you're a moron:

The fact is, Clinton was one of nine voting members on the foreign investments committee, which also includes the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, the attorney general, and representatives from two White House offices — the United States Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy. (Separately, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission needed to approve (and did approve) the transfer of two uranium recovery licenses as part of the sale.)

Chris Wallace, host of “Fox News Sunday,” made that point when he questioned Schweizer about his lack of evidence connecting the donations to the uranium deal. (Fox News was among the media outlets that received an advance copy of his book.) Schweizer made the counterargument — again without any evidence — that the investors bought her silence by making contributions to the Clinton Foundation.

But Schweizer is wrong when he says that Clinton had “veto power” and “could have stopped the deal.” At best, she could have forced the president to make a decision.

The committee, which is known by its acronym CFIUS, can approve a sale, but it cannot stop a sale. Only the president can do that, and only if the committee recommends or “any member of CFIUS recommends suspension or prohibition of the transaction,” according to guidelines issued by the Treasury Department in December 2008 after the department adopted its final rule a month earlier.

Treasury Department, Dec. 8, 2008: Only the President has the authority to suspend or prohibit a covered transaction. Pursuant to section 6(c) of Executive Order 11858, CFIUS refers a covered transaction to the President if CFIUS or any member of CFIUS recommends suspension or prohibition of the transaction, or if CFIUS otherwise seeks a Presidential determination on the transaction.

Even the president cannot prohibit a transaction without “credible evidence” that the “foreign interest exercising control might take action that threatens to impair the national security,” according to the regulation.

We emailed Schweizer’s publicist with links to the CRS report and the regulation that governs the committee’s work. Schweizer responded through the publicist: “By veto I mean halt the deal and advance their concerns to the President.” He also noted that Clinton was the only committee member who had a family foundation that received donations from the investors in the uranium deal.

Even the head retard himself admitted he lied.

The whole premise of the article is just absurd. Of course all the CFIUS members all have veto rights. From wikipedia:

"CFIUS reviews begin with a 30-day decision to authorize a transaction or begin a statutory investigation"

None of that process involves the President. It's absurd to think that the President would be personally involved in investigating whether this deal should go through. That's why the committee exists. It's their job to use the intelligence from the department they represent to approve or deny the deal.

What you are essentially saying is that the committee has no power, because the President just makes the decision anyway. That's ridiculous.

You're dismissed. Read the rules yourself, they have no ability to stop a sale.

Your opinion is not a valid replacement for the actual rules.

Well even under your supposed rules they didn't bring it to attention for the President to review, so either way she was complicit.

didn't you read? you've been "dismissed". lmao now that you've seen what he looks like just imagine /u/pizzashill's pasty ass with his shitty half-grown stache furiously typing back at you. "NO ONE ATTACS MOMMY"

lmao now that you've seen what he looks like just imagine /u/pizzashill's pasty ass with his shitty half-grown stache furiously typing back at you. "NO ONE ATTACS MOMMY"

It gives me great pleasure to imagine that scene.

Right, along with the entire federal government. Because that's more likely than you just being a stupid person.

Right, along with the entire federal government.

Sweaty, you're just not understanding. The CFIUS is literally like 9 people that all serve at the pleasure of the President. Hillary could've easily not approved the deal if she wasn't bought out by Russia.

Literally nobody on that board has any ability to stop a sale like this.

Literally nobody on that board has any ability to stop a sale like this

They have the ability to not approve it and require further investigation, which none of them did.

No, they have no ability to stop it. At most they can complain about it, and then the president would make a choice, and even the president can't decline it unless he has a valid reason for as to why it threatens national security, and in the case of uranium one there's no rational way to claim it does threaten national security.

At most they can complain about it, and then the president would make a choice,

That's my point you mong. She didn't do that.

Glad your pea brain finally got it after beating it into your head for 5 replys.

That's my point you mong. She didn't do that.

Why would she?

not even you can say you believe this.

Uh, I actually understand what happened, you don't. There's actually a good article that goes over the absurdity of this:


But here's the thing ― by 20%, we really mean almost zero.

Those U.S. facilities obtained by Russia produce almost nothing. The uranium deposits are of relatively poor grade and are too costly to compete on the uranium market. But the facilities do have good milling capacity to process ore, if anyone gives it to them, which hasn’t happened in about 10 years. Theoretically, they could process 20% of our ore, but that will never happen. Uranium One couldn’t give these facilities away.

Besides, Russia can’t export any uranium they produce in the U.S. They do not possess a Nuclear Regulatory Commission export license.

The real reason Russia wanted this deal was to give Rosatom’s subsidiary Uranium One's very profitable uranium mines in Kazakhstan ― the single largest producer of commercial uranium in the world.

So I'd love to see the mental gymnastics you've used to conclude this was somehow a threat to US national security.

I'll let you figure out how giving Russia control of the "single largest producer of commercial uranium in the world" is a threat to US national security.

What? What is it you think uranium is used for that would be a national security threat to the US?

Do you think Russia doesn't already have nuclear weapons or something? Your argument makes literally no rational sense.

It's almost as if you didn't know anything about this deal or even what uranium is.

I like how, despite all your sperging and your failed attempts at witticism, you haven't been able to refute a single link of all those u/pizzashill posted. You just keep making yourself look like an even bigger mong with each new reply. That takes talent, honestly.

Wrong angle. There's literally nothing about Uranium One worse than Chinese campaign bundling in the 90's, so much money missing from Haiti that Republicans are forced to "care" about black people, a trail of bodies long enough to freak out Ted Lieu, or being such a fucking boomer that their back-channel grift network was run on something else than TOR like all the fucking competent lizard people.

I use it as a good opener for discussion of espionage and nuclear tech.

I can never get anyone to agree that uranium being given to Russia is bad. But I can always get them to say it would be bad if it were stolen.

Of course, once I tell them Israel did that, they walk that one back too.

post another selfie

post gf

Because there is no point in accusing Clinton of anything. You will just end up disappeared or her husband will take a private flight with whomever is investigating and suddenly she will be clear... kinda what they do.

Oh THAT is the reason, eh

You are asking too many questions, sir. Stay in your lane and vote D

unironically posts in /r/walkaway

lol GTFO povvo

Shouldn't you be supporting those tards?

this doesn't even make sense lester

Hello fellow Yankee!

I was forever longtime Democratic voter and very real not fake US of America citizen. Democratics are always say me they give health care, but I am still not seeing single payers. I am disappoint. They are of lies. This is why I now am best friend of Republics! I think GOP Americas is only party to give medicine with single payer to us. Can Republics count on your votes instead of lying Democratics, comrade?


t. jose

It's almost as if the the establishment is trying undermine anyone who isn't ok with free trade and open borders

" I want workers wages to go up"

imports a hundred million workers

"Why won't workers wages go up?"

-European style socialists

European style socialists

Did you mean (((socdems)))?

Whats the % of Jew in democratic socialist countries compared to America?



Mde out


Is that what you call people who know what they're doing and don't speak like a retarded child's afterbirth?

"free trade"

Didn't it already turn out Russia was buying ads for both Trump and Hilary during the election?

Go say that in politics, enjoy your downvote drumfpanzee

Yes but the pro hillary ads were typically intended to be controversial ones to republicans. Ones that confirm that Hillary is everything they fear her to be. There was a pretty clear goal of preventing Hillary from getting elected.

lol, I’ll bet all the pro-BLM ones were ‘controversial’ too and so don’t count either

Yeah pretty much. Y'all freak the hell out when someone brings up BLM

Shit, they organized anti-Trump protests for months after the 2016 election. So the magenta-hatted morons and hashtagresisters were screeching about Russia while attending parties that Russia threw!

Honk honk.

That just proves she's behind the whole thing and is just framing everybody else. Qpen your eyes!

Are you implying Jill Stein was part of the conspiracy too?

lmao, I couldn't even find this level of tinfoil hat on /r/politics

Why does everything have to be a conspiracy you retard? its well known russia funds fringe parties its not some conspiracy its fucking fact.

Before you sperg out I think you should look up the definite of "conspire".

The conspiracy

dont act like you werent implying its some grand global conspiracy inorder to discredit basic facts.

Usually people would say conspiracy theory, sweaty.

Try not to sperg out at the first thing your autism compels you to do.

try not to sperg out


russia doing something bad? thats retarded you conspiracy theorist

What did Russia do bad in your delusion?


peak boomerology

Can't answer a simple question when pressed for specifics

I didn't expect anything else, tbh.

when pressed for specifics

specifics? you didnt ask for any specifics you sperg you just claimed against literally all evidence

all the russian meddling did nothing departments said so

when there is absolutely no evidence of that at all it ignores every single report on the subject from said departments if you are gonna make insane claims give a shred of evidence first.

I'm glad you know how to use google and literally copied and pasted the first link you found that agreed with your viewpoint, but it's still a nothingburger:

the content pumped out by the Russians was not paid or promoted ads; it was so-called native content—including video, visual, memetic, and text elements designed to push narrative themes

You think a meme lost Hillary the election? I guess she was a worse candidate than I thought.

You think a meme lost Hillary the election? I guess she was a worse candidate than I thought.

TIL hacking the DNC and releasing all their emails as well as countless bot posts on social media is a "meme"


lay of the meds grandpa

no u

Don't let the memes get you. I heard pepe was invented by Stalin.

lol memes XD pepe is hatefrog

i think your mother either drank too little or too much bleach when she was pregnant with you


This is the distopian future your ilk produces.

lol memes XD pepe is hatefrog X2

Its not a conspiracy, Russia use social media to promote Jill Stein during the 2016 election. You have to be pretty dense to believe otherwise.

And they promoted Hillary. So what is your point?

You are obviously retarded so i will explain this very simply if russia does 1000 ads for trump and 1 ad for hillary why is it retarded to say

muh supported both sides!

I just don't entertain the notion. Even if the ads were all Hillary I wouldn't bother to mention it. They were $100k of facebook ads. That is literally a fart in the wind. It's a laughably small amount compared to what her campaign spent on the election. It's a literal fucking rounding error compared to what she spent on her campaign.

Just stay mad the intelligence community says nothing Russia did affected the election.

You should vote for shill bot again. She can win the third time!

Just stay mad the intelligence community says nothing Russia did affected the election.

what? im actually certain you are pretending to be retarded now


On October 19, 2017, CIA Director Mike Pompeo spoke at an event hosted by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. There he stated that the "intelligence community's assessment is that the Russian meddling that took place did not affect the outcome of the election".

Do you even bother to read the garbage you try to pedal. This is from your own linked source.

Holy shit you telling me a republican said the russians didnt help them win the election? well its bound to be true.

Sweaty, you don't get to have it both ways. Either you have to believe everything the "intelligence community" says or not. Pompeo is the head of the lead intelligence organization.

republicans says republicans didn't really get helped at all by russians if you don't believe them you can't believe mueller


Just stay mad the intelligence community says nothing Russia did affected the election.

Wrong, the senate intelligence community agree with the intelligence community that Russia meddle in our election to help Trump become President.


Here's some stuff that was actually posted by Russians.

My favorite are the #metoo protests

False, the Russians promoted everybody but Hillary during the election. They were working around the clock to make sure she didn't win the election.

Can you give me a valid reason for why a low level candidate with less than 5% of the vote was at a table with Putin?

Can you give me some sort of context of what event this supposed "conspiracy" meeting was taken place?

I don't think it was some grand conspiracy. Russia has actually been trying to prop up extremists from both sides of the spectrum in Europe as well, this is why Stein was there.

They even have meetings:


Russia’s European supporters

This is sad even for you. I asked one question and you reply with shit not related what so ever to what we were talking about.

Literally all related. Russia has been funding extremist movements in all western countries, it all ties into their overall goals:


Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[9]

Fucking Emir. Brings his wife over to the Conspiracy table. Wtf Emir is this your first conspiracy to tear down the world order or something?

Even the Russians wouldn't tempt suddenly disappearing from that woman's orders.

Garry Johsnon hasn't been accused of Russian collusion. But that because he doesn't know where St. Petersburg is on the map.

My brother's Russian ex-girlfriend says that Hillary Clinton is Russophobic. I don't know if that means she's Russophobic, but it does mean someone in the Russian media wants Russia to think of Clinton as Russophobic.

I mean, she did say that she wanted to shoot Russian jets out of the sky in Syria. She was preeeeeeeeeety open to the idea of actual war with another sovereign nation. But love trumps hate - never forget!

Oh I didn't know that. That definitely does sound Russophobic.

Hillbot porn

The filing, submitted Wednesday night, lists a number of emails and other communications between Devine and Manafort sent between February 2010 and June 2014.

TFW drama ppl can't read

Um that just means they were playing the long con sweaty :)

I don’t have to change my mind, regardless of the fact presented, because I’m an American.

Russia didn't want Hillary to win because they care about poor old America, not because Hillary would've blocked them economically and tried to undermine Putin's international presence in favor of her own.

Are you talking shit about America, bro?

America is pretty retarded. I come from a retarded country and we don't have anything nearly as batshit insane as qultists.

I’m pretty sure only first world countries have LARPers

Battle of the reptoids.

As a middle aged white American male I was trying to use the google to check out some "new kicks" (as the kids say) from my favorite brand sketchers. But somehow I mistyped and wrote "sketchy" instead and [this] was the result.

This is a joke that a middle aged white guy would make so I believe you.

It's almost like the Russians didn't want hillary to win and just supported anyone who wasn't her in any way they could.

Socialists in bed with the commies!

Ooooh Devine in trouble.

If Bernie knew he'd be in too but there's a chance that shit was clandestine. I'm just not too up on this guy tbh.

I'd love it if he became President in 2020. The most radical centrist aftermath for 2020. Neoliberals and Trumptards would both be BTFO.

of course he was being egged on by Russia, most candidates drop out much earlier then he did, and he was certainly a spoiler for Hilary. I understand why conservatives didn't like her, those are normal political differences, but the bat shit lefties who supported him helped elect Trump

Well guys, our party is still pretty split after a rough primary, any suggestions for how to win back the young Sanders supporters we alienated?


we just posting threads straight from /pol/ or what

ITT muh Russians.

Aren't meta subs supposed to be smarter than default reddit?

linking to the National Review